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VRChat 101: The Corona Virus [Updated!]
By ꧁⎛⎝Cass༒Tiel⎠⎞꧂
Welcome back class! I'm afraid to say we'll be meeting online today because of the growing pandemic. Make sure to send me an email if you need help navigating Zoom. This first meeting will just be a health and wellness checkup to inform you on everything you need to know to stay safe! And since you already paid for this course, it's not like you have a choice to drop out now. Some of you are just a few credits away from graduating~ See you on Thursday!
New course available! VRChat 101: The Trap

This guide is not appropriate for all users. This guide contains adult language and may cause emotional distress. This might seem annoying, but please eat mochi slowly by carefully chewing small portions. When reading this guide, please make sure the room is well lit, and do not sit too close to the screen. Read at your own risk, you have been warned.
What is Coronavirus (COVID-19)?
Coronaviruses are viruses that circulate among animals but some of them are also known to affect humans. It was identified in China at the end of 2019 and is a new strain that had not previously been seen in humans. It has quickly spread around the worlds of VRChat so it's important to keep yourself safe!

It may seem surprising that it's called the 2019 novel coronavirus because nobody heard about it until late February 2020. That's because it took a while for governments to take it seriously, I mean, outside of them selling all their stocks before downplaying it to the public that is.

But, I digress, here is a quick reference sheet:

❊ Coronavirus (COVID-19) is an illness caused by a virus that can spread from person to person.

❊ The virus that causes COVID-19 is a new coronavirus that has spread throughout the world.

❊ COVID-19 symptoms can range from mild (or no symptoms) to severe illness.
How to spot if someone on VRChat has it
New viruses are especially scary as we don't know everything about them.

What we do know is that patients with COVID-19 reportedly have a mild to severe respiratory illness with the following symptoms:

❊ Fever

❊ Cough

❊ Nausea & Vomiting

❊ Shortness of breath

❊ Their free trial of living ending

It seems every week new symptoms get added to the list (like blood clots and heart attacks). The symptoms listed may appear 2-14 days after exposure. That means that there's a whole 48 hours that you could potentially spread the disease before you even know you have it. That being said, avoid other users who you think might have it!
What to do if I get it?
Stay in your VRChat home if you are sick, except to get medical care.

Avoid public transportation, ride-sharing, or taxis.

Separate yourself from other people and pets when traversing the VR universe (it helps if you have an avatar with a weapon!)

There is no specific treatment for COVID-19, but you can seek medical care to help relieve your symptoms.

Don't forget to get plenty of rest too!

If you need medical attention, call ahead.

And for the love of God do NOT stock up on toilet paper. It's not gonna save you from the virus and there's plenty of dirty booties out there that needs a cleaning.
How do I avoid getting it from other VRChat players?
You can become infected by coming into close contact (about 6 feet or two arm lengths) with a person who has COVID-19. COVID-19 is primarily spread from person to person.

You can become infected from respiratory droplets when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or talks.
You may also be able to get it by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it, and then by touching your mouth, nose, or eyes.

There is currently no vaccine to protect against COVID-19. The best way to protect yourself is to avoid being exposed to the virus that causes COVID-19.
There is now a vaccine for COVID-19! :D Get vaccinated and stay safe!

Stay home as much as possible and avoid close contact with others.

Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces.

Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.

Practice social distancing

Buy groceries and medicine, go to the doctor, and complete banking activities online when possible.

If you must go in person, stay at least 6 feet away from others and disinfect items you must touch.

Get deliveries and takeout, and limit in-person contact as much as possible.
5 fun things to do in VRChat during lockdown
Watch a movie in one of the many theater worlds!

Get drunk with your friends in Drinking Night!

Explore a scary world with monsters that chase you!

See what it's like to live underwater in the many aquatic worlds!

Learn to dance through YouTube dance tutorials!
In conclusion, we've talked about what the coronavirus is, how you can avoid getting it, and what to do if you already have it. We all play a role in keeping everyone safe~

Now get out there and have fun!

SoulShot 30 Jul, 2020 @ 1:38pm 
What's out in Indonesia of FAI/FIB Fabunan antiviral injection and fabunan immune booster vaccine to be launch this week of later. Invented by Filipino Doctor Ruben Fabunan patent in the US and currently in Indonesia developed 35 yrs ago.
Raizel 30 Jun, 2020 @ 3:03pm 
i love this character, i need more of them. (also hail sithis brothers and sisters)
Butterhamster 2 Jun, 2020 @ 8:17pm 
I lowkey prefer reading this over and over than the instructions I got from the government and work. Sure, more text but easier to read on my end.
Good job. :104:
jaws 27 May, 2020 @ 6:24pm 
IssyMoment 19 May, 2020 @ 11:58pm 
This is more informative than the stuff my actual government is putting out. Nice job <3
戦国ワイフ (WarfareWaifu) 18 May, 2020 @ 6:34am 
love the pics
GoodGamer 12 May, 2020 @ 3:46pm 
Damn fine work
꧁⎛⎝Cass༒Tiel⎠⎞꧂  [author] 12 May, 2020 @ 1:46pm 
Psst. Hey, I know who you are. Hail Sithis! :carrionsmile:
KING OF ZIMBABWE 12 May, 2020 @ 12:25pm 
My cousin's out fighting dragons, and what do i get? Guard duty.