Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

106 Bewertungen
Renaissance Weigh House
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31. Dez. 2019 um 9:37
15. Juni 2020 um 16:59
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Renaissance Weigh House

In 1 Kollektion von Lichwiarz
Old town assets
38 Inhalte
Good afternoon!

Info according to Wiki;

The site, where the building stands today, has underwent many changes throughout centuries.

The first building on this spot was built in the second half of the XIII-th century.
Later, between 1532 and 1534, a new renaissance structure had been erected by an architect Giovanni Battista di Quadro.

During Prussian period, in 1890, the structure was demolished because of its poor condition and a threat of collapsing.
In 1892, a new building, a renaissance revival town house was completed and stood there until demolition during WW2.

The Weigh House we see today is a reconstruction (completed in 1960) of a renaissance form from XVI-th century.
Although, it's not completly the same building like before 1890; buildings recostructed in the Polish People's Republic often had some additional elements, different from the original project.

Located in Poznań, Poland.

Size 3x5, monument lvl 3.

Model info

Main model 6122 tris, lod 616 tris.
Textures 1024x1024 (d,n,s,i), lod 128x128 (a,d,i,n).

If You like my assets and would like to donate, my humble PayPal is below ;-)

Happy new year! ;)

If interesed in changes of the site throughout centuries;

Pre 1890 -
Prussian town house before 1945
Under reconstrucion, 1950s
9 Kommentare
sebesams 9. Okt. 2021 um 10:50 
Oh, i never told you yet how much i like this weigh house! Thanks!
Lichwiarz  [Autor] 15. Feb. 2020 um 11:21 
@Uchyr, kilka budynków z Poznania mam zaczętych, ale ostatnio inne projekty mnie pochłaniają bardziej. Niektóre kamienice ruszyłem, ale ratusza i fary nie mam póki co w planach. ^^

@Garfield ;D
Lew turysta 15. Feb. 2020 um 11:15 
masz w planach zrobić więcej budynków z poznania, takich jak ratusz czy fara?
garfield007 13. Feb. 2020 um 0:58 
this is so cool perfect for old town
Lichwiarz  [Autor] 2. Jan. 2020 um 5:27 
@Yosh, thanks You for these beautiful wishes ;-)

@jaaskw, cieszę się, że podoba się Tobie moje najnowsze dzieło ;D. Większości rzeczy z modelowania budynków nauczyłem się sam, posiłkowałem się tylko poradnikami z internetu. Wielu przekształceń w modelowaniu uczyłem się na zasadzie prób i błędów, co widać na przykładzie moich pierwszych modeli do Cities (i właściwie są to pierwsze modele w moim życiu).
jaaskw 2. Jan. 2020 um 3:49 
Świetna robota jak zawsze! Gdzie się nauczyłeś robić takie modele?
Yosh 1. Jan. 2020 um 1:15 
Thank you for the prompt feedback, Lichwiarz! That made me very happy.
I also wish you a happy new year. May your wishes and goals come true.
I also hope for many great assets from you in the new year.
Lichwiarz  [Autor] 31. Dez. 2019 um 12:08 
Thanks for a comment, Yosh ;D. I've to say I had lots of issues when scaling it. Compared to a church in a background it seems really big, but the church is really small, in reality it isn't higher than many 3-story houses. Compared to other assets, the scale seemed ok to me, as far I was testing it on my maps. In real world, it's higher than most 2 or 3 floor houses surrouding it, at least it seemed like that... Happy new year! ;)
Yosh 31. Dez. 2019 um 11:03 
Very nice architecture. Very nice idea from you. It looks a little big, doesn't it?