Hand Simulator: Survival

Hand Simulator: Survival

185 ratings
By runky
big good guide to doing good
how eat?
step 1: move food to mouth
step 2: press e to engulf the food
how get meat?
step 1: Get rock or sharp stick
step 2: violently bang said rock or sharp stick against an animal such as a frog, tiger, or scorpion
step 3: keep violently banging until food appears
how get coconut?
step 1: get rock
step 2: get the coconut (green things on ground)
step 3: smash them together
step 4: with the rock, smash the brown part of the coconut that comes out
how make fire?
fire is brought to you by frank de dank

translation for females:

"The night is approaching, and it's cold, I might die without a fire.
When the next night approaches, I shall make a fire as to not die; but how do I make a fire?
Pick up a stick, then, put said stick on another stick, then place 3 more sticks on the aforementioned 2 sticks on the ground. The total stick count on the ground should be 5. Then, find 2 rocks; strike those two rocks together over the sticks to create fire."
how make torch?
step 1: kill thing
step 2: take things bone
step 3: take things fat
step 4: put things bone and fat together
step 5: put bone and fat torch near fire
how build house?
step 1: find cool rock
step 2: find a small tree
step 3: bash small tree with cool rock
step 4: take small spear things
step 5: stab 4 small spear things in ground
step 6: grab some more spear things
step 7: hit new spear things against the upright spear things with a rock, and ensure the spear thing is parallel to the ground as a frame to place the floor
step 8: ensure the parallel spear thing is stuck to the upright spear by bashing it with a rock at the intersection point
step 9: repeat with all sides until a nice square forms
step 10: find big tree and smash into logs
step 11: smash logs into planks
step 12: go to the square and place planks on top of parallel plank and hit with rock to secure it
step 13: repeat until a floor starts to form
step 14: ensure the floor does not collapse
step 15: go on top of floor with more planks
step 16: place plank parallel against upright spear to form wall
step 17: smash parallel plank against spear with rock to make wall
step 18: repeat until desired wall is achieved
step 19: try the floor thing but with a ceiling
step 20: don't die
how make spear and spear things?
step 1: grab rock
step 2: cut thin bamboo looking tree with rock
step 3: take cut bamboo looking thing and put it in your hand like a spear
step 4: lightly graze something with it and watch as you steal its life-force
alternate step 4: violently shank the creature until it disintegrates
step 5: see how to get meat
ckoolkid123 18 Jun, 2024 @ 3:45pm 
amazing help
Luko 6 Feb, 2024 @ 8:36am 
dont know how to act, grab or anything else. training is fo ass
no sound
HelloKittyGirl 28 Mar, 2023 @ 6:45am 
Thanks, I’m all set.
mingebag 9 Apr, 2022 @ 10:26pm 
Senpai Ricky UwU 1 Feb, 2022 @ 3:17am 
Splendid guide! I happen to call my self sir Marcus the plier of the third dynasty and i stumbled upon this political assessment to engage my thoughts towards this process and it worked. Thank you so much, young politician.
Welcome back brother 8 Sep, 2021 @ 4:34am 
You may leave the island, but the island will never leave you
mighty cat 6 Aug, 2021 @ 12:54am 
Riverbed 30 Jun, 2021 @ 5:30pm 
wonder why lobsters are useless
chos 27 Jun, 2021 @ 10:42am 
cbt is christian bible time
[4MSK]MeloMustPlay 20 May, 2021 @ 11:56pm 
the hell is a cbt