Evolve Stage 2

Evolve Stage 2

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Legacy Evolve: Extended Hunter Guide
By Hellrider and 1 collaborators
This guide contains detailed information about all Hunter classes and a somewhat-advanced "tutorial" for all Hunter characters in the game, including overall utility, gameplay style, good-bad matchups and some advanced tips I can come up with. I'll keep this guide updated as I grow better at the game and gain more knowledge about the hunters, so stay tuned.

Overview and Hunter basics
The Hunters are the human team in the Evolve Universe, hired to evacuate the colony by saving the remaining survivors from the Monster attack. In the Hunt gamemode, their goal is to find and kill the monster before it reaches Stage 3. They go in teams of 4, being:
  • Assault
  • Medic
  • Support
  • Trapper.
As with any other team, individual talent means little if the team itself can't fight as one. Coordination, proper positioning and timing is key to victory as a Hunter. In this guide I'll cover what each individual Class is supposed to do, which hunter has which ability and how to use them with your teammates.

Coordinating with your teammates
Having proper communication is by far the most important thing a decent Hunter team can have. Evolve comes with an in-game chat box which can be accessed by pressing the ENTER key, and an in-game voice chat, which is set by default to push to talk. The default key to talk is G. This can be modified in the Settings menu. Using the voice chat is heavily recommended, as it doesn't take time to give out information, contrary to the text chat.

Usually there's one player that will play as a Leader (this has nothing to do with the party leader) and he/she will be the person that coordinates the team. That spot is normally taken by the most experienced player and/or the most talkative one. Always listen to that guy. If you ARE that guy, you don't really need a guide to tell you what to do. But in case you ARE NOT that guy, then it is your task to inform the leader of your cooldowns, your jetpack status, your proximity to the monster and his general location. Also, when using certain abilities you want to inform that to your teammates too, so they can play around that recently used ability. For example, if you're playing Cabot, you have to inform that you're using the Damage Amp so the Assault class can bring his heavy artillery and deal the most damage possible. Playing like an actual team makes a HUGE difference, as even the most experienced players will go down easily if they have zero coordination, even when facing a monster with less experience than them.

As I said before, positioning is key to winning as a Hunter team. Certain spots in any dome are safer than others, and that also goes for the monster. As a Hunter, you want to stay in position. That position is relative and depends on your class. For example, the Assault class will want to be in the main fighting area, close to the monster, while a Medic class will want to stay away on a high vantage point. As a rule of thumb, the Medic and the Support have to stay away and protect from a distance while the Trapper and the Assault fight the Monster. This can obviously change during the fight and it depends on what character you're playing. I'll go into detail of preferred position in each Hunter's section.

Timing and Jetpack Managing
These 2 traits over here separate the good hunters from the bad ones. Timing has to do with teamplay while Jetpack managing comes hand to hand with positioning.

What refers to timing, you wanna time all your abilities properly so your team can get the most out of it. You want to optimize heals, shields, harpoons and damage, so paying attention to your surroundings is very important. For example, if you're playing Medic and a teammate starts getting hit, immediately stop what you're doing to switch to your healing ability and keep that hunter alive. Another good example might be, as an Assault, to intercept certain Monster abilities so he can't hit whoever he was trying to hit. All those little details actually have a big impact on the game, and a missed Healing Burst or a late shield can mean the game in most situations.

What refers to your Jetpack, always remember that thing is on a loooong cooldown. It takes around 15 seconds for it to recharge fully unless you have Jetpack Recharge, considering you're not using it AT ALL. And 15 seconds in a fight is a long time. So you want to be careful with not overusing it. Always keep an eye on it and use it sparingly in the chase. In the fight, be aware of not panicking, using all your boosts in one direction and then getting cornered with no jetpack. You want to stay calm, and if you see the monster using an ability on you, try to dodge it with only 1 dodge and then run around a little bit, so it has a chance to recharge. What abilities to dodge and which ones not to dodge is a whole different topic which I might include in a future Dodging guide. What refers to this one, remember that flying up is usually useless unless you're climbing an object or trying to reach an edge, like a bridge. By flying you'll consume your jetpack extremely fast, not to say that you're probably gonna land on the monster if you fly in a fight.

Now I'm gonna go through the classes and all the characters.
The Assault
The Assault Class is the damage dealer of the team. Their sole purpose is to deal as much damage as possible, effectively setting a "timer" for the Monster. The higher your damage, the less time the Monster will have to get downs, which means your team will have a higher chance of winning. Although every hunter has to be shooting, the Assault is responsible for around 60% of the Hunter damage, which makes him VERY important.

As an Assault, you want to be looking at the Monster's position and sometimes keep an eye on your health to make sure you're not being too cocky. Don't worry too much about your teammates or your teammates position, they can take care of that. All that matters is the Monster and his armor going down as fast as possible.

The Assault Class Ability is the Personal Shield. Upon activation, it will grant the Assault player a powerful shield that will protect him from damage. The shield lasts for a moderate amount of time and can take a lot of damage before wearing off. The shield should be used just before dying, as it can prevent the player from dying while the Medic heals the wounded hunter.

