Sid Meier's Civilization V

Sid Meier's Civilization V

482 人が評価
Health & Plague for BNW
114.537 KB
2013年11月25日 11時12分
2015年3月26日 12時18分
14 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )
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Health & Plague for BNW

framedarchitecture 作成の 1 件のコレクション
Components by FramedArchitecture
11 アイテム
Adds a new Health yield that can boost city growth, and Plagues that can spread through the world, devastating cities and units in their wake. Cities convert Health it into food (postive health increases city food stores, negative health reduces city food stores). Cities with negative Health are also more likely to spawn and spread Plagues.

New Features for Brave New World version:
* A new summary Health Screen available through the Diplo Corner dropdown.
* If a civilization has ever been plagued, their spies (not Diplomats) have a small chance to initiate a plague when placed in foreign cities.
* A civilization can cure all its plagued cities by constructing an Academy with a Great Scientist.
* Several health-focused religious beliefs
* International Trade routes are very likely to propagate plagues
* Large Tourism can reduce a city’s health.
* Stagnant cities can no longer grow from surplus health food conversion.

Mod Mechanics
* City Health is based on access to fresh water, local resources, population, tourism, local features and buildings.
* Overall Empire Health magnifies local City Health, and is based on acquired Technologies and Policies, Happiness, International Trade Routes and Difficulty.
* Plagues always begin in cities with the lowest Health, and can quickly spread to nearby cities.
* Plagues can spread faster along roads and sea routes, but slower across international borders.
* Plagued cities are very likely to lose citizens to the disease, and heal much more slowly if attacked.
* Units near plagued cities will take damage each turn, and may get the Diseased Promotion.
* World size, game speed, difficulty, and era all effect how fast and how far plagues will spread.
* Plagues tend to peak in the Medieval Era and get less severe in modern eras.

In-Game Help Civilopedia … Game Concepts … Cities

* Requires Brave New World Expansion
* Gods and Kings Expansion optional
* Will conflict with mods that change: City Banner, City View, or Top Panel.
* Should be compatible with mods that only change or add Civs, Units, or Buildings.

* If you have trouble downloading or installing this mod (i.e. not in your Mods list), see this guide.
* Delete the cache here: C:\Users\UserName\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\cache

Discussion Thread here[].
人気スレッド 全て表示 (3)
2016年8月20日 11時18分
Cities won't grow
2013年12月8日 12時32分
Is this compatible only for BNW?
The Longest Rose
2013年12月8日 8時47分
Can adding a Mod be undone?
346 件のコメント
Justin 6月17日 11時26分 
could probably use an update but thanks for uploading
NETLIGH7 4月7日 15時27分 
@Mr. Monday - I got into the future age, and I did not see any bonuses for the buildings. I did however look at one of the modfiles and it should be pretty straightforward more or less, to add the future worlds buildings etc. with bonuses to health to the mod, I think.
Sir JJ Buffalo V 3月1日 2時26分 
Seeing as historical plagues were spread via trade routes, such as the Black Death which was carried along the Silk Road, it would have made sense that trade routes could carry plagues
tschhh 2023年3月3日 9時15分 
When I use this mod with a huge map, it causes my city growth to stall at 3 no matter what I build. It will go from say 27 turns to population growth, it will go 27, then 26, then 27, then 26, ad infinitum, the city is not plagued. It stopped when I disabled this mod. This mod worked fine with large map, but huge map it does as I said. Quite upset as I like this mod, but PC upgrade meant I could play huge maps, and when I do the behaviour I have described happened, so I had to disable it. A shame.
aaaaa142 2023年1月27日 18時56分 
is it compatible with vox populi?
Mr. Monday 2022年12月22日 4時42分 
How well does this work with the Future Worlds mod? I got both, and the current game's working fine at this point. I'm just curious about what'll happen once I start getting the futuristic buildings made. Will they provide (or take away) health or is that something that would require patching to get it to work right?
Krb 2021年6月4日 6時29分 
@DTPhonenom C:\Users\ACER NITRO 5\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\(6b) Community Balance Overhaul - Compatibility Files (No-EUI)\LUA

delete ProductionPopup.lua and ProductionPopup.xml
Tamaskan ن 2020年11月12日 14時08分 
Thank you for this mod, it seems quite good ^^
Any links with Paradroid's Sewers mod ?
It could be fine !
Tharnic 2020年9月7日 9時11分 
while the plagues do not have too much impact on my empire overall, I see no way to keep the empire healthy. I am atomic age right now and have -28% health overall and all my major cities have about -20 health. Needs some serious balancing imho.
I think the impact of hospitals and medic labs should be greatly increased. Also some possibilities to get health during the medieval times would be nice. Not everywhere hygiene and medicine was as bad as in central Europe. And even there some religious groups like the knights of St John were able to keep even the black death at bay in the regions they controlled by better hygiene. Maybe put in a hospiz that can also be bought with faith?
Cringe Isekai Enjoyer 2020年8月11日 3時51分 
Hi there! I have a question that you probably know the answer: How to change the plague behavior so a unit can be plagued again once it is over?
Thanks a lot!!