Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

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Przedmioty (33)
'55 Days at Peking' Music Submod for Kaiserreich
Autor: Canon Chan
07/03: Updated for 1.9.*, "55 Tage in Peking" removed from main theme. 15/01: I add another song, "Mr Chen" (Jiongming), about the Anarchist and Federalist tragic figure, by Wu Tiao Ren. Avaliable for GXC, HNN, YUN, SZC and LEC. 09/01: Now "55 Tage in Peki...
52 Chinese Localisation
钢铁雄心4 v1.14.3 简体中文汉化包 240401版 * 目前AAT之前的是用的本民间汉化文本(修正了官中的一些错误),AAT之后使用的是官中文本。 * 覆盖了官中的文本和字体,打了本MOD后无论“英文”和“中文”都是汉语且都是修正后版本。 * 目前没有打算做全面的官中润色,基本上就是把大家汇报的汉化错误修一修,定期发布一下。 ===============汉化包说明=============== 本汉化包由52pcgame汉化组和牧有汉化组合作完成,针对钢铁雄心4游戏本体及所有已发布的DLC。 汉化...
British Overhaul CN
Autor: fight fow
This is a Chinese translated version of Hiraeth 's great mod of "British Overhaul - Colonial Update". Non-Chinese players please visit https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1384292518 or https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?...
The Road to 56(Chinese Traditional)
Autor: neko
--警告 遊玩時開啟我這個+Chinese Traditional就好。請勿開啟原版英文56 警告---不要多開不然啟動時必定閃退 禁絕開其餘將領部隊漢化,我都已經翻譯了。別拿其他地方的,56他自己有搞一套數據你開了反而會蓋到其他東西 ## Non-Chinese players, please do not install ## This is a Chinese translated version of the great mod of "The Road to 56". Non-Chinese pl...
East focus mod
Autor: WanNiang
Mod目前為 版本: 3.3.0 Version: Sun Flag 遊戲版本: 1.13.* 本mod建議與正體中文mod搭配遊玩 Flickering Flags Fix 作者:Chairman Meow http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=850835220 -以加入此mod修正國旗錯亂現象- 作者英文不太行,所以目前僅有正體中文 2017/01/09 初版發布 2019/12/31 新版發布,新增Iraq國策 未來將會增加其他勢...
East focus mod Old Version
Autor: WanNiang
if you want to help translate English version,you can contact me :). Mod version: 2.1.0 Version: Rise of the Ottomans Game version : 1.8.* This mod have focus trees with China, Shanxi, Guangxi, Yunnan, PRC, Xibei san ma, Xinjiang, new focus tree. New force...
East focus simplified chinese submod Old Version
Autor: WanNiang
This submod is not the original mod, for language using simplified chinese. The original mod is here: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=838652285...
East focus simplified chinese
Autor: WanNiang
if you want to help translate English version,you can contact me. :) We are working on English version, so be sure to stay tuned! Mod version: 3.3.0 Version: Sun Flag Game version : 1.13.* 2017/01/09 First Version 2019/12/31 New Version This mod have focus...
Force Number CN
Autor: SnowSwallow
注意事项: 1.会【禁用成就】! 2.本mod一般随P社更新而更新,可能稍晚那么几天! 3.序列番号如果存在英文或BUG,请在评论区留言一定让我知道! 4.希望大家伙儿能多多推荐! 目前已汉化: ALL countries!!! 更新日志: =======2024.04.14======================= 更新了南美洲DLC相关内容。 =======2023.03.22======================= 优化了中国番号,中国、日本自带部队进行汉化。 =======2022.09....
Finnish National Focus CN
Autor: fight fow
This is a Chinese translated version of Kartsa's great mod of "Finnish National Focus CN".This translated version is only for Chinese players. Finnish National Focus original mod link : https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=913038272 Thank...
Eight Years' War of Resistance Chinese Version
Autor: fight fow
This is a Chinese translated version of Natt and WanNiang's great mod of "Eight Years' War of Resistance". Non-Chinese players please visit :https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1845721455 to get the English Version....
Hearts of Iron IV: The Great War CN
Autor: fight fow
This is a Chinese translated version of Wolferos's great mod of "Hearts of Iron IV: The Great War".This translated version is only for Chinese players. Hearts of Iron IV: The Great War original mod link : https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/...
In The Name of The Tsar CN
Autor: fight fow
This is a Chinese translated version of alex's great mod of "In The Name of The Tsar". Non-Chinese players please visit https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1176852112 to get the English Version. 这个mod由INOT Team团队制作,谢谢INOT团队!...
In the Name of the Tsar Music
Autor: alex
https://i.imgur.com/EMjq5R1.png Welcome to In the Name of the Tsar Music mod! Current Version / Discord : https://discord.gg/zVsYcAM Main mod : https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1176852112 -This is a music addon for our main In...
Autor: Banaply
Already Integrated into KR_CN_Addon...
Autor: Banaply
本汉化mod主要是为补全KR汉化mod本体未汉化部分(如部队番号,舰名) (目前已整合KR中文舰名,毋需额外订阅) 如非特别注明,我会完全翻译部队番号列表,包括部队绰号和头衔,不过排序方式会维持源语言(如1st/1ere/1ya这类的,亚洲汉字文化圈国家除外),部队也会尽量贴近原语言(如伞降猎兵/山地猎兵/燧枪师这类) 有bug或者需要改进的地方记得留言 需要挂载汉化版KR使用!!! 因为我要上班,有假期时间的话尽量更新 history/units下的部队及军舰(主要为开局和事件刷出单位)名称因制作组更新此...
Kaiserreich Music
Autor: Kaiserdevs
Welcome to the Kaiserreich music mod! https://i.imgur.com/P4jGUK3.png Over 1000 songs for countries all over the world! Region, ideology and nation specific songs for countries all over the globe. Tune into a multitude of radio stations and enjoy over 1000...
Kaiserreich Music Internationales
Autor: Kaiserdevs
Welcome to the Kaiserreich Internationales music mod! https://i.imgur.com/P4jGUK3.png Every version of the Internationale you could ever want! The glorious Internationale in every language we could find, combined into one mod. For your listening pleasure, ...
Kaiserreich Music Kaisercat
Autor: Kaiserdevs
Welcome to the Kaiserreich Kaisercat music mod! https://i.imgur.com/P4jGUK3.png All the original Kaisercat music in one place! All the original songs created by Kaisercat cinema have been bundled together in this wonderful music mod. For your listening ple...
Old World Blues(Ver.CN)
本Mod是一个submod!!! 不需要挂载52汉化!!! 注意!!!!SUBMOD!!!! 所以记得去订阅原mod!!!! 注意:只需挂载OWB本体及汉化mod即可正常游戏,切勿同时挂载52汉化。 如果出现打开游戏为原版的情况,先查看是否是订阅了旧版OWB(https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1303741106),一定要取消旧版的订阅并订阅新版。 汉化组还活着 会时不时更新的 当然我们也需要人手(中文和英文都要好喔 你英文再好中文...
Real Communism
Autor: 十月烽火
出于游戏对共产主义设计的不满,本人特别制作了这个communism主题mod。中,苏,法,德,日,印度,西班牙等共产线国策以及事件内阁等的重制。 高危:此mod可能对反共主义者造成心理创伤;不爽共产主义,或者说“我没读过马列毛但我认为共产主义就是XXXX”的猪bi请勿触碰以免气死。 PS:mod整合了52汉化,请别再挂载汉化包,以免出现预想外的问题。...
Red Army Choir and other - Music for all communist countires! (OUTDATED)
I really like the work of the Alexandrov Ensemble. Based on his work, I decided to create a mod in which songs and marches will be collected not only from this famous ensemble, but in particular the works of others, including amateur performances. Strictly...
