501 vurderinger
Final Fantasy VIII 2013 Steam Release - Essential mods
Av LeonhartGR og 12 medarbeidere
SweetFX GFX Enhancement for FFVIII by EternalCore
SweetFX Shader Enhancement for FFVIII by Lital
GeDoSaTo Resolution Config[] by Mcindus[]
Project Eden - (dramatically improved pre-rendered backgrounds for ff8!)[] by Omzy![]
Project AngelWing v1.0 - Field Upscale[] by FatedCourage[]
[REL] Tripod - FF8 Triple Triad HQ[] by Mcindus[]
[REL] SeeD Reborn (v3.5) - FF8 text/menu overhaul for Steam[] by Mcindus[]
[FF8-steam] Character texture replacement[] by Shunsq[]
[FF8PC-Steam] HorizonPack v3.0 - World Texture replacements[] by Mcindus[]
[FF8PC-Steam] Lunar Cry v1.2 - Full Enemy Upscale[] by Mcindus[]
Rebirth Flame v1.3 - Character Texture Replacement[] by FatedCourage[]
[FF8PC-Steam] Apocalypse v1.2 - Boss Upscale[] by FatedCourage[]
BattleField Upscale v2.0 for FF8 Steam version[] by Mcindus[]

***Tonberry and SweetFX are currently NOT COMPATIBLE***

[FF8PC-Steam] BerryMapper- texture replacement for Tonberry mod (2014-12-15)[] by Shunsq[]
[REL] Tonberry v1.5 - External Texture Support for FF8[] A huge shoutout to Omzy![]
Tonberry: Enhanced v2.04[] by JeMaCheHi[] (aka Jay C) and mavirick[]
[REL] PuPu v2.0 - FF8 Field Importer/Exporter[] by Omzy![]
[REL] [FF8PC/PSX][FF8PC-Steam] Omega Trainer (v1.0.10)[] by ZoDDeL
[FF8] Battle Stage to OBJ converter [1.1][] by MaKiPL[]
Rinoa's Toolset - BS, WMSET, WMX, GF, RAIL - Ripping, editing, analyzing[] by MaKiPL[]

***Turn OFF the Steam Overlay while using Tonberry to prevent crashes!

[Fix] FMV replacement pack by Kayael
Final Fantasy VIII "Dubbed/Undubbed" 1080p Replacement FMVs by Replicators and LeonhartGR

Better Music Mod by Osaka
DLPB's [Original Soundtrack Mod] Roses And Wine 2013 by Assimi-final release of Raw.dll![] by DLPB[]
For Roses and Wine Audio Mod : Find Your Way Dissidia Version by T.Bogard
[ MOD]Custom OGG Music with " Roses and Wines - Steam Version " by Jacarado
[MODDING] Custom Songs with Roses and Wine mod. by Truder
[ModPack]Remixed/Reworked Music Pack! by NotAVillain
PlayStation to PC Converted Music by JunkyBiggs

[FF8PC-Steam] FF8 Controller Buttons for PSX and Xbox360[]by Mcindus[]

Hyne save editor updated! Version 1.8.2[] released! Fixes the save deletion issue.

T.Bogard's Mod presentation live streams[]

Guide pic found here[].

FFVIII Font widths[] progress made by a Russian guy!!!

I decided to include the mods link for the old pc release as well:
Final Fantasy VIII File List[]
[Auditions Open] Ingame FF8 Voiceover Project[]

Make sure to check out those links frequently for any updates. Do not forget to visit the qhimm forums[] for happy modding!!!

Look below for some basic instructions and Troubleshooting tips!
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Let's keep it "Simple and Clean"!
Audio Modding
Audio Modding is a task that requires good ear and sometimes between trial and error you got a good loop.

First of all there things you need to know before you proceed or ask:
  • The Audio Mods I'm publishing are related to the Roses & Wine main Audio Mod. I have added my own modified tracks from other albums of Nobuo Uematsu in his 3 albums of the Black Mages discography, and other tracks are related to the universe of FF Dissidia.
  • There are especific audio mods related to background music or stage, such the battle in Dollet. The new samples replaces the old ones located in \FINAL FANTASY VIII\Data\Music\stream
  • At this point I don't know how to modify sound effects of the game. Probably in a near future with some research is possible to change the FX in the same way Roses and Wine did with the old pc midi soundtrack.

ok. Now I will put a list of the tracks I have modified. The original content belongs to their authors and the intention to put this audio mods is to enhance the playability of FF8, not to damage the game or Square Enix.

