Ocen: 29
Spectro Gravis - Ave Imperator Pattern [ 7 slots ]
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Type of Build: Ship
Material: Iron, Titanium, Trinium
Rozmiar pliku
3.244 MB
24 marca 2020 o 23:58
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Spectro Gravis - Ave Imperator Pattern [ 7 slots ]

W 1 kolekcji stworzonej przez warpSpeedNyanCat();
Constellation Aeronautics
Przedmioty: 59
Category : Ship

Description : The Ave Imperator pattern is a light carrier configuration for rapid system defense, while the ship is not very maneuvrable or quick , its very sturdy and can deploy a whole squadron instantly and recover them as fast.
Its often used for sector defense while escorted with a few destroyers and frigates . It can also be used for industrial jobs, its fighter bays can accomodate mining or salvaging drones

Cost: 5 633 552 credits, 4 815 Iron, 321 078 Trinium

Hull: + 105 300 hp

Shields: + 178 440 hp

Blocks: 15 187 blocks

Thrust: 3 m/s

Brakes: +17.5 m/s

Max speed: 362 m/s

Maneuvrability : 0.22 / 0.23 / 0.12

Hypedrive range : 14.1 sctrs

Crew: +215

Cargo bay : 524 m3

Powergrid: 36.61Gw / 55.99 Gw

Capacitors: 243.43 GJ

( This is a ship built using Constellation Aeronautics template parts , its purpose is purely demonstrative and should be tweaked before using in game , many details of the ship are for rp purpose or immersion , you may edit the bridge and the crew module rooms and remove the crew models to reduce the number of blocks )
Komentarzy: 1
Zalanore 6 maja 2020 o 16:53 
Please post a screenshot of the specs. You didn't include some of the important specs in your typed description.