100% Orange Juice

100% Orange Juice

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So You Want to Main Star Breaker...
Tekijältä Tekkahedron
...and other hilarious jokes you can tell yourself.
A guide on offensive characters in 100% Orange Juice.
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Greetings ruffians, pranksters, manslayers, and rabble-rousers! This guide is to help players new and old find an offensive character that matches their playstyle. Whether you are looking for your first main or for something new and exciting to try, I hope this guide helps you find a character that suits your preferences.

While this particular guide does have an element of satire to it, I did try to make it as informative as possible. I hope you will take the information here into consideration all the same.

Picking a Character

Aggressive characters in 100% Orange Juice have an interactive, high risk, high reward playstyle that a lot of players enjoy. The thrill of chasing down an opponent and taking their hard earned stars is something many players find irresistible. Even when narrowing down the roster to attackers, 100% Orange Juice has a huge variety of different characters to appeal to all different kinds of playstyles.

Oh! The character page on the 100% Orange Juice Wiki! Good thinking! This way we can look over all of the characters and weigh each of their pros and cons to find a perfect match.

I guess a lot of offensive character have a high ATK stat. It is what they use to get KOs after all. As long as we make sure to look over all of them and carefully... wait, what are you doing?

I don't like where this is going.

Uhh... shouldn't we read some of the cards first?


Alright, hold on there just a second there! Don't you think you're moving a bit too fast? You haven't even looked at any of the base game characters yet! Shouldn't you get a feel for what the game has to offer before committing to a DLC purchase?

I know you're eager to start fighting but that particular character isn't the best option for new players. Or experienced players. Or any players I guess. Why do I say that? Well first we need to go over what makes an offense character viable.

What Makes Offense Good?
As stated before, offense characters are a high risk, high reward alternative to more balanced or defensive strategies. Obviously they are better at dealing damage and taking out opponents in fights, but why is that a good thing?

Early win normas mean more stars

In the event that you manage to get an early KO or two, your character will be able to jump ahead in normas. Two wins and ten stars is all a player needs to get to norma level three, that's only one player KO! Since normas increase the number of stars you receive from bonus panels, it puts you at an advantage over your opponents in the star-collecting race and gives you access to more powerful cards sooner.

People die when they are killed

KOing an enemy player not only sets your opponent back tremendously, but gives you half of their stars. This is extremely important against opponents like Aru or the Cuties who can gather stars at an accelerated rate without needing to interact with other players much. In addition to the star loss, the KO'd player will also have to roll to revive in order to start making up their losses.

Positive ATK can deter fights

While a lot of offensive characters are a bit squishy, they can sometimes avoid conflicts due to the threat of a dangerous counterattack. Many players won't take unnecessary risks in order to protect their star stash, and getting a low roll against an offensive opponent is asking for trouble.

Offense characters can always make a comeback

If you find yourself KO'd late game or an opponent is otherwise out-collecting you, do not fear. Offense characters have a much higher chance to get a game-saving KO and pull themselves up from defeat. Many defensive characters don't have this luxury and depend on never falling behind to win rather than doing what they can to get ahead.

Offense forces player interaction

While this doesn't make you win, it does liven up games considerably. Having four players quietly collect stars from different corners of the map hardly makes for an interesting game. Start a ruckus! Find a rival! Become a heel! Just don't be a jerk about it!

Now that we know how offense characters succeed, we can go over Star Breaker, the offense character who does not benefit from most of these things.

So You Want to Main Star Breaker...

Star Breaker is an incredibly powerful character... on paper. She is tied for the highest ATK stat of all characters (excluding Sweet Eater), is reasonably bulky, and has a hyper that puts most characters in an extremely dangerous position. Star Blasting Fuse sets numerous Invisible Bomb traps that drop her opponents to 1 HP. Her only downsides are her -1 EVD and her inability to complete star normas. The first weakness limits her sustainability in fights. Most other characters of this archetype tend to be quite squishy, so this is to be expected given her good HP and DEF for a bully. The second weakness forces her to into win normas. However, this is barely a weakness in the first place, right? You picked her to be the best at fighting players after all, so you were going to get tons of wins anyways! How could such a character be bad? How could you possibly lose!

It's star normas. Not being able to choose star normas is why Star Breaker is bad.

Star normas are the quickest and easiest way for a player to achieve victory in 100% Orange Juice. This includes characters like Tomomo and Kae, who are great at KOing their opponents. The reason for this is that KOing an opponent in battle gives you half of their stars. Unless you are exclusively KOing neutral enemies, KOing other players gives a very large amount of stars while also setting an opponent back tremendously, especially later in the game. While star normas are more risky because they can be lost in the same way, the risks are usually overlooked due to just how easy it is to get stars vs how difficult it is to get wins. It only takes one well-timed KO to gain enough stars to win the game, as opposed to at least 7 to win via a win normas. It is generally a bad idea to pick win norma unless you already have the needed wins or are very close with the tools ready to gain the last win or two. Being locked into win normas creates situations where it becomes extremely difficult for Star Breaker to advance her win condition in comparison to her opponents.

She can't collect wins while she is KO'd

Stars are gained passively at the start of each chapter, even while your character is KO'd. Wins need to be earned in combat, and are only awarded when an enemy is KO'd. Getting your attack blocked or dodged earns you nothing. So while any other character can derp around on the other side of the map doing nothing and slowly inch closer to victory, Star Breaker is forced to find fights in order to win. If she happens to be KO'd in one of these fights, she will be unable to advance her win condition until she revives.

She is highly map dependent

While you are free to start your own Vortex + Battlefield only lobby, most lobbies use random maps and random events. Star Breaker does best on smaller maps like Clover and Starship and maps with a high concentration of battle spaces like Sakura Smackdown or Warfare. The closer she is to her opponents, the better her chances are for taking them out. Maps like Christmas Miracle and Training Program can be a nightmare to find fights on, putting her chances of victory in the hands of her opponents for the most part. Cards can help on these maps, but many are either unreliable, situational, or also help opponents escape.

If your opponents don't play your game, you don't win

Most player characters give two wins when KOed. Star Breaker only needs to KO 7 players in order to have enough wins to... well... win. Unfortunately, being KO'd means losing stars, so many characters take defensive measures to make sure this happens as little as possible. Battle cards like Rbits and Serious Battle are very commonly used to repel attackers and escape tools like Here and There and Dash! allow players to move themselves away from their assailant. The most effective and universal way to shut down Star Breaker is to simply stay away from her, as her only means of fighting far off foes are unreliable or situational.

The Boss turns off encounters (and kills you)

Once a player hits norma level 4, all encounter spaces are replaced with Boss panels. Not only does this turn off an easy source of wins for Star Breaker, it puts her at risk of being KO'd by the boss, which will make it even more difficult for her to collect wins. Even with +2 ATK, Star Breaker has trouble dealing damage to bosses. Once the boss starts to get low, everyone will be trying to steal the KO for themselves, whether they need the wins or not. If someone else snags the KO, you lose out on 3 wins. However sometimes, even if you do manage to KO the boss, it becomes as much of a liability as it does further your win condition.

Many KOs to win, one KO to lose

To put it bluntly, Star Breaker's passive punishes her for doing well. If she works hard, gets plenty of KOs against her opponents, or even KOs the boss, she will find herself with way more stars than she can use. While this would be a perfect opportunity for any other character to win, Star Breaker instead becomes a walking Piggy Bank for the player that would KO her unless she has the 14 wins required to win. Such an outcome is highly likely due to her reliance on fighting to win the game.

Picking a Character (Again)
In order to better break this down into more manageable chunks and not because of steam's character limits, I have divided everyone into groups based on playstyle and appeal.

The Super Cereal

Characters for players who are out to win it all. These units are some of the best in the game for offensive and opportunistic strategies.

Sora (Military)

The Big Hitters

These characters are great for players who like big numbers and OHKOs. Attacking first is important for these units to take advantage of their high ATK stats, as they risk not getting the chance if attacking second due to their poor defenses.


The Brawlers

These characters can take a punch as well as they can give one. They are very versatile and can fight a lot of different opponents on equal footing. Many of them are not good at dodging though, so sustained fighting can become dangerous for them if they don't take time to heal.

Store Manager
Yuki (Dangerous)
QP (Dangerous)
Marc (Pilot)

The Skirmishers

These characters rely on evasion to avoid taking damage. They are great at harassing weaker units like tanks who have a hard time hitting them. They do tend to get dunked on by high attack rolls however, as they don't have much HP or DEF to soak damage with.

Suguri (46 Billion Years)
Suguri (Ver.2)

The Big Brain Brigade

These characters make great fighters, provided you have a PHD in Alternative Playstyles with a minor in Decision Making. What I mean by that is that these units have unique mechanics that require a lot of character-specific knowledge that doesn't transfer to or from other characters well. They can be tough to learn but are also a lot of fun to play.

Shifu Robot
Flying Castle
Tomato & Mimyuu
Tomomo (Casual)

Team "One and Done"

These characters look like they could be great fighters, but have issues with consistency or other factors that prevent them from pursuing aggressive strategies. They have bursts of offensive power or windows of opportunity that can let them get a good pick or two, but will suffer if they try to fight too much.

Sweet Breaker

Team "Not Appearing In This Guide"

These characters are more suited to defensive play. None of them are bad and this doesn't mean that they can't KO players, but the purpose of this guide is to introduce characters that can be played aggressively. If you try to play aggro with these characters you're gonna have a bad time.

Marie Poppo
Robo Ball
Aru (Scramble)
Marie Poppo (Mixed)

I have also given each character a difficulty rating to represent of how much effort it will approximately take to learn the character.

Good for beginners. Almost no previous OJ experience is required to start playing this character.
Good for beginners that have a solid grasp of OJ's battle and card mechanics.
Good for intermediate players. May have simple character-specific mechanics.
Good for advanced players who have mastered their OJ fundamentals and want to take advantage of character-specific mechanics.
Good for OJ masters that want to flex. Requires an advanced understanding of OJ and complex character-specific mechanics.

The Super Cereal

Difficulty: ★★☆☆☆
Pros: Bulky, great at farming wins
Cons: Low sustain, expensive hyper late game

Marc is an remarkably consistent character that can be unlocked from the get go with no DLC required. Although her low HP and EVD make her easy to wear down in extended conflicts, her high ATK and hyper let her pick off opponents with ease. x16 Big Rocket can be used to damage opponents before a lethal attack or to steal far off KOs from opponents. An early rocket KO can get her normas very quickly. Later in the game, she can OHKO most players with x16 Big Rocket, but its cost becomes extremely high.


Difficulty: ★★★☆☆
Pros: Very strong balanced stats, can use defending cards on offense
Cons: Situational hyper, always subject to attacks in battle

Sherry has very high base stats, allowing her to dodge, defend, and attack with ease. In exchange, Sherry always attacks second, even when she attacks a unit or lands on an encounter space. This makes it difficult for her to play offensive battle cards, as most of them have defensive drawbacks and can be used against her before she has a chance to respond. Despite this, her extremely strong stat spread easily makes her a top tier character on their own.


Difficulty: ★★★★☆
Pros: Very hard to KO
Cons: Hard to play well, needs the boss to use hyper

NoName is an incredibly slippery opportunist that can be damn near impossible to take out when played well. Between defensive battle cards, his hyper, and his passive, NoName has plenty of ways to escape disadvantageous fights. It can be tough to manage all of this without spending all of your resources however. A good NoName knows exactly when to spend his stars.

Sora (Military)

Difficulty: ★★★☆☆
Pros: Instant revives for quick counterattacks, versatile hyper removes RNG
Cons: Can be chain-killed, easy to feed if not careful

Sora (Military) is a great character for players that love to fight. Her stats are well suited to picking on weaker characters. She is also very good at getting revenge KOs thanks to her revival passive and her hyper. Although she revives quickly, Sora (M) still gives 2 wins on KO. Being overly aggressive can feed wins and stars to her opponents and potentially set her up for more KOs as more opponents pass by.

The Big Hitters

Difficulty: ★★☆☆☆
Pros: High ATK, good HP, can deny KOs with hyper
Cons: Poor defenses, hyper is unreliable

Yuki is a solid character for players who like high ATK stats. Yuki's high damage output makes her great at taking out encounters and unprepared opponents. Although her low defensive stats make it tough for her to reduce or avoid damage, she does have an out with her hyper Gamble!. While "KO a random player" sounds like an offensive card, Gamble is best used in an emergency to try to either KO your attacker to escape or to KO yourself to dodge the penalties of being KO'd in battle.


Difficulty: ★★☆☆☆
Pros: High ATK, decent bulk, good control hyper late game
Cons: Low HP, high REC, level 4 hyper

Tomomo has higher defensive stats than Yuki, but lower HP and higher REC. This gives her better defensive rolls than Yuki on average, but also means that she is more likely to be KO'd by a bad roll. Magical Massacre is great for wasting opponent's time and reducing Tomomo's extremely high revive rolls.


Difficulty: ★★☆☆☆
Pros: KOs are worth less to opponents, hyper is great for picking off injured players
Cons: Frailest character in the game

Seagull is the most brittle of glass canons. With 3 HP and negative defensive stats, just about any character can take Seagull out if they roll well. In exchange, Seagull gives reduced stars and wins to opponents who KO him. Jonathan Rush allows him to pick off any low HP player from any position on the map.


Difficulty: ★★☆☆☆
Pros: Extremely high damage, efficient use of battle cards, low REC
Cons: Relies on OHKOs and +1 EVD for survival

If you wanted to play Star Breaker for OHKOs and big damage, then you probably should have picked this girl instead. Kae has some of the most explosive damage in the game thanks to the synergy her passive has with I'm on Fire, Rainbow-Colored Circle, and other DEF-lowering cards. Her only real weakness is that she relies on getting the first hit and having that be the only hit. If the opponent gets priority or survives and counterattacks, Kae is at a big risk of getting OHKO'd herself unless she gets a lucky dodge.

The Brawlers

Difficulty: ★☆☆☆☆
Pros: Balanced stats, good ATK, great hyper
Cons: Maybe a bit bland

Kai is who I recommend for players who are brand new to the game. Kai has neutral defensive stats, allowing him to take advantage of bot defensive and evasive battle cards. His ability to negate counterattacks using his hyper makes boss panels a breeze and can let him fight characters that would otherwise make his life painful.


Difficulty: ★☆☆☆☆
Pros: Strong, balanced stats, very strong combat hyper
Cons: Very low HP

Peat's +1 ATK, DEF, and EVD make him do well in just about any combat situation. Blue Crow the Second boosts his combat abilities to absurd levels for a low cost. It does not save him while at 1 HP though. Speaking of which, his low HP can lead to him going down more often than he'd like. Thankfully, his low REC lets him charge back into the fight sooner than other characters.

Store Manager

Difficulty: ★★★★☆
Pros: Very strong base stats, hyper shuts off opponent's cards
Cons: Can't play cards, no bonus panels, high REC

Store Manager is a unique character that sacrifices star generation and the ability to play most cards for raw combat stats. With a beefy +2 ATK and 6 HP, Store Manager is a force to be reckoned with in combat. The catch is that he can have trouble catching opponents and has no real way to get stars outside of mugging his opponents. Although he takes damage when he discards cards, this can be used to his advantage to deny opponents from KOing him.


Difficulty: ★☆☆☆☆
Pros: Good defensive stats, hyper can bait opponents and turn around fights
Cons: Low ATK without battle cards, hyper is useless at full HP

Syura is a character that gets stronger the more she is hurt. She shouldn't deliberately be taking damage to make Beyond Hell more powerful, but taking damage naturally happens in combat. Cards like Big Magnum can help this as well. At 1 HP, Beyond Hell boosts Syura to a terrifying +4 across the board. Without these cards though, Syura can be a little underwhelming in the damage department.


Difficulty: ★★★☆☆
Pros: Strong stats with gift card
Cons: Poor stats without Red & Blue, strict deckbuilding

Mei needs a little bit of setup before she can start fighting people. Once she empties her hand, she receives Red & Blue, a gift card that boosts her ATK, DEF, and EVD by 1. She can be quite strong once she has Red & Blue, as her stats allow her to fight most opponents and True White Christsmasher will take care of anyone she can't. Getting to that point, however, can be a pain if she draws a card that she can't get rid of easily. This restricts the cards she can bring, and being stuck with high level cards basically leaves you with a worse QP.

Yuki (Dangerous)

Difficulty: ★★★☆☆
Pros: Good hand control, alternative method for collecting wins
Cons: Can't get wins from encounters, traps are unreliable, hyper dependent

Yuki has the stats of a bruiser, but lacks the ability to gain wins from encounter panels. Instead she gains wins whenever an opponent lands on one of her traps. This limits the number of battle cards she can bring. In addition, her trap-focused playstyle is extremely reliant on her hyper and for opponents to land on said traps. If you play her just to fight, you are generally better off just playing Kai. If you want to mess with your opponents and steal their cards, then Yuki (Dangerous) might be the character for you.


Difficulty: ★★☆☆☆
Pros: Balanced stats, massive stat boost from hyper
Cons: Hyper is weak early and expensive late game

Ellie has the same stats as Kai, but with a hyper more geared towards explosive offense rather than safety. Her hyper does cause her to sacrifice some of Kai's versatility however. Defensive cards increase the chance that she won't capitalize off of her expensive hyper and Reverse Attribute Field, Shield Counter, and Serious Battle are extremely dangerous for her to bring.

QP (Dangerous)

Difficulty: ★★☆☆☆
Pros: Solid base stats, holding cards gives stat boosts
Cons: Requires setup, weak to hand disruption, must choose stats or utility

QP (Dangerous) Pudding cards in QPD's hand boost her stats, allowing the player to build their own stat spread. A combination of ATK and DEF is usually what you want to go for. The EVD and max HP puddings are nice if you can find them, but you shouldn't worry about using them for their intended healing purposes.

Marc (Pilot)

Difficulty: ★★☆☆☆
Pros: Marc, but with a cheaper hyper
Cons: Hyper is telegraphed and has lower max damage

Marc (Pilot) sacrifices a bit of damage and reaction speed in order to better manage how many stars she spends on her hyper. Rocket Canon only deals 1 damage uncharged. The turn spent charging it gives opponents a chance to heal or KO your target. Even so, a lot of the good points of Marc also carry over to Marc (Pilot) due to them having the same unit card and similar hypers. Over all, she's a just as good, if not better, alternative for players who think x16 Big Rocket is too expensive late game.

