Strategic Command WWII: War in Europe

Strategic Command WWII: War in Europe

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How to get all Poland (script abuse)
By Doggy
Guide on how to get the whole of Poland without annoying the Soviet Union.
Warning!!! If you do not want to abuse the scripts do not read this guide. I do not recommend using it in multiplayer games and destroying the pleasure of the game to others.
In the decision event log we can read that decision DE 406 only show up to the Soviet Union if the Germans approach the respective cities (Warsaw, Lviv, Lublin or Kutno) at a distance of 2 hexes.

That is why we must stay away from the red hexes the turn before conquering Warsaw. ( On the blue hex stands the Polish Army which I advise you to bomb in the first round).

Below, the location of my units after the first round

If we have good throws we can this way conquer Poland in two turns without sharing with the Soviet Union.
Below is a photo of the conquered Poland and the Soviet Union which is only 25% on the Allies side.

If we use this method, we will not get 25 MPP for trade with the Soviet Union, but we will gain more points from cities (Vilnius is not returned to Lithuania), moreover, the Soviet Union gets fewer units during moblization (11 less land units and 3 air units)
I only encourage you to use this method in singleplayer games if you want some fun not in multiplayer and destroing others fun.

Delta 66 24 Apr, 2020 @ 3:23am 
Well done.
I use a differnet approach for Poland.
On T1, I attack only with the German group in eastern pomerania. I setup both Panzer on railroad to prepare to operate them on T2
I start to operate Armies, especially the 2 with +1 mobility to the French border.

On T2, I capture Warsaw with only the 3 north units plus the Bombers, it works even in Expert difficulty.
Meanwhile I operate most forces to the west and attack Belgium and Nederlands right on turn 3, before the fall rain and mud. Paratrooper in position yet. Then I'm in Paris by Xmas 40.

- As a side question, I haven't found the time to delve into scripts study, but I'm curious at what actually trigger the emegency garrison to crete when you attack Greece. In some game I was able to capture Greece before the British had time to sent a garrison there. Which means that crete is still considered greek, so you can send in a unit by simple transport to occupy crete port without making a proper air attack.
Doggy  [author] 22 Apr, 2020 @ 4:27am 
You take Warsaw in second turn. But you cant have any unit in red zone by the end of turn one(the soviets dont get event in their first turn so they cant decide to advance into Poland before you take Warsaw)
bullse 22 Apr, 2020 @ 4:09am 
How, exactly, are you conquering Poland in two turns.....are eradicating all the Polish units, thus, Poland surrenders without Warsaw being taken? I am seeking clarification is all given I see where you have positioned outside of those areas/hexes you have marked in red but I am failing to understand how you are making Poland surrender. Sorry if I missed something here.