43 valoraciones
Assault Cruiser Monitor (7-Slot) [V.2]
Type of Build: Ship
Material: Iron, Trinium
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Assault Cruiser Monitor (7-Slot) [V.2]

En 1 colección creada por Mighty Brankor
Brankors Avorion Fleet
73 artículos
(Avorion 2.0 ready)

Assault carrier Monitor

7x slot
6x main turret placement
5x secondary turret placement
2x torpedo launcher


Sturmkreuzer Monitor

7x Systemslot
6x Haupt Geschützplatformen
5x sukundär Geschützplatformen
2x Torpedowerfer
6 comentarios
BenjaminFlankem 13 ENE 2021 a las 20:15 
Awesome design! Well done!
Thakard 8 MAY 2020 a las 23:56 
After playing a little myself, with my ships I would suggest at least 4 launchers for a ship of that level. Torpedo storage at least 150 then.
Thakard 22 ABR 2020 a las 8:58 
Coming back to torpedos:

I think it was a good move to to make a ship which does have the ability to mount them.

They are a good stand off weapon and save a lot of time in cleansing those nasty pirates.

The rearming is anoying, yes, but the capability to begin the fight from 20-40 kms and knock out some NPC ships is truly worth it.

Due to the high damage potential they are decisive.

Comming back to the pitch and yaw capability of MONITOR:

not good but sufficient

Another issue of this ship is definitley the greater drift, just a feeling, have not made a direct comparision with oberon.
Thakard 21 ABR 2020 a las 22:39 
First impression:

Designwise, I like the front section, the fuselage, very much.

The forward bottom gun emplacement is not in a very good postion, I would rahter move it back and lower, between the two engine nacelles, yet having the emplacements on the nacelles, with better arcs of fire, it does not matter that much. So, if, used I would place a civilian turret there.

Crew quarters are a little bit tight, 4 free places left when you have minimum crew, it works but can cause some minor gameplay issues.

Stats wise, depending on which Brankor ship you compare it, OBERON or TANUKI it has pros and cons.
Thakard 21 ABR 2020 a las 22:39 
In comparison to the oberon its overall faster, has one slot more and 2,5 times the shield. Shields are important ususally I disengange when I am not about to finish the enemy. So, this is a big selling point. However, Oberon has in my opinion the optimal gun layout and is more agile. Double pitch and tripple the yaw rate, which makes keeping the enemy in your firing arc easier.
Whether, that will be an issue has to be tested.
Monitor does have torpedos, yet, I have not looked into this wepaon category.
Powerwise, the monitor has more reserves than the oberon.
So, its hard to say at the moment, but I would tend to that this thip could replace the oberon as of the 1 additional upgrade slot and very powerfull shield.
Thakard 21 ABR 2020 a las 22:39 
Also I would replace the remaining directed thrusters with thruster slighty improves agility, drift and decelleration. However, here comes the problem with the crew capacity, if you do so you dont have enough quarters.

If, you compare TANUKI with MONITOR (7-Slot) and you exclude the trinium requirement Tanuki clearly wins due to extremly powerful generators double the value of monitor and crew compartements. Triunium is only used for the hangars, so you could blind them out in creative mode and then upgrade once you have trinium. But then TANUKI is even better when you are an industrialist, as you can ferry your cargo shuttles to your factories where they are need.