Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

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How to get the Bank on It Achievement
De către Jag the Luxray
This is a guide for those who are trying to get the MvM achievement called, "Bank on It," which is supposed to be obtained by the Sniper. If you wish to know the ways, the tactics, and the strategies for obtaining this, then this is your guide.
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As you may know, there are many people who play the game Team Fortress 2, and whether it's casual, community, trading or anything else, one of the other fun things to do on the game, is Mann vs Machine. Many know they can get achievements, do target practice, and earn valuable loot from this gamemode, but for now, I'm gonna talk about an achievement that many people have been struggling to get, and that is the "Bank On It" Achievement.

According to the description of the achievement, it says:

"As a Sniper collect $500 in a mission without running over the currency packs."

You see, many have been saying that this achievement is very hard or even impossible to get, since they think the achievement may be bugged or something, but if you were to ask me if the achievement is bugged or not, I would say yes AND no. You see, I managed to get this achievement a couple weeks ago, and it wasn't just because of pure luck, but because it took a lot of time, effort, dedication, and strategy when playing as a Sniper on MvM. In this guide, I'm gonna give you 5 steps that will ensure that you'll manage to get the achievement, which are Loadout, Upgrades, Location/Setting, Strategy, and Difficulties, and within those steps will also be some pointers that will also help you too.

By the way, if some of you think that this guide might be a waste of time, go ahead and think that way, I'm just telling you what I know, how I got it, and how you can possibly get it.
Step 1: Loadout
The first step in your attempt at the achievement is to know your loadout for Sniper. We all know that the Sniper uses a sniper rifle as his primary, and along with that, uses multiple secondaries and has a giant knife as his melee, but if you are to play Sniper on MvM, you need to choose your loadout carefully.

Here are some weapon suggestions that'll most likely help you play sniper on mvm no problem:

Primary Weapon:

-Stock Sniper Rifle


-Hitman's Heatmaker

Secondary Weapon:


Melee Weapon:



These weapons are the usual ones that many who play Sniper on MvM would use, and will give a lot of advantage against many robots that you'll most likely headshot in the game. Although, while each weapon gives an advantage, it also gives a disadvantage in the process. Here is the pros and cons to each weapon that was shown here (excluding Sniper Rifle and Kurki):


Pros: +15% damage on full scope
Cons: Can only shoot when scoped

-Hitman's Heatmaker

Pros: Gives focus
Cons: -20% damage on bodyshot


Pros: Turns hits into mini-crits


Pros: Mini-crits on those soaked in jarate
Cons: More damage vulnerability

Based on how you see this, it'll be your choice on which weapons you'll choose, but if you want to know what loadout I used to get the achievement, it's right here:

Primary: Hitman's Heatmaker
Secondary: Jarate
Melee: Kukri

You see, I chose those weapons because the Hitman's Heatmaker, if upgraded right, can help you scope and headshot many enemies no problem, and with jarate, it can help your teammates take out robots that are much harder to destroy, and the reason I chose the kukri and not the bushwacka, is because I don't want to be mroe vulnerable to fire damage, and I didn't want to melee any enemies anyway since I know for a fact if I melee kill one, I might accidently pick up currency, which will make you not earn the Bank on It achievement at all, forcing you to try again another time.

So, if you're trying to make your loadout for Sniper in MvM, but are having trouble with it, look at the suggestions I gave you here.
Step 2: Upgrades
Along with choosing your loadout, the other major factor is picking the right upgrades with the money you have, and with the amount of money you and the others will collect during each wave of your current mission. Choosing the right upgrades is essential if you want to destroy a lot of robots without making mistakes, or causing any unintentional consequences during the mission, so you'll need to think carefully on what you choose, because it's also based on which wave you are in, and what robots will show in it.

Here's a screenshot of what the upgrades will look like for your Sniper and his rifle:

First of all, in order for you to get the Bank on It achievement successfully and without doubt, the one and main upgrade you'll definitely need to make it happen, is the Explosive Headshot upgrade, in which if you headshot a robot, the shot will spread at a surrounding radius killing multiple robots at once, based on how much power you upgraded it to. Along with that, the other upgrades you'll need for your primary weapon, is reload speed, and damage, since you'll need both in order to fire multiple shots, and to ensure that your explosive headshots do enough damage to destroy any other robots within the area of the robot that you scoped. For the other upgrades on your primary weapon, I would suggest just one on health-on-kill, one or two for ammo capacity, projectile penetration is your option, and faster charge is not really necessary, unless you think it is.

For your secondary and melee weapon upgrades, you don't need any of them except for the slowness upgrade on your jarate, which if you get it, will help you and your teammates slow and kill certain robots more easily, but other than that, the other upgrades are not necessary.

