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How to Medic good and alienate people
Por Snilah
Being a Medic in squad is all about compassion and loving your fellow man right? Thats WRONG and you can take it from me cos I love men! This guide will make a STONE COLD MEDIC out of you
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There are 2 Medics which do I pick

Left is what we'll refer to as "Irons Medic" (ignore the RDOT) and right is "Optic Medic", every faction has both these specs of medic and every squad gets the option of having one of each.

While it would be nice that both these Medic spots are filled per squad that doesn't always happen, because NO ONE likes to play Irons Medic and given the chance you should try to pick Optic medic EVERY TIME. Irons medic does get one frag grenade though, so if you're some kind of nade savant go for it. Otherwise both kits are the same (besides binos but who do you think you are, a squad leader?).

However! Both medics should be applied differently if both roles are filled within your squad;

Irons Medic
  • You are a babysitter for your squad leader
  • You are his rally friend he puts the rallies on you
  • You have devoted all your bandages to him
  • You love him
  • He WILL make you dig ♥♥♥♥
  • Do as he says
  • Only leave to assist your other Medic if they are down

Optic Medic
  • Good for you, you get to do stuff
  • You probably don't have an Irons Medic in your squad now, its all up to you
  • So keep an eye on your squad leader
  • Be forward but not TOO forward
  • Bait your squadmates for trade kills and free pickups
Positioning and Medic spacing
This guide won't teach you basic situational awareness, but a useful tip as medic is to use the CAPS LOCK quick map often and briefly to keep an eye on your positioning in relation to your other medic and your squad in general. Flash that map.

Luck you! Your squad has 2 medics! Now stay away from each other. Optic Medic I swear to god don't just hold your W key and walk ahead of everyone no one likes a rambo medic.
Pickup Prioritisation
Some lives actually do matter more than others, do not just chase every injured or downed person you see on your map pls pls pls. Lets do a list of most to least important people on your team!

1. Squad Leader
2. Squad Medics
3. Squad Fire Support Roles and Specialists (excluding Marksmen)
4. Squad Riflemen
7. Blueberry (those not in your squad) Medics
8. Blueberry Squad Leaders
16. Random Blueberries

Some notes here
  • Its easier to secure your Squad Leader's safety so he can place a rally to regroup your entire squad should you have mass casualties.
  • Blueberry Medics are more important than Blueberry Squad Leaders because a Medic's own Squad Leader is always their own concern, not yours.
  • Stranger danger is in effect! Do NOT pick up randoms, the only exception being if they are completely safe and doing so will not delay you or waste a precious amount of bandages.
  • Honestly don't bother though.
  • Ignore them if they are screaming at you in local from the middle of an open crossing.
thats all i can think of thanks for reading @_@
dont run out of bandages idiot

32 comentários
DeputyPelkMI 31 de mar. às 9:10 
Another note, If you can revive at least 3 guys who are competent and have like 2 or 3 more squadmates in an open clearing, SMOKE THAT SPOT LIKE ITS SNOOP DOGG. Then, take your competent soldiers with you as a security team and revive and extract your downed guys before the smokes clear, then extract from the clearing to make a plan of attack on the enemy.
DeputyPelkMI 31 de mar. às 9:05 
I think this is actually a very good summary of how to be a good medic and it also seems relatively idiot proof, I do think that it's a good idea to (when plausible) prioritize the other medic over your squad lead as then if you go down while getting squad lead, the other medic can (hopefully) get your ass back in the fight.

Otherwise, good writing. I personally just prefer the "irons" medic for the US Army faction but that's obviously just my personal preference. Any faction that actually has irons on their medic I typically try to run Optic. Just personally hate the ACOG.
ante_rain 11 de fev. às 20:38 
I endorse this message. Best medics are psychos who will tell you to shut up and wait your turn, and won't risk themselves to try to save dumb dumbs who died in the middle of the street.
[12thVA] WEST 27 nov. 2021 às 9:58 
woah my tip burns
Alex 12 nov. 2021 às 22:21 
Ascended Schwi don't be silly, marksmen don't wait to be revived.
Sgt.Soldfive 9 nov. 2021 às 10:09 
instruction unclear, i picked up the enemys instead of our teammates
Doc Possum 6 nov. 2021 às 23:30 
@Sabia's Big Mommy Milkers *SMOOCH*
edward 24 out. 2021 às 11:37 
weeb guide L
Uncivilized 22 out. 2021 às 21:35 
Put marksman at the very end of the guide so people know they're least important
Odessa ♡ 17 out. 2021 às 22:38 
u-uwu i'll r-revive u senpai