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Ultimate Guide - Tomb Kings - Overview
By MinMaxRex
The Tomb Kings have a difficult start and severe limitations on the number of armies, heroes and top-tier units they can have. I created this guide to help you develop your gameplan before you even start your campaign so that you make as few mistakes as possible to hopefully have a smooth cruise to victory.
Treacherous Hero Trait is Bugged, see Fix
The Treacherous trait on the Tomb King Lord and on Liche Priest Heroes gives +5 Melee Attack & Melee Defense for all Tomb Scorpions in the Lord's Army.

This trait works fine on the Tomb King lord, but it is bugged for the Liche Priest heroes in the vanilla game, the hero trait does not work and does not apply the bonus.

If you refuse to use mods, then never recruit Treacherous trait Liche Priest heroes because they are worthless.


Or search "Tomb King Treacherous Trait Fix" in the Steam Workshop for TWW2.

This mod does not require any other mods to use, you just Subscribe to it and then turn it on in the Mod Manager before you start your campaign, and now the hero Treacherous trait will work.


Why you should install the fix

By the end of my Exiles of Nehek campaign at Turn 131, I had 7 Treacherous trait Liche Priests, although I could easily have gotten an 8th.

With a Treacherous Tomb King lord, 4 Treacherous Liche Priests, and "The Ritual of Sokth" tech research after the Wisdom of the Third Dynasty, and the "Stone Sentinels" red line skill, the Tomb Scorpions in that army had 82 Melee Attack and 72 Melee Defense. Make sure the Lord also gets "Ancient Stone" and "Resurrect" and this is a verifiable Doomstack. I would also have the lord get the "Usirian" unique skill and I'd put some Casket of Souls in the army to provide support fire while the Tomb Scorpions devastate the enemy lines. Obviously this could go higher with more heroes in the army but I'd prefer to have two Tomb Scorpion doomstacks instead of just one.

Other Essential Mods for Tomb Kings
Besides the Treacherous fix mod which is essential if you want to make Tomb Scorpion Doomstacks, here are some other mods that are a big quality of life improvement for the Tomb Kings, and none of them require another mod to run:

Execute (Useless) Lords & Heroes

The game is odd in that sometimes I was able to disband a Tomb King lord from the map, and sometimes not. Let's say you recruit a Rank 4 Lord to go colonize some ruins or do some other errands, but then you need to disband him so that you can recruit a new army elsewhere urgently, but the game will not let you disband that lord. This mod will let you kill him to free up that army slot. If you have a lord that is to valuable to execute but he is across the world from where you need him, remember that you can "Replace Lord" and replace him with an expendable low level lord. This mod also allows you to kill Immortal heroes that you do not want anymore, including if a hero was wounded and is recovering and you would rather kill them and recruit a new one. A very useful, possibly essential mod.

One Button Respec (Updated!)

This mod let's you respec a lord or hero 1 time. I think there is a way to change the file so that you can do it more than once but I haven't messed with that. This mod is very useful because at the start of the campaign you will want your legendary lord to buff your infantry and archers, but later in the campaign and/or for the final battle, once you load up the lord's army with Khemrian Warsphinx and Necrosphinx (which you should to make the Final Battle a cakewalk), you are going to want to buff the sphinx. This mod lets you fix a mistake or run one strategy at the start of the campaign and another in the late game.

Recruit Defeated Legendary Lords

This mod carries a few major caveats. First, if you are going to use this mod then you should definitely use the "One Button Respec" mod so that you can fix the computer's skillpoint allocations. Second, all Tomb King lords are immortal from Rank 1 so this mod is not as beneficial for the Tomb Kings as it is for factions with 6 Legendary Lords.

Third and most importantly, this mod could ramp up the difficulty of your campaign tremendously, especially in the Mortal Empires campaign. If you've ever played a campaign where the Dark Elves all confederated and would repeatedly send all 6 Legendary Lords at you, it's like that but even worse because you can't prevent it. Let's say you play on Mortal Empires and between you and other factions all the Greenskin Legendary Lord factions were killed off except Grimgor. Now Grimgor's faction has ALL the Greenskin Legendary Lords at their disposal. You could have 3-4 of them come at you at once, you manage to kill them all, and then 5 turns later they are back again, possibly recruiting Black Orcs instead of Goblins this time. And if Grimgor managed to kill Vlad von Carstein, he could come back after just 1 turn being wounded.

If you really want to play with all 4 Legendary Tomb Kings, go for it, but don't say I didn't warn you.

Lessons Learned from 2nd Campaign
Exiles of Nehek on Vortex was my 2nd campaign. Read the rest of this guide for lost of great info, but where this section and those sections differ, refer to this section because this is my most update-to-date advice.



After playing this campaign, honestly my build order for settlements would be Growth building, Public Order (PO) building, then Walls at Tier 3 (and in Minor Settlements make sure upgrade the Wall building to max tier so that it actually gives walls to the settlement, otherwise the walls building is a complete waste of a slot because without walls the defense force is worthless).

Public Order bonuses:
75-100: +25 Growth (and actually being able to see your territory is great)
50-75: +15 Growth
25-50: +5 Growth
-25-25: no positives or negatives besides line of sight.
-25-50: -5 Growth
-50-75: -15 Growth
-75-100: -25 Growth

And you want the "Worship of Ptra" Edict for the Growth instead of having to use the "Worship of Asaph" for Public Order, so you want the PO buildings to take care of PO so you can get max growth to level up your settlements ASAP.


Dynasty Research

Start research with Wisdom of the Sixth Dynasty (Alkhazzar II). As you get enough Jars, get each of the 7 Heralds on the right. Once you can, then research "The Heralds Empowered". This gives +1 army and you can global recruit +3 more basic units anywhere in just 1 turn. Essential.

I would then finish researching the 6th Wisdom, so you can get Alkhazzar +chariot capacity and to turn his army into a chariot stack to follow your main army (or just for the extra chariots if you prefer to use balanced armies and replace Alkhazzar with a regular Tomb King, chariots are fantastic in a balanced army as much as they are in a chariot doomstack). Get each 1 of the heroes unlocked, and research the Proclamation of the Sixth Dynasty. I would wait on the 3 techs until you are back over 100% research rate and you drop the research time to 2 turns.

I would then research the other Wisdoms of (#) Dynasty down to 1 turn to complete but then stop and start researching another Wisdom until all 5 have 1 turn remaining to complete. This way you can keep your research rate high while researching so that the research times for the Wisdoms don't double. Basically you'll have to play carefull for awhile but when you are ready you can suddenly multiply your power exponentially in just 5 turns.

While doing this, save up Jars and Cash and try to Awaken "A New Dynasty" in the Mortuary Cult as many times as you can. The 1st Awakening should come soon after you got "The Heralds Empowered"


RESURRECT and the Red Line are Essential

0) Two Level 10 Wise trait Liche Priests with "Incantation of Preservation" = +6 Recruit Rank for ALL units. Embed them in the army of a Lord with "Attend Me!" and that is +7 Rank or single Gold chevron for any unit recruited by that Lord. If you get Renowned & Feared on that Lord, that is another +1, and "Proclamation of the 5th Dynasty" gives another +1, or get a third Wise Liche Priest with "IoP", to get Rank 9 (3 Gold Chevron) units. This is important below.

1) Red Line skills and Resurrect are essential. Why? Because Resurrect at the end of the Red Line is a Reusable & powerful heal in a good size radius around the lord. It doesn't resurrect dead units but heals a lot, so it is useful to heal melee infantry in combat before they die. But more importantly, it is fantastic for healing single-entity constructs like Tomb Scorpions, Khemrian Warsphinx and Necrosphinx. You can almost double the hitpoints of your Lord, heroes and single-entity constructs with Resurrect.

Furthermore, the Red Line skills are good in and of themselves (with the possible exception of Elite Cavalrymen), especially the Tier 2 Red skills that affect Rank 7+ units. Tomb Kings' Red Line is one of the few Red Lines where almost all the Red skills are worth it.

Build Examples:

Skeleton Archers: Recruit the Skelly Archers at Rank 7 minimum into a Lord's army where the lord has maxed "Arrows of Asaph", then got "Blessing of the Asp", and the unique skill "Asaph the Goddess of Magic & Vengeance". That is +36% Missile Strength & +35% Ammo for Skeleton Archers. They go from 19 to 26 Missile Strength.

Skeleton Horse Archers: On their own they would probably suck, but as a 2nd army to quickly reinforce your main army on the battlefield, and full stack of Skeleton Horse Archers with "Elite Cavalrymen" and "Blessing of the Asp" could pack a punch and be useful.

Bone Giants and Screaming Skull Catapults are also benefited by "AoA" and "BotA"

Khemrian Warsphinx are benefits alongside Chariots by "Elite Charioteers". When given the choice which to get with my Necrotect skill, I'd probably get more Khemrian Warsphinx. A Redditor did a test where the K.Warsphinx did almost as good as the Necrosphinx while having more health and a better animation and it has a ranged attack, plus it is buffed by the same skill that Chariots are.



You need resource buildings, like those for Iron, Obsidian, Furs, etc, in order to buy equipment from the Mortuary Cult. They also provide income from trade as long as you have at least 1 trade agreement (you want as many trade agreements as you can get, you need all the money).

I put this section here because it directly complicates the section below on your Military Building choices...



The army compositions that you can build will mostly depend on the type, tier and number of military buildings you can and choose to build. The exception is Necrotects, what trait you recruit them with and which of their +unit skills you choose. Military buildings and Necrotects are resources, very limited and therefore precious. You must choose your unit selection strategy wisely.

Here are my thoughts:

I got lucky to get 2 Scorpion Carver traited Necrotects back to back, which with each choosing the +2 Tomb Scorpion skill and the Scorpion's Nest building = 10 Tomb Scorpions. 10 Tomb Scorpions is enough for a Tomb Scorpion Doomstack or to put a couple of them in multiple balanced armies.

Assuming I had the same luck each time, I would go Scorpion Carver for lots of Tomb Scorpions, and have them choose +1 Khemrian Warsphinx.

As for buildings, I would get enough chariots buildings to give Alkhazzar 18 chariots (the more Archer Chariots the better) and give him a Chariot Master Tomb Prince on a Chariot for a Chariot Doomstack. Or if going balanced, get as many of the building as possible to put Archer Chariots in all my balanced armies.

But I would mainly focus on the Infantry building. Tier 1 gives Skeleton Archers which are your damage dealers in a skeleton stack, your skeleton spearmen tank the enemy while your archers shoot them down, especially if you maxed out their Missile Strength, see the red line section. Tier 2 gives Nehekharan Warriors who if they are Rank 9 and buffed by Sun-Scorched Bones skill, should be pretty decent. Tier 3 gives Tomb Guard, which are great when buffed by Sun-Scorched Bones.

You want a powerful doomstack for the Final Battle because their are A LOT o

Necrotects have 4 useful TRAITS that give additional capacity for specific units:

Scorpion Carver: +2 Tomb Scorpion
Serpent Carver: +2 Sepulchral Stalkers
Ushabti Carver: +1 Ushabti, +1 Ushabti (Great Bow)
Sphinx Carver: +1 Khemrian Warsphinx

Necrotect skills provide:
Guardian Gargantua: +1 Sepulchral Stalkers, Necropolis Knights, Necropolis Knights (Halberds)
The Scorpion's Sting: +2 Tomb Scorpions
Statuesque Sentinels: +1 Ushabti, +1 Ushabti (Great Bow)

and then the choice of +1 to only one of the Tier 5 constructs, Khemrian Warsphinx, Necrosphinx, or Hierotitan.

Lessons continued


You need resource buildings, like those for Iron, Obsidian, Furs, etc, in order to buy equipment from the Mortuary Cult. They also provide income from trade as long as you have at least 1 trade agreement (you want as many trade agreements as you can get, you need all the money).

I put this section here because it directly complicates the section below on your Military Building choices...



The army compositions that you can build will mostly depend on the type, tier and number of military buildings you can and choose to build. The exception is Necrotects, what trait you recruit them with and which of their +unit skills you choose. Military buildings and Necrotects are resources, very limited and therefore precious. You must choose your unit selection strategy wisely.

Here are my thoughts:

I got lucky to get 2 Scorpion Carver traited Necrotects back to back, which with each choosing the +2 Tomb Scorpion skill and the Scorpion's Nest building = 10 Tomb Scorpions. 10 Tomb Scorpions is enough for a Tomb Scorpion Doomstack or to put a couple of them in multiple balanced armies.

Assuming I had the same luck each time, I would go Scorpion Carver for lots of Tomb Scorpions, and have them choose +1 Khemrian Warsphinx.

As for buildings, I would get enough chariots buildings to give Alkhazzar 18 chariots (the more Archer Chariots the better) and give him a Chariot Master Tomb Prince on a Chariot for a Chariot Doomstack. Or if going balanced, get as many of the building as possible to put Archer Chariots in all my balanced armies.

But I would mainly focus on the Infantry building. Tier 1 gives Skeleton Archers which are your damage dealers in a skeleton stack, your skeleton spearmen tank the enemy while your archers shoot them down, especially if you maxed out their Missile Strength, see the red line section. Tier 2 gives Nehekharan Warriors who if they are Rank 9 and buffed by Sun-Scorched Bones skill, should be pretty decent. Tier 3 gives Tomb Guard, which are great when buffed by Sun-Scorched Bones.

You want a powerful doomstack for the Final Battle because there are A LOT of enemies and you want powerful single-entities that you can heal with Resurrect to make it a cakewalk. But in the normal campaign, you can win it by just spamming armies of buffed Infantry (Spearmen, Warriors, Tomb Guard), Skeleton Archers, and Chariots. Once you get to the point where you can send 3-4 stacks against an enemy, you can just overwhelm them. And your lords are all immortal so if you don't put non-immortal heroes in the army, you can afford to lose entire stacks to wear down the enemy and then just re-recruit another stack at Rank 9 and send them at the enemy again.

In Summary, you can just build Chariot and Infantry Military Buildings in your Main Settlements, the rest whatever boosts your income, and once they hit Tier 5 just build the Khemrian Warsphinx building but not the others to save money, overwhelm the enemy with normal units during the course of the campaign and then create a Doomstack of Khemrian Warsphinx for your Faction Lord to fight the Final Battle with once it is available.


Necrotects have 4 useful TRAITS that give additional capacity for specific units:

Scorpion Carver: +2 Tomb Scorpion
Serpent Carver: +2 Sepulchral Stalkers
Ushabti Carver: +1 Ushabti, +1 Ushabti (Great Bow)
Sphinx Carver: +1 Khemrian Warsphinx

Necrotect skills provide:
Guardian Gargantua: +1 Sepulchral Stalkers, Necropolis Knights, Necropolis Knights (Halberds)
The Scorpion's Sting: +2 Tomb Scorpions
Statuesque Sentinels: +1 Ushabti, +1 Ushabti (Great Bow)

and then the choice of +1 to only one of the Tier 5 constructs, Khemrian Warsphinx, Necrosphinx, or Hierotitan.

I would never choose Hierotitan, I would choose Khemrian Warsphinx based on what I've read, although Necrosphinx are a perfectly acceptable choice as well.

The Liche Staff Quest:

(1) Search a ruin for Treasure
(2) Move any Character to the Ironspike region
(3) Complete the following rite: Great Incantation of Khsar


See-Nile Crafter achievement

To get this achievement you need:

5050 Jars for the Items, Weapons through Arcane
850 Jars for the Regiments of Renown
800 Jars to Awaken a Dynasty for the 1st time (you should be doing this anyway so sorta doesn't count but still kinda counts because you need it for the achievement)

Total = 6700 Jars

Note - to get "Priestly Congregation" achievemtn you need 3 Liche Priests in 1 army, easy peasy.


Khatep has a huge advantage over the other Tomb King factions because he can easily get 4 Liche Priests quickly. He starts with +2, and he has the skills "Mortuary Cult Scholar" and "Liche Lord" which give another +2. If you research a Dynasty early on you can also get 1 Liche Priest in addition to the 1 Tomb Prince and 1 Necrotect you can get from doing so.

Once you get 4 Liche Priests to Level 10 they can get Incantation of Preservation which gives +1 Lord Recruit Rank (which works even when you "Replace Lord" into an army). Once you can get Level 5 Lords constantly, you can "Replace Lord" a new Level 5 Lord into an army and have him max Canopic Jar Hoarder each and every turn. Do this consistently along with other methods of gaining Jars and you will have plenty of Jars needed to get the See-Nile Crafter achievement and unlock everything in the Dynasties Research section.



You can take Tyrant Peak but don't move any units up across the border toward Pits of Zardok because you will encounter Malekith and he will declare war on you. You cannot afford war in the north at the beginning of your campaign. I didn't go north, and the Drakla Coven Dark Elves got annihilated by someone, possibly the Sisters of Twilight, Beastmen or the Rogue Army with the Book of Nagash.

You first difficult test will be taking out the nearby Ss'ildra Tor while also dealing with a Beastmen horde. You're gonna need to go SE to destroy the Tor army and capture Titan Peak then run back up to destroy the Beastmen horde. Once you do that, you can colonize Tyrant Peak and then as long as you didn't crosh the water into Pits of Zardok territory should be fine to go south and not have to worry about the north for a bit.

I went south, took Sulpharets, then Ss'ildra Tor, then Grey Rock Point from Cylostra. I ended up taking Mirror Pool of Tepok and was gonna stop going south, but Hexoatl initiated a Vortex Ritual which caused Chaos Armies to spawn and come down and Raze settlements on the way down to Hexoatl, so I ended up colonizing Fallen Gates and Chotec's Causeway. I should have stopped there and kept my Trade Agreement with Hexoatl, but by that point I had 3-4 armies and wanted the Book of Nagash in Hexoatl. I canceled my trade agreement and they declared war on me immediately the next turn.

I would take the Grey Guardians province (Ss'ildra Tor capitol), I leave it to you whether to capture Forests of the Viper province (Mirror Pool of Tepok capitol). However, I would stay buddy with Hexoatl if you can and use them as a buffer against the south.

I would instead go north and repeatedly sack Ironspike. Why? Because Sacking gives you a chance to get a Skeletal Labourer which provides -25% Main settlement building cost. 4 Skeletal Labourers equipped or 4 Lords and/or Heroes in a province reduces the cost of the Main Settlement building to 0. When you get a Skeletal Labourer as a reward for Sacking, unequip it so you can get it again, because if you leave it equipped you won't get another.

Also, Ironspike is a "Mountain region", so you may also get rewarded with a Charnel Valley Necrotect when you level up in a "Mountain Region", which reduces the cost of Infrastructure (grey) buildings by -15%. Again, as soon as you get one unequip it so you can get more. If you have multiple heroes in your army, it is possible for the Lord and each Hero to get a Skeletal Labourer or Charnel Valley Necrotect.

The more of these Followers you get the better, but you want at least 4 Skeletal Labourers and at least 4 Charnel Valley Necrotects, ideally 6+ CVNs.

By equipping enough of these Followers, you can save yourself THOUSANDS of gold on upgrading your main settlements and Infrastructure buildings. In fact, you could build a Nehekharan Citadel for free and then demolish it for I think 3600ish gold, as a way to farm money if you need to.


You'll want to take out Morathi and then the rest of the Dark Elves and conquer Naggaroth (North America) before the High Elves do.

You want to encounter all the High Elves and try to get trade with them. Trade will boost your income significantly, and Tomb Kings need all the money they can get.

You only need 5 Books to unlock the Final Battle. Once you unlock the Final Battle, if you have a good number of Khemrian Warsphinx and Necrosphinx ready to go, it makes it a cake walk. Also high level Tomb Princes and Necrotects work too. And Tomb Scorpions.

Court of Lybaras Tips
The Venom Staff

1) Construct 1 Mortiferous Sanctuary
2) Move any character to the "Springs of Eternal Life" region (which is across the ocean in the middle of The Southlands (Africa).
3) That's it, The Venom Staff battle becomes available after a character reaches the springs.
4) Heads up, it probably isn't worth expending the effort on this quest as the reward isn't great.


It's funny, in my Exiles of Nehek campaign I had many opportunities for Scorpion Carver traited Necrotects, but in my Lybaras campaign, all I saw were Ushabti Carver traited Necrotects. The lesson is that you must adapt to what the game offers you.


NOTE: On Turn 5 I chose the Liche Priest so that once I unlocked my first Dynasty, I could get a 2nd Liche Priest, get them both to be Wise Trait and Level 10, so that with an "Attend Me!" lord I could recruit Rank 7 units. However, because of this I'll have to wait to unlock the "Great Incantation of Ptra" and getting the colonizing Necrotect. Update: Turned out ok, I obtained a Necrotect after unlocking the Apprenticeship of Inenna which enabled me to use the Necrotect to perform a hero action to unlock the Great Incantation of Ptra quickly enough to be useful.

Turn 1: Upgrade Barracks to Crypt Barracks. Research Wisdom of the Sixth Dynasty. Go into Entombed Stance and all the archers you can and then the rest Spearmen with Global Recruitment. End Turn.

Turn 2-3: Keep recruiting (mix in some Skeleton Warriors along with the Spearmen, I'll explain shortly)

Turn 4: Recruit 2 Nehekharan Warriors.

Turn 5: There should be a treasure on the sea right next to your home base. Attack it, hopefully it is an army and gives you enough money to then get a Casket of Souls. If it does, then swap out Khalida for a Rank 4 Tomb King and put 2 points into Canopic Jar Hoarder, then swap that lord out and repeat, and do that every turn for the next 5 turns.

NOTE: You NEED the Casket of Souls.

Turn 6 onward: Capture your starting province. Get a Non-Aggression Pact and Trade Agreement with Teclis because you cannot afford to fight a war on two fronts. Once peace is secured to your north, take out the Cult of Sotek. On Turn 16 you should have a Wisdom of (#) Dynasty unlocked, I chose the Sixth Dynasty. You will need that 2nd Army filled to being a full 20 stack in order to bring 2 full stack armies against Tehenhauin's army. Try to bring your 2 armies against just Tehenhauin's army and not when he has reinforcements because that makes the fight so much harder.

NOTE: Do not spend 200 Jars to get Alkhazzar II, you got an extra army from the Wisdom research and you need those jars to start unlocking the 7 Heralds in order to unlock The Heralds Empowered for your 3rd Army. I got super lucky that the 5th Book of Nagash (that gives +1 Army Capacity) spawned in Citadel of Dusk which probably accelerated my campaign hugely.

Once you conquer all the way to the Tip of Lustria and destroy the Cult of Sotek, you can delete your Skeleton Spearmen and replace them with Skeleton Warriors, because you'll be going after the Dwarves, and the extra melee attack is sorely needed against Dwarves.

NOTE: I'm going to tell you what I did and why it was a mistake and what you should do instead.

I took The Southern Sentinels minor settlement, then I saw that Chupayotl was undefended so I took the opportunity and went to war with Lokhir Fellheart and took it, then I took The Hissing God. All this was fine, and here I had the opportunity to make peace with Lokhir, but I didn't because I wanted to finish him off by capturing his last settlements in Headhunter's Jungle province. This actually might have been ok but I ended up continuing on north with Khalida to get the Book of Nagash that is in the Rogue Army just north of Mouth of Qurveza and the Book that is obtained by occupying The Awakening. The benefits of those books were awesome but Thorek declared war on me and capture The Southern Sentinels. Khalida's army of Poison Archers backed up by just 1 support army could probably beat Thorek, but without her I needed 4 full stack armies to beat him. It delayed me conquering his territory and getting the Book that is next to his capital by a ridiculous number of turns (I didn't capture Mine of the Bearded Skulls until Turn 89).

WHAT YOU SHOULD DO: I'd probably still attack Lokhir and after taking The Hissing God, hopefully he wants peace. If he does, get the peace (try to get money out of him for it), and then take out Thorek.

Attack Thrice-Cursed Peak with all your stack and sack it, then leave 1 army there (that has all your heroes in it) to continue sacking it every turn to try and get as many Skeletal Labourers and Charnel Valley Necrotects as possible (remember to remove them from your characters once obtained so you can get more on those characters, it is possible to get a follower on each of your lord and heroes in a single sack if you are lucky).

Moving along the mountain pass causes attrition, so it is better to send Khalida and your other stacks past Subatuun and come down on Mine of the Bearded Skulls from the north.

Once you've taken out Thorek, Lustria should be your oyster. You may have to take out the other Dwarves but Teclis captured their settlements so I didn't have to deal with that.

At this point I'd capture The Lost Valley province, then Southern Great Jungle province, then I'd go after Itza. Hopefully Teclis doesn't betray you so that you can focus on conquering everything east of the Spine of Sotek mountains.

TIP: Don't declare war on everyone at once. If you want to capture Itza, then stay friendly with Clan Skryre until you've eliminated Gor-Rok's Itza faction. Likewise, if you want to take out Ikit Claw first, then be friendly with Gor-Rok until you've eliminated Ikit. Do not get yourselves into wars on multiple fronts, you cannot afford it.

TIP: Try to move 2 armies together and always attack with 2 armies.

TIP: If I didn't emphasize it better, Skeleton Warriors are better against the Dwarves than Spearmen. Normally Spearmen are better because you just want them tarpit the enemy while you real damage dealers do all the work, but against the Dwarves, and especially early on when you don't have lots of Archers or Chariots or Constructs, Skelly Warriors perform better. This probably also applies against Lizardmen infantry (you want Spearmen to deal with Lizardmen monsters) and against the Top Knotz Savage Orcs when you are playing as Settra.

On this topic, some advice by rad13 I copied from the Steam forum:

"Im 40 turns into Settra on hard. have found 4-5 units of each in two armies is a good mix; adopting a formation with a short front (4-5 units wide, but deep blocks) and then three rows.

Spears (take the charge, hold against chafff infantry a bit better)
Swords (deliver a charge, charge through the spears to reinforce or swing wider)
Archers at the back

With Lord, Heroes, Constructs along the front, and Cav/Chariots on the side.

Works great."

Followers of Nagash Tips
The Tomb Blade of Arkhan Quest

1) Move any character to the Black Tower of Arkhan region.
2) A popup gives you a choice, "Enter the Fray" (+20% Research for 5 Turns) or "Wait for a Sign" (+20 Diplomacy with Vampire Count factions). I would choose Enter the Fray.
3) Fight the Battle


For the Mortal Empires campaign, see LegendofTotalWar's video below for lots of tips:


Vortex Campaign

A Redditor made a comment that I had to add to this guide right away:

Send a Hero to discover the roaming book armies (the Book of Nagash map will show you where they are, but you have to encounter them for them to show up in your diplomacy screen) and then Declare War on them so that they come to you to attack you so you can kill them and take their Books of Nagash.

You need Canopic Jars! Hereafter I will just call them Jars. Here is why you need Jars:

In the Mortuary Cult, "A New Dynasty" gives you +1 to the number of armies you can field (Army Capacity). Awakening this new army costs 10,000 gold and 800 Jars. This cost increases by 10k gold and 800 Jars each time you awaken a new Dynasty, so 20,000 and 1600 Jars for the second awakening of a new dynasty, 30k + 2400 for the third, 40k + 3200 for the fourth, etc.

In Dynasties, each unique Dynasty King (1st-6th) costs 200 Jars. 6 of the researchable heroes cost 100 Jars each. Each of the seven Heralds costs 150 Jars.

1200 + 600 + 1050 = 2850 Jars to obtain everything that requires Jars in Dynasties.

By the end of my Settra campaign, I had Awakened 4 dynasties and obtained everything requiring Jars in Dynasties, in addition to obtaining other things from the Mortuary Cult.

4 new Dynasties + all Jar tech research in Dynasties = 6050 Jars.

Key Point - Unlocking a "Wisdom of # Dynasty" in Dynasties gives +1 Army Capacity but reduces your research rate by 30%, and it solely takes turn time depending on your research rate. After research the "Wisdom", THEN you can obtain that dynasty's unique Tomb King for 1 turn to research and 200 Jars. However, if you do not feel you need that unique Tomb King or you are prioritizing research time and Jars elsewhere, the unique Tomb Kings are totally optional. Your regular Tomb King recruitable from the Lord Pool are Immortal and can have decent traits and will get the job done.


IMPORTANT TIP!: Once you reach the point where you can instantly recruit Tomb Kings at Level 5, you can recruit a Tomb King at Level 5 and you put 1 skill point in Route Marcher and 3 points in Canopic Jar Hoarder, then use "Replace" to recruit another available Tomb King at Level 5 and do the same thing, then once you've recruited the last available fresh Tomb King from your Lord Pool, disband him. Repeat this process the next turn. Do this scores of times and you have a huge boost to your canopic jar generation every single turn.

You want every Lord and Hero to MAX Canopic Jar Hoarder for +3 Jars per turn.

Grand Temple of Djaf gives +10 Jars per turn.

Pyramids gives +2 Jars per turn.

Royal Burial Chambers give +1 Jars per turn.

Occupying or Razing a settlement gives +30 Jars (until you sacked the settlement first and then occupy it which will give no jars unless you wait a turn to then occupy the settlement).

The middle post-battle option gives +30 Jars. There are times where you may need the money from the 1st option or the Replenishment from the 3rd option, but you want to use the +30 Jars post-battle option as often as you can, especially if you defeat a small army that will not provide much gold or replenishment.


Usirian & Attend Me! skills stack in a province (they aren't Lord-specific), so 4 lords with both these skills add up to +12 recruitment slots in a province on top of whatever the province + research provide.

Liche Priests and Royal Burial Chambers give +1 Lord Rank factionwide each, Black Pyramid of Nagash has a building that gives +3 Lord and +3 Hero factionwide, and the rite Incantation of Tahoth gives +3 Lord Rank for 5 turns.

"The Restless Dead" in the Lore of Nehekhara is reportedly a very weak heal, therefore not worth recruiting Liche Priests with that lore or putting any points into that lore on Settra.

Reddit user KamachoThunderbus made a good post about how mediocre the Lore of Nehekhara is:

Counterpoint to the above - "The boon of the resurrection skill (the final skill of the red line) that undead get isn't about the in-combat effect, it can be used to ridiculous efficacy if you cluster your units after the enemy has routed and just spam heal them. TK should essentially end every fight with 0 losses." So if you have multipel Lore of Nehekhara Liche Priests in an army and just spam spells at the end of the battle once the enemy routs, it may be worthwhile but this will require testing to see how effective it is, but I can already argue that it is sub-optimal to use multiple Liche Priests in an army for this purpose when you could bring Death Lore Liche Priests to nuke enemies behind walls in sieges or enemies crunched up against your infantry in field battles.

Settra & Tomb Princes are Anti-Large on Foot or Steeds, but become Anti-Infantry if put on Chariots or Khemrian Warsphinx. I thought steed mounts were trash, however, they don't reduce certain stats like other mounts, they give a huge speed buff to otherwise very slow lords and steeds prevent knockdown, at the cost of making Settra and Tomb Princes vulnerable to anti-large.

Regular Tomb Kings are NOT anti-large, so their best mount is the Khemrian Warsphinx.

Every Tomb King you recruit should prioritize the Blue Line first to get Route Marcher, max Canopic Jar Hoarder, 1 point in Soul Reaper (later possibly max this), Attend Me!, Lightning Strike, All is Mine!, and Renowned & Feared.


(A Redditor strongly disagreed with prioritizing Blue Line first on Tomb Kings, arguing that Blue Line is not that great and that the Tomb Kings really need the Red Line skills. This is a good point particularly early on and especially if you play on Legendary/Very Hard or fight your battles manually a lot, because the AI get crazy melee combat bonuses on Very Hard battle difficulty and you need the Red Line bonuses to improve your units to help even the odds. I auto-resolved a lot of battles, and per a Reddit tip, auto-resolve calculates the battle as though it was set to Normal Battle Difficulty, therefore it may be that I was bypassing the situations that make it apparent that the Red Line skill buffs are desperately needed. So keep all this in mind as you decide your path)

Tomb Kings are already really strong combatants, and the Yellow Combat Line just makes them ridiculous and if you are not sure what units you want to buff, the Yellow Line makes for an easy choice to create a wrecking ball.

Red Line has some excellent skills however. Sun-Scorched Bones buffs all your basic infantry so it is good all the way through the campaign (unlike the red lines for other factions where you have to decide whether you want to buff early or late game units). Master Charioteer is excellent on Settra and Alkhazzar since they buff chariots. Revered Stonemasonry is essential on Lahmizzash or another lord dedicated to leading Ushabti. More on this later.


If you get "the -50% Hero Action Cost" Book of Nagash early, you can use heroes to wreck the enemy with Assault Units and Assault Garrison Tomb Princes.

Key Followers: Skeleton Labourer (-25% Settlement Cost) and Charnel Valley Necrotect (-15% cost for Infrastructure buildings)

You may be able to get these by sacking settlements.

Herald Followers provide excellent buffs to certain units, pay attention and give them to the right Lord accordingly.

Raid The Sentinels faction in The Black Pyramid of Nagash province early in the campaign. The faction won't move and always hates you. So no risk.

The Purple Tier Legendary Items in the Mortuary Cult? You can only get 1 of each of them. But you can make many of the others, and some of the others may be even better, particularly those that provide Health Regeneration.

Attend Me! and Renowned & Feared skills in the Blue Line give +1 unit rank each, so +2 here

"Wise" trait gives +1 unit rank (in addition to 2 jars per turn). Liche Priests can get the Wise trait.

Liche Priests have "Incantation of Preservation" which gives +2 unit rank (and +1 Lord Rank factionwide!)

So you can either have 3 Wise Liche Priests in an army, or

2 Wise Liche Priests, Blue Line to Renowned & Feared Lord, and have the commandment that gives +1 recruit rank in province active.

Boom, Rank 9 of whatever unit you are recruiting.

Army Capacity is the biggest constraint on the Tomb Kings. Canopic Jars and the Dynasty "technology" tree are essential to Tomb King success, so what is the best approach? Here is what I recommend:

You start being only able to field 1 army. Research the 6th Dynasty (that leads to Alkhazzar) first and go ahead and finish researching it as soon as you can, which will give you +1 Army Capacity but reduce your Research Rate by -30%. Hold off on spending the 200 Jars to get Alkhazzar just yet.

Go ahead and unlock the 1 Necrotect, Tomb Prince and Liche Priest that become available to unlock once you research the dynasty.

Try to build a Royal Burial Chamber or get a Liche Priest to the level to get his +1 Lord Rank skill, and try to unlock Invocation of Tahoth rite, so that you can use the rite and immediately recruit Level 5 Lords (4 skill points available) so that you can recruit a Tomb King with Route Marcher and maxed Canopic Jar Hoarder, and then go to his Details Page and use Replace to replace him with another Rank 5 Lord that you skill the same way, and do this until you are out of Tomb Kings to recruit that turn. Then recruit a Level 5 Tomb King as a new one becomes available every turn that the Tahoth Rite is active.

If you need a 2nd Lord before you can recruit him at Level 5, that is fine, just replace him with the Level 5 Lords once you use Tahoth Rite, and then once the rite expire, you can replace the last Level 5 Lord recruit with him so that he can continue to level up until he is also at least Level 5 for the max Canopic Jar Hoarder.

So you can recruit a normal Tomb King from your Lord Pool for your 2nd Army. Collect Canopic Jars like mad, you need to save up 800 Jars and 10,000 Gold ASAP to Awaken a New Dynasty (+1 Army Capacity). As soon as you have the Jars and Money, Awaken a New Dynasty. You now have an Army Capacity of 3.

You may now spend 200 Jar to get Alkhazzar if you wish, or save those 200 for the next step below.

Settlement buildings boost your Research Rate, so the more you conquer, the more your research rate should rise, so keep expanding and you should eventually get your Research Rate back up to 100%, and then continue to keep increasing it as you expand.

The next Dynasty Lord you want to focus on researching is Lahmizzash (4th Dynasty), but more on this in the next step.

KEY STEP: Your next "Awaken a New Dynasty" will cost you 1600 Jars and 20,000 Gold. "The Heralds Empowered" skill on the far right of the Dynasty tree does not reduce research rate and it buffs global recruitment while giving you +1 Army Capacity, however, you have to unlock all 7 Heralds first. In terms of research time the heralds are great because each one only takes 1 turn to unlock, but each one costs 150 Jars, for a total Jar cost of 1050. However, that is still less than 1600, and you will unlock some sweet Herald Followers on the way, so start unlocking Heralds as you obtain 150 Jars.

KEY STEP: If you don't have enough Jars then research Lahmizzash of the 4th Dynasty next but STOP researching with 1 turn remaining to finish unlocking the 4th Dynasty. Why you ask? Because you do not want to reduce your research rate by another -30%. Once you have 1 turn remaining to unlock 4th Dynasty, start on another Dynasty. I recommend in order, 6th, 4th, 5th, 1st, 2nd, 3rd. STOP researching the dynasty on the last turn before it completes.

Hopefully you fairly quickly unlock all the Heralds and then research "The Heralds Empowered". This gives you Army #4. If you have not unlocked Alkhazzar yet, you could spend 200 Jars to do this now. Now start saving up 1600 Jars for your next "Awaken a New Dynasty", which would give you Army #5. From here you just keep saving up Jars to "Awaken a New Dynasty" when you can but also don't forget to save up the 200 Jars for each Dynasty Tomb King and the 100 Jars for each Dynasty Hero that requires Jars to unlock. And you can also spend Jars in the Mortuary Cult to get Regiments of Renown and some very useful items.

Army #6 (which may be a sooner Army # depending on luck) may be an easy unlock if the Book of Nagash that gives +1 Army Capacity spawns close by, so check where is spawns when you start your campaign.

Once you have the remaining 5 Dynasties on the last turn to unlock them, pause and focus on researching the tech that buffs Ushabti, Necrotects and Warsphinx that became available once you unlocked the 6th Dynasty. If you have been conquering a lot your Research Rate may be well over 120% now and hopefully these skills will take 3 or less turns to complete. The Ushabti buffing tech is the most important because that will help make Lahmizzash's Ushabti army absolutely ridiculous in combination with his trait and the red skill "Revered Stonemasonry" maxed out. You can also unlock the Proclamation of the 6th Dynasty.

