Minion Masters
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3 Simple To Build Decks For Beginners (work in Progress guide)
От Nuggs
Hey guys, this guide is a work in progress at the moment. But i actually posted most of what you're going to see here in a thread on the discussions forum, but decided thats probably best posted here in a guide. That way it will be easier to look for exactly what you need. Its not going to be an exact copy and paste of what i said before, aside from the decks im listing but i kind of forgot we have the ability to write guides on steam during the time i posted in the threads. Most people didnt even read it because of how long it is. Which i get, But i feel like people who completely skipped it especially if they are new to the game and were looking for some decks are missing out simply because they dont like to read. SO at least with it in a guide i can literally break everything down into dedicated sections so people can just skip to whereever they want with ease. This is a work in progress, as stated in the title and other places. So bear with me. Thanks for dropping by and hope this can help at least a few people get started with ease.

Also i would like to note as cheap as these decks are to build dont be fooled, if played right you can dish out the pain to your oponents. and most of the time win. Otherwise i wouldnt be recommending these decks. So if you find yourself lacking in the competitive side these decks are sure to help while you get some better and new cards to make even better decks to compete at higher levels.
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About This Guide
So basically, as the title implies, its just a simple guide with three decks i made that i used for a long time while i gathered more cards for decks that hold up better in later ranks. But at the same time, these decks i played with because they actually got me places for a minimal cost, and i pretty much had most of the cards needed already, minus a few here and there which are easily craftable so it wasnt bad. Thats pretty much it. Ill be listing the deck lists and then giving decklist modifications you could do to them if you really wanted to. As well as how the decks should be properly used to try and pull out wins. I also want to address a few thing first though in another section about this game that some newer players might have.
To Answer Some Questions
This is purely a section on what ive experienced with Minion Masters since playing and is subjective to my views. No one has to agree. Just speaking my mind. And if you're not interested in this and youre just here for the decklists. Feel free to skip past.

I just wanted to address this issue real fast. Something i see quite often for some reason in the steam forums is that people think this game is very pay to win. And that assertion might actually scare away new players from even trying the game. In my experience, the game is not pay to win. Even the stuff that seems like its locked behind a pay wall really isnt when you consider theres usually another way to get something in game aside from spending real money, of course youre just going to have to grind for it more than a person who simply paid for it. But the very term pay to win implies a game hides various core things in the game behind pay walls and the only people who win or are at the highest ranks are people who have deposited insurmountable ammounts of money into the game for stuff that costs way more than its worth. Basically pay to win games are legal scams. And i for one hate them. And from experiencing my first pay to win game years ago, which was hearthstone i can tell you with out a doubt there are no pay to win aspects to this game. if there are its very hidden and rare because ive sunk plenty of hours in at this time and all ive seen is options to pay for stuff if you want to. You're not forced to buy anything and can get anything in the game from masters to cards to arenas, you name it, you can get it just by playing. If youre paying for anything its just to boost the speed and deduct the normal amount of time a player who plays complete free to play would take to unlock everything. And you most definitely can be very competitive going full free to play. I was a full free to play player for the first three days of having the game. I then spent 5 dollars on a starter pack because it was really cheap and gave you some good stuff. I then spent another 12 for this seasons battlepass. Which i regret, but only because its turning out im not playing the game as much as i hopped to when i bought the battle pass. And every day that goes by im lowering my chances at getting every pennys worth i spent on it. Which is just a risk you run when purchasing a season pass. I knew this though. So i mean, even though im not a full free to play player any more, the stuff i did buy didnt really do much but give me power tokens to spend here and there, maybe a card or two but mostly the battle pass just helped get me extra coins now and then, again power tokens and some profile xp. nothing major really, and certainly nothing that gives me any kind of advantage over anyone who is full free to play.

But yeah, as far as i can tell, no cards are locked behind paywalls, neither are masters. only thing i did notice that was is the adventure mode but again anything cardwise you can get in that you can simply craft or get by chance. its just a fun challenge mode for people who do want to pay for that game mode.

So dont believe the people who said its a pay to win game, if it was i wouldnt be playing it. The only people you find claiming it is are people who dont understand how the game works fully or how to deck build. So they constantly get beat which frustrates them and then they assume the game is only competitive if you pay which is not true. Another claim i saw thats not true is there are cards you can not get unless you pay. which ive stated before there, at this time anyway, are no cards that exist in the game that you cant get by chance with power token spins or by simply saving up some shards and crafting them. Moving on...
Decklist #1 Basic Emperion Deck
So the first deck is just a basic emperium deck. Id say it works well up into high plat games. around diamond its not that great. i wouldnt suggest anyone take this deck into solo matches. If you want a decent deck to play in team matches this one is good to build. Its primarily all mele units. Theres only one card that can counter flying units in this deck. theres only one other card in the deck that can possibly counter flying minions but its hit or miss on account that it summons a random minion when played. So this deck heavily relys on your team mate to take care of most flying units. This is the only deck im going to show case that runs a single supreme card. Everything else is common or rare. so these decks should be cheap to build.

The emperium deck goes as follows: Master: Volco or StormBringer, x2 - Lost leigonaries, x2 wariors, x1 fireball, x1 propeller horde, x1 raging reinforcements, x2 leigonnaries, x1 Shieldguard of light.

Deck Modifications: You could simply replace the shieldguard of light in this deck with any other high cost emperium card. High cost meaning how much mana it costs to play. Or simply replace it with a third leigonnaries card. Also you could run a single leigonaries card while instead rplacing the other with an anhililator card for good aoe and anti air capabilities.

Deck #2 - The DUDE Deck
The next deck is called DUDE because it literally just poops out a bunch of small cheap minions in each lane. At least thats the goal you want to reach when playing this deck. The way its played is you try to get out a crossbow guild card in one lane as soon as possible. This is the key card in the deck because it constantly spits out crossbow dudes in which you want to use in conjunction with your other minions. The ultimate goal to remember when playing this deck is to get one crossbow guild in each lane at the same time, even better if you can get in a position where you can run more than one guild in a lane there after. But thats usually not necessary. This deck is heavily based on you gaining momentum. So definitely keep an eye on how you spend your mana. Try not to use minions much until after you can get your guilds up. The key is to try and overwhelm your oponent(s) with a bunch of low cost guys that in a large group can put out a lot of damage and even if they have aoe spells to get rid of some of your minions by that point you should be pooping out so many small cost guys that they wont be able to keep up with cycling their spells fast enough to deal with your hoards. let alone keep up any mana efficency to even be able to counter your hordes once you get going. This deck is recommended for any kind of ranked play, will see you win most of your matches if played correctly and has high potential to get you to high plat or even diamond before it can be to easily countered. The list is as follows.

Master: StormBringer: x1 - Crossbow Dudes, x 1 - Grenadier, x1 - Scrat Sniper, x1- Fire Imp, x1 - Magma Cannon, x1- Shielded CrossBow Dudes, x1 - Anhilator, x1 - Sniper Squad, x2- CrossBow Guild.

Deck Modifications: So there is another slightly changed version of this deck, which i changed only a few days ago, which i personally feel makes the deck even better than it was, though the way its shown above works fine as well. So you could replace the anhilator with a scrat tank. Since you already run a bunch of ranged units the anhilator isnt all that necessary. Hes just a good way to pump out good AOE damage. I feel the scrat tank is a better option because it forms the most hp absorbing unit in the deck at the same mana cost as the anhillator, plus it cant take damage or get stunned while the hatch is closed. it also does a decent amount of mele damage. So its over all just a better card to have in the deck. it can really help your weak minions push. But thats up to you. The other change i would make is replacing the scrat sniper with a bounty sniper. Reason being this deck shines if you can get to mana frenzy before your oponent does, and the bounty sniper collects extra xp gain for each kill it does as well as every time it does damage to the enemy master. So for a card that costs one more mana to play than the scrat sniper, which has the same exact stats as the scrat sniper it pulls in extra xp for you so you can ramp to mana frenzy faster. An optional change is replacing the 2 cost crossbow dudes with plasma marines. Its not necessary though since they do cost one more mana than the crossbow dudes. But if you preffer to have those in the deck you could.

Deck #3 - Basic Stun Based Deck
The final deck is my most used and best deck for diamond play at the moment. I found at high diamon play you start to run into decks that are built around stuns. And what better way to counter a stun deck than with your own stun deck. This deck is good for starting play up til where im currently at which is diamond 1. Its very good in both solo and team matches. It is possible it can get you to master rank. i can not confirm at the moment as i have not reached master yet. but it is slowly getting me to that point. best deck i currently run. And again, this deck only runs common and rare cards. Though later i will make suggestions for cards i would personally like to have in this deck that would make it a lot better. but in its current form it does the job well. So as i said its a stun based deck. vast majority of the cards are based around stunning minions and the enemy masters. I feel the one very key card in this deck is actually the spell "stun blast". And the reason why is two fold. You realyy only want to use it when either the enemy is pushing one or both lanes hard and need to buy 5 seconds of time to get some of your own units out to counter, or, the main way youre supposed to use this card, which is to stun lock the enemy master(s) once your units are in range to do damage to them. It cause the enemy Master(s) to not be able to attack your minions while theyre stunned and grants you some extra time to either deal with the minions they play in response to your minions at their tower, or, if they havent spawned any minions, literally buys your minions 5 free seconds of time to just push free damage onto the enemy master(s) because again while stuned the masters can not damage your units. The deck goes as follows.

Master: Settsu or StormBringer, x 1 Plasma Marines, x2- Warriors, x1 - Stun Blast, x1- chain lightning, x1- stun lancers, x1 whirly scrat, x1 - defenso chopper, x1- scrat tank, x1- cleaver

Deck modifications: So there are a number of changes that i would personally like to make to this deck had i owned the cards i want. This deck in its current form fits the theme for what im trying to do here which is help new players build good decks with cheap cards. But, if you happen to have any of the cards im about to mention, id highly recommend putting them in the deck. So there are, at least as of now, two cards im missing in this deck that would make it a really good stun deck. Which would run a stormy and a shen storm strike. I feel those are two must haves in this deck. But i dont own either at the moment. Im not 100% sure exactly what i would replace with those two cards. For sure i would get rid of a warior for one of these two. and in all honesty if im going to play both of these legendaries, since stormy is basically a minion that creates chain lightning its probably best to go ahead and take out the chain lightning in place of stormy. Another change you could do is replace chain lightning with stormy and a warior with a priestess. Since stormy hurts its self after it attacks, ulimately killing its self after a while. having a priestess behind it to keep it alive as long as possible is a good choice. and if you went that rout you would just simply not use the shen stormstrike at all. Another optional change to the deck is replacing the cleaver with a harbinger. The cleaver and the harbinger both serve the same purpose in this deck. You just need a big cost guy that can throw out a lot of damage to the enemy master(s). The only difference i the cleaver is a big dude who can move fast, is a ground unit, and attacks with mele. The harbinger is a flying unit, who moves slow, and attacks with ranged. Again, both serving the same function as a win condition, just depends on what you prefer. But The two are definitely interchangeable.
Some Final Notes
All of these Decks have nothing but common cards and rares in them. Minus the emperion deck which is the only deck to boast a supreme but as i explained in the deck mods for it that this card is easily interchangeable in that deck for any other emperion card you have. And you should already have most of the cards needed for these decks by 5-8 hours of play and if not you should have more than enough shards to craft what you need. So they're very noob freindly, free to play friendly, and competitive decks for what they're worth.

Some other side notes to add, at least from my own experience with using these decks that need to be known if i havent already mentioned them. The Emperion deck is really best used in team games or premades. I would not recomend use in solo. Not a solo deck. But as a good team game starter deck it can actually work pretty well. Obviously performance will depend on Various other factors. But its still good. The Dude deck has single handedly carried me from wood to gold 2 in solos. The only deck ive played in solo and to platinum 2 in team games before it started becoming to easily countered to use. And the Stun deck is pretty good the way it is. Got me from plat 2 to diamond one in teams, not 100% sure how well it works in solos but my friend who copied the deck and took it to solos said it worked well for him. Just going to have to take his word for it. But i do know as far as team games go its a pretty decent deck to counter other stun decks, which you start to notice a lot of past diamond 3. But again, could be improved a lot with any of the recommended changes i suggested.

Anyway, I hope this can help with a few people anyway, if you find yourself new to the game. Best of luck out there :D
4 коментара
Nuggs  [автор] 24 авг. 2022 в 1:50 
in case you didnt notice this was written before decks were the way they are now. which is why there are open spots. Game was a lot different back when i wrote this. I no longer play minion masters so i never bothered to update the guide. The decks worked at the time
wxv 22 авг. 2022 в 21:13 
agree to the fist comment too much text, misspellings too and even decks that end up with open spots man tf is this
Nuggs  [автор] 6 авг. 2020 в 12:49 
i mean okay lol. I appreciate your subjective and opinionated feed back. 6 авг. 2020 в 2:39 
Walls of text.

I gave an insta-downvote for that.

Learn to use paragraph and format.