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Petition! Bethesda, move multiplayer from Doom 2016 to DOOM Eternal
Autorstwa: I7cux[RU]~Psycho
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Bethesda, move multiplayer from Doom 2016 to DOOM Eternal
Link for signing a petition: {LINK USUNIĘTY}

Most of my friends who play DOOM liked the multiplayer of THIS game. Back in 2016, I would have forgotten about a single campaign. But not for multiplayer.

The multiplayer gameplay turned out to be unique in its kind: physics, combo shots, equipment, colorful kills-all this strongly distinguishes the game from the gray mass of other shooters.

Please add multiplayer from DOOM 2016 to DOOM Eternal, add anti-cheat and disable controller support in multiplayer.

Players do not want to leave the doom 2016 multiplayer and are very afraid for its fate. Please do not remain indifferent to the players ' wishes.

The game will become much more popular if you do so.

Komentarzy: 35
вау мяу 28 stycznia 2022 o 0:01 
полностью согласен, мультиплеер и правда хорош
psysXx 9 maja 2020 o 10:39 
IKR like can some games just be SINGLEPLAYER why does it seem like so many develepors want to smash some MP ina game just so it can say SP + MP? I think there are enough MP games but we need more solid SP only games.
alberto pau de metro 10 kwietnia 2020 o 8:47 
Not only deathmatch, but Co-op as well. Co-op was even the default multiplayer mode if you forgot to set it up explicitly as DEATHMATCH in SETUP.

The only way you'd be oblivious to multiplayer in the originals is if the only experience you have with them up until this date is through Bethesda's ports. They don't have the same capabilities, probably because they can't really compete with GZDoom and the multiplayer-focused fan ports. Just run a google or youtube search to prove yourself wrong.
alberto pau de metro 10 kwietnia 2020 o 8:39 
@Mausinator08: Nope, the originals already had multiplayer support through IPX. You just had to use SETUP to configure and start it.
Fyzure 6 kwietnia 2020 o 12:43 
<corrupt_%data> 4 kwietnia 2020 o 15:59 
i didn't realize people played doom 2016 multiplayer
BleppyBoo 2 kwietnia 2020 o 17:22 
Or you could just keep playing Doom 2016 multiplayer.
I7cux[RU]~Psycho  [autor] 31 marca 2020 o 21:08 
Уже 240 игроков проголосовало за

Mausinator08 31 marca 2020 o 16:18 
Feel free to bash me, it's just my opinion. I could care less about warring over this, just wanted to throw in my thoughts. No one here is right... nor are any one of you wrong. It's a matter of personal preference and the times to me.
Mausinator08 31 marca 2020 o 16:16 
Wow! Weren't the first 2 classics (Doom and Doom II) single player ONLY?! For those of you who don't like change, you're saying you want them to change. They already DID by adding multiplayer in III and 2016! And the campaign in 2016 as much as people say stuck to their roots, yes I agree, they also added a lot! Haven't played Doom Eternal yet, but from what I read someone else saying, it sounds like they'll add player demons... you want a petition? How about COOP Campaign!!! Or, heck, maybe the iteration after Doom Eternal becomes MMO... =O