911 Operator

911 Operator

28 次評價
Incident/Reports list for 911 Operator
由 Pyri 發表
Hello fellow Steam user. In this guide, I will share and tell you how you can trigger any Incident/Report, anytime, anywhere, infinite amount if times if you wish.
Please scroll down to see the steps on how to active them and the List containing the Reports from the main game, all DLC's, down below.

This guide is in English. Sorry non-English speaking Operators. I do not know every Language. You'll need to use Google Translator for this if you do not understand English.
Have fun.
Info / How to force an Incident?
In order to do this, press the " ~ " key, underneath ESC key to open the Console. It's a little white box that should appear top-left corner of your screen.
Type in this:


E.X = "addrep cut" which will force a medical emergency report.

Please note: When you are typing in a rep, do not use any spaces, use the underscore " _ "
Incidences/Reports IDS 1
- amputation (Amputated Limb)
- assault (Assault on Police Officer)
- bank_robbery (Bank Robbery)
- beating (Beating) *Usually a group of people beating someone up*
- birth (Childbirth)
- biting (Dog Bite/Biting)
- bomb_threat (Bomb Threat)
- bridgejam (Accident on a Bridge)
- broken (Broken Bone)
- car_accident (Car Accident) *Serious motor vehicle collision*
- car_bump (Car Bump) *Non serious motor vehicle collision*
- car_steal (Vehicle Theft)
- caraccident (Traffic Accident) *Semi-Serious motor vehicle collision*
- carblock (Car Blocking Way)
- cat (Cat In A Tree)
- chemical (Chemical Hazard)
- cut (Sharp Tool Injury)
- desperate (Desperate) *Subject threatening to ka-boom*
- drinking_in_public (Drinking In Public)
- drug_dealer (Drug Dealer)
- drug_smuggling (Drug Smuggling)
- drug_usage (Drug Usage)
- druglord_base (Druglord Base)
- drunkdriver (Accident By Drunk Driver)
- electric (Electric Hazard)
- elevator (Trapped In An Elevator)
- epilepsy (Epilepsy Attack)
- family_abuse (Family Abuse)
- fight (Fight) * Massive gang fight, usually armed with melee *
- firebuilding (Building On Fire)
- firehouse (House On Fire)
- gang_war (Gang War) * Gang fighting, firearms are likely being used*
- gun_raid (Gun Raid)
- heart (Heart Attack)
- hostage (Hostage Situation)
- house_invade (Home Invasion)
- intoxication (Serious Intoxication)
- kidnap (Kidnapping)
- known_terrorist (Active Terrorist / Known Terrorist)
- loud_party (Loud Party)
- mad_driver (Road Rage)
- mafia (Crime Organization)
- overuse (Drugs Overdose)
- pedhit (Pedestrian Hit)
- pickpocket (Pickpocket)
- piracy (Illegal Software)
- prison_escape (Prison Escape)
- rape (Rape) * If it shows hearts, it's r a p e, do not add the spaces, it's just there so it doesn't get censored*
- red_light (Red Light Offense)
- speeding (Speeding)
- suecide_attemp (Suicide Attempt) * Not a typo, its with an e, sue *
- terrorist_threat (Suspicious Person)
- trashfire (Trash on Fire)
- tree (Fallen Tree)
- twist (Foot Injury)
- uncons (Loss Of Consciousness)
- unconsu (Unconscious, Unknown)
- vandals (Vandals)
- collhouse (Collapsed House) * After Earthquakes*
- water (Water Leaks)
- trapped (Hurt By Rubble) * After Earthquakes (Sometimes, not 100% of EQ)*
- roaddamage (Road Breach) * After Earthquakes*
- chemicalfire (Chemicals on Fire)
- tallfire (Tall Building on Fire)
- bridgedmg (Damaged Bridge)
- contrincident (Construction Incident)
- collapse (Collapsed House) * Roof over living room *
- gasexplosion (Gas Explosion)
- gameaddicts (Game Addict)
- flulike (Flu-Like Symptoms)
- stroke (Stroke)
- stabbing (Stabbing / Stabbed)
- psyhics (Psychiatric Problem)
- fall (Fall)
- diabets (Diabetes Issue)
- choking (Choking)
- carbonpois (CO Poisoning)
- illparking (Illegal Parking)
- disrobing (Disrobing / Streaking)
- murder (Homicide)
- armedassault (Armed Assault)
Incidences/Reports IDS 2
- panic (Panic Attack)
- smashed (Smashed by a crowd)
- psex (Sexual intercourse in a public place) * ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) *
- lying (Lying on the street)
- notickets (Attacked ticket inspector)
- pole (A teenager climbed on a utility pole)
- drowning (Drowning in water)
- masstheft (Massive Theft)
- burningcar (Car on fire)
- attackedcar (TV van attacked) * Normally occurs in Boston, during the protest stages *
- blockedroad (Road blocked by protesters) * Normally occurs in Boston, during the protest stages *
- busstop (Devastated bus stop)
- roadsign (Broken road sign)
- faint (Fainting in a crowd) * Normally occurs in Boston, during the protest stages *
- passerby (Head Injury) * Normally occurs in Boston, during the protest stages *
- hydrant (Damaged fire hydrant)
- beatenbypol (Beaten by Police Officers)
- beatenbypol2 (Beaten by Police Officers)
- abattery (Dead car battery)
- roof (Collapsed roof) * due to Snowfall *
- frozen (Frozen man) * Normally occurs in Alaska or in a cold country/state/city *
- inhouse (Trapped in house) * Family trapped due to snow blocking all entrances in house*
- locked (Frozen car lock) * Normally occurs in Alaska or in a cold country/state/city *
- icehole (Fallen into water) * Normally occurs in Alaska or in a cold country/state/city *
- icicle (Icicle wounded a pedestrian) * Normally occurs in Alaska or in a cold country/state/city *
- watersupply (Frozen water pipe) * Normally occurs in Alaska or in a cold country/state/city *
- heating (Broken heating) * Normally occurs in Alaska or in a cold country/state/city *
- highfell (Fall from a high building) * Normally occurs in Alaska or in a cold country/state/city *
- parkonfire (FIRE IN THE PARK)
- gasstation (FIRE NEAR GAS STATION)
- parkinglot (FIRE IN THE PARKING LOT)
- schoolfire (BURNING SCHOOL)
- prisonfire (FIRE IN A PRISON)
- squadblock (Unit stuck in the snow) * Normally occurs in a Blizzard in Alaska*
- blizzard (Blizzard)
Incidences/Reports IDS 3 & Search Reports
- gunwound (GUNSHOT WOUND)
- shoplifting (Shoplifting)
- stalker (Stalker)
- atm (ATM Robbery)
- squat (Homeless squaters)
- warehouse (Fire in a Warehouse)
- racing (Illegal Racing)
- wrongway (Wrong-Way Driver)
- firealarm (Fire Alarm)
- firealarmtru (Fire Alarm) * I assume (Which I shouldn't assume) this is a real fire*
- illegalgun (Unlawful possession of a weapon)

Search reports

- missingchild (Missing Child)
- missingold (Missing person with Alzheimer's)
- takenchild (Child Abduction)
- missinschizo (Missing person with Schizophrenia)
- hiddencriminal (WANTED CRIMINAL)
- leftincident (HIT-AND-RUN)
- smokeinarea (Smoke from undetected fire)
- nopowerarea (No Power in the area)
Final Notes
There you go, If you find that some do not work, let me know in the comments of the ones that are not working. Thank you for viewing this guide, I hope this helps you in your experience in 911 Operator.

Special Thanks to Usher for answering my question in the Discussions.
I highly recommend checking this guide out:
3 則留言
电视机牛牛 2020 年 6 月 27 日 下午 4:39 
Pyri  [作者] 2020 年 4 月 12 日 下午 3:49 
Those seemed to be scripted events. I have no idea if you can.

There are reports that are linked to Bomber and Earthquake scenario, but doesn't have the reports come in one after another.
Atagi 2020 年 4 月 12 日 下午 12:55 
How do you trigger the bomber or earthquake mission? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hG6tEBlgMvo