The Skirmishers

Difficulty: ★☆☆☆☆
Pros: High EVD, explosive hyper
Cons: Dodge or die, hyper can whiff, encourages bad habits

Suguri is far easier that the starter screen makes her out to be. Her high EVD and low HP and DEF mean a lot of fights come down to whether she can succeed her dodge roll or not. With +2 EVD, she can be extremely hard for low ATK characters to hit. An attack roll of 2 or less doesn't even have a chance of hitting her, letting her bully these characters with little chance of repercussions. Accelerator can lead to some incredibly high rolls, but is capable of whiffing. Remember, two 1s is still a 2.


Difficulty: ★★☆☆☆
Pros: Good HP, hyper counters EVD and wastes opponents' time
Cons: Takes a lot of damage

Hime is a pretty simple character to play who is great at manipulating her opponents. Binding Chains is an excellent card for limiting player movement that hamstrings any units that rely on evasion. +1 ATK lets her deal a respectable amount of damage and her HP gives her a much safer means of surviving an unlucky roll when compared to 4 HP characters like Suguri.


Difficulty: ★☆☆☆☆
Pros: Strong stats, hyper eliminates RNG
Cons: Low HP, expensive hyper

Sora is another strong, yet easy to play character. In addition to her well-rounded stats, she one of the strongest abilities in 100% Orange Juice: the ability to eliminate RNG. Extraordinary Specs makes every die she rolls that chapter a 6, giving her a huge edge in combat, big bonus panels, and predetermined movement rolls.


Difficulty: ★★★☆☆
Pros: Passive damage on dodge, hyper has tons of utility
Cons: Low HP, low ATK, needs cards to make use of passive

Repa. Repa has a unique mechanic where dodging an opponent's attack deals 1 damage to the opponent. This skill makes her extremely potent against tank characters due to their high DEF and low ATK. Against other characters she will need the help of Rainbow-Colored Circle and Accelerating Sky to dodge consistently. Witch's Hair Lock has a surprising number of uses, including trapping a fleeing opponent, forcing an opponent to drop or encounter twice, locking yourself over a home panel to norma twice, and so much more.


Difficulty: ★★★☆☆
Pros: Can greatly boost ATK with cards, high EVD
Cons: Dependent on gift cards, dodge or die

Tsih plays in a similar manner to Suguri, with an added setup mechanic involving gift cards and her hyper. Without a gift card, Tsih has lackluster ATK. With one however, Tsih has +2 ATK. Add the +2 ATK from her hyper Stealth On and potentially a battle card, and Tsih can deal a lot of damage. This can be tough to pull off however, as Tsih needs to draw one of her gift cards first. Many gift cards are lost on KO as well, so it can be tough for Tsih to hang on to them.


Difficulty: ★★★☆☆
Pros: Good HP, high utility hyper
Cons: Takes a lot of damage, trap cards are inconsistent

Mira has the same stats as Hime, but uses them to be an ultra mobile assassin unit instead. Their hyper places a mark at Mira's position, which can then be teleported to later. This can be used to jump enemy units, escape, or return to your home base for a norma. Doing so even slows enemies that were near the mark for a few chapters, letting Mira continue their assault over the next few turns.

Suguri (46 Billion Years)

Difficulty: ★★★☆☆
Pros: High EVD, can damage opponents outside of combat
Cons: Low HP and ATK, overloading cards is expensive, hyper is unreliable

Suguri (46BY)'s 0 ATK stat really hurts this character's attempts to go on the offensive. She can have trouble finishing off characters that she has damaged with her sniping cards, especially other evasive characters. KOing them outright with the cards themselves is also mostly out of the picture, as most cards don't give any sort of reward when you get a KO with them. The ones that do either give wins, which aren't easy for Suguri (46BY) to get, or stars, which aren't worth overloading for. She's really fun in co-op mode though and is great for sniping boss minions.


Difficulty: ★★★★★
Pros: Good HP, hyper can copy strong cards
Cons: Dependent on opponents for powerful cards, hyper has incredibly complex interactions

Sumika requires the most complex knowledge of card interactions of any character in the game. Did you know that Miracle Walker hypers never go to the discard pile? How about the order cards get discarded in from a Flamethrower activation? Well, you will have to know these things among a number of other interactions in order to get the best usage out of the hyper Reproduction of Records. Aside from that, Sumika depends on using her opponent's cards against them, so opponents with weak hypers can make it hard for her to get the best use out of her hyper.


Difficulty: ★★★☆☆
Pros: EVD scales with opponent's ATK
Cons: Very expensive hyper that can whiff, stats are below average compared to similar characters

Alicianrone suffers from poor stats and an extremely expensive and unreliable hyper card. The two things she has going for her however are her scaling EVD and the sheer pick potential her hyper Full Speed Alicianrone has when you roll correctly. She does better against high ATK characters like Tomomo than other evasion characters, but not significantly so. I can't believe I'm saying it, but Suguri is a far more consistent kit that doesn't leave you quite as high and dry as Rone's does.

