Portal 2
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Area 51
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Area 51

Area 51, a top secret restricted area in Nevada USA has been breaken through you, along with 51 other outlaws. However, you are the only survivor, with the other crew put in punished harshly by batallions guarding Area 51. You have made it into a research building guarded by turrets and interdimensionally locked. You find a portal gun on the floor.
4 commentaires
chis 8 déc. 2015 à 23h41 
sp00ky ;o
rune simpa  [créateur] 1 déc. 2013 à 7h48 
Gentlemen. 30 nov. 2013 à 6h57 
rune simpa  [créateur] 19 nov. 2013 à 7h23 
Its been a while since i have made something in the workshop :)