For resists, canteens, and etc, getting resists is a must if you're playing as a class that will be fighting huge hordes of robots, but in this case, they are not usually needed for a sniper unless you'll know for a fact that you are going to get shot at, so if you know you are in danger, either get resists before the next wave, or flee to a different position so you don't get killed. Along with resists, I would also suggest jump height and movement speed if you need to get to certain sniping spots based on which map you are currently on, and for canteens, that option is mainly up to you for deciding, but I would mainly get the ammo refill canteen because if you are going to be in one spot for a long period of time, you are going to need more ammo, and attempting to get ammo from a pickup crate while there are robots nearby is going to be a huge risk if you're trying to survive, as well as for your achievement too.

So, if you know how to choose your upgrades well, good for you, but if you are having difficulty with it, look again in this step and you'll know what to do.
Step 3: Location/Setting
The next thing that you'll need to know is the location and setting in your attempt at the achievement. You see, it says in the wiki that the only way you're able to get this achievement, is if you attempt this in the two cities maps Manhattan or Rottenburg, mainly on Manhattan, based on what I have read. The other thing you'll need to figure out is the setting of the map you are on, and in doing so, you'll find some unique sniping spots that will give you an advantage at getting some kills. On Manhattan, you'll need to choose between many different sniping spots on the map, and you'll most likely need to switch spots from time to time, mainly if you're getting shot at, if robots are nearby, or if the robots are capturing Gate A or B, so you'll need to choose fast, or you might get killed or pick up currency by accident.

I have provided some screenshots of some sniping positions that you'll be able to find on the map, and for a couple you'll need some jump height to reach.

So if you're trying to find out some spots on Manhattan for you to snipe, then those are some suggestions. As for other maps like Rottenburg, that'll be up for you to decide, since I don't play Sniper on Rottenburg.
Step 4: Strategy
Now that you know your loadout, upgrades, and sniping spots, you need to know the strategies that are needed in order for you to give you and your team a solid advantage and a huge chance at succeeding in each wave, and the entire mission.

First of all, for the achievement you are trying to get, which is Bank On It, it says that you need to collect $500 in a mission without running over the currency packs, so since you cant pick up the money, the other option, and this can only be done as a sniper, is to kill the robots with headshots, and in doing so drops money with "red dollar signs," and that means that the money that shows that, is automatically collected, so it doesn't matter if that money burn, but it can still be picked up and provide healing for scouts, but for the money with "green dollar signs," those need to be picked up by your teammates in order for you to get more upgrades for the next upcoming waves, but as a sniper yourself, you need to make sure you don't pick up any currency at all, because if you do, you won't get the achievement, but as I said before, the red dollar sign money that appears after you headshot a robot, will be automatically collected, and that money will also show on the mission's playerboard (hold Tab button) that you collected it, so all you need to do it keep doing that until you get the achievement.

The next thing you'll need to know is which types of robots you'll need to headshot in order for you to collect the most money, but also the robots that you're NEEDED on to kill.

As such, this will tell you what a Sniper's job on MvM is:

Bomb Carrier's: These robots are easy for you to target since the robots that carry the bomb, excluding giant scouts, are slowed down by the weight of the bomb itself, so it'll be easier to headshot the bomb carrier since they are slower than the faster moving robots that are not carrying the bomb.

Giant Robots: The giants are known for not only delivering heavy firepower, but for it's health, and the huge amount of money that is dropped by them, thus, if you were to headshot a giant robot and you end up with the kill on the killfeed, you are the one that earns that money and it'll be a huge step forward in getting the achievement, and I say this because that's how I got the achievement, since I headshot killed a giant health-bar soldier that drops $250, and when that money helped me pass my goal, I finally got the achievement, and that's also because I used the steps that I am telling you in this guide right now.

Robo-Medics: The robo-medics, mainly the ones that go with giant robots and uber them when they get hit, are a huge pain to you and your entire team, so as I said in Step 2, you'll need the explosive headshot upgrade and maybe a bit of damage too, so that when you headshot the giant robot the uber-medics are following, or at least one of the uber-medics, you're able to kill all them at once, and it's like doing a Pyro or Demoman's job for them, since the pyro and demoman can do the same with the gas passer and sticky bombs.

Other Robots: For the other robots, if you want to try to headshot more than the other 3 category of robots that were mentioned, I would suggest slower moving robots like heavies, and the other way of getting headshots on other robots, is making sure they are all grouped together in a horde, so that if you headshot one of them, you'll be able to kill all of them at once.

Anyway, that is usually the main strategy for a Sniper on MvM, and I can also tell that most of you already know what the Snipers job is on MvM, but if any of you don't know, then read this step, or ask someone who knows for advice on it, you'll then know for sure.
Step 5: Difficulties
Even though you may have learned what there is to know about getting the achievement, there are also some problems or difficulties that may arise when playing as Sniper on MvM, whether it's getting the achievement, or just playing as Sniper in general.