Suguri (Ver.2)

Difficulty: ★★★☆☆
Pros: Suguri, but with HP regen and an anti-aggro hyper
Cons: Two card hand size, still rather dodge or die

Health regeneration gives this version of Suguri a bit more safety than her normal form. For example, an attack roll of 4 is much safer for her to defend against while at full HP. Normal Suguri could be left with a minimal amount of HP, but Suguri (Ver.2) can heal it back over time, giving her more opportunities to take the safe block. Revival of Stars is great for shutting down other offense characters due to the ATK debuff and removal of encounter panels, but remember that us affects you as well.

The Big Brain Brigade
Shifu Robot

Difficulty: ★★★★☆
Pros: Instant revive, HP regen, hyper gives a massive and long-lasting ATK boost
Cons: Extremely vulnerable to being chain-KO'd

Shifu Robot is almost as good at getting revenge KOs as Sora (Military). However, reviving with 1 HP with -1 EVD means that Shifu Robot can be put into very dangerous situations. Shifu Robot still gives full stars and wins on KO, so being KO'd near a group of players can cause it to lose stars very quickly. Turbo Charged can boost Shifu Robot's ATK all the way up to +5 if used at full HP. This boost decays over time, but it only takes a turn or two for Shifu Robot to steamroll a few opponents.

Flying Castle

Difficulty: ★★★★☆
Pros: Massive HP pool for an offense character
Cons: High REC, no counterattack

Flying Castle's huge HP gives it a big advantage when attacking neutral and defensive characters. On defense, however, Flying Castle is a sitting duck due to its inability to counterattack. Staying alive means bringing the fight to your opponents and requires clever use of positioning cards like Immovable Object or Here and There to get yourself out of harm's way.


Difficulty: ★★★★★
Pros: Stacks boost stats to insane levels, hyper is pretty much a OHKO
Cons: Weak with no stacks, relies on opponents bringing battle cards, hyper spends all of your stars

Nath has huge potential, but takes a lot of careful play to get to that point. While incredibly strong once stacked, Nath is very weak without them and gets punished very hard when misplayed. She loses stacks on KO and can potentially whiff her hyper due to some battle cards that hard counter it. Mastering when to play your battle cards and when to take the KO are integral to playing Nath well.

Tomato & Mimyuu

Difficulty: ★★★★★
Pros: Quick revives, hyper boosts combat strength
Cons: Low HP, requires setup to succeed, hyper reliant, high skill floor

This pair requires a lot of preparation and patience before they can truly shine as an offense character. Focus on getting as many hypers as possible as Mimyuu. Once the deck starts to thin, fill the deck with hammers and switch to Tomato to draw lots of very powerful battle cards. Tomato is also pretty good at taking out opponents on her own, but her low HP makes missing a KO dangerous.


Difficulty: ★★★☆☆
Pros: Damage-blocking passive and hyper, good against other offense characters
Cons: Easy to KO when under 2 HP, heal reliant

Miusaki has a unique niche as an anti-offense offense character. Her damage-blocking passive and hyper give her windows of opportunity where she cannot be KO'd in battle. This allows her to walk up to the scariest bullies in the game, play offensive battle cards right in their face, and smack them for high amounts of damage while not having to fear for her own life. HP management skills are a must to fully take advantage of Miusaki's kit. Knowing when to fight, heal, and run as well as which battle cards to play in a given situation turn a good Miusaki into a terrifying Miusaki.

Tomomo (Casual)

Difficulty: ★★★☆☆
Pros: Godlike offensive stats when transformed
Cons: Setup is extremely difficult, casual form is very weak

If Star Breaker appeals to you because of the rush felt when her inconsistent kit goes in your favor, then Tomomo (Casual) is this feeling embodied into a character. Tomomo (Casual) is incredibly weak, having poor HP and ATK. Her saving grace is her Sweet Eater form, which unlocked via her hyper. Although Sweet Eater has very high stats, it is important to say that she is not a faceroll character. Fight when it is safe and heal often to try to maintain the transformation as long as possible.


Difficulty: ★★★★☆
Pros: Heals opponents to increase star collection
Cons: Very hard to get KOs, very unique playstyle

"But Tekka, Natsumi is a healer! She doesn't fight people!"
Wrong! Natsumi is a healer, but fighting opponents is a great way to deal damage to them and put her in position to trigger her passive. KOs may be a pipe dream for Natsumi, but knowing who to fight and how far to push your attack are integral to becoming a good Natsumi player.


