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Darkest Dungeon®

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The Bloodclot
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14. Apr. 2020 um 0:04
30. Aug. 2020 um 6:59
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The Bloodclot

"The Feast Shortly Begins.

The Bloodclot is a highly variable and self sufficient hero. From the front, he savages enemies at close range. He pierces shell, bone, and armor alike with vampiric fangs that ravage those weakened by blight and bleed. He rips and consumes his foes flesh with mutated flesh that hungers for blood to sustain himself. With the strength granted by his curse, he tears targets to pieces with his claws, heightening his frenzied ability to consume his enemies. In the back rows, he rains hell down on the battlefield, no shuffling mosquito or retreating cultist able to escape him. He lobs balls of his own cursed festering blood at foes, opening their own wounds, or sprays accumulated bile to clear his thoughts. His most dangerous ability is utilized through Litmus, drowning the enemies in the very malignancies they inflict upon him. His body is ravenous and bottomless, and can consume the suffering of his allies, curing them of their ailments while bringing out his own.

-- This class mod is my first to properly be released here on steam, and I’m very happy to have come this far with it. Nearly all the art for this class is completed, though some trinkets are still using placeholders and I plan to improve upon the current icons and awkward looking animations in the future as my skill increases. Fx on attacks are still underway, but the Class is mechanically stable and completely usable. Please don’t hesitate to inform me of any bugs or glitches you happen to come across, and I will continue to work on updating this mod in the future to keep it fully functional. Thanks, and I hope your siege upon the courtyard is assisted by this hero. --

-- SKILLS --

O O O O | O-O-O-O
A low damage move that hits the entire enemy team, slowing their speed and inflicting blight or bleed while you are blighted or bleeding respectively.

- - O O | O O O -
The highest damaging melee move at your disposal, increases his healing done on hit, synchronizing with his other abilities.

- O O O | O O O -
A moderate damaging move with innate armor piercing. When used on a Blighted or Bleeding target, gains a massive damage boost, but cures the target. Use wisely.

- O O - | O O O -
A moderate damage dealing attack that heals yourself on hit. Useful for keeping him alive on the frontline or mitigating DOT damage.

O O O - | @O-O-O-O
A mild aoe heal that targets your full team, and cures allies. Beware overusing this ability, as it can inflict blight or bleed on yourself which racks up fast.

O O - - | O O O O
A low damage ranged attack with high blight damage. Stress heals self when used, hit or miss.

O O - - | - O O O
A high damage ranged attack with high bleed damage, that also can lower enemy speed. Beware overuse of this ability, as this move inflicts bleed on yourself when used.


+20% Stun Resist
+20% Move Resist
-1 Speed

+10% Max Hp
+10% Blight Chance
-1 Speed

+8 Dodge
+3 Speed
+15% Stress Damage Taken

+10% Prot
-20% Stress Taken
+1 Speed
-20% Blight Chance
-20% Bleed Chance

Very Rare
+15% Max Hp
+30% Healing Skills


Crimson Court
+10% Crit while Bleeding
+30% Healing Skills while Bleeding

Crimson Court
+20% Damage
-20% Blight Resist
-20% Bleed Resist

+15% Stress Taken
+10 Dodge while Bleeding
+3 Speed while Bleeding


Time Cost: 4
Heal 50% Hp
Cure Blight/Bleed
+1 Speed

Time Cost: 3
Heal 20 Stress
+5 Accuracy
+10 Prot

Time Cost: 3
+20% Damage
+10 Dodge
Party: +25 Stress

Time Cost: 1
Uses: 3
Cure Allies Disease
Cure Self Disease
Heal 10% Max Hp


The Bloodclot was once a common peasant, scraping by to support himself and his family. The bitter years that took Miller's farm ruined many crop yields beyond the farmstead, including his own. Fell upon hard times, with no money, no food, he was growing desperate, when one fateful day, the Letter came.

An invitation, from the prestigious Court of the Estate, offering him a chance of a lifetime. He departed immediately, bright with hope and confidence that this would ease their burdens. Upon arrival, he was inducted as a Manservant, but soon, much darker purposes they would use him for behind the sealed gate of the courtyard. After the arrival of the Countess, and the virulent curse she brought with her, the depravity of the Court only grew in its vileness.

He was force fed cursed blood for their amusement, only to find his body did not yield to the curse so easily. They found him to be a bottomless vessel for the curse, and locked him in chains, feeding him ever more and more of the cursed blood. His body warped and the buzzing of the mosquitoes filled his mind but he did not give in.

Eventually, his chains rusted and he broke free, only to find himself in the ever corrupting mire. He survived there for ages, hiding in the marsh, feeding on any pitiable cursed thing he could catch, and avoiding the watchful eyes of the great predators that now called the marsh their home.

Until, the seal on the courtyard gate was broken at last, and the curse flowed forth unto the estate like a gaping wound. But, when a creature bleeds, the blood thickens, and the flow is stopped. And staggering out of the courtyard gates in the wake, came that Blood Clot.

36 Kommentare
memoisgod 20. Sep. 2023 um 7:44 
Does it have district?
Knave of Chalices 15. März 2023 um 19:28 
I hope you decide to revisit and update the Bloodclot, they're a decently balanced and versatile hero, and barring a minor graphical and audio overhaul they're very good quality.
FriZo 4. März 2023 um 18:37 
@deadrabbit Спасибо!
Fiki Ripfiend 20. Jan. 2023 um 20:41 
Bleeds and blights incoming but this guy didnt make to the end of the save, something about him just doesnt click for me but he might work well for others, not too overpowered and not weak either, about on par with vanilla guys...
Voidwalker 14. Aug. 2022 um 6:24 
you cant make a class that benefits from both bleed and blight, its just doesnt work like that man
Knave of Chalices 6. Juli 2022 um 10:58 
While I did manage to randomly encounter his uncommon trinket, I tried to force in the Bloodclot's Rare and Very Rare trinkets. Unfortunately, when I try to bring them in by adding them as specific loot to other enemies, the game crashes. No idea why this is the case.
Knave of Chalices 17. Juni 2022 um 20:15 
I can't seem to get any of his trinkets, aside from the common ones, to spawn anywhere... is there a trick to getting them, like with the Shieldbreaker?
Knave of Chalices 9. Feb. 2022 um 17:56 
@Uncanny Gemstar just so you know the image file for the Bloodclot Idle Resolve Level event is broken, there's two "_" in the image file name where there should only be one. Easy fix, and that seems to be the only issue with the event that I can find.
deadrabbit 16. Dez. 2021 um 10:33 
Я русифицировал мод ! положить папку 2060478391(пример моего пути): D\steam\steamapps\common\DarkestDungeon\mods\2060478391(эту папку скачать). Ссылка: https://disk.yandex.ru/d/_2_wAZAplvaslQ (папку 2060478391локализовано переименовать, стереть слово, оставить только цифры). После в меню игры нажать на молот и включить русифицированый мод, а если есть steam версия мода(выключить её)... Удачи...
Uncanny Gemstar  [Autor] 11. Juni 2021 um 12:12 
His canon name is "Jacques"

For anyone still wondering, I really do intend to eventually refurbish this mod and bring him sounds and fx and such, I'm currently taking a break from modding due to my life being busy and have had a very hard time trying to update his artwork to a state I'm happy with. Its going to happen eventually, but I really don't know when.