The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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X-Men Mutant Races with Wolverines Animated Claws
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31. Jan. 2014 um 16:13
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X-Men Mutant Races with Wolverines Animated Claws

In 2 Kollektionen von Kryptonian
Krypts Collection
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The Marvel Universe
14 Inhalte
X-Men Races built into Skyrim lore.
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This mod will work for you if you just want the animated claws no need to a make a new race. This will work for vanilla races and everything in between.


First and foremost this mod adds in "ANIMATED" Wolverine claws to the game.
Special effects on the Juggernaut Fists
Special Abilities for each mutant race
New Spells and effects
New Scripts for varius effects and spells
Healing Factor ability.
Storm's Control of the Weather and Lightning control.
Rogue's deadly touch.
Jean Grey's Telekinesis and fire manipulation as the Phoenix.
Iceman and all of his powers of Ice.
Nightcrawler's Teleportation.

Custom Skin and Eyes for Frozen Ice Mutants

New Armor's for male and female X-Men (Wolverine's Blue Jeans and Tanktop, Jean Grey's Phoenix, Ice Man's X-men Suit all craftable under Steel Category)

The List of New Races

The Wolverine's Race
Born in the most savgae of ways, your birth was not an easy one. On the night of a full moon a woman desperately seeking refuge was found by the lord of the hunt and he defiled her in the most heinus of ways, resulting in pregancy. When she came to term, the child was born, savage and feral, she feared for her sons life. Wanting to be rid of the abomination, she tried to drown the infant in the river. The baby was found by wolves and raised as one of the pack. Growing up as a savage was not easy, people are un-nerved by you even though you have a heart of gold.

Weather Controling Mutant Race aka Storm

The goddes Kynerath has chosen you to be her vessal on nirn. your powers dont come from the thuum or within, but from nature itself. Commanding the power of storms with but a thought has made others around you worship you as a goddess, is this gift a blessing or a curse?

Mutant Touch Race aka Rogue

Youve always been a strong willed nordic woman, powerful, hot tempered, and a raging spirit that cannot be tamed, The lord of domination saught to chnage this. Molag Bal, The father of Vampires took the form of a powerful attractive hero and tried to have his way with you, you faught and struggled to defend yourself. Scorned by your rejection, Molag bal has placed a curse on you. Anyone you try to touch will be drained of thier lifeforce, effecitly killing anyone you dare to love or care for, but such a curse could be used as a wepaon of great power, will you fight on brave heroine?

Magnetic Manipulator Race aka Magneto

Born a Milk Drinker you were bullied relentlessly by your fellow Nord brethren. Even Worse,The high Elves Saw you an easier target as an adult. During a Thalmor raid you were corned and watched as your mother was butchered by the inquisitors. As they leapt upon you you replied there attack using some unknown force. During your travels, while hunting the Thalmor scum you learn more about your mysterious power, healing your fellow man and weaker race beings, you learn the value of hard work with metal and ore. One fateful day you were able to save a group of miners from a cave in, your special power, turns out, you are the master of magnetism!

The Juggernaut Race with custom effects and weapons

Juggernaut is an avatar for the deity known as Cyttorak. The Juggernaut possesses vast superhuman strength the limits of which are unknown.The mystical energies of Cyttorak that empower your musculature generate no fatigue toxins during physical activity, granting you limitless superhuman stamina in all physical activities Virtually impregnable to all forms of conventional physical injury regardless of magnitude or intensity. "I'm the Juggernaut."

Neyaphem Race (Azazel and Nightcrawler are relatives of you)

Your existence has always been shunned so naturally escaping to the shadows has come second nature. through your un-natural power you can escape to any destination you choose, but be wary young freak of nature, you travel through the realms of oblivion to reach your goals, even for a fraction of a second, you have a chance of bringing something from the other side with you!

Omega Mutant Race aka Jean Grey as The Phoenix

Mehrunes Dagon,The Lord Of Energy, Chaos , and change has cursed you with his gift. An infinite amount of energy is constantly flowing thorough you making you very powerful, sometimes flames will pretured from you for no reason. This power, no matter how much you try to quell it, continues to rise in strength, just like the Phoenix, keep your powers in check or they will take over!

Frozen Mutant Race aka IceMan with Custom Frozen Ice Skin and Eyes

Being a native of Skyrim your blood has adopted to the cold more than any other Nord, so much so that you can manipulate the moisture in the air and create ice. how will you use these powers?

Plasma Emanation Mutant Race aka Cyclops and Havok

Your life has been a curse, you can never look upon another living soul with your own eyes without fear of harming them. The Daedric prince Clavicus vile thought it would be a funny joke to turn your eyes into a deadly force that constantly generate massive amounts of energy, with the help of an old wizard you have learned how to control such power, what you do with it now is up to you

Mutant X Race (a combination of all the mutants to make an ultimate Weapon) aka X-23 and Deadpool

Experiment X, or the brutal adamantium-skeletal bonding process leaves you with incredible new powers you are just now understanding.

Abilities, Spells and Weapons
Wolverine Animated retractable Claws (craftable at any Smelter look under jewelry category) also Healing Factor is his ability
Storm's Control of the Weather and Lightning control
Rogue's death touch
Jean Grey's Telekinesis and fire manipulation as the Phoenix
Iceman and all of his powers of Ice
Nightcrawler's Teleportation
All part of Mutant X race

Anton for making the original claws for Wolverine and for inspiring me to make this mod.
Hybris the Grey making the textures for the Jean Grey Outfit
Andrew Clements and Nancy Krantz for making Blue jeans in Skyrim
Dracula for helping me create the backstories for all of these races to be lore friendly

The Original Claw Mod is here
Wolverine Claws _animated_ by Anton
Thanks Anton for letting me bring your claws to Steam.

The original mod is here on the Nexus
Blue Jeans Plus Volume 3 by Andrew Clements and Nancy Krantz
Thanks for permission for base models

Skyrim Fans
X-Men Fans
Creators of X-Men and Marvel Universe

How to Install mods for Skyrim
Beliebte Diskussionen Alle anzeigen (12)
2. Sep. 2017 um 20:33
ANGEHEFTET: Wolverine Claws
17. Aug. 2014 um 18:32
ANGEHEFTET: Quests and Beast Forms
9. Apr. 2017 um 9:14
ANGEHEFTET: Clothing and Armor
567 Kommentare
Galactus 29. Feb. um 8:05 
When killcam goes with juggernaut weapon enemies doenst die but become unkillable. I have to kill them with normal attack.
hunterlangley16 11. Juli 2019 um 12:23 
Special Edition, please
PankPoonthar 15. Dez. 2018 um 11:55 
I can't find anything
Spoopy Help 26. Juli 2018 um 14:30 
Where are the spells?
sc00t 24. Mai 2018 um 19:59 
my powers for wolverine arnt working?
Vantaa 20. Okt. 2017 um 0:52 
where do i find the claws?
Awild93 15. Aug. 2017 um 22:50 
I wish the audio sounded like metal hits instead of fists
UnbornDecay25 21. Juli 2017 um 18:40 
Is there any way to lessen the healing factor on Mutant X? I know its supposed to be op, but I dont want to be completly invincible.
Wabbit 21. Juli 2017 um 9:58 
what are the commands for the claws
MG Spy 6. Juli 2017 um 18:37 
It's a shame this mod doesn't seem to be updated anymore. I used console commands to check out the bone claws and the model looks really good.