151 betyg
Temtem Useful Websites [UPDATED]
Av Volmer
Useful and important Websites to help you on your journey.
Temtem Official
Follow the official social networks can be of great help in maintaining information about the game.

Website: https://crema.gg/games/temtem/
There you can read the latest news and patch notes.

Twitter https://twitter.com/playtemtem
Great for breaking news and some memes in the development.

Discord Server: https://discord.gg/temtem
Be a part of a growing community, discuss the game and its development, share your pictures and creations, talk directly with the developers and participate in the community contests and feedback rounds.

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/PlayTemtem/
Focused on fan content and memes.

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/playtemtem/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PlayTemtem/

The Official Wiki

Of course, I couldn't miss this one. An official wiki is a great help for any type of content related to the game. There you can read and understand everything about Temtem, written and maintained by the players.

Temtem Wiki: https://temtem.gamepedia.com/Temtem_Wiki
A Temtem Reference and FAQ document

A document that can help those who came from Pokémon, linking terms between games and comparing them.

Temtem Reference Document: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12vuI6FkvZP4u7UI11aX3EWeChFbTHSMQcLPDkdku2QY/edit#gid=0

Interested in a team building and sharing tool for Temtem? Well, here is. TemTeam is a competitive Temtem team building and sharing, that can also show you the type charts and the egg technique parents.

TemTeam: https://tem.team/

You can have the Tempedia on your PC and cellphone too! List of all Temtem with information about stats, moves, locations, weaknesses, breeding & evolutions.

Tempedia: https://tempedia.com/
Tempedia App for Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.Tiborius.TemPedia&hl=pt_BR
Not available on iOS yet.

Temtactics is a Database, Tier List, and Guide for Temtem.

Temtatics: https://temtactics.gg/

A battle calculator to help you to improve your strategies.

TesTem: http://fellowtamers.com/TesTem/

Another datebase. All the relevant information on every Temtem, a Technique encyclopedia, breeding calculator etc.

TemLab: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13PQVPGBKwWvLh-2VxBF6ktcdobIcImuUaJIfsDQYSFw/edit#gid=1954240740
Do you have any sugestion?
Please, you can put in the comments below! I would be very grateful, it is a good way to improve the guide and help the community, maybe you can be a collaborator!

13 kommentarer
Matchet 27 dec, 2024 @ 2:54 
Its sad how many of these websites does not exist anymore, taking into acount such short amount of time the game has
mooglemania 12 aug, 2023 @ 19:10 
There's a temtem interactive map you can use to find stickers and trainer battles and all that stuff.
Sugii The Slime 15 maj, 2023 @ 18:43 
temteam is the one to go to, the others that arent official are either broken or dated, as a heads up, this was made in 2020 so its old and outdated as it is itself, another good site is tortenites-garden.com/
Squaul 26 feb, 2023 @ 13:02 
Are all site really dead like wtf happened ? (to be fair it's only "testem" and "temtactic" but only christ that was the most important ones ... .
Zamani 7 nov, 2022 @ 7:28 
Almost all of the urls
are leading you to a 404 or the page no longer existed. you might want to update them to alt version or to newer urls
Revenio 25 maj, 2021 @ 16:36 
Great guide, but the "Temtatics" heading is misspelled. :)
elTzimmy 22 apr, 2021 @ 0:45 
If I'm not mistaken, the Google Sheet with comparisons between Pokémon and TemTem has the incorrect % for Lumas, which is 1/10000 (I believe).
Tspoon 27 mar, 2020 @ 19:15 
Interactive map with items, quests, tamers, etc.

Sad16T 15 mar, 2020 @ 22:47 
Zakolak 14 mar, 2020 @ 15:35 
This is awesome thanks dude for this guide.