Autor: 卡巴基
本Mod为外挂汉化版本,请确保【连同赤潮Mod本体一并勾选】,并【将游戏语言设置为中文】!!! 本Mod为外挂汉化版本,请确保【连同赤潮Mod本体一并勾选】,并【将游戏语言设置为中文】!!! 本Mod为外挂汉化版本,请确保【连同赤潮Mod本体一并勾选】,并【将游戏语言设置为中文】!!! 赤潮有自己的讨论群了!群号:397587815 汉化组目前急需翻译人员,欢迎有志之士前往 https://paratranz.cn/projects/180 申请加入汉化 版本介绍: 由于赤潮原版的一些Bug以及相对频繁的版...
中文特别版(测试)这是我和我钢丝群的群主Schiel一起做的,他负责翻译部分,我负责国策制作,将来我会更新事件以及国策还有图标 PS:用原版图标属实拉胯以及原作者授权让我们制作汉化版 如果有BUG请一定下方评论告知或者群内告知 如果有想玩或者想参与制作的朋友,请入群946780311 PS:入群审查时说自己是通过Ghost的MOD来的就行了 ROMANIA CHINA SPECIAL VERSION 1936年,罗马尼亚的转折点!在经历了战争败北,政治混乱国内政局动荡之后,罗马尼...
Soviet Focus Rework CN
Autor: fight fow
This is a Chinese translated version of Mr Tsubodai 's great mod of "Soviet Focus Rework". Non-Chinese players please visit http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=833228235 to get the English Version. Thanks to the original author:Mr Tsuboda...
Old World Blues - Music
Autor: Mechano
1.1 Update: -Music options now done via decisions -10 new peacetime ambient songs -7 new wartime ambient songs 1.1.1 Update: -Added dependencies in order to allow language translation mods to work properly 1.2 Update: - Version updates to 1.6.* - Added all...
Old World Blues - Courier Six (Ver.CN)
Autor: BlueInks
是不是觉得在原版OWB里我们忘了些什么?现在,邮差终于从他的坟墓里爬了出来,开始了他那传奇般的旅途。 这是一个基于旧世蓝调的submod,它将邮差在新维加斯里的传奇历程加入了游戏,公牛、棕熊、还是拉起维加斯自己的大旗,邮差的故事由你来书写。 为新维加斯新增了邮差线 基于辐射:新维加斯的事件 原mod...
Cold War Iron Curtain-Chinese Version
Autor: fight fow
本汉化包由他们改变冷战汉化组完成,针对钢铁雄心4游戏。请在游戏启动器设置选择中英文均可,单独加载本汉化整合版即可,无需另外加载52本体汉化,也不要加载其他相冲突的mod。 冷战铁幕原mod英文版链接:https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1458561226 第一版:1.5天佑女王版已汉化完毕 第二版:1.54罗得西亚版文本汉化率:96.9% 第三版:1.9抉择时刻版文本量在9万5千行以上,汉化率97.5% 第四版:1.10强硬派文本量...
Autor: firefox
本MOD无需或者说是不可以和KX本体一同开启 今后请在启动器里的游戏设置里把语言改成中文(可能需要更新启动器),然后先不用任何MOD开一次游戏原版确定切成中文后,再开KX汉化 可能会出现各种文本问题,正在观察中 每次更新的内容请看改动说明 注意,KX现在内置了路线教程,远比讨论区的准确 由民间热心人士组建的kx讨论群,可加群讨论872718435 如果发现读取了是原版,可以看看讨论区的方法 提醒一下,所有SUBMOD用之前都请关注一下是否适配了最新版本KX KX汉化补充 https://steamcommu...
Red World Fan Fork CN
https://i.imgur.com/fVVaDCS.gif 【牧有汉化】红色世界·社群续作 中文汉化版 Mod版本:20200715 Update 适配原版游戏:1.9.3 Husky In Memory of Kaiser1871 Kaiser's RW Legecy Version: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=925478904 Thanks to The Fan Fork Development Team Red ...