Resident Evil 6

Resident Evil 6

Resident Evil 6 PC - Paradox story (No Hope) - Carla/Krauser(Jake) swapped - Chapter 4
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"Chapter 4 of the paradox playthrough of Jake's campaign.
The managed to escaped the facility and the tank into an action loaded bike chase followed by taking down a chopper and of cours meating Nemesis agian followed by a persitant chainsaw guy.

Special thanks to my partner: Heckenpenner playing as Jake (Krauser)

Used mods:
- Carla - Ada Resident Evil 4 dress by arch
- Jake to Jack Krauser DSC by Packman
- Hellena to Jill BSAA by Kernelzilla
- Ustanak to Nemesis by Darknessvaltier

- Trainer do to the model swap
and changing/restricting the weapon layout as well as additional camera views

#RE6 #RE3 #Nemesis"