Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition

Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition

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How to Create a Demo on "Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition"
Από BlackSpawn
Currently, there is rudimentary demo functionality on "Duke Nukem: Megaton Edition." This Guide will show you how to make a demo.
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Setting Demo Recording ON/OFF
To set demo recording on:

1. Go to your "Library"
2. Right click on "Duke Nukem: Megaton Edition" and select "Properties"
3. Select "Set Launch Options", then type "/r" in the provided space

To set demo recording off:

1. Repeat steps 1, 2
2. Select "Set Launch Options", then leave the provided space blank

After setting demo recording on, the first level of every game you play will be recorded: both single and multiplayer games. Preferrably, you would want to be player one (Blue Player) if you are recording a demo.
Demo files: Location and Playback
Demos will automatically be saved on your "Duke Nukem: Megaton Edition" gameroot directory, typically "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Duke Nukem 3D\gameroot" for windows users, as "demo1.dmo" file. An easy way to access your DN:ME gameroot directory is to go to your "Library," right click on "Duke Nukem: Megaton Edition," select "Properties, "Local Files" and "Browse Local Files." Your gameroot directory will show up as a subfolder.

Demos will play automatically when you start Duke Nukem Megaton or when you "Return to Title" from within a game. Only files named "demo?.dmo" will play, where "?" indicates a number from 1-9. They will play in numerical order.
Demo functionality is quite rudimentary at this point in the BETA stages (1.1.7). Demo files are easily corrupted during the recording process. Currently, the only reliable way to finish a game that is being recorded is by setting and meeting a "Frag Limit" which takes you to the grey end of game score screen. Ending the game in any other manner such as setting a time limit, quitting or hitting the nuke button will corrupt the demo file.

You will notice that a demo file is corrupt because a number of odd things may occur. The game may crash, the demo may not run at all and return you to the main title menu or the demo may run but show the players doing crazy things that did not really transpire during the recorded game.

Keeping a demo file named as "demo?.dmo" in your gameroot directory may cause "DN:ME" to do funny things such as freeze/error out, get stuck on the main menu or bring up end the demo/end title screen just as you are joining a multiplayer game. All issues are solved by renaming the file or deleting/moving it from your gameroot directory.

Currently, player names during the demo are only saved correctly if you are player one (Blue Player).

Thanks to 3D Realms, DN:ME Dev team and Dev teams of all DN3D ports.

Thanks to MrRumbleRoses for helping me playtest the demos.

Feel free to PM me or cruise by "Kali Duke Nukem" Chat Group and post in the discussion if any questions, concerns, ideas.

Thank you all.
3 σχόλια
CyriLweB 8 Δεκ 2013, 9:48 
cool :)
BlackSpawn  [Δημιουργός] 4 Δεκ 2013, 15:04 
As far as I know the best solution is to screen capture with FRAPS or BANDICAM while replaying the demo. That way you won't get the usual lag that may occur when you use screen capture software in-game. Also with these demos you can see the perspective of all players by using the "See Coop View" Key, which is "K" by default.
[PXG]VegaXTerror 4 Δεκ 2013, 15:00 
cool can you convert to other file types for youtube?