Difficulty: ★★★★☆
Pros: Can be offensive or tanky, hyper has multiple uses
Cons: Tough to play around passive, opponents can take advantage of mode changing

Yuuki flip-flops between an offensive monster and a defensive tank every other chapter. It can be tough to manage these two modes as well as the two forms her hyper takes. Playing Yuuki requires a lot of foresight, as you not only need to plan your moves based on her forms, but also predict how opponents will pay around her.

Team "One and Done"

Difficulty: ★★★☆☆
Pros: Extremely versatile, hyper is defensive and offensive
Cons: Maybe a little too versatile (no particular strengths), card reliant

QP is a character that can use cards in just about any situation. Without battle cards, however, she has trouble dealing consistent damage and dealing with offensive characters. She is better played as an opportunistic jack of all trades than as an aggro character. Hyper Mode can be played as an offensive boost or to mitigate the penalties of being KO'd.


Difficulty: ★★☆☆☆
Pros: Can be offensive or tanky
Cons: Low-impact hyper, multiple copies aren't that useful

Kyousuke is a tank first and an offensive character second. His ability to KO his opponents rests entirely on his ability to find his hyper card, and maintain the transformation, two things you can't always count on in an RNG heavy game such as this. In general, it is better to use Cast Off to get some quick picks, then use it a second time to tank back up and protect the lead that you have acquired.

Sweet Breaker

Difficulty: ★★★★☆
Pros: Hyper decimates opponent's hands, reversed cards give massive combat boosts
Cons: Card reliant, expensive hyper, high REC

Sweet Breaker has the same issue that QP does where her balanced stats can let her go ham with the right cards, but doing so consistently is not something she is capable of without them. On top of that, her high REC makes her unacceptable to unlucky fights, which can happen more than you would think with her base stats. Her hyper Melting Memories however does give her a very expensive way to go very ham while messing with her opponents' hands.


Difficulty: ★★★★☆
Pros: Very high HP, can deny self and others with hyper, bonus stats from battle cards
Cons: Can't heal, low DEF, permanently loses HP from battle cards

Kiriko is all about finding creative ways to KO yourself. While she does have a passive that boosts the effectiveness of battle cards she plays, each one permanently reduces her maximum HP by 1, all the way down to 2 HP. Playing her full aggro is extremely inefficient and other characters can do it better. Kae is much more effective for battle card synergies and Flying Castle is a high HP character that can actually get KOs.


Difficulty: ★★★★☆
Pros: Miracle Walker, gets stars from gift cards
Cons: Low HP, high REC for a frail character, hyper is inconsistent

Nico has access to some of the most powerful combat hypers in the game. The problem is that she has no control over when she actually gets those cards. Without them, Nico is very squishy and can't hit particularly hard. While Nico has the potential to go ham, it shouldn't be her number one priority. Her increased star collection favors her for star normas anyways.


Difficulty: ★★★☆☆
Pros: Instant KO against 1 HP targets
Cons: Can't fight offensive opponents, poor defenses, hyper is random and countered by high HP characters

Poor Iru. She has an amazing passive that guarantees that she deals damage to players she attacks before battle cards are played. Unfortunately, attacking second with -1 DEF often leads to her taking way too much damage, especially against offensive-oriented opponents. Instead, she relies on battle cards like Serious Battle and damaging cards like Long-Distance Shot to damage opponents, then take them out with her passive before they can react. Extended Photon Rifle is a poor tool for collecting wins, as the damage is small and dealt randomly. A single opponent with high HP like Poppo will render it mostly useless as they sponge up the shots.


Difficulty: ★★☆☆☆
Pros: Very strong balanced stats, hyper gives easy picks
Cons: Cannot initiate combat against players without cards

Don't get me wrong, Islay is a very strong character. She shares the same base stats with Sherry after all. However she does spend a lot of the game doing absolutely nothing. Despite her amazing stats her only way to fight enemies is by using cards. This leads to her being more of an opportunistic off-tank than an fighter. Waiting for hypers is not something many people have the patience for, even for one as strong as Rival.

My Personal Recommendations

If you want a well balanced, offensive character to learn the game with, try Kai or Sora.

Both characters are available without purchasing DLC, with Kai being a starter character and Sora being unlocked near the end of every character's campaign. Kai has a very easy to work with stat spread and a hyper that helps protect against boss encounters. Sora is a very reliable combat character that can both rig RNG in her favor and rely on it for lucky dodges.

If you want a strong but easy to learn character that wins games consistently, try Marc or Sherry.

Marc is one of the best characters in the game for collecting wins thanks to her hyper and good stats. Sherry has some of the best base stats in the game, making her a force to be reckoned with in fights.

If you want a strong character that's a bit harder to learn, try NoName or Store Manager.

