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"The game is installed soo is this a 66 gb big update??"
4 comentário(s)
Void O'Dimm 12/mar./2020 às 7:14 
they changed the way the game compressed data that's why and yeah i agree lol that's what i did because they once did that and it made me download the game twice cause steam felt like it xD
Snake Eyes ✰  [autor(a)] 12/mar./2020 às 7:09 
hm yeah got told already... it's just super weird. why would you do that (as a dev or whatever)? you could tell ppl to delete and the game and reinstall it as well then xD
Void O'Dimm 12/mar./2020 às 7:02 
you are basically downloading the entire game again, even if you uninstalled it, it will still be a 66gb download :(