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Bogatyr Class Mod
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Class Mods: New Class
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2020년 1월 22일 오후 2시 19분
2024년 2월 29일 오전 9시 33분
변경 사항 31개 ( 보기 )

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Bogatyr Class Mod

Copyright 2020 S-Purple. This item is not authorized for posting on Steam, except under the Steam account named S-Purple/Slightly Started Seal, I do not allow edits and redistribution of my work.

The Bogatyr is tank with focus on stunning, debuffing, and helping his allies. He can be used in the frontline to soak massive hits and set up party-wide stuns, or his talents can be taken to the backline and used for more supportive purposes.


The Bogatyr is a jovial, jolly warrior with a big love for living, fighting, and eating. While he may appear old and feeble, his combative abilities haven't aged a day. He has arrived at the Hamlet in search of a horrid beast that has haunted his dreams. Be wary when traveling with him, as you might just get caught up within his nightmare.

===== Abilities =====

- - O O | O O - -
Deals good damage. Damage increased against stunned targets

- O O O | - O+O -
Deals damage, debuffs target's dodge and crits received while stunned

Cold Snap
- - O O | O O O -
Deals low damage and has a chance to stun. Gives a huge -Spd debuff while target is stunned

O O - - | - O O O
Deals damage and applies a 1 round shuffle dot.

Arctic Clutch
Buffs party's stun chance and spd. Buffs Bogatyr's Spd further in addition.

Kievan Canto
O O O -
Stressheals target a bit, buffs protection, and clears stuns.

Heals entire party for a percent of their Max HP and increases Bogatyr's Max Hp for a few rounds.

===== Camping Skills =====

The Bogatyr has access to the three common camp skill in addition to his own camp skills:

Cost: 3
Increase's Bogatyr's stun chance greatly and increases entire party's damage vs stunned

Tune Gusli
Cost: 3
Increase's Bogatyr's Stresshealing done by Keivan Canto immensely.
Other party members heal a small amount of stress.

Kievan Warrior's Cry
Cost: 2
Increases Bogatyr's protection and armor piercing moderately

Groom Beard
Cost: 2
Stressheals Bogatyr and reduces stress received in the coming battles.

===== Flashbacks =====

The Bogatyr has a high chance of encountering a mysterious nemesis of his past after camping. Beating this foe unlocks a special trinket and a new flashback sequence that rewards the player. This reward flashback sequence has no limit on the number of times it can appear.

The first flashback can be fought in any difficulty and unlocks the reward sequence for apprentice.

The second flashback can be fought in veteran and champion difficulties and unlocks the reward sequence for veteran.

The third flashback can be fought in champion difficulty and unlocks the reward sequence for champion.

Note: These flashbacks all include the same enemy, and ideally you'd fight them so each flashback is more difficult than the last.

===== Special Thanks and Caveats =====

As always, our mods are a work in progress. We'll watch comments for any bug reports and apply fixes as they appear, but if it's urgent, you can find either Miraclebutt or Slightly Startled Seal on Discord: Miraclebutt#8008 or Slightly_Seal#3014.

Special thanks to the community at Clair de Lune's Moonlit Dungeon Discord. If you've ever wanted to make your own mod, want some really rad Darkest Dungeon themed emotes, or just want to take part in a welcoming and active community, check them out at the link below:

Clair let us use a testing channel, which let us find all the kinks of the mod quicker, so another thanks to her as well.
A big thanks to all the playtesters, this mod would have been much rougher without your feedback.

You can also ping either of us on this server if you have any questions about Spurple's mods.

= Additional Credit =
Redone sfx and help with gameplay changes: Shay

= Translations =
A huge thanks to all the translators:
Russian: Branch with some small changes by Tasty_Yogurt
German: Hollow •Azu• with some adjustments by jamesjamozo
Schinese: 静春 with some adjustments by nbb
Polish: yey
Brazilian Portuguese: Humberto

==== Legal Stuff =====

The Bogatyr Class Mod is not an official Red Hook Studios product or product modification, and Red Hook Studios Inc. is not responsible in any way for changes or damages that may result from using the mod. Furthermore, “Darkest Dungeon” and the Darkest Dungeon logo are trademarks of Red Hook Studios Inc. All content in the game is Copyright Red Hook Studios Inc. All rights reserved.
인기 토론 모두 보기(4)
2024년 4월 12일 오전 5시 01분
고정됨: Balance Discussion
2024년 5월 23일 오전 7시 28분
고정됨: Bugs, Errors, and Crash reports
2022년 1월 28일 오후 7시 14분
고정됨: Check this out if you're interested in translating
댓글 362
W348 2024년 9월 5일 오후 9시 36분 
Looks like Denter rage quitted
Denter206 2024년 9월 3일 오전 6시 19분 
Perfect ruins run was ruined because of your unability to make balanced bosses.
Denter206 2024년 9월 3일 오전 5시 50분 
There is way how to get out of the bossfight, though. If you completely get wrecked, just exit to main menu and disable bogatyr mod. The character of Bogatyr will disappear but the fight will too.
Denter206 2024년 9월 3일 오전 5시 43분 
This asshole just spams sigil attacks causing enormous amount of stress, I can do no shit to him.
Denter206 2024년 9월 3일 오전 5시 42분 
Dude... you were so fucked up when you were creating the Phylactery.
FunnyGuy 2024년 8월 13일 오후 4시 18분 
Class is great, but the flashback boss fight is not as trivial as it would seem. Since it looks like the boss won't be nerfed (considering how old are comments asking for it), I strongly recommend keeping track of wheather the boss has a chance to appear in the run and prep for it.

short guide
one of bosses actions can heal DOTs so DOT damage is not the ultimate way of dealing with it, another one makes whole party stumble so be ready for hero postitioning, lastly be ready waste some turns to hit a debuffing stone from time to time (any AOE is fine for the job)
Sea'Gummilian 2024년 8월 1일 오전 12시 19분 
Me causally fighting the phylactery while having Broken Vessel in the background
Jesterofgames7712 2024년 7월 28일 오전 11시 22분 
I recommend having some stun resist on party members and a Arbalist or the stress heal on the bogatyr as those clear stuns.
Gingerbead 2024년 7월 28일 오전 9시 20분 
Real cool class absolutely ruined by the nightmare mechanic
Class is great, love the guy even if he is a bit weak he's tonnes of fun

The nightmare?
Has health comparable to the swine king, with 100% damage resistance (hit the stone in slot 4, gives him a debuff to take more damage)
But he has three actions a turn so that debuff barely lasts

He has a single target nuke
He has a party wide stun and a party wide shuffle debuff
He will obliterate almost every team comp due to those stuns, shuffles, and high damage slaps happening every turn. People will constantly be pulled out of position so it's RNG if you get to use heal or AOE, or if the people you need are stunned

Main problem is since it works like the shieldbreaker nightmare, you cant retreat if its not going well
Putting this boss in a no retreat scenario is absurd, Unless the bogatyr gets on death's door, he will kill multiple of your party members since there's no way to back out. I cant stress enough how terrible that feels
harry potter 2024년 7월 25일 오후 1시 18분 
big bro just healed the siren for like 750 hp total amazing class 10/10