Mizuchi 白蛇心傳

Mizuchi 白蛇心傳

30 ratings
Mizuchi - Ending Guide
By souryuu5
A small guide to help you get all the endings.
How endings work
Mizuchi uses a point system to determine what ending you get. You can earn points for each heroine based on what choice you make for the first nine choices. Most choices will earn you 1 point for a heroine, though there are two choices that can earn 2 points.

The ending requirements are:

Achievement Unlocked
Bittersweet Hope
Jinhai's Normal Ending
6+ Jinhai, <5 Ai
Family of Misfits
Jinhai's True Ending
6+ Jinhai, =5 Ai
Find Me and Love Me
Ai's Normal Ending
<5 Jinhai, 6+ Ai
Future of Golden Blessings
Ai's True Ending
=5 Jinhai, 6+ Ai
Journey to the West
Journey to the West
Friendship Ending
<5 Jinhai, <5 Ai OR +6 Jinhai, +6 Ai
Choices and points
Only the first 9 choices offer heroine points.

Choice 1:
  • I decide my own fate (+2 Ai)
  • I have no choice but to do as you wish (+0 Ai)

Choice 2:
  • I just want to go home (+0 Ai)
  • I should talk to her about leaving (+1 Ai)

Choice 3:
  • Explore the room (+1 Jinhai AND +1 Ai)
  • See what's going on outside (+1 Jinhai AND +1 Ai)

Choice 4:
  • Hold onto her hand (+2 Jinhai)
  • Kindly refuse (+0 Jinhai)

Choice 5:
  • With Jinhai (+1 Jinhai)
  • With Ai (+1 Ai)

Choice 6:
  • Learn to cook (+1 Jinhai)
  • Relax (+1 Ai)

Choice 7:
  • Talk (+1 Jinhai)
  • Rest (+1 Ai)

Choice 8:
  • Reading (+1 Jinhai)
  • Swimming (+1 Ai)

Choice 9:
  • Writing Lessons (+1 Jinhai)
  • Swimming Lessons (+1 Ai)
Guessing the Name for Ai's True Ending
In order to get Ai's true ending, you will need to guess a name at some point. Here are some hints and the answer:

  • Hint 1: Think about what Ai used to be based on her memories.
  • Hint 2: Ai's name means "love." What is another word for love that is also related to what Ai used to be?
  • Answer: Ai's true name is "Koi."
General Tips
  • If you're gunning for a specific true ending, try to get exactly 5 points for the opposite heroine as soon as possible, then make choices favoring your chosen heroine.
  • If you want to get the true endings, make sure you choose every +2 choice available; you'll need those to meet the point requirements.

Thank you for reading, and have fun with the game!
Rhawkas 5 Jan @ 2:06pm 
@souryuu5 It certainly did. It turned out I favored someone just a bit too much to get the ending I wanted. XD
souryuu5  [author] 5 Jan @ 2:04pm 
@Rhawkas - No problem! Hope it helped out!
Rhawkas 5 Jan @ 11:52am 
Thank you for this guide.
Roll Fizzlebeef 2 Jul, 2023 @ 9:18am 
@Urst Yeah, I agree. Shizune is the deaf girl, right? She was fine as a character until you did the whole 'studying sign language in secret to impress her' thing, just to find out that she knew the whole time and didn't let you know. That pissed me off to no end, thinking how I would feel in that situation. Here I was, trying my best to study a language I had never even thought about using and had no idea how, just to impress the girl I loved, just to find out that she knew the whole time because her friend told her. Not only would that make all my effort to surprise her — to see the look on her face when she found out what I did and why I did it — completely for nothing, it would also make me feel like an utter idiot. Not to mention feeling betrayed.
yunie1281 22 Jan, 2023 @ 3:25am 
This game had me stressing out about if I was on Jinhai's normal route or the true ending right up until the last thirty seconds. I got the true route but it kept me guessing! What an emotional rollercoaster!
souryuu5  [author] 26 Oct, 2020 @ 1:19pm 
@Avarenda - I've added a new section to the guide to help out anyone who is having trouble guessing the name for Ai's true ending. I hope it helps!
Avarenda 25 Oct, 2020 @ 11:47pm 
On "Future of Golden Blessings" what is the name im supposed to type?! I have tried Ai, Love, and Mizuchi but nothing works! please help.
marantana 30 Jun, 2020 @ 7:41am 
@souryuu5 -- I've gotten too angry at enough TV shows killing off the likeable lesbian characters

I'm still sad how Willow's gf Tara got killed in Buffy the Vampire Slayer -- and that's been almost 20 years ago. One of the strongest moments in the series.
souryuu5  [author] 24 Jun, 2020 @ 8:01pm 
I feel you, Eleonore. I feel you.
Flowery Moron 24 Jun, 2020 @ 7:59pm 
I should have listened to the devs, i did the true ai ending and now i feel too attached to her to do anything else :2016imnotcrying: