Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

185 평점
Church: Lych Gate
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Assets: Prop
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1.631 MB
2020년 3월 1일 오전 5시 58분
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Church: Lych Gate

Macwelshman님의 2 모음집
Best of British: UK Prop Collection
아이템 238개
Church: Collected
아이템 4개
If you have a CS1 commission please use the link below.

Church Collection
This is designed to be used with the 'St.Andrew's Church' asset which is part of the 'Church: Collected' collection.

Church: Lych Gate
A 'Lych Gate', (also spelled lichgate, lycugate, lyke-gate), from the Old English 'Lic' meaning corpse, is a gateway covered with a roof found at the entrance to a traditional English or English-style churchyard.

In the Middle Ages, before mortuaries, and at a time when most people died at home, the dead were placed on a bier and taken to the lych gate where they remained, often attended against bodysnatchers, until the funeral service, which may have been a day or two later. The lych gate kept the rain off, and often had seats for the vigil watchers. Bodies at that time were buried in just shrouds rather than coffins. At the funeral, the priest conducted the first part of the service under the shelter of the lych gate.

The gateway was part of the church. It was where the clergy met the funeral party and where the bier rested while part of the service was read before burial. It also served to shelter the pall-bearers while the bier was brought from the church. In some lych gates there stood large flat stones called lich-stones upon which the corpse, usually uncoffined, was laid.

1846 tris, LOD 54 tris

512 x 512, LOD 128 x 128

As with my other church assets, this uses the same naming structure to speed up Find It mod searches.
If you search for "church" then this, and my other related assets, will appear top.

Please try this pack out and let me know, in the comments below, if you have any problems or suggestions.


Click below if you have any CS1 commissions for me to consider.
댓글 6
RubyRobbins 2021년 5월 6일 오후 5시 48분 
Thank you so much for the education! Oh and the wonderful gate <3
hillfanthomlike10 2021년 3월 13일 오전 8시 54분 
thank you
smof 2020년 4월 12일 오전 6시 29분 
Very nice thanks. The church in my home town has one of these and I never knew what it was for, so thanks for the education as well :P
leftbehind 2020년 3월 1일 오후 3시 40분 
Ah, I never knew that about these gates; I love the way you include the history on your assets!
gsims 2020년 3월 1일 오후 2시 46분 
Making one asset out of this set would be perfect
Rooster 2020년 3월 1일 오전 8시 31분 
Thank you.