Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic

Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic

177 rating
Polish State Railways part 3
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Vehicles (by category): Cargo wagon
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Polish State Railways part 3

Dalam koleksi 1 dari mattslodki
Polish Road Set
Item 7
Welcome to the third and last pack of the PKP (Polskie Koleje Państwowe - Polish state railways) waggons - the next one will finally be locomotives.
This pack contains freight waggons used to transport specific materials across the railway, so don't let the ability to load livestock onto a grain waggon fool you.
The waggons range from the first world war to the modern times with a few livery varieties. The years aren't for production but for the usage (untill x to y). For the sake of fun, please use the waggons which are made specifically for something to exactly that purpose, not any other. The game doesn't let us make waggons able to load specific things yet. Also if you're doing a socialist game, use liveries on waggons which are from the original PKP (Polish State Railways). These liveries are brown (for gondolas and covered), gray (for grain and cement waggons), white (for refridgerated waggons). DEC writings on tanker waggons mean Dyrekcja Eksploatacji Cystern - Tanker Waggons Section. That is also socialist.

So here is the list of the waggons included in this pack:


-1S (Sdw) with the max speed of 65km/h and the low capacity of 19 tonnes is a small two axle waggon great if you need a cheap thing to supply something. It weights 8 tonnes. Made in Poland.
-2S (Sddw) is a slightly bigger
26 Komentar
mattslodki  [pembuat] 29 Okt 2022 @ 1:25pm 
z WAAGONMI OK, zobacz ustawienia centrum, kanał bielicowy na yt działają
ArturK 21 Okt 2022 @ 11:58am 
Jest jakiś problem z wagonami używanymi w centach logistycznych. Mianowicie po zakupie Rt 500 Zaes pociągi przestały wyjeżdżać kompletnie...
HOMESTICK 10 Mei 2022 @ 8:21pm 
Hello! With the nearest update, now can set wagons to transport only one kind of resources , just add $RESOURCE_ALLOW_ONLY chemicals in script. Can you update the chemical, plants and oil wagons? Thanks!
mattslodki  [pembuat] 27 Apr 2020 @ 10:49am 
Zapraszam na oficjalny discord moderski, potrzebujemy chętnych i zdolnych do robienia malowań
z fototextur na paczkę PKP diesel!
Kruku 27 Apr 2020 @ 8:01am 
Zarąbiste :3
W nagrodę masz order wielkiego warsztaciarza w Soviet Republic :3 :german:
SM48™ 27 Apr 2020 @ 12:10am 
Dobra robota !
Bardzo mi się przydała wasza seria Polskiego taboru.
mattslodki  [pembuat] 12 Apr 2020 @ 3:31pm 
РЕД As you see in the right corner on preview image you have icon witch suggesting what you should transporting. 408Rc is for chemicals. For now you can't dedicate wagon to transport only one item in script (for covered type transport)
РЕД 12 Apr 2020 @ 2:36am 
Почему габаритные размеры такие маленькие, например у 408Rc? 155т урожай... Why are the overall dimensions so small, such as the 408Rc? 155t crop...
momob 2 Apr 2020 @ 4:33am 
It worked! Thanks
mattslodki  [pembuat] 2 Apr 2020 @ 3:49am 
We will fix that!