There's a total of 6 different Assaults a player can choose to play, all of them with different abilities, matchups, difficulties, strengths and weaknesses.
Personal Difficulty: Moderate
Preferred perks: Quick Switch, DMG
Favored composition: Defensive

Markov is the first Assault on the list and the tutorial Hunter. He's a well rounded Assault and relatively easy to play, which makes him ideal for newer players looking to damage some Monsters. Markov's kit comes with the Lightning Gun, the Assault Rifle and Arc Mines.

The Lightning Gun
The Lightning Gun is Markov's primary weapon, a short-ranged welder that snaps on targets and chains to adjacent enemies. It deals moderate damage to the main target and low damage to all chained targets. It has a recharge time of around 6s.

This weapon, compared to other assaults, lacks in damage by itself, which will make it difficult to the Markov player to remove certain Monster's armor, like Meteor Goliath and Behemoth. This, paired with it's long reload time, makes it a mediocre weapon, but that doesn't mean it's useless. The snapping mechanic makes it really useful to deal with Monster deployables, like Kraken's Banshee mine and Gorgon's Spider trap, and it's powerful against Monsters with high mobility, like Elder Kraken and Gorgon

The Assault Rifle
The Assault Rifle is his secondary weapon, a simple automatic rifle with low damage, but infinite range and the ability to hit weak points and headshots, potentially increasing it's low damage output. It comes with 48 bullets by default and has a quick reload time.

The Assault Rifle's low damage output makes it practically useless in the dome, where the Monster is close to you and you're better off using the Lightning Gun. Only use it if the Lightning Gun is recharging and you already have a proper mine field set. Also, it's extremely high accuracy makes it amazing for sniping, which means it's very useful against Kraken's big headshot hitbox and fleeing monsters.

Arc Mines
Arc Mines are his most damaging tool. It has a short cooldown between each mine placement and they take some time to arm. Once they're activated, they generate a relatively big electric field which explodes when the Monster gets close to it, dealing massive damage. Most of Markov's damage comes from these mines, so careful placement is needed to make the most out of it.

Depending on which monster you're fighting, you'll want to place the mines in different spots. For example, against Goliath and Kraken, putting the Arc Mines on top of cliffs is very useful for different reasons. Goliath's Fire Breath can't hit mines on top of high cliffs, and Hunters can find a safe spot in those mines more effectively. Against Kraken, there's a high chance of him flying into some of them, increasing your damage output significantly. Against other monsters, like Gorgon or Meteor Goliath, you'll want to place the mines behind cover, so that the Acid Spit/Fire Breath have a lesser chance of hitting them.

++ Goliath
All of Markov's kit can prove very useful against any Goliath player. The Lightning Gun deals decent damage at short range while the Assault Rifle's great accuracy helps targeting the Goliath's relatively big headshot target. Arc Mines are extremely effective against him, as his melee - based combat leaves him with no tools other than Fire Breath to take Arc Mines out.It is advised to place Arc Mines out of sight, so that Hunters can find a safe spot in them while the Goliath has his Fire Breath on cooldown.

~ Meteor Goliath
Meteor Goliath's Fire Breath, compared to OG's, is long lasting and very powerful, which will not only get rid of your mines but also all deployables in the dome with one swipe. Spamming Arc Mines is a must against Meteor Goliath, since his melee - based combat still makes him vulnerable to them. His big armor pool will make it difficult for the Lightning Gun to pierce through it easily. Although it's a relatively difficult matchup, it all depends on the arena quality, correct mine placement and your team's awareness on the Monster's cooldowns.

~ Kraken
Kraken's high mobility is countered by the snapping mechanism of the Lightning gun, but since he can easily break the Arc Mines with snowballs, the end damage will be pretty mediocre. Since Kraken has one of the smallest armor pools in the game, this is usually not a problem, but the damage will still be lacking.

+ Elder Kraken
With little tools to break mines and his massive mobility countered by the snapping thingy, Elder Kraken gets somewhat countered by Markov, but his damage usually isn't enough to get through his armor and health pools. As long as Elder Kraken doesn't use the Death Spiral to break the mines, you should be in a good spot.

+ Wraith
Wraith's melee - based combat and limited tools to break Arc Mines will make any Arena a danger zone for any Wraith player. Although Abduction and Warp Blast can go through mines, she doesn't have the AoE necessary to break the mines before they arm, which means that the Markov player will get a lot of value out of them. The Lightning Gun is specially good against Wraith's high mobility, since there's little she can do to escape it.

- Behemoth
Behemoth's ridiculous armor and health pools paired with his massive AoE will make dealing proper damage to him a living hell. Mines are useless against the living fortress, since his ranged attacks with great AoE will take them out before they even have a chance to arm. His Lightning Gun by itself isn't enough to pierce through Behemoths humongous health pool. When facing Behemoth with a Markov, it is advised that every team member shoots at the Behemoth to help the Assault with the damage output.

Same as with Wraith, Gorgon's low health and armor pools and high mobility get wrecked by the Lightning Gun, including the fact that he can easily kill Spider Traps while damaging the Gorgon with the chaining mechainsm. However, Gorgon's ranged attacks are a beast against any type of deployables, so getting value out of the Arc Mines can prove very challenging.
Blitz Markov
Personal Difficulty: Challenging
Preferred perks: Capacity, Jetpack Recharge, Jump Height
Favored composition: Defensive

Blitz Markov is Markov's variant, using the same tools with a slightly different mechanic. He's still a completely different Assault, with incredible damage potential. His Lightning Gun (now "Tesla Gun") has a much, MUCH higher damage potential, making it viable. His Assault Rifle has a reduced clip but a higher fire rate, and his Arc Mines (now "Tesla Mines") charge over time, dealing ridiculous damage once fully charged.