NoName, along with Poppo, is one of the best characters in the game when played well. He is incredibly hard to take down with all of his tools to dodge death and escape fights but still hits hard. Store Manager has some unique drawbacks that can be a lot of fun to overcome. His base stats make him a nightmare for most characters to face.

If you just want to faceroll and fight everything that moves, try Kae or Suguri.

Both characters are pretty straightforward to play and have tools to beat on opponents. Kae has her massive ATK boosts and Suguri has her evasion and Accelerator. Be careful not to pick up some bad habits though!

The End?

Thanks for reading! I hope this guide helps you improve at 100% Orange Juice!

Poppography: Poppo

Porrespondent: Poppo

Poducer: Poppo

Mokyuufreading: Poppo

Popplisher: Poppo

Marieketing: Poppo

Postributor: Poppo

Oh alright.

Since you made it this far, I can only assume you took the time to carefully read and weigh the pros and cons of each character. As a thanks for sticking around for so long, I'll go over Star Breaker and some of her good points.

Star Breaker

Difficulty: ★★★★☆
Pros: High ATK, above average stats
Cons: No star normas, hard countered by big maps and smart play

Star Breaker is an easy character to play but a very difficult character to win with. Her very strong combat stats make encounters a breeze and give her the advantage against evasive and neutral characters. Tanks have to fear her as well thanks to her hyper. Star Blasting Fuse plants invisible bombs that drop opponents to 1 HP, which leaves tanky characters extremely vulnerable. Star Breaker's biggest counter is smart play, leading her to be a bit of a noobstomper character. She destroys unprepared opponents but skilled players know how to effectively make her useless.

Offensive strength with marginal downsides in combat

While she has a hell of a time closing out games, Star Breaker is second only to Store Manager in terms of unassisted combat strength. All other characters with +2 ATK have some sort of disadvantage in combat when compared to Star Breaker. Tomomo has less HP and more REC, Yuki has less DEF and a terrible hyper, and Store Manager can't play most cards and has trouble gathering stars.

Unique downside encourages wasting stars

Because Star Breaker cannot use her stars to win, she is encouraged to try and blow her stars at any possible opportunity. Landing on drop panels is actually encouraged when playing Star Breaker. Bring very expensive cards like Super All-Out Mode or Little War and play them as much as possible to keep her star total under control. She can even run cards like Unlucky Charm or Price of Power to get rid of more stars. Play them alongside Star Blasting Fuse in order to keep your stars at a manageable level in case of your unfortunate demise.

Path Blockers synergies

Star Breaker can get a lot of use out of Path Blockers. Force a foe to fight you with Assault! Stop a fleeing enemy on an Invisible Bomb and take them out! Stop yourself on a Piyopiyo Procession that someone played on their base! Landing on her own traps wastes them at worst, so opponents will have a hard time turning this card against you like it can be used against characters like Saki.

She's fun

Plain and simple. This is the best reason to play a character.


Do not pick Star Breaker if:
  • You want to win games consistently.
  • You want to play faceroll aggro.
  • You are looking for a character to main while you learn.

Do pick Star Breaker if:
  • You want to play an offense character with unique drawbacks.
  • You want to play bad characters to try and solve them.
  • You just want to muck around and burn stuff.

Thanks for reading!

Let me know if you have any suggestions or if you felt this guide was missing something.

Click here for more OJ guides!

Images: 100% Orange Juice Wiki[100orangejuice.gamepedia.com]

Guide Icon: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1353194720
43 kommenttia
Redaction 29.5. klo 6.43 
instructions unclear, burned multiple stars.
Caesium 3.4. klo 0.10 
i mained starbo since i picked up the game back in like 2017. her desire to murder just clicked with me. i play for the chaos, not the wins. but i now regulate myself to one starbo game per session cause uh, im too good with her.
Sentinel 6.6.2023 klo 15.19 
Playing Starbreaker isn't about wining the game... It is about sending a message!
Eevote 22.4.2023 klo 20.55 
No mention of the angry child?
freaky lil floorboard creature 6.4.2023 klo 11.08 
I like playing her to be scary on the board. Sadly I never roll above a 2 on her attack rolls, so nobody ever fears me even with big magnum while they're low. (They only ever roll 6)

Game's rigged!
Pilot Avv 11.2.2023 klo 14.47 
I love Star Breaker I love being the equivalent of Mr. X in a board game I love watching people panic as I approach.
Fantastic guide tho'!
Xuila 18.10.2022 klo 9.46 
. 18.10.2022 klo 9.45 
не можешь оставить комментарий да?
Strams 12.10.2022 klo 4.09 
Silly fool. I play Starbo to watch the world burn, winning is optional.
Heal Breaker 21.8.2022 klo 18.08 
she either needs +3 ATK, revive roll of 4, or a final 400 star norma :100oj: