106 个评价
Emperor of dragon (帝 龙 降 临)
2.940 MB
2020 年 3 月 23 日 下午 8:58
2023 年 12 月 25 日 上午 5:48
31 项改动说明 ( 查看 )

Emperor of dragon (帝 龙 降 临)

Join in an extermination level beast. Come to the colony through events. Don't try to tame without inspiration. Combat power is the highest level.


2020.3.25 Reduced wildness and the explosion radius of dragon breathing. Increased appetite

2020.3.25 降低了野性与吐息的伤害半径,增加了帝龙的食欲~

2020.3.28 It increases the minimum range of breathing, reduces the breathing damage radius, strengthens the armor piercing performance of Emperor dragon, and changes the breathing damage type. In fact, the author's moral integrity has been reduced~

2020.3.28 增加了吐息的最小射程,降低了吐息伤害半径,强化帝龙的穿甲性能,改变吐息的伤害类型。其实就是作者节操又降低了~

Version 1.2 fixed a bug in the wild Emperor Dragon that was stunned by anger and increased the power of dragon breath.

When updating 1.2, the wild setting exceeded 100. Now it is 99. The color of Emperor Dragon scale and Emperor Dragon horn was changed, and the luminous radius was increased.

Emperor Dragon adds multiple growth stages. When it reaches the age of 200, it will change its image and look more crazy and powerful~

Increases melee strength for Emperor Dragon, and melee attack will freeze opponent's life.

In version 1.3, the logic of Emperor Dragon spitting out breath changes. It will not spit out the enemy at close range without command, resulting in the accidental killing of friendly forces.

By the way, Emperor Dragon is now compatible with CE~

Updated version 1.4, and added Toxic resistance to the Emperor Dragon~

On December 25, 2023, with the help of professionals, we finally optimized the red font of Emperor Dragon and fixed the events that occurred. The Emperor Dragon Horn has gained new features, which can be used as a ranged weapon to use the Emperor Dragon's Breath or wield the Emperor Dragon's Sting. In addition, the adaptation of CE has been optimized, and the equipment and weapons made by Emperor Longlin can better shine in CE.

2023年12月25日 得到专业人士的帮助终于优化了帝龙的红字,并且修复了出现的事件。帝龙角获得了新的功能,既可以当作远程武器使用帝龙的吐息也能挥舞使出帝龙的刺击。另外对CE的适配得到优化,帝龙麟制作的装备武器可以更好的在CE中大放异彩。

We plan to remake the entire mod, texture events, and exclusive buildings and attacks before the Spring Festival. Thank you for your support in recent years. Now is the time for me to report back to you. This time, it's not that I'm just making it on my own, but I've hired a professional painter and programming expert. Stay tuned.

63 条留言
你要这么玩是吧 9 月 3 日 下午 11:11 
熾火(阿火) 5 月 16 日 上午 2:25 
雌堕神皇献给恐虐 4 月 13 日 上午 7:32 
gaopengwd123  [作者] 2023 年 12 月 25 日 上午 5:57 
泰拉博士不太拉 2022 年 12 月 3 日 上午 6:26 
泰拉博士不太拉 2022 年 12 月 3 日 上午 6:11 
blazedstr7 2022 年 10 月 24 日 下午 10:28 
Final Errors

Could not load UnityEngine.Texture2D at AnimalProjectile/DragonFire in any active mod or in base resources.

Missing Sounds:






blazedstr7 2022 年 10 月 24 日 下午 10:27 
Errors Cont.

Could not resolve cross-reference: No Verse.DamageDef named LF_Cocytus found to give to Verse.DamageMultiplier

Could not resolve cross-reference: No Verse.DamageDef named LF_Coldgrasp found to give to Verse.DamageMultiplier Verse.DamageMultiplier

Could not resolve cross-reference: No Verse.DamageDef named LF_DragonicSigil found to give to Verse.DamageMultiplier Verse.DamageMultiplier

Could not resolve cross-reference: No Verse.DamageDef named LF_Glacialbite found to give to Verse.DamageMultiplier Verse.DamageMultiplier

Could not resolve cross-reference: No Verse.DamageDef named LF_Heatbite found to give to Verse.DamageMultiplier Verse.DamageMultiplier

Could not resolve cross-reference: No Verse.DamageDef named LF_Burningcharge found to give to Verse.DamageMultiplier Verse.DamageMultiplier

Could not resolve cross-reference: No Verse.DamageDef named LF_Iciclebash found to give to Verse.DamageMultiplier Verse.DamageMultiplier
blazedstr7 2022 年 10 月 24 日 下午 10:27 
Errors cont.

Could not resolve cross-reference: No Verse.DamageDef named YokaiPower found to give to Verse.DamageMultiplier

Could not resolve cross-reference: No Verse.DamageDef named LF_Cocytus found to give to Verse.DamageMultiplier

Could not resolve cross-reference: No Verse.DamageDef named LF_Coldgrasp found to give to Verse.DamageMultiplier Verse.DamageMultiplier
blazedstr7 2022 年 10 月 24 日 下午 10:26 
Errors cont.
Could not resolve cross-reference: No RimWorld.StatDef named StuffPower_Armor_Harmony found to give to RimWorld.StatModifier (null stat)

Could not resolve cross-reference: No RimWorld.StatDef named Armor_Harmony found to give to RimWorld.StatModifier (null stat)

Could not resolve cross-reference: No RimWorld.StatDef named ToxicSensitivity found to give to RimWorld.StatModifier (null stat)

Could not resolve cross-reference: No Verse.DamageDef named FoxFlame found to give to Verse.DamageMultiplier

Could not resolve cross-reference: No Verse.DamageDef named YokaiPower found to give to Verse.DamageMultiplier