The Tesla Gun
The Tesla Gun is similar to the Lightning Gun, but with a critical difference: The beam doesn't arc to nearby targets anymore, but as long as the beam isn't broken, it gets a damage multiplier, up to x4 the original damage. A color change will occur each time the gun increases in power:
  • x1: Blue
  • x2: Purple
  • x3: Red
  • x4: Gold
The blue beam by itself has less DPS than OG Markov's Lightning Beam, so keeping the beam on the Monster is a MUST in order to deal proper damage. The beam gets broken if the Monster is a certain angle away from your reticle, or if you take damage.

The Tesla Gun is incredibly strong against big targets like both Goliaths, Kraken and to some extent Behemoth (I'll explain this later). These Monsters don't have enough mobility to break the Tesla Gun easily without actively escaping from you, which will make it easy for you to deal maximum damage.

The Assault Rifle
Nothing special about this one. Low damage, short clip, high fire rate, only useful when a Monster is escaping

Tesla Mines
As if the Tesla Gun wasn't enough, Tesla Mines have the same functionality as Arc Mines, but they charge with time, dealing up to twice the damage an Arc Mine does. They share the same color pattern as the Tesla Gun and take a relatively long time to reach full power. The infamous "Gold Mines" will take down as much as an entire health bar off a Monster (or 4 armor bars), which makes them devastating if a Monster is dumb enough to run into one of them.

You want to use them the same way you use the Arc Mines, but don't be too spammy with them. Setting up Tesla Mines around a certain area and leaving them there can prove very useful to set up a safe zone a Hunter can go to, so that the Monster has to either use an ability to get rid of the mines, leave the Hunter or take game-changing amounts of damage.

++ Goliath
Same as with OG Markov, Blitz Markov has an easy time dealing mine damage against Goliath, but since he has a higher damage potential, Blitz Markov is especially scary for any Goliath player

+ Meteor Goliath
With better damage on the Tesla Gun compared to OG Markov, fighting a Meteor Goliath becomes possible with Blitz Markov. Mines are less of a threat for Meteor Goliath, but they can still hurt him bad if he's not careful. 1 or 2 mines is usually enough to force a Meteor Goliath to run away.

~ Kraken
Kraken's decent mobility will break your Tesla Gun beam more often, but you can still get a lot of gold beams on him. Mines usually aren't a threat for Kraken, but 1 gold mine on a cliff will completely annihilate a Kraken's armor, turning the tide of the battle to your side.

- Elder Kraken
Elder Kraken's high mobility and ranged attacks mean he can easily break your Tesla Gun's beam before it even builds up, and his ranged attacks like Death Spiral will kill all your mines, if they survive long enough to reach the gold status. Good Blitz Markovs will still be able to get gold beams and ocassional mines, but Elder Kraken is still a decent counter to him.

-- Wraith
Wraith's massive mobility and small hitbox makes connecting beams almost impossible, more so getting gold beams. Contrary to OG Markov, spamming mines around the battlefield won't get you as much damage on any Monster, since these mines need to charge first before they can deal a decent amount of damage. Wraith usually runs into them while they're blue, not dealing significant amounts of damage or not dealing damage at all if she runs into them with Warp Blast of Abduction. Decoy can break a carefully placed set of mines with ease, and since spamming them is not an option, it will reduce your damage output significantly.

~ Behemoth
Since Behemoth is usually stationary, you'll bet a ton of gold beams easily, dealing decent damage through the game. However, his massive AoE means you'll get hit often, breaking your gold beam and resetting it. Mines are useless because of his ranged attacks/AoE, but the amount of gold beams will make up for that. Careful positioning needed, but still a decent matchup.

- Gorgon
Same as Wraith, Gorgon's high mobility and small hitbox will cause your gold beam to never build up. Her Acid Spit will destroy all deployables in the field with ease, including your precious Gold Mines. However, she can still trip on one of the Tesla Mines if her Acid Spit is on cooldown, or she can hit one of them with the Mimic, breaking it instantly. Bad matchup, but still not impossible.
Personal Difficulty: Easy
Preferred perks: DMG, Jetpack Recharge
Favored composition: Offensive

Hyde is the third Assault in the class, a terrifying beast with massive damage output. He's very easy to play and relatively easy to master, and overall a really good Assault with little counterplay, making him a perfect pick for any beginner learning the basics. His kit consists of the Flamethrower, the Minigun and Toxic Grenades.

The Flamethrower
The Flamethrower is his primary weapon, which fires a devastating stream of fire dealing great damage and inflicting fire damage over time. It has a huge fuel tank and a quick reload, perfect for maximum DPS. It's short range means you need to stay close to the Monster to deal proper damage, but it pays off.

As a Hyde player, you want to prioritize the Flamethrower over any other weapon, unless there's strong weak points like Val's or you feel confident hitting headshots. It's amazing DPS means you want to stay on the Flamethrower as much as you can.

The Minigun
The Minigun is his secondary weapon, a rapid firing bullet-spitter that deals mediocre damage with somewhat-decent accuracy. As with the Flamethrower, it has massive capacity, so you'll never run out of bullets.

