

30 次評價
The last autumn hard difficulty guide
由 asdfasdfasdf 發表
28 days to generator. Detailed guide for each day and hour. Very detailed for the beginning, gets less detailed for endgame. If you fail to do the tasks for the day, then reload autosave and try again.

day 1:
7:00 law: public house
build: gathering post near 2x wood pile and east steel pile
10:00 assign workers from east steel pile to gathering post
build workshop in the northeastern part
12:00 build 2nd workshop east of the former
14:00 build 3rd workshop east of the former all eng should be assigned now
15:00 research sawmill
18:00 build cookhouse behind the easternmost workshop without destroying resources
18:++ Idle hands -> stop them;
~20 assign 5 ppl to cookhouse

day 2:
02:00 law: house of pleasure (sustain life)
05:00 decision: provide shelter for everyone
10:00 build medical post behind cookhouse, assign idle workers to piles
12:00 build public house in northeast
13:00 research docks
14:00 move 5 eng to sick treatment, build 2 sawmills and assign workers
20:00 build 3 (4 if you can afford) tents and road in the south

day 3:
~9 build tents take 30 workers from wood piles if no idle and not in treatment
~11 dismantle unused gathering posts near generator;
~11 research foragers
~12 build docks north of workshops
~14 law: chapel
~14 build chapel and rest of tents
~20 build 1 gathering posts near docks
~22 assign 4 workers to docks and set to steel
~22 build sawmill in the south
~22 assign 30 workers to steel piles

day 4:
~9 leave 1 eng in medical if needed, rest to research
~9 law: sustain life
~10 move workers from piles to gathering station in port
~10 assign engineers from empty medical post to research
~10 research profiles manufacturing
~10 only fools doubt it!
~11 watch for empty gathering place move workers to gathering place near docks
~12 build 3rd gathering post near port
~16 build foragers in northwest
~16 build: telegraph station in northwest
~17 research drawing boards
~20 order max workers (23?)

day 5:
~2 law: care house; build immediatelly in northeast, near public house
~8 make foragers and send to raindeer tracks
~10 build care house
~10 indignant engineer - raise discontent
~16 build profiles manufacture
~16 research forager carts

day 6: remember to build tents for new workers!
~8 order more workers (14)
~10 foragers set up camp
~12 i will improve safety
~12 take 5 eng from research to medical post
~13 research sawmill upgrade
~14 censor the letter
~15 law overcrowding
~18 build 2 tents
~20 lets feed them and stockpile some food
~20 assign 5 workers to kitchen make normal rations

day 7:
~8 order 5 new engineers and max workers
~10 law:cocaine pills, do not turn coke on
~10 build new sawmill + another one if old one depleted
~12 research more foragers
~12 move eng from medical to research leave 1 in medical if needed
~13 build shaft structure
~20 move 5 eng to medical if needed

day 8:
~4 law: short shift
~4 build 2 tents
~6 order 10 workers
~10 research medical post upgrade
~10 build foragers
~14 cure the infected
~16 build 2 gathering posts near coal piles
~16 build docks and 3 gathering stations
~17 research ventilation plant
~22 law: safety procedures
~22 create new foragers team and move to nesting place

day 9:
~8 order 5 engineers
~12 produce profiles and wood
~13 move foragers to small waterfall
~15 research protective structures
~16 law: bath house
~18 build bath house
~18 build ventilation plant
~20 assign 10 gatherers to coal gathering posts (port), rest make wood
~23 build workshop and take free eng from med to workshop

day 10:
~8 move foragers to rock arch
~10 move depleted foragers to lake full of fish
~11 law extended shift
~11 order 12 workers
~11 turn on bath house
~13 research drafting machines
~13 if you have 6 profiles, make protective structure on generator, turn on ventilation plant and produce until 74%
~13 send rescue team
~14 build sawmill
~17 move foragers to closed tavern
~18 extended shift on research and steel gathering
~22 set up camp at lake full of fish

day 11:

~3 move foragers to the rapids
~5 law: extended shift compensation
~7 research faster gathering
~11 construction on strike at about 74 to 76%
~11 appease with extra rations
~11 side with engineers
~11 order 5 engineers
~13 move all workers from wood to generator
~13 shoo it away
~14 research machine shop
~15 move foragers to mountain lake
~20 shaft structure ready
~20 build factory inspectorate south
~22 foragers go home

day 12:
~9 research efficien gathering
~9 turn on bath house if ttuned off due to lack of coal
~12 order 5 more engineers
~12 build 5th workshop
~12 build 2 tents and sawmill to clear forest in the south
~13 send foragers to natures sculpture
~18 research mechanical calculators
~22 foragers to field kitchen

day 13:
~7 build machine shop
~7 foragers move to site 107
~12 research machine shop safety improvements
~13 law: overseers
~13 build overseers station which covers workshops and docks and generator
~13 order steam core
~14 keep it for engineers
~16 take effie and crew to our camp
~18 build pressure valves
~19 research profiles manufacture optimized materials

day 14:
~2 30 workers to generator; make it safe
~5 move foragers to collapsed mine
~5 max eng to medical post & inspectorate
~5 move workers to kitchen, switch to hearthy meals
~13 research difference engine
~13 order 5 engineers
~14 leave foto
~20 research redesigned templates(machine shop)
~20 assign workers from wood to steel

day 15:
~3 move foragers to lost crates
~11 foragers take crates and move home
~12 law: security outposts
~13 build security outposts
~14 research ventilation plat coupling
~14 start production at machine shop
~16 order 5 eng
~21 foragers move to 3 graves

day 16:
~1 build tower pumps
~7 research boosted forager carts
~8 move generator to 8-16 workplace
~9 produce safety equipment

the below is optional:
~12 strike at 21% APPEASE WITH RATIONS
~14 research sawmill range extension
~14 we cant afford it
~16 order max workers (11)
~16 sawmill max range extension

day 17:
~1 47 workers to generator
~3 build medical post
~4 foragers go to railroad track
~4 order 16 more workers
~7 cocaine pills on
~8 research informary
~8 order max workers
~8 work on generator until 54% then make it safe
~8 use escape routes
~8 research informary
~10 move foragers to train station
~12 law penal colony
~15 research faster realoding
~16 foragers go to icy plateau
~22 cut drug use
~22 send foragers to creve neige
~22 build informary

day 18:
~5 foragers go to trappers cabin
~8 research fishing harbor
~9 order max convicts (23)
~13 tower pumps will strike; leave max 10 workers there before strike!
~14 foragers with rations move home
~14 research upgraded docks
~15 order 26 convicts
~18 build fishing harbor

day 19:
~1 foragers from depleted lamove to mountain lake to gather food
~1 foragers move to workers camp
~8 research finer mesh
~12 foragers: lead them to our camp
~12 strike busting
~15 foragers set up camp
~15 order 20 more convicts
~16 research advanced fing harbor
~18 move foragers to bald hill

day 20:
~5 man the fishing docks
~6 law roundups
~6 build penal colony
~10 research foundry
~10 foragers move to site 120
~12 build support frame
~13 build sawmill
~13 overseer inspection
~15 order 20 covicts
~16 build resource depot, save coal
~17 research innovative process
~18 move foragers to snowy hills
~18 beat some sense into them
~20 build upgraded fishing harbor

day 21:
~1 foragers return home
~10 research reloading station
~13 foragers go to mountain pass
~13 build snother support frame
~17 build penal colony and order convicts
~17 research advanced docks
~19 build advanced docks and fishing harbors
~19 build reloading station on steel docks and coal docks

day 22:
~7 law bare knuckle bouts
~13 research safet improvements foundry
~17 turn off coke
~17 order steam core
~17 make overseer inspection
~19 build 1 more security outpost
~20 research optimized protection
~21 foragers move to rusting rails
~22 build advanced docks and gather steel
guide day 23-28
day 23:
~4 foragers move to storehouse
~6 coke on
~10 break strike on generator
~12 promise changes
~14 commend the overseer
~14 build gathering post near steel docks
~14 research efficient fans
~14 SAVE and try to get steam cores from storehouse
~15 foragers go to construction site (home)
~18 order steam core
~19 servitude

day 24:
~5 build gathering post near steel pile
~6 foragers move to cargo convoy
~10 build the core
~12 build panopticon
~14 research infirmary checklists
~14 side with overseers
~16 fire dampers remind me later
~18 order steam core

day 25:
~2 move foragers to herd of raindeer
~13 research steam reloading station
~14 promise changes
~16 build fire dampers
~18 use fire dampers
~19 law repatriation, build morgue
~20 build care house

day 26:
~4 foragers set camp at raindeers
~5 order 4 eng and max convicts
~14 research gathering optimization
~14 law medical repatriation
~15 build thermal hull

day 27:
~1 build 2 steam reloading stations for steel and 1 for coal
~10 research automatic prototyping
~12 foragers go home
~21 build 4 resource depots

day 28:
~5 disband 1 foragers
~7 buikld protective structures on generator
~7 research braziers
~11 law company funerals
~15 research efficient braziers
11 則留言
Golux 2023 年 8 月 25 日 下午 8:49 
I see a table of contents. Where is the guide? ## Thing. Is generally not useful without context or explanation.
JohnNav 2021 年 2 月 10 日 上午 7:00 
Very useful thanks :)
Carrthesixth 2020 年 11 月 16 日 上午 12:41 
At least there is cannibalism. 1 body=600 raw food. Morally wrong choice, but means only a few need to die if you lost all the food failing to trick the french. (Sent the guys with the found food to lie to the french on my second attempt of this...:steamfacepalm:)
JaegerBombastic 2020 年 11 月 10 日 下午 5:21 
Poorly written/unclear instructions for certain steps; skips a bunch of steps and/or is outdated (expects cocaine pills before gruel/hearty meals). I do not recommend this guide.
W R A T H 2020 年 8 月 23 日 下午 6:00 
this scenario beats me even on easy god
Aturchomicz 2020 年 6 月 23 日 上午 3:37 
Imagine needing a guide for this easy ass Scenario lol
Wizu 2020 年 6 月 6 日 上午 12:51 
Guide was useful, thanks!
BaranPolski 2020 年 3 月 11 日 下午 1:21 
ace go away:scum_banana:
acer6789 2020 年 3 月 3 日 下午 9:37 
And yes, i understand that you can answer like "go away, this guide is not for you, i dont care of your opinion" and so on. Yes i obviously tell my opinion. Maybe for many people this guide will be usefull and they will tell thanks for you. I told what i think.
acer6789 2020 年 3 月 3 日 下午 9:34 
I wrote it cause i play on survival and for me it is not even intersting to read guides on difficulty level hard. Maybe you are very smart and understand game very good and have several interesting ideas, but how can i estimate it if you play on hard? And i think, everyone who claimes good results must applicate screenshots. Cause how can people know do you really make it in 28 days or you just lies. ANd here is the other reason to play on survival, it is easy to see on screenshots, is it survival or not.