At this point you should have unlocked everything from the 6th Dynasty, the Heralds and "The Heralds Empowered", hopefully "Awakened a New Dynasty" a 2nd time and so should have 5 Army capacity (6 with the Book of Nagash), and you should be back well over 100% Research Rate, with only 1 turn to complete each Dynasty.

You can now complete ("Awaken") 5 Dynasties in 5 turns adding +5 Army Capacity in only 5 turns. Boom, 10+ Army Capacity and hopefully before turn 100.

IMPORTANT NOTE!: All of the Dynasty tech only takes 1 turn to complete (because they cost Jars or Gold as well) except "The Heralds Empowered", Awakening a Dynasty and the unit buffing techs. You may however want to finish unlocking a dynasty, unlock the heroes, and then immediately focus on completing the tech in that Dynasty while you still have a good amount of Research Rate, before unlocking another Dynasty and repeating that process. At 100% Research Rate I think the unit buffing techs take 3 turns to complete, but if you knock the Research Rate down to like 10-20% or such, I saw that one could take as long as 33 turns to complete. Keep this in mind if you really want to buff certain units.

6th Dynasty Techs buffs - Ushabti, Necrosphinx, Warsphinx
5th Dynasty Techs buffs - Catapults, Caskets, Necropolis Knights
4th Dynasty Techs buffs - Heroes, Tomb Guard, Hierotitans
3rd Dynasty Techs buffs - Carrion (worthless), Scorpions, Sepulchral Stalkers
2nd Dynasty Techs buffs - Horsemen (worthless), Bone Giants
1st Dynasty Techs buffs - Nehekhara Warriors and Chariots

Many will recommend getting Thutep (3rd Dynasty) first because his trait reduces Construction TIME by -35%. But once I realized it is time that is reduced and not cost, and how he impacted my gameplay, I recommend against this. Why? Because I put all my Necrotects with him and had him go back and forth reducing costs, BUT, I needed him to fight my enemies often while my other armies were conquering, and the Necrotects would have been better served boosting those attacking armies, Damaging Walls so they did not have to siege, and reducing building costs and construction time as I built up newly conquered settlements. When I only had 3 armies with 2 attacking, I needed that 3rd one to be able to attack or defend as needed and not be concerned with where I needed to build stuff. Sure this saved me a ton of money but it also really slowed me down and made my conquests more stressful once I bothered with Thutep. I recommend making a Thutep Necrotect stack later in the game once you have plenty of armies and Necrotects and if you want to play a long total domination campaign or a Mortal Empires campaign. Honestly you can win Settra's campaign very quickly if you focus on conquest and armies of Basic Military Building Units overwhelming the enemy.

Read and follow my Army Capacity Strategy, and make a mental note now that many of my suggestions regarding Hero use probably apply to other Legendary Lords as well.

Make friends with Numas and try to get a Non-Aggression Pact and Trade Agreement ASAP. I'll explain why shortly.

When you get a Tomb Prince send him up to the High Elves so you can start trading with them for more money ASAP. Send the prince over to Naggaroth as well. Also send a prince to Lustria.

When you get the dilemma of which hero to choose, I chose Necrotect. Necrotects boost army movement, they can Damage Walls, they give additional healing to constructs both in battle and on campaign map, and they give extra constructs of the type you select, AND they reduce build time by -1 turn and building cost by -10% with each Necrotect.

Try to get Necrotects with the Ushabti Carver trait, and then pick the Statuesque Sentinels skill for more Ushabti, the Master Builder skill, and then pick whichever greater construct you want to get more of, Warsphinx, Necrosphinx, or Hierotitan.

Once you get a Necrotect and perform a hero action with it, you unlock the Invocation of Ptra rite which spawns a special single-use Necrotect that suicides itself to rebuild a ruin as a Level 3 Settlement Instantly (much like the Skaven special Warlock and special Plague Priest in function). This is useful if you want to sack a major settlement over and over again, raze it, and then rebuild it at Level 3.

Capture the Salt Plains first and then immediately go east and focus on wiping out the Savage Orcs to your Northeast by capturing all of their settlements. You need to wipe out the Savage Orcs before they get strong or you will be in for a rough time, so this takes priority over capturing Zandri and securing Khemri province. Remember that sacking is great for income but reduces settlement level. Always Occupy a Major Settlement especially if it is Tier 4-5 (Tier 4 may reduce to Tier 3 but then again it may not if you are lucky), unless you have a Ptra Necrotect handy so that you can sack the settlement down to Tier 1, raze it, then rebuild it at Level 3.

Once you have secured the Orc province, you can go capture Zandri and now have 2 full provinces.

Here I made the mistake of attacking Numas, which to secure the full province has you bordering the Arachnos Greenskins in the mountains to the east, and the southern minor settlement is vulnerable to attack from many different factions, and to defend it occupies a precious army that you cannot afford to waste just sitting there to scare of potential attackers. Better to let Numas fight it out with anyone in that direction while you go West.

If you do not attack the Sentinels they will not attack you. You can even raid their province for extra cash and they will hate you but not attack you. However, if another faction attacks them, they will fight back and potentially win, so you could see the Sentinels take the Black Tower of Arkhan or some other nearby Settlements, causing them to be in your way. This is another reason to go west ASAP to beat them to capturing as much as you can.

You start at war with Arkhan the Black and you cannot make peace with him, so be prepared for him to send armies against you if he overcomes his nearby obstacles (or potentially even suicidally, he may ignore other threats just to mess with you).

You want to capture The Black Tower of Arkhan before the Sentinels do or someone else like Snikch does. Then go west along the coast and wipe out the Bretonnians, down around and take out Arkhan, then Snikch and then the Dwarves (or SW and take out Snikch first, then Arkhan, then up around and finish off the Bretonnians and the Dwarves in order of their threat). By this point hopefully the Black Tower of Nagash is Level 5, so this may be a good time wipe out the Sentinels so you can get the +3 Lord Rank building sooner rather than later. Hopefully the Dune Kingdoms is still holding Ka-Sabar and that line of settlements at the southernmost edge of the desert and keeping the Lizardmen at bay, and Numas is still your busy and preventing the Arachnos or Eastern Mountain Dwarves from targeting you. Now is a good time to consolidate and survey the situation. Hopefully you have 5 armies at least by now, you might take out the Dune Kingdoms and secure the province Ka-Sabar is in and set up some armies to defend the southern edge of your desert kingdom, then send other armies over to take out the dwarves and Archnos, and finish by betraying Numas and finally securing the entire north of The Southlands. From here you can aim for a long campaign of world domination, I recommend starting by going south to take out the Lizardmen and Skaven and secure the entire continent of The Southlands. Or you can go Book of Nagash hunting to unlock the Final Battle and go for a quick victory by beating that battle.


You want Lore of Death Magic Liche Priests, best lore of magic of the 2. You want them to have the "Wise" trait, both to generate Jars and to increase unit rank upon recruitment which jives with one of their skills, see my Recruiting Rank 9 Units section below.

You want to have Settra followed by a 2nd army. Since you will probably only have 2 Necrotects for a while, you want to put your Necrotects, 1 each, in those 2 armies to boost their movement, but also, you can use these Necrotects to Damage Walls on Major Settlements so that you don't need artillery, but can instead just rush in with your Lords and Chariots to slaughter everything inside. Then the army Occupies the settlement and cannot move, then the Necrotect can rejoin the army the next turn ready to ride along for the next conquest. And the 2 Necrotects with their Master Builder skills should reduce construction time by -2 turns and building costs by -20%.

IMPORTANT!: After the Royal Burial Chamber, you should expect to have 4 slots in a Major Settlment you can use for unit buildings. See the bottom of this section for my thoughts on the most efficient unit building choices.

You may think that resource buildings suck since they only give 10 resources. However, you need resources to unlock items in the Mortuary Cult. For example, you want to make sure you built Salt and Marble buildings early because they are needed for the "Blade of Antarhak" that gives "The Hunger" health regeneration effect in battle on your Lords and Heroes. Very useful. Also, if a resource is worth 19 gold per resource for example, then 10 x 19 = 190 gold, which is more than the 150 gold per turn from a Tier 3 income building. Also, I do not believe trade income is impacted by climate, so resource buildings in Unsuitable Climates should still reward their full income output. Plus they probably make the AI be more likely to trade with you.

Besides Army Capacity, another major constraint on the Tomb Kings is the limit per building on the number of any units besides Skeleton Warriors and Skeleton Warriors (Spears). Even Skeleton Archers are limited to number of buildings you have. To get more of a certain type of unit, you need to build more of its associated building. This means you need to be building unit producing buildings in every province, and the number of slots you have is too limited to build everything, so you must make choices. You could build in such a way that you can get a little of everything, but that is not efficient. You want to know what units you want to build and focus on obtaining as much capacity for those units as you can.

There are normally a few 10 slot Major settlements and mostly 8 slot Major settlements (some are only 6). Since 1 slot is taken by the main settlement building, they have effectively 9 and 7 slots respectively. Same with 4 slot Minor settlements that only have 3 slots, and coastal settlements with ports realistically only have 2 slots. So we should plan on only have 7 slots to work with most of the time.

You want Royal Burial Chambers in every Major Settlement as soon as it reaches Tier 4. They give Bone Giants which are powerful artillery, Anti-Large and Anti-Towers and walls in sieges, and which can hold their own in Melee, and each building gives +1 Lord Rank factionwide and +1 Jar per turn.

There are 3 Basic Military buildings: Chariots (and Catapults), Infantry (Skellie Archer to Tomb Guard), Cavalry (Skellie Horsemen to Necropolis Knights)

There are 5 Advanced Military buildings: Ushabti (+2 Ushabti and +1 Ushabti Great Bow), Tomb Scorpions (+2), Khemrian Warsphinx (+1), Necrosphinx (+1), Hierotitan (+1).

Chariots and Infantry buildings max out at Tier 3 so they can be built in Minor Settlements, although again, your strategy may call for lots of them so you may also want to build them in your Major Settlements too, especially if feel you will not need the big constructs. Ushabti and Tomb Scorpions max out at Tier 4. Cavalry and the 3 big constructs max out at Tier 5.

If the settlment has a special Pyramid, you want to build the Pyramid.

If the settlement has a resource, you want to build the Trade Resource Building, such as the Gold Mine in Khemri.

Khemri is a 10 slot Major city (so 9 slots), and it has both a Pyramid and Gold Mine, so with the Royal Burial Chamber, that leaves just 6 slots left to use.

You want to build the +Growth building in every settlement until all the settlement in a province are their maximum tier, then you can demolish that building and replace it with something else.

You need to build the Citadel in order to unlock the Invocation of Geheb Rite, but then you can demolish it. It gives +1 to recruitment capacity which can be nice, but not worth it when so many other important buildings.

The Income Building that gives 150 gold at Tier 3 is ok for income but your main major settlement buildings provide more income so as you conquere more territory you get to the point where you don't really need these buildings for their income, however, the +15% army movement range is very useful.

You shouldn't end up needing a Public Order building once you secure your provinces, but may need it for a short while before demolishing it for unit buildings.

In my campaign I used my 4 slots for Ushabti, Tomb Scorpion, Khemrian Warsphinx and Necrosphinx capacity. I ignored Hierotitan because they are anti-infantry like the Warsphinx but are super slow. However, after my Settra campaign, I would probably go Hierotitan over Tomb Scorpions, because Scorpions were a bit more fragile than I liked, so if going for doomstacks I would want Hierotitans over Tomb Scorpions.

BUT, I actually think I would still ignore Hierotitans and instead build the Cavalry building that ultimately gives Necropolis Knights (Halberds) at T5. Why? Because I just tested in custom battle a 40 stack of Rank 9 Chariot Archers and Rank 9 Skeleton Horse Archers against a Beastmen 20 stack, and they mowed the Beastmen down. I figure they would be similarly effective in Campaign. Then add Necropolis Knights and Necropolis Knights (Halberds) to fill in the respective Anti-Infantry and Anti-Large gaps in Khemrian Warsphinx and Necrosphinx doomstacks, and you get a lot more bang for your unit capacity buck, because the Cavalry building gives Skeleton Horsemen and Horse Archers, Nehekharan Horsemen, Sepulchral Stalkers, and Necropolis Knights.

Build 10 of these Royal Menagerie buildings at Tier 5 and that would be 20 of each type of unit except Halberd Necropolis Knights of which you would get 10. If you also built 10 Warsphinx and Necrosphinx buildings, you could build doomstacks of 10 Warsphinx with 9 Halberd Knights and 10 Necrosphinx with 9 Knights, and still have 12 Knights that you could put in other armies. And a full stack of Sepulchral Stalkers, and a full stack of Horse Archers. This is besides the full stack of Ushabti and another stack of Ushabti Great Bows and Bone Giants.

At Level 40, Settra has 39 skill points to spend. Here is what I consider the best build:

Ignore Magic Line completely, the healing is mediocre and not worth it, if you really want Lore of Nehekhara get a Liche Priest.

Mounts (1-3 points): Skeleton Steed, Khemrian Warsphinx, Chariot of the Gods

Returned in Madness (1 point)

Embalmed in Elixir (1 point)

All Unique Skills from Unique Row (9 points)

Blue Line (11 points): Route Marcher, 3x Canopic Jar Hoarder, 1x Soul Reaper, Attend Me!, Lightning Strike, 3x All is Mine!, Renowned & Feared.

Red Line (4-7 points): Inspired Presence, 3x Chariot Master (always), 3x Sun-Scorched Bones

Yellow Line (7 points): 1st skill plus the 6 combat skills, ignore the leadershp skill.

Blue 11 + Unique 9 + Red 7 + 3 + 1 RiM + 1 EiE + 7 Yellow = 39

If you know that you are only going to give Settra his Chariot of the Gods and only put Chariots or Warsphinxes in his army, then you can save 5 points on Sun-Scorched Bones and 2 Mounts. You could put these 5 into his Blue or his Yellow Line instead (maxing Soul Reaper with 2 points and 3 into Ambush or Raiding Income could be good in Blue Line).

The Final Red Line Skill "Resurrect" apparently heals and resurrects units around the Lord, so at the end of a battle you could ball up your army around Settra and try to heal them as much as possible. To accomplish this, you can save 2 points on Mounts, not get Embalmed in Exilir, and Trampler of the Ages could be ignored if you need another point for another 2nd Tier Red Skill.

All Lords should put at least 11 points into the Blue Line as follows: Route Marcher, 3x Canopic Jar Hoarder, 1x Soul Reaper, Attend Me!, Lightning Strike, 3x All is Mine!, Renowned & Feared.

Khemrian Warsphinx for the Lord mount Only: I believe only Settra and the Tomb Princes have Halberds so they are the only Anti-Large Lord/Heroes and therefore the only ones who might need a Skeleton Steed (to keep their Anti-Large bonus while having a mount). And I don't think normal Lord chariots are anywhere near as good as Settra's The Chariot of the Gods. So the only real choice for normal and dynasty lords is the Khemrian Warsphinx.

