Acid Spy

Acid Spy

Acid Spy: Facility (Pacifist ghost)
"Acid Spy is a minimalist game by Andreas Wålinder.

Heavy parkour emphasis lends itself to speedrunning, which won't be the primary focus of this run: guard patrols being cycles to wait on and the game's relative undeveloped meta means this will just be going for no suspicions, minimal shots fired and as little use of anything other than stealth, movement and the pickpocket feature.
I heavily encouraged him to add an option to remove cross hair and an option to remove the weapon model from the game, so he did.

In the first level we skip the tutorial through parkour. Nothing else of note aside from the basics.

Disclaimer: The game was given to me by free by the developer after he saw my playthrough of Tenchu: Wrath of Heaven.

Click here for more Acid Spy (Pacifist ghost)"