First of all, when you pick Sniper on MvM after you do the Mann Up option, even though you know you chosen the right loadout and upgrades, and you know that you'll do well as him especially on the mission you are currently doing, there are other players on that same server who will judge you and call you out, and they will most likely ask, tell, or force you to switch classes if they think you won't do well as Sniper, if they think he is not needed for the mission. Those people might also try to threaten to kick you off the server if you don't change classes, unless you convince them to let you or that you ask for a chance, but there's a 50/50 chance at you being accepted by the other 5 players in the mission, but what I can say about those people who judge you for no reason, is screw them, and that it ain't right to judge someone because they picked Sniper, regardless of their tour number, and if they have experience as a Sniper, and that they know they are the right fit for the job, then those people who are being hypocritical about it for no reason, should just zip their lip and give that person a chance, because you won't know for sure unless you do give them that chance.

The next thing you'll need to know is the one thing that you'll need to be aware of when it comes to sniping, and that's awareness in general, since there are robots that will most likely have an advantage over you, and those robots are Spies and Snipers. Robots Snipers will most likely target you if you are out in the open, and they will kill you unless you kill them first, or run to a safe position, but as for spies, even though they also go for Engineers and their buildings they are also mainly known for the urge to follow and backstab Snipers, and when I was playing as Sniper on MvM, the spies will most likely find and follow me, and will also chase me down until either me and the spy is dead, and that will also get in the way of your achievement as well, because it can also be time-comsuming. So if I were you, try to be aware of what there is around you, cause you might get backstabbed by a spy, or get sniped by another sniper if you are zoomed in on other targets, even if they are both announced on when they appear in the wave.

Lastly, you'll need to know the difficulties of the achievement itself, and what you should do and don't do, in order to successfully get it. The things that you need to do, you probably already know, but in order for you to do those things, you need to know the Don'ts, so what you need to be sure of is when trying to snipe multiple robots, you have to be sure that you are not being shot at and that you aren't near any currency that hasn't been picked up yet. So, if you know for a fact that you're being shot at, mainly by snipers or soldiers, you need to leave your current sniping spot and move to another, while also making sure you don't pick up any currency on the ground, and about the currency, if you do manage to get past $500 in the mission, that's great, but if you don't get the achievement when that happens, that means you must've accidentally picked up currency before you made it to your goal and that you didn't know or realize it, and the way that is done, is because there are several ways you could've done that without knowing it, like a spy that was near you and killed by you or another player dropped currency that you couldn't see (you won't know if they drop money or not, so don't try to melee kill them), or that you picked up money when you were fleeing from hordes of robots that were shooting at you (mainly when you walk backwards), or that when you died and were being revived by a medic, you may also accidentally pick up money after being revived if there were any near the spot in which you are brought back, and that same thing can also happen when entering an exiting an Engineer's teleporter, since that can also happen if there is money near the exit. So you need to also be aware of the money that is around you, cause like I said before if you pick up any currency before you get to your goal, then you won't get the achievement.

If you know the difficulties of playing a Sniper now, or that you already knew them, good for you, you'll most likely need to know these problems in order for you to correct them.
This is a video that I made that also shows and tells the entire guide on getting the Bank on It Achievement, just in case you don't feel like reading the entire guide word for word.

So there you have it, that is how one is able to get the Bank On It Achievement. As I said before, many have been saying that this achievement is most likely bugged, but if you follow the guidelines I have given you, you're more on your way on finally getting the achievement. Sorry that this guide was so long, it's just that the achievement is also more complex as well, and with people saying that is may be bugged, I figured I might have needed to give any possible information about it that could be given out, so that you'll most likely get a huge chance at obtaining it. Anyway, this is the guide on how to get the Bank On It Achievement, and if you have any questions, feel free to comment down below.

Thanks for reading this guide, and I hope you all who don't have the achievement, get it very soon.
7 comentarii
Discodolphin 26 apr. la 22:06 
Very helpful guide. Was playing manhattan and got it after 4 rounds. I was over 1k before it counted. HIGHLY recommend hitmans heatmaker.
Kure 'Tesum 14 sept. 2023 la 18:05 
Hey, i managed to get EVERY TF2 Achievement expect for Silicon Slaughter, Metal Massacre, and Brotherhood Of Steel, requesting to add you and 4 of your friends
Jag the Luxray  [autor] 12 sept. 2023 la 14:19 
Congrats! Sometimes headshot killing a giant with a good portion of cash helps with obtaining the achievement, that’s how I got it on Metro Malice.
Kure 'Tesum 12 sept. 2023 la 12:31 

All i did is make a custom advanced Wave with 2 Heavies and set the enemy money total to 1000, i was on Mannhattan and shot 1 heavy and i got it
Jag the Luxray  [autor] 12 sept. 2023 la 5:24 
It’s a buggy achievement. You need to collect $500 or more from headshots without picking up the credits during the entire mission, and it can be only done on Mannhattan. Sometimes you need to keep doing it until you get the achievement, but if you pick up ANY money, you need to start from $0 again.
Kure 'Tesum 12 sept. 2023 la 2:49 
I got $500 in a single wave as the Sniper without picking any money from destroyed robots and i STILL DIDN'T GET THE ACHIEVEMENT, Do you have to get $500 per wave?
raggets 9 aug. 2022 la 21:27 
thanks from dj keemstar