Blessing of Usirian!!! Unless you specifically need Blessing of Ptra for Tomb Guard & Chariot +8 Melee Defense (I only really see getting this on Alkhazzar and Settra), Blessing of Geheb to buff Ushabti, or Blessing of Asaph to buff a "Prepared" Lord's stack of Skeleton Archers, I would recommend going with Blessing of Usirian, which gives +15% Casualty Replenishment and +2 Local Province Recruitment.

Sun-Scorched Bones is a safe choice for any and all non-Legendary Tomb Kings because it buffs Skeleton Warriors, Nehekhara Warriors and Tomb Guards and so can be useful throughout your campaign, and because they do not have as many non-standard skills as Legendary Lords and so should be able to have the 3 points in this awesome skill and still get all the other most important skills.

Alkhazzar (6th Dynasty) (This is your Chariot Lord): Chariot Master, Blessing of Ptra (+8 Melee Defence for Chariots, +2 Tomb Prince rank which if Alkhazzar is recruited 1st like I advise elsewhere the +2 for Tomb Princes will payoff over the rest of the campaign)

Lahmizzash (4th Dynasty) (This is your Ushabti Lord): Revered Stonemasonry, Blessing of Geheb (+5 Melee Attack and Defense for Ushabti) (Revered Stonemasonry and Blessing of Geheb would be the same choices if you recruited a 2nd Lord to be an Ushabti leading Lord if you get to the point where you have enough Ushabti slots for a 2nd Ushabti Lord to be viable)

"Prepared" trait Lord (+5% Missile Damage, +20% Ammo): "Arrows of Asaph" (+12% Missile Damage) for Archers and Bone Giants, Revered Stonemasonry if fielding Ushabti Great Bows. And Sun-Scorched Bones if fielding melee infantry as a wall to protect your ranged units. And "Blessing of Asaph" (+12% Missile Damage for Skeleton Archers and Sepulchral Stalkers) if running lots of Skeleton Archers with "Arrows of Asaph" maxed. This = +29% Missile Damage for Skeleton Archers, and +17% for Bone Giants and Ushabti.

"Treacherous" trait Lord: Max the skill that buffs Tomb Scorpions and field lots of Tomb Scorpions, possibly add heroes with the "Treacherous" trait for even more ridiculous Tomb Scorpions, and research the tech that buffs Tomb Scorpions.

Alkhazzar: All Chariot Archers, max Chariot Master skill. With Rank 9 Chariots and his +20% Missile Damage buff, Chariots Archers fielded by him had 96 Missile Damage, so they could rain hell on enemies and then run them down to finish them off.

--- Reinforcing Army Idea for Alkhazzar's Chariot Archer army: Skeleton Horsemen are absolute trash, but a full stack of Skeleton Horsemen Archers might work great reinforcing Alkhazzar's Chariot Archers, and they all just stay in Skirmish Mode shooting the enemy to death.

Lahmizzash: All Ushabti or mostly Ushabti with 5-8 Ushabti Great Bows, max Revered Stonemasonry.

Doomrain Lord: "Prepared" trait Lord with "Arrows of Asaph", "Revered Stonemasonry", and possibly "Sun-Scorched Bones" red line skills maxed. Bring 4-8 Bone Giants and the rest be Ushabti Great Bows, or that but bring 3-4 Tomb Guard as a screen to protect your ranged and also to take enemy artillery fire while your ranged kills their ranged. Note that this is a fantastic army to bring for sieges and the Final Battle.

BALANCED: 1-2 artillery (Casket of Soulds or Catapult), 2-4 Chariots (preferably Chariot Archers to skirmish and then rear-charge), up-to 8 Skeleton Warriors (Spears) eventually replaced with Tomb Guard, and up-to 8 Skelton Archers. Artillery force the enemy to come to you, your melee infantry protect your archers while your archers whittle down the enemy, and your chariots pull away units and harass and then start rear-charging (and only have 2-4 makes micro-managing them manageable), while your Lord on his Khemrian Warsphinx flanks and rear charges and hammers the enemy against the anvil of your melee infantry.

Doomsphinx: Khemrian Warsphinx for enemy infantry and Necrosphinx for Anti-Large (they both fast so can keep up with each other)

Titans & Giants: Hierotitans for enemy infantry and Bone Giants for Anti-Large (both are slow and the Bone Giants can force enemy to attack)

Scorpions & Anti-Large: Scorpions boosted by Treacherous Lord and Red Line for anti-infantry and Necrosphinx or Bone Giants for Anti-Large

Obtaining Specific Followers
This is copied from my "How to get Followers" guide:

Review sergiomorozov's phenomenal guide here:

I won't copy & paste his excellent work, just quote him to emphasize a few key points:

"To get the follower a Tomb King culture character must not have that type of follower equipped (for other cultures it may be possible to get some already equipped followers) AND must complete [the required action]

Then, there will be a chance the character gets the follower in question [see his guide for % chance].

There are other ways:
stealing the follower from a defeated enemy
getting the follower from searching ruins

Some followers can only be earned by a lord, or only by an agent, but they can be used by anyone after that (Other races may have restrictions on follower usage by lords/agents/agent types.)"

With this info:
To get "Skeletal Labourer" or "Acolyte of Sokh", you sack settlements, and have a 25% chance to get him.
To get "Charnel Valley Necrotect", you must level up in a Mountain Region [both Lords and Heroes can do this], 35% chance.

So to farm these bad boys, you would send your lords and heroes to a mountainous region, have your heroes perform actions against a settlement, then sack the settlement with your lords. If you obtain the desired follower, remove the follower from your lord or hero, and then repeat the hero actions and sacking, until you have enough of the followers to equip as many lords and heroes as you are likely to recruit, say 10 lords and 10 of each type of hero, so 40 should be plenty.

Other excellent followers:
For "Tombfleet Taskmaster", Post - Battle: Release (Ransom) Captives, 5% chance.
For "Priest of Ptra", Level Up in a region owned by Vampire Counts culture group faction, 15% chance.

Lahmizzash Ushabti
King Lahmizzash of the 4th Dynasty only gives +2 Ushabti, no extra Ushabti (Great Bow)

Just wanted to note that in case anyone wondered.

MinMaxRex  [author] 9 Nov, 2023 @ 6:24pm 
@Consuela - Yes. To fix it, download the mod that fixes that trait.
Consuela 7 Nov, 2023 @ 2:36pm 
Is the treacherous Hero trait still broken?
green dwarf 20 Oct, 2021 @ 1:50pm 
this is nice but none of it matters orcs will still shred your front like like wet toilet paper
MinMaxRex  [author] 18 Sep, 2021 @ 11:12pm 
@Raiden - if you don't want to use the cheese, don't use the cheese. Like you said, you can mod the game, but generally prefer to play Vanilla and try to beat it as the developers made it. Anything they include in the game to do so is fair game.
Plz spare my wife 15 Sep, 2021 @ 8:01pm 
eh without cheese id enjoy the guide but its not impressive in the slightest, its not hard to exploit the mechanics, if i wanted to make it easier, id just get mods lmao Zzzz
A for effort it guess
MinMaxRex  [author] 30 May, 2021 @ 3:17pm 
@Fiveball - I really appreciate it, every positive comment I get on these is really uplifting.
Fiveball 23 May, 2021 @ 8:44am 
Holy crap MinMax Rex. I havn't made it through this guide all the way yet but the obvious amount of time you put into this is really appreciated.
Ragnar 22 Feb, 2021 @ 12:27pm 
Ragnar 22 Feb, 2021 @ 12:27pm 
Ah okay, Chrome didn’t give me any warnings but you confirmed that no one asked you if they can repost so thats the answer I was looking for. If you good for your guide by name you should see links to it by the way.
MinMaxRex  [author] 21 Feb, 2021 @ 2:58am 
@Ragnar - when I click on your link, it comes up as a malicious site, so out of caution I won't proceed. But to answer your question, No, no one has reached out to get permission to post anything of mine.