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Mod, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5
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14.254 MB
15 mars 2020 à 9h13
6 avr. à 2h03
11 notes de changement ( voir )

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Lets you tend to downed pawns right where they are instead of taking them to beds.
A true lifesaver :)

Doctors won't take the time to search for medicine; this is intended as an emergency action.

The tending action is kept vanilla for its calculations, which means you'll probably have bad tending quality (no medicine used, no bed bonus, probably filth around), but hey! The bleeding has stopped.

GitHub: https://github.com/Linkolas/RW_Stabilize

- English
- Japanese (thanks to @Proxyer)
- German (thanks to @Sacred-Shadow)
- French (thanks to @skalou)
- Spanish (thanks to @Spartan)
- Polish (thanks to @soshman)
- Chinese (thanks to @gaogzs)
- Portuguese Brazilian (thanks to @Bambinoff)
- Russian (thanks to @mike-ovch)
335 commentaires
Futstub 22 juin à 4h16 
What's the difference between tending and stabilizing?
Because can't you just tend to them in the field?
Senacharim 21 mai à 22h43 

Love this mod! Wish it made a 'stabilize & rescue' (in that order) work type to the left of 'Doctor', and I also wish they stopped the 'Stabilize' once the bleeding was stopped--I don't think stabilizing bruises accomplishes much.
Cat 20 mai à 20h13 
Pretty sure you can draft someone and they can tend to someone on the spot in the base game.
Auklin 6 mai à 21h01 
honestly boss did you consider making it so this mod ONLY stabilizes bleeds? would make it a considerably cut above base, given I'd like to tell my doctors to JUST stabilize/stop bleeds and move on to the next in queue instead of micromanaging everyone.
Linkolas  [créateur] 16 avr. à 11h50 
@BPolice: Been playing since the update with many mods, and no issue with Stabilize. make sure Harmony & HugsLib are enabled before Stabilize in the load order.
Butthole Police 16 avr. à 11h41 
This is not working for me now. The option just completely dissapeared
Monkey Magic 8 avr. à 3h10 
@Chord TBF, I'm pretty sure drafted tending has only been in the game since 1.3 something or other (I recall it not being an option in 1.2) and this mod has been around since before then. That said, drafted tending only works for one's own pawns. I assume this mod applies to other pawns too
Chord 7 avr. à 14h43 
this has existed in the base game for a long time lol. you just had to draft them
Proxyer 6 avr. à 4h03 
Thank you update!

Steam cliant is slow starter. restart steam, or play rimworld and exit, and a few min wait. So start download update.
Atori625 6 avr. à 3h49 
don't know why but still after downloading it's only for 1.4 version :/