It should be used if a Monster is out of range of the Flamethrower or if there's a strong weakpoint you can shoot at consistently. If you can properly hit headshots, it is also a viable weapon. Without any damage-boosting things on the Monster, the Minigun is pretty mediocre.

Toxic Grenades
The Toxic Grenades leave a cloud of noxious gas that deals big damage to anything standing in it. It's reload time matches perfectly with the amount of time it takes to fully empty the Flamethrower juice and it's activation time matches perfectly with the Flamethrower's reload time, what makes those two weapons have perfect synergy with one another.

The Toxic Grenades are the hardest tool to use in his kit, which doesn't mean they are hard to use at all. You want to aim the grenade at whoever is currently getting targeted by the Monster, so the Monster is forced to run through it to keep hitting said Hunter. In other cases, throwing it directly in the middle of the combat area is usually enough, with some exceptions like Kraken.

+ Goliath
Since little of Hyde's abilities can be evaded, Hyde has a lot of good matchups. Goliath is one of them. His Flamethrower is effective enough and Goliath's big hitbox means he'll stay often in the Toxic Cloud, which allows for good damage on any Goliath player.

+ Meteor Goliath
Same reasons as with OG Goliath, Meteor Goliath's kit can't do much against Hyde's damage, which means he'll take most of Hyde's maximum damage output most of the time. His big health and armor pools allow him to tank it to some extent, but Hyde is still a very reliable Assault against both Goliaths.

- Kraken
Kraken's flying ability allow him to stay out of reach of the flamethrower 70% of the time. His constant movement and ranged attacks makes dealing Toxic Grenade damage particulary difficult, but his big headshot hitbox allows the Minigun to shine. It's mediocre damage is still a major drawback, but decent damage can still be dealt to any Kraken player.

~ Elder Kraken
Although the entire Hyde kit is useful against Elder Kraken, with his big headshot hitbox and on-ground fighting, the fact that as a Hyde player you need to stay close to the Monster makes it especially dangerous to go against Elder Kraken and his ridiculous AoE and spread damage. You'll find yourself with low health most of the time, even if the Kraken is going against someone else. Careful playstyle very much needed.

++ Wraith
Wraith's low health and armor pools and her inability to escape the Flamethrower makes Hyde a great matchup against her. The Toxic Grenades absolutely obliterate the poor Wraith, forcing her to escape most of the time or take the damage. As an added effect, the over time fire damage can reveal a cloaked Wraith, which makes using the Decoy effectively very difficult.

+ Behemoth
Behemoths low mobility makes escaping the toxic grenade impossible. His massive health and armor pools however, help him tank everything that Hyde can throw at him. Even if the damage is high, Behemoth just doesn't care. Still a good matchup because Hyde can deal his maximum damage against him with ease. Very good in a damage comp.

++ Gorgon
Same as with Wraith but turned up to 11. Her Spider Traps last less than a second against the Flamethrower, and even if her Mimic doesn't get broken that easily, the Flamethrower will melt the Gorgon's low health and armor in 2 seconds. Landing a toxic grenade on a Gorgon that is using a Mimic can be devastating to her. The Minigun can prove effective at breaking Mimics from a distance too, which although situational, it should not be overlooked.
Personal Difficulty: Moderate
Preferred perks: Jetpack Recharge, Movement Speed, Quick Switch
Favored composition: Neutral

James Parnell is my personal favorite Assault and a force to be reckoned with. Having a primary weapon that benefits from headshots and weakpoints allows him to deal insane amounts of damage when in the right hands. With a really high skill ceiling, he's a perfect Assault for experienced players that want to deal maximum damage, but he's also good for beginners with proper aim. His kit consists of the Combat Shotgun, the Multi-fire Rocket Launcher and the Super Soldier ability.
The Combat Shotgun
His primary weapon is a fast-firing, double-barreled shotgun with a big spread and ridiculous damage. It has 10 shells in each drum. With a decent reload time, it's the perfect weapon for CQC.

Since his shotgun benefits of weakpoints and headshots, being able to headshot the monster from up close with the Combat Shotgun will reward the Assault player with an insane amount of damage. If there's a weakpoint on the Monster's head, too, you can deal up to 3 armor bars of damage per shell, which will melt a Monster in no time.

The Multi-fire Rocket Launcher
The Rocket Launcher is Parnell's secondary weapon, a powerful Rocket Launcher with high damage and unlimited range. Perfect weapon for Monsters in middle- to long range, deals as much damage as each Shotgun shell (if you hit all pellets), but with a slightly slower fire rate and no benefit from headshots and weakpoints.

You want to use your Rocket Launcher when the Shotgun is on reload, empty the entire chamber, switch to the Combat Shotgun and repeat the cycle. The reload times are perfectly calculated, and since the Rocket Launcher deals about the same damage as the Combat Shotgun, switching back and forth will give you consistent damage. Since the rockets aren't hitscan, you will need to lead your shots to hit a moving Monster. The further away, the harder it is to hit rockets.

Super Soldier
Super Soldier is an activable ability, which, at the cost of some health, it grants increased movement speed and reload time, along with a massive boost to jump height and fire rate. Since it quite literally doubles your fire rate, your DPS goes to the sky for a short period of time. If you pair that with constant headshots of the shotgun, you can literally destroy even a Goliath's armor in 5 seconds.

