Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege

549 beoordelingen
Guide for you (easy): Learn to speak Russian.
Door ANO
This guide will teach you how to play with Russian people on this game. Its simple. Go and see!
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Guide for you (easy): Learn to speak Russian
Hello, this guide was created to help our non-Russian friends learn some simple Russian. This will hopefully stop from you getting TK by Russians that don't know how to speak English. This will hopefully also improve your teamwork with Russians and that you can speak with your Russian friends. So let us start!

"Hello" - Privet (Привет
"How are you?" - Kak dela? (Как дела?)
"Yes" - Da (Да)
"No"- Net (Нет)
"Thanks" - Spasibo (Спасибо)
"Please" - Pozhaluista/plz (Пожалуйста/плз)
"Sorry" - Izvinite (Извините)
"Go, go, go!" - Davai! (Давай!)
"Good luck" - Udachi (Удачи)
"Are there any russians?" - Zdes russkie est? (Здесь русские есть?)
"I can't speak Russian" - Ya ne govoryu po-♥♥♥♥♥♥ (Я не говорю по-русски)
"Could you please speak English?" - Govorite, pozhaluista, po-angliiski.
(Говорите, пожалуйста, по-английски.)
"I don't understand" - Ya ne ponimayu (Я не понимаю)
"I need help" - Nuzhna pomosh/Pomogite (Нужна помощь/помогите)
"Kill him" - Ubeite ego (pronounced as eVo) (Убейте его)
"Well played" - Neploho sigrano (Неплохо сыграно)
"We need a smoke" - Nuzhen smoke (Нужен смоук)
"Don't give up" - Ne sdavaites (Не сдавайтесь)
"Relax, you are doing fine" - Rasslabtes, vse normalno (Расслабьтесь, все нормально)

"Blue" - Sinii (Синий)
"Purple" - Fioletovii (Фиолетовый)
"Yellow" - Zheltii (Желтый)
"Orange" - Orangevii (Оранжевый)
"Green" - Zelenii (Зеленый)

"Middle" - Centr (мидл/мид/центр)
"You make my ♥♥♥♥ hard with your performance" - U menya vstal ot tvoey igri (у меня встал от твоей игры)
"Nice try" - Neploho (неплохо)
"Grenade" - Granata/Grena (граната/грена)
"Flash" - Flashka (флеш/флешка)
"Wallbang" - prostrel (прострел)
"Spraying the bullets" - Spray (спрей)

When a player rushes for the site to get the kills with no tactics involved "Arkada" or "Arcade" - (Aркада)
"Long" - dlina (длина)/ long (лонг)

"One" = odin (один)
"Two" = dva (два)
"Three" = tri (три)
"Four" = chetyrye (четыре)
"Five" = pyat (пять)

In-Game Directions
"Right!" = Sprava! (Справа!)
"Left!" = Slevo! (Слева!)
"Behind!" = Szadi! (Сзади!)
"Basemen"t - podval (подвал)
"First // second // third floor" - perviy // vtoroi // tretiy etazh (первый/второй/третий этаж)
"Window" - okno (окно)
"Stairs" - lestnitsa (лестница)
"Hatch" - lyuk/lyik (люк)
"Floor" - pol (пол)
"Ayy Blya ya maslinu poimal" - I'm injured help me! (--------?)

Please tell me if you have requested or would like to add translations to this guide! Thank you, and feedback is welcome![/u]

109 opmerkingen
Juno 12 apr 2022 om 14:26 
Will try, thank you
Chachy 17 dec 2021 om 4:51 
Sounds good mate, amazing guide!
ANO  [auteur] 17 dec 2021 om 2:19 
Hi Chachy.

Thanks for your comment! I will take an look forward to it! I will try to make many as possible "general" translations!

Happy christmas Chachy! :cozytf2mug::2018bestcoffee:
Chachy 15 dec 2021 om 10:28 
I think it would be amazing if you added some general stuff like simple as ''Im okay'' or ''Good''
CptZhu 17 mei 2021 om 13:39 
Akimaithu 25 jun 2020 om 10:46 
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M`sharp 26 mei 2020 om 11:46 
ty u chaned my life
Nut Milk 16 apr 2020 om 4:54 
Found some russians in my match.
we had a good time together
sivik 6 mrt 2020 om 9:45 
ну хотя-бы сейчас они заговорят по-русскому? за исключением - сука блет
󠀡󠀡 3 mrt 2020 om 3:08 
finally, after so much time gone, I will learn something