Tracks for Roses & Wine
Replace the content of the original files located in \FINAL FANTASY VIII\Data\OGG

Don't Be Affraid - Dissidia Edition: {LENKE FJERNET}

Force your way - Dissidia Edition:

The Landing - Dissidia Edition:

The Landing - Dissidia Edition (No Intro):

The Man with the machine gun - Black Mages Edition:

Maybe I'm a Lion - Black Mages Edition:

Find your Way - Dissidia Edition:

Fisherman's Horizon - Enhanced Piano Version:

New Background samples
Replace the content of the files located in \FINAL FANTASY VIII\Data\Music\stream

Dollet Battle BG :

Tonberry - General Information and Troubleshooting
Hey everyone, it's MCINDUS from the forums!
I've decided to create this section to help those of you better understand the Tonberry troubleshooting process along with some general do-s and don't-s.

- Tonberry uses DirectX9 Injection, so any other mods
like SweetFX currently CAN'T BE USED at the same time!

- Turn OFF the Steam overlay.
In Steam/Settings/In-Game/ and un-check the box that says "Enable the Steam Overlay"
- ALL texture mods will go in the following folder:
/steamapps/common/FINAL FANTASY VIII/textures/

READ this. Even if it's TL. :)

First things first:
*Get Tonberry and follow all instructions.

1. Download Tonberry 2.04.
2. Install Tonberry into your FF8 Steam application folder.
(/steamapps/common/FINAL FANTASY VIII/)<---*put Tonberry HERE*

Now you should have Tonberry!
6. Let's double check. These are the files/folders and where they should be:

Two new folders should appear in your FINAL FANTASY VIII application folder:
/steamapps/common/FINAL FANTASY VIII/textures/
/steamapps/common/FINAL FANTASY VIII/tonberry/

The files that are necessary for Tonberry to function should be HERE:
/steamapps/common/FINAL FANTASY VIII/d3d9.dll
/steamapps/common/FINAL FANTASY VIII/d3d9Callback.dll
/steamapps/common/FINAL FANTASY VIII/zlib1.dll

Thanks everyone from both Omzy and myself for using Tonberry and it's many great texture mods! Come check us out on for more FF8 and FF7 mods!
Not sure if you want to use mods? Check out the video:
165 kommentarer
LeonhartGR  [skaper] 25. okt. 2023 kl. 9.45 
We need a re-make... or even a sequel!
Ruffus Jubei 5. aug. 2023 kl. 6.10 
but... I bought FFVIII to experience FFVIII.. i like the old graphics just the way they are. :squall:
ItzMisterJoel 11. juli 2023 kl. 21.12 
Do achievements still work with mods?
Dirty Fart Goblin 26. feb. 2023 kl. 8.00 
Whatabout Futa mod?
LUCIF4R 21. jan. 2022 kl. 13.52 
Which one of these increases the fps on battle?
LeonhartGR  [skaper] 18. nov. 2021 kl. 13.18 
Have you read those posts @qhimm.forums ? Also try to enter the Discord server if you haven't already. There's some good categorization there for each FF title.
1. Tonberry Mods Master List []
2. FF8 Remastered (Lunatic Pandora) Mods Progress []
ichijou 12. nov. 2021 kl. 13.54 
the tonberry mod (external texture support) is currently inaccessible because for some reason they chose to host it on google files and now it requires permissions. if anyone knows a way to download it please let me know!
LeonhartGR  [skaper] 10. nov. 2021 kl. 15.25 
Maybe try asking in the discord server and someone might know. I have an awful internet connection rn sorry but cant help on that since every system built is different and have to test many things. Also not able to provide support for new systems. There are many incompatibilities with the older games. You can try opening a support ticket on the official Square Enix page too. Not sure how good is customer support there tho. It's more possible someone from the forums or the Discord server to be able to help you. I can relate tho since I know how frustrating is not being able to play. due to incompatibilities and lack of proper support.
𝑅𝑜𝓂𝒶𝓃 25. okt. 2021 kl. 16.41 
Game crashes every 30-50 minutes. I installed DirectX9c, VC+ 2010 VC+2013. Please, can you help me? It makes me fking mad and sad that i cant play in the game without thinking about crashes.
Dat DekuBoi 29. sep. 2021 kl. 19.57 
Wow, this is still spoken about 8 years after the mod came out