This ability should be used when you know you'll be able to properly hit the Monster, for example when a Gorgon prepares Mimic or when a Goliath jumps into fight and picks a rock up, and so on. Make sure you're into position to get the most out of the ability, since it's on a long cooldown. It can also be used in the chase, to increase your mobility and keep up with a Monster trying to escape.

+ Goliath
Goliath's simple gameplay and decent headshot hitbox allows to some insane bursts of damage every once in a while. Activating Super Soldier will allow you to keep up with his high combat mobility and deal consistent damage as long as the ability lasts. You can deal especially scary damage when in Fire Breath and Rock Throw, because he moves less when using these abilities, allowing you to target the head with more ease. Goliath's high mobility might prove challenging to go against as Parnell, though, so careful jetpack management is needed to excel as Parnell.

+ Meteor Goliath
Practically the same as with OG Goliath, except that the Fire Breath lasts much longer which means an exposed head for longer, which in result trades for even more damage. Meteor Goliath has even higher mobility that OG, which will make it even harder to hit all Shotgun pellets all the time, but it's still not impossible, as long as the player has decent aim.

+ Kraken
Even if Kraken flies away from the Shotgun's optimal range, his massive headshot hitbox will prove very useful when in Super Soldier, and a skilled Parnell can obliterate a Kraken that dares to come too close to him. His Rocket Launcher is also very useful to hit Kraken at all ranges, but high skill is pretty much required to deal consistent damage againt Kraken.

++ Elder Kraken
Same traits as with OG Kraken but this time Elder Kraken doesn't fly away from your Shotgun, and since his head is 1/3 of his character model, you can deal ridiculous amounts of Damage against any Elder Kraken.

- Wraith
Wraith's small hitbox and almost non-existant headshot hitbox will make hitting the Wraith with the Shotgun a challenge. His Rocket Launcher is still effective, but you'll be lacking a lot of damage from Wraith's high evasion and movement speed.

~ Behemoth
At first, one might think that Behemoth's big size and slow movement speed are optimal for hitting every pellet, which is true, but there's a factor that's not taken into consideration. Behemoth takes reduced bullet damage, which means the Shotgun will deal way less damage than expected. This, paired with the fact that Behemoth's weakpoint is in his belly instead of in his head, and his belly is only revealed when he shoots abilities, makes the Shotgun way less effective compared to any other Monster.

~ Gorgon
Pretty much the same as with Wraith, Gorgon's high mobility and non-existant headshot hitbox will cause you to miss a lot of shots, and deal way less damage than expected. His Rocket launcher, however, is godlike to take Mimic and Spider Trap down, which can diminish a Gorgon's damage by a lot, giving your team the edge they need to survive. This is a special case, since Parnell will prove helpful if you're fighting the Gorgon with a more defensive composition. In a damage composition, it will definetly be harder for you to deal consistent damage to her. Using the Rocket Launcher more often is recommended.
Personal Difficulty: Challenging
Preferred perks: Capacity
Favored composition: Neutral, Defensive

Torvald Stavig is the most complex Assault and one of the most damaging ones. His abilities and playstyle are unique to him, and being a high risk - high return Assault, mastering him can prove very difficult, but very rewarding. Not recommended for beginners, for the experienced player only. His kit comes with the Autofire Shotgun, the Mortar Cannon and Shrapnel Grenades.

The Autofire Shotgun
The Autofire Shotgun is a decent shotgun that, as the name implies, empties the entire magazine with a single trigger pull. It has a small spread, a really high fire rate and a short reload. Although not as damaging as Parnell's shotgun, it still does decent damage and benefits from weakpoints and headshots.

Although it's a decent weapon, it lacks in power compared to his other weapon. It should be used when the Mortar Cannon is on reload and only after throwing 1 or 2 Shrapnel Grenades on the Monster, to maximize damage. Always aim for the head, as it's amazingly small spread will allow you to precisely hit any weakpoint the Monster might have. It's also a viable tactic to shoot it from a distance, given how small the spread is. Don't get too far away though, as it's still a shotgun and it has damage dropoff.

The Mortar Cannon
The Mortar Cannon is the most damaging weapon in the entire game after Hank's Orbital Barrage and Tech Sergeant Hank's Orbital Drill. It's on a surprisingly short cooldown and shoots a barrage of 5 mortars in an arc (7 if the Capacity perk is used) that deal around 2 armor bars each. It has a maximum range of around 130m and it takes a long time for them to reach the ground once fired, so predicting the Monster's movement is a must.

Most of your damage will come from your Mortar Cannons if you know how to properly follow the Monster's movements and make the Monster run into them. You can't shoot them if you're too close to the Monster or a wall, so shooting them from a distance is required. Usually, you want to aim at the hunter a Monster is going for, so that when the Monster reaches the Hunter's position, he is greeted by a devastating Mortar Barrage. Against faster Monsters, you want to aim the Mortars where the targeted Hunter is going, which can prove very difficult as a lot of gamesense is required to pull off consistently. If you're getting targeted, throwing Mortars in front of you and jetpacking to them is a really effective way of making a Monster lose his entire Armor bar. Staying away from combat and analizing the combat area to determine the Monster's movement pattern is useful to learn how to lead the Mortars.

As a side tip, focusing the entire Mortar Barrage in one spot is good to deal maximum damage, but spreading them around the general combat area is more useful to make sure at least 1 or 2 mortars hit the Monster. Spreading the Mortars or focusing them in one spot is a tough decision to make in the heat of the fight, but having knowledge of the Monster's movement possibilities and the general combat area will allow you to make the best decision. For example, if the Monster is hitting a cornered Hunter, focusing all the mortars in that corner will be more effective, but if the Monster is jumping around a pillar, spreading them around the pillar is gonna be better.

Shrapnel Grenades
Shrapnel Grenades are a simple tool in his kit. A hit on the Monster will deal minimal damage and fill the Monster with x1.5 multiplier weakpoints. Very useful to increase the Shotgun's damage.

+ Goliath
Goliath's simple movements and mainly melee combat is perfect for the Mortar cannons, as predicting his movement is much easier. Also, his relatively big hitbox makes hitting him with the shotgun a pleasure, which will return high damage.

+ Meteor Goliath
Pretty much the same as with OG Goliath, his simple movements are easy to predict and you'll hit a lot of your mortars once you get the hang of them.

~ Kraken
Kraken's ranged attacks makes the "hit the hunter" tactic useless, and you'll need great knowledge of the mortars movement in order to hit the Kraken. Since the mortars fly up, and the Kraken is also up, mortars only have to travel half the distance in order to hit him. Predicting his movements is still VERY hard and only expert Torvald players can consistently hit a Kraken mid-air.

- Elder Kraken
Elder Kraken's massive mobility and ranged attacks help him actively dodge your Mortar Barrage as they fall and never stop attacking. It's still not impossible to hit an Elder Kraken with mortars, but it is very difficult and you will never do it consistently. Elder Kraken's big headshot target is nice for the shotgun though, but you'll need the Mortars to get through Elder Kraken's high armor and health pools.

+ Wraith
Even with Wraith's high mobility, her melee-based combat makes her movements predictable since she needs to stay on top of Hunters to deal damage. her low armor pool makes it so that 1 Mortar Barrage is enough to make a Wraith run on her tail.

++ Behemoth
Behemoth's low mobility is perfect to land mortars, which will end in massive amounts of damage against the poor Behemoth. Landing every mortar will show Torvald's true power, and will quickly turn the tide of the battle to the Hunter team.

- Gorgon
Gorgon's high mobility allows her to dodge incoming mortars with ease, and her ranged attacks make predicting her movements especially difficult. Extremely hard matchup, but not impossible, as 1 successful Mortar Barrage will obliterate the Gorgon in a matter of seconds, giving your team the edge in any fight.
Personal Difficulty: Moderate
Preferred perks: Movement Speed/Jump Height
Favored composition: Offensive

Ida Lennox is a melee based Assault capable of dealing massive damage to a Monster really quickly. Since she has to stay in melee range at all times to deal proper damage, good mobility perks and a powerful medic are needed, becuase being so close to the Monster exposes Lennox to splash damage. Her kit consists of the Plasma Lance, the Autocannon and the Thunder Strike.

The Plasma Lance
The Plasma Lance is Lennox's primary weapon, a powerful melee blast that pierces through enemies. It has no reload time and a decent attack speed, which returns good damage against any Monster. After each successful hit on any creature, the Plasma Lance gains a stack, which lasts for a short time and increases the Plasma Lance's damage. You can earn a maximum of 4 stacks, which will cause ridiculous amounts of damage per punch. Lennox loses all stacks when she gets hit, when you miss a punch, or when the timer runs out.

The Plasma Lance is your primary source of damage and you should be careful about the Monster's movement, since missing or getting hit will reset your damage. Patience is required as very often the Monster will get out of reach with a traversal and cause you to miss a punch, resetting your stacks. To prevent that, waiting for the Monster to move and get close before the timer runs out works most of the time.

The Autocannon
The Autocannon is Lennox's secondary weapon, a heavy cannon with a massive magazine which fires medium-damage bullets. It's similar to Hyde's Minigun, but they have some differences. First, the spread isn't affected by the Hunter moving; second, it has a much bigger magazine but also a longer reload time; and last, the bullets aren't hitscan, even if they are affected by headshots and weakpoints.

The Autocannon's huge capacity and decent damage allows you to role-play as a living turret, dealing constant damage to any Monster at any range. Since the bullets aren't hitscan, leading your shots is needed, which will cause you to miss Monsters when they're far away. However, it's good accuracy and damage allows Lennox to deal scary chase damage. THIS WEAPON DOES NOT OUTDAMAGE THE PLASMA LANCE. Prioritize the Plasma Lance in the dome and use the Autocannon only when a Monster is out of range.

The Thunder Strike
Lennox's special ability, the Thunder Strike, boosts Lennox far up in the air, landing at the desired position and dealing massive damage to any creature in the vicinity. It works exactly like Goliath's Leap Smash, and should be used like it. It has deceiving radius and a decent cooldown.

This ability can deal ridiculous damage to any Monster unlucky enough to eat it. It can be used in multiple ways: to close the gap to the Monster, dealing damage in the process; to punish a camping Monster and as a traversal ability, giving you an edge over the other Hunters in the chase. Combined with Cabot's Damage Amp, the Thunder Strike can erase a Stage 3 Gorgon's entire armor pool, or half the armor of a Stage 3 Goliath. It is very powerful and should be used as soon as it's ready to be used. Aim it carefully, as it has a moderate flight time and mobile Monsters will dodge it with ease.

+ Goliath
Goliath's big hitbox and predictable movement makes for an easy target for the Plasma Lance. You'll be able to build 4 stacks of the Plasma Lance more often than not, allowing you to deal serious damage. Goliath's above average mobility will make you miss some Thunder Strikes, as well as some critical Plasma Lances, but nothing you can't recover from

+ Meteor Goliath
Same reasons as with OG Goliath, but the extra fire damage can pose a real threat to your health bar. The damage will still be present, and a good Medic will keep you alive, even with the extra fire damage on you.

+ Kraken
Contrary to what one might think, the Autocannon is VERY powerful against Kraken, as his headshot hitbox is big enough to relentlessly punish the Kraken with an unending barrage on bullets. You can even get some Thunder Strikes on any Kraken that runs Aftershock.

-- Elder Kraken
Elder Kraken's superior mobility and AoE will kill you before you even get to 4 stacks out of the Plasma Lance. The Autocannon is a viable option, but the reduced damage compared to the Plasma Lance will never be enough to pierce through Elder Kraken's big armor pool.

+ Wraith
Wraith's low health and armor means you only need 1 Thunder Strike and some punches to make any Wraith player run on his tail. Her superior movement, however, will take out a lot of your Plasma Lance damage, but you can get a lot of damage with it each time Wraith uses Supernova.

-- Behemoth
Although in theory it should be easy to build up stacks on the Behemoth, his ridiculous AoE will make you lose stacks very often, while also chipping your health very quickly. Usually you will go down even if the Behemoth isn't actively going after you. His massive armor pool make it so you'll not even be halfway there before you die, meaning you're almost useless against him. In terms of the Autocannon, Behemoth takes reduced damage from bullets, which also means he'll take less damage from the Autocannon.

++ Gorgon
Gorgon's main weakness is the damage composition, and Lennox is all about damage. Even if her great mobility might make it hard to build up stacks, you don't need to hit Gorgon too many times to make the difference. Her armor will dissapear before she can even chain her abilities, and when she pops Mimic, you Thunder Strike both the Gorgon and the Mimic for massive damage. Also, your Plasma Lance is amazing to take down Spider Traps, which makes Lennox an amazing pick against any Gorgon.
Assault: Advanced Tactics
As an Assault character, you are the most tanky and the most protected class of the Hunter team. If you get in trouble, you always have your Medic and Support to back you up, as well as the Trapper to reduce the Monster's damage output. On top of all of this, you've got your Personal Shield, which will render you unkillable for quite a long time. If your Personal Shield is available, don't hesitate going head on the Monster.

It is your job to flush the Monster out of cover and/or hiding spots, so the Trapper can dome it in a more favorable spot. While in the fight, it is your job to deal as much damage as possible, but your power as an Assault doesn't stop there. Taking Monster abilities for other Hunters is a very powerful strategy that can save lives and change the tide of the battle. Although most Monster abilities have AoE, almost every Monster has one that doesn't, listed below:
  • Goliath/Meteor Goliath -> Rock Throw
  • Kraken -> Banshee Mines
  • Elder Kraken -> None
  • Wraith -> Abduction
  • Behemoth -> Tongue Grab
  • Gorgon -> Spider Trap
Also, Gorgon has a breakable Mimic, and it should be a primary focus for the Assault player, since breaking it before it reaches a vulnerable teammate can save his life and prevent losing the game right there. As with the rest of the Monsters, taking the damage of these abilities for a teammate is advised whenever you can do it. Always pay attention to your health bar, as you don't want to take a 3 point Rock Throw in the face with 30% health. Using the Personal Shield in conjunction is recommended when you're low in health. Taking an Abduction or a Rock as an Assault when the Medic had no jetpack can save his life and prolong the fight more, allowing you and your team to deal more damage and prevent strikes on Hunters. One downed Hunter can make a fight extremely difficult, especially if that downed Hunter is the Medic.

Aside from this, always focus on the damage, as it is your role and your job in the team. Not being able to take abilities isn't that big of a deal compared to not being able to deal consistent damage to a Monster.

The Support
The Support's responsability is to quite literally buff the Hunters and puts the team on-par with the Monster. They're a core Hunter and a prime target for any Monster, since they define what each composition is all about.

As a Support, depending on your pick you want to play defensively or offensively. Support is one of the harder Hunter classes, as you need to focus on multiple things at the same time. If you're playing a defensive support, you need to pay attention to your teammates, but also be careful with your own health and deal damage at the same time. You'll be a prime target, so knowing how to effectively dodge is important to survive as long as possible.

The Support Class ability is the Invisibility Cloak, which will render you and all Hunters in a small radius completely invisible. Your jetpack trails and footsteps are still visible to the Monster, and each time you receive damage your outline will be revealed for a short duration (around 1s). It is VERY useful to save Hunters from a bad spot, or to make an escape in case you get overwhelmed by the Monster in an unlucky dome. You can then hide and wait for reinforcements.

There are 6 Support characters to pick from, which will be presented in the next sections.
Personal Difficulty: Easy
Preferred perks: Jetpack Recharge, Movement Speed, Capacity
Composition: Defensive

Hank is the very first Support Class and a simple character to play. Very strong pick and one of my favorites, selecting Hank will automatically force a Defensive composition; that means all Hunters will need to go something that is favored by a defensive composition. His most powerful asset is his Shield Projector, which fires a beam that will shield a Hunter as long as the beam has battery on it. The shield will take all damage a Hunter would otherwise be receiving. Due to this, downing a Hunter with Hank on the team can prove very challenging for the Monster, as powering through his Shield Projector significantly reduces the Monster's damage potential and can save any Hunter from ambushes. GIven all of this, he's a top priority target for any Monster. His kit consists of the Laser Cutter, the Shield Projector and the Orbital Barrage.

The Laser Cutter
The Laser Cutter is a simple weapon that fires short bursts of laser energy with ridiculous precision. It does moderate damage, with a fast recharge and moderate capacity.

It is perfect to hit weakpoints and headshots due to its perfect accuracy (it literally has no spread), and it's damage is good enough to quickly dispatch any dangerous wildlife like Mammoth Birds or Reavers before a fight.

The Shield Projector
The Shield Projector is Hank's most valuable asset and his main ability. It has a long recharge time and moderate capacity. When fired, it locks on whatever Hunter is on your reticle, and shoots a 60m beam of energy that protects the Hunter from damage. The more battery you have in the Shield Projector, the more damage the shield can take before deactivating.

Always position yourself on high ground and away from the combat area to protect teammates from a distance without being in danger. The beam has 60m range, which is enough on most domes for you to get a nice vantage point and be safe from the Monster. This is very important, as you cannot be taking the same damage as the Hunter you're trying to shield, because you'll make the Medic's job much harder.

PRO TIP: Don't be afraid of shielding a Hunter in need when your shield isn't fully charged. If a Hunter is about to go down and you only have 1/4 of the Shield Projector recharged, shield him anyway. It will help the Medic significantly and, with a little bit of luck, the Medic might get a Healing Burst and save said Hunter's life.

Orbital Barrage
The Orbital Barrage is the second most damaging weapon in the game. After a short activation time, it launches 15 to 20 bombs that deal massive damage in the spot where the barrage was called. The first 3 bombs fall down one by one, dealing increasing damage. Then, the other bombs fall down in a wider area, dealing way more damage than the previous ones, killing anything in a decent radius.

The Orbital Barrage's ridiculous damage means it's perfect to create danger zones and force the Monster to retreat temporarily. It is important to note that the Orbital Barrage cannot be used under a ceiling, like for example in an underpass or a cave. When a Hunter is cornered by the Monster, or the Monster has an advantage in a certain spot, you can zone him out using the Orbital Barrage.

Orbital Barrage Advanced Tactics
There's a lot of funny trickshots you can do with the Orbital Barrage. There's 2 important things to note:
1) The first 3 bombs have perfect accuracy and land in the middle of the red circle.
2) All bombs will knock Hunters around
With this in mind, you can use an Orbital Barrage in the chase by aiming it in front of you and jumping forward, using the bomb AoE to launch yourself and your teammates across the map. Another trick that includes this is using the Orbital Barrage in conjunction with the Invisibility Cloak. Right after aiming the Orbital Barrage, activate the Invisibility Cloak and get launched at extremely fast speeds across the dome while invisible, making it impossible for the Monster to keep track of you and having a successful escape guaranteed.

Be careful that, since using the Orbital Barrage knocks teammates around, all Hunters affected by it won't be able to shoot or control their movement, which means a Slim for example won't be able to heal effectively when getting hit by the Orbital Barrage.

+ Goliath
Nothing special here, both Goliath and Hank are very straightforward and simple. Hank just works well in all situations, being able to shield a Leap Smash or Fire Breath ocasionally, making the Medic's job much easier.

~ Meteor Goliath
Meteor Goliath's insane spread damage means that shielding one Hunter won't be enough, as Meteor Goliath will be spreading the pain around. It's not impossible to play against, but it will be a challenge for the Hunters to stay alive.

+ Kraken
Same reasons as with Goliath, shielding the ocassional Lightning Strike or Aftershock with be enough to boost your teammates' survival. You'll get no value out of the Orbital Barrage, though, because the Kraken doesn't get hit by the AoE while mid-air.

- Elder Kraken
Elder Kraken's spread damage and damage output will not only pierce through your shields very quickly, but also damage multiple Hunters at the same time. Very hard matchup for Hank.

+ Wraith
Hank's power to prevent successful ambushes means he's amazing at dealing with hit 'n' run tactics. If a Hunter gets abducted, you can shield him to prevent him from dying in one combo, making it impossible to the Wraith to kill anyone in the chase as long as you're alive.

++ Behemoth
Being able to block Behemoth's combos is a huge advantage when facing Behemoth, as he won't be able to get a lot of value out of the Tongue Grab combo because of the added shields. Downing Hunters will be a challenge and a half for any Behemoth when Hank's on the team. Also, his stationary gameplay allows you to get a lot of damage with the Orbital Barrage.

- Gorgon
Gorgon's spread damage and massive damage output will pierce through your shields with ease, and make it hard for you to shield multiple Hunters if the need arises. Very hard matchup.
Tech Sergeant Hank
Personal Difficulty: Easy
Preferred perks: Jetpack Recharