Rivals of Aether

Rivals of Aether

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Mega Man Zero
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14 Thg12, 2019 @ 10:26am
10 Thg02, 2020 @ 10:06am
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Mega Man Zero

Mô tả
This took quite a while, but I'm very satisfied how this turned out! This is Zero from the Mega Man Zero franchise! He uses moves from all 4 MMZ games. I tried to make him feel as accurate to the actual games as I possibly could. Down to the frame even!

Zero is not 100% finished yet. Colors don't work perfectly and he's missing 3 parts of his toolkit that I haven't implemented. Neutral Special is lacking a Charge Shot, he's missing a Down Special, and I wanted to make his dash function like his actual dash in his respective games (however I realize this probably isn't very possible). If anyone would like to help me finish him I'd be more than happy to get any advice! I'm very open to criticism as this is my first (mostly) finished character.

Zero is a very combo oriented character. He takes a while to land kills, but has the tools to deal out huge amounts of damage. I personally had a lot of fun playing as him and I hope you feel the same! This may or may not be the last character I make. I've kind of lost passion for making Zero after a while, but going back and tweaking a few things has reignited the spark. Regardless, I hope you have fun and thanks for trying him out!

Colors aren't based off anything in particular except the green and black which is my own personal color scheme.
75 bình luận
ZX13Roxas 6 Thg02 @ 4:40pm 
Don't think this will ever be finished
Sash Lilac 26 Thg05, 2024 @ 9:33am 
if you wanna give zero a dash be like omega and have is run be fast
V4ULT_HUNT3R 10 Thg01, 2023 @ 8:44am 
Literally the one character I always wanted in smash bros and other fighting games so if you ever want me to playtest or help out in some way just message me sometime! Cheers
V4ULT_HUNT3R 10 Thg01, 2023 @ 8:43am 
oh and maybe this might help his up smash feels/works like Roy's up-special.. to me at least I keep wanting to use it like that but idk lol. More focus on Zero's swordplay could be a very good idea/kit as long as he isn't just an echo of another character. Either way very nicely done so far, keep up the good work! <3
V4ULT_HUNT3R 10 Thg01, 2023 @ 8:42am 
I love this but he feels so underwhelming/underpowered ):

also taunt could be a lot cooler
Asura 26 Thg02, 2022 @ 10:48pm 
personally i think making his down special change the elemental chip he has active and said chip alters his abilities, like in zero 4 certain elements change the attacks attributes, would make this much more different then the other mods out there of zero
Револьвер 17 Thg12, 2021 @ 3:21pm 
Plz make Copy-X or Leviathan
SussyShart 19 Thg09, 2021 @ 8:33am 
Since you didnt want to finish the dspecial, I went ahead and did it myself.
Introducing Zero+
ephemeral 10 Thg07, 2021 @ 6:36pm 
Okay, I'll wait for you...
封白 4 Thg07, 2021 @ 2:59am 
It is too weak,the smash attack can't make 175%up to fly away.