Space Engineers

Space Engineers

33 rating
MARATHON Subgrid built in Survival
Oleh DerMakrat
This Guide guides you step by step through the process of Adding the Subgrid to the Marathon.
"Marathon" Mobile Exploration Base
Batalkan favorit
Add Ramp Lifting Method
Requires a Lifting ship with Landing gear.

1. Built the Ramp using a Projector block.
2. Delete the 2 two Blocks beneath the Rotor (Highlighted in Orange)

3. get a heavy lifting ship like the Minotaur. Connect the Ramp with a Landing gear on the opposite side of the rotor heads.

4. Get in position behind the Marthon and slide the ramp underneath the Open space under the Hangar.
5. Align the Rotor heads with the Rotors and Slid them both evenly up. It's a tight fit. Be careful and make sure all edges align with each other.

6. Push the rotor heads in position with the Rotors. Make sure they are centered.

7. Go to the Control Panel Screen of the Marathon.
8. Select both Rotors and press Attach.

9. Release the Gear on your Lifting craft.

Check out the awesome Guide by Rayanth
He explaines a different methode using merger blocks
Add Bridge Subgrid
After you have Built the Marathon there is a Large grid Rotor Head on the Bridge.
remove it
ad a Small grid Roto Head to the Rotor
Place a Projector on top. Make sure it is Orientaed as shown.
rename it "Projector Bridge" and Select the "Marathon Bridge" Blue print.
it should be Projected like this. If not Use the Projector Controles the Change the Position and Orientation
Built it.
Add Ladder to Subgrid
Remove the Large Rotor head
Add Small Rotor Head
Add Projektor Block. Make Sure the Orientation is right
Rename Projektor block an Load Blueprint "Martahon Ladder"
Built it
Add Lamp Subgrid
Remove Large Rotor Head

Add Small Rotor Head
Add Projector Block. Make Sure the Orientation is right
Select the Blueprint "Marathon Lamp Right" or "Marathon Lamp Left"
Built it.
Add a Spotligth ontop the Small Rotor Head. Make sure it is oriented roughly to the front
13 Komentar
DerMakrat  [pembuat] 5 Jun 2022 @ 1:15pm 
Oh sorry to hear that. I also did not think of that ;) you could use text panels to fit a replacement for the transparent Lcd
Maz 4 Jun 2022 @ 5:20pm 
Well call me a noob, the issue was the Dec pack 2, I had number one but didn't realize there were two, ugh
DerMakrat  [pembuat] 3 Jun 2022 @ 5:15am 
Hello Michaelmaz, First the basics. check if progression is enabled on you server/game if it is check if lcds are already unlocked. check if the connecting block beneath the 3 LCDs are build. they can only be build if the can attach to something. let me know if that helps or you need anything else
Maz 2 Jun 2022 @ 6:07pm 
Having issues adding lcd to the three bridge chairs, have the rss but nothing builds, any thoughts?
Rayanth 6 Jul 2020 @ 11:20am 
permission granted, naturally, just as before :) -- I might try to convert this to a Steam Guide, though. if I do, I'll let you know so you can change link
DerMakrat  [pembuat] 5 Jul 2020 @ 10:35pm 
Hello Rayanth, this is incredible, i can tell who much work and effort went into this. Realy big Thank you to you. woul like to add you link to the discription with credit to you offcourse. Will take your guide as inspiration for my next guide.
Spiricore 5 Jul 2020 @ 6:33pm 
@Rayanth - Thank you for that! Trying it now.
Rayanth 5 Jul 2020 @ 4:30pm 
@DerMakrat - I've done it again :steamhappy: -- -- for the step-by-step of how to build the Ramp in Survival. As an added bonus, I also detail how to replace the Rotors for the ramp with Hinges from SoTF DLC!
DerMakrat  [pembuat] 4 Jul 2020 @ 3:41am 
@Rayanth. your Methode of puting the ramp in is a very good alternativ. I dream of the day where you can built in subgrids as easy as the main grid :)
DerMakrat  [pembuat] 4 Jul 2020 @ 3:40am 
Hello Spiricor, Thanky you for your comment. I feel very honured by it :). about your question. there is a timer block for the Ramp and Lader. if it does not work you may need to remap them to The Button Panel. aim for the Button press"K" and reasinge the Timer Block Titeled "... Ramp
1..." or "...Lader 1..." and select Trigger now to the Panel. Shoud work fine after that. Hope you have fun :)