Divinity: Original Sin 2

Divinity: Original Sin 2

429 人が評価
Majoras - Polymorph Cosmetics
Type: Add-on
Game Mode: Story, GM
85.718 MB
2020年3月10日 11時06分
2021年7月5日 5時13分
8 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Majoras - Polymorph Cosmetics

Majoras 作成の 1 件のコレクション
Majoras Mod Collection
5 アイテム
What is Polymorph Cosmetics?

PP is a mod that adds unique visual models to the 'Horns' and 'Wings' Polymorph skill of each race and gender. I have done my best to limit the clipping, but it is a one size having to fit all deal.

No setup required. Just subscribe, activate the mod, and enjoy looking awesome.

- Humans: [M/F] Glowing Devil Horns / Angel Wings (TBA)

- Undead Humans: [M/F] Glowing Devil Horns / Bone Wings

- Elves: [M/F] Elk Antlers / Tree Branch Wings

- Undead Elves: [M/F] Elk Antlers / Bone Wings

- Dwarves: [M/F] Ibex Horns / Gargoyle Wings

- Undead Dwarves: [M/F] Ibex Horns / Bone Wings

- Lizards: [M/F] Dragon Horns / Dragon Wings

- Undead Lizards: [M/F] Dragon Horns / Bone Wings

The future of Polymorph Cosmetics?

Unsure. There are only so many things that can be added as far as my skills are concerned. I will eventually add more variations between the genders and races.

Feel free to use the assets for whatever projects you may create in the future.

Special Thanks & Mentions

Shrike (Murderbot)

Laughing Leader




I take no ownership of the assets included in this mod. All assets originating from
other video game IP's are owned by their owners respectively. This is for the enjoyment of everyone!


- If you feel like donating -


There will never be a paywall between the mods I work on, and the people wanting to use them. Do not ever feel obligated to donate. Telling me how much fun you're having is generous in of itself ^^
人気スレッド 全て表示 (1)
2023年11月26日 0時17分
Unique models for other mods
84 件のコメント
RustyDios 2023年9月30日 10時05分 
So I couldn't get this working for the longest time. After alot of trial and error and multiple restarts with aid of the CheatCommander .. found out this has to be below Organised Containers in the load order. ??
Confirmed this by swapping the order of only these two mods - above OC fails, below OC works.

Just putting this here for anyone else stumbling upon the same issue as it's not mentioned in either mod from what I can see.

- Sidenote: the new visuals look amazing!
ZeroID 2023年5月6日 1時34分 
Hound Fluff 2023年4月8日 10時58分 
does this mod still work?
i noticed this one hasnt been updated in years like the rest
Blake 2022年8月17日 11時46分 
also i did try messing with my load order and it had no effect same thing happens no matter the load order
Blake 2022年8月17日 11時37分 
wondering if someone might know a fix, this mod is incredible, having to re apply my wings and horns after every single fight is uh less than fun
Blake 2022年8月17日 11時25分 
okay so im using the toggle polymorph mod and every time i get out of combat sense i installed this mod my wings and horns vanish and have to be reapplied
Larris 2021年11月1日 11時18分 
the scope and ideas behind this mod is great, but I'd like a 'lite' version that only gives dragon wings to lizards instead of all the changes to other races, do you know how I would go about making a patch for that?
Phantom Wolf 2021年10月30日 20時42分 
huh its not showing up on my mod list :( thats why i was asking thank you though :)
KirGeo 2021年10月27日 8時43分 
Yes, Its for DE.
Phantom Wolf 2021年10月26日 14時06分 
is this for DE?