31 人が評価
Endeavour Class Light Cruiser
Type of Build: Ship, Military
Source: Video Game
Material: Iron, Titanium
タグ: Starter
2.951 MB
2019年12月18日 13時08分
1 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Endeavour Class Light Cruiser

zajc212 作成の 1 件のコレクション
Imperial Navy
21 アイテム
The Endeavour-class Light Cruiser is one of the smallest classes of Light Cruiser in the Imperial Navy, though it is also one of the slowest due to its large array of heavy armament, giving it an offensive punch above what its tonnage would suggest.
There are lots of frameworks for future upgrades, as this ship only comes equipped with generators and integrity fields. Also the prow is empty.

From the universe of Warhammer 40K
7 件のコメント
Gorbald 2020年3月16日 5時54分 
Looks awesome, and has few enough blocks to be playable, great!

NTSFMagellan you can have working broadside macrocannons, look in the description of the 40k ship in my workshop (not posting a link as I don't know if it's allowed).
NTSFMagellan 2020年2月21日 11時44分 
Both large and small broadside macrocannons of course.
NTSFMagellan 2020年2月21日 11時44分 
This is glorious. All we need now is a macro cannon mod and Broadside macrocannons.
zajc212  [作成者] 2020年1月24日 11時05分 
thank you
Lord_Zac 2020年1月14日 19時23分 
may the god emperor bless you
Boxington Washington 2019年12月25日 9時03分 
Isimiel 2019年12月19日 1時07分 
your doing the god emperor's work