Transport Fever 2

Transport Fever 2

692 értékelés
Freight wagon bogie set
Scenario: Europe
Vehicle: Wagon
54.224 MB
2020. jan. 1., 16:52
2020. júl. 2., 12:58
3 változásjegyzék ( megnézés )

Feliratkozás a letöltéshez
Freight wagon bogie set

I provide this set of freight wagons bogies for you. The goal of this set is to avoid redundant data. This set will be needed for each of my freight wagons in the future.

Currently in this set the following bogies are included:
bogie type 645
bogie type 655
bogie type 713
bogie type 714.3
bogie type 715
bogie type 931
bogie type 932
bogie type y25 in 5 versions

Players without Steam can find the download at ModWerkstatt[]

You really like my work? Then just leave a comment, a thump up or spend me a little drink.

Have fun with that.


It is also prohibited to upload the mod to other websites or file hosters. Should this happen, I will take legal action if necessary.
I accept no responsibility for damages to software and hardware.
The distribution of modified versions of the mod is prohibited.
If you want to change the mod and publicly announce it or create a repaint, permission must first be obtained from me or a contributor.
13 megjegyzés
Fulles 2024. jan. 31., 6:24 
kate.grundy 2023. dec. 13., 5:34 
when i try to use this it crashes my game
I'm_a_simulation 2021. okt. 24., 12:29 
thump --> thumbs :steamthumbsup:
kaleut  [készítő] 2020. dec. 8., 12:14 
Yes, you can use it. That's exactly the reason why i made this mod. You only need the Referenz in the .mdl of your model.
[PL] BreFi 2020. dec. 8., 9:42 
Hi, can I use your bogies in my mod? I made Tagnpps wagon and used your y25 bogie. It's still necessary to add your mod to use my mod in game.
Locomotor79 2020. júl. 1., 18:46 
hmm here its vinked on but on other mod steam is saying i dont have
ether its something whit steam workshop or this mod needs to be checked out
lollus 2020. máj. 4., 4:40 
You need something like
local clackNames = {
if type(data.result) ~= 'table' then
data.result = {}
if type( ~= 'table' then = {}
if type(data.updateFns) ~= 'table' then
data.updateFns = {}
soundsetutil.addEventClacks(data, clackNames, 15.0, 10.0)
in your sond sets.
lollus 2020. máj. 4., 3:44 
Hi guys, sorry to bother you, could you please add clacks to your sound sets gw_alt, gw_neu and h_wagen?
On top of this, could you also add m_wagen into the mod, and add clacks to it, too?
I do add the clacks in my mod , but it is not the ideal solution.
Namikaze 2020. jan. 23., 6:38 
Ich kann den Mod leider nicht mehr nutzen. Jedesmal wenn ich das Spiel laden will stürzt es ab
eh.schacht 2020. jan. 7., 3:24 
Da ich neu bei TF 2 bin, hätte ich gern mehr über den Einsatz und die Verfahrensweise des Drehgest. gewusst. Zu "redundante Daten" ist im Netz nichts plausibles im Bezug auf das Spiel zu finden.
Schon mal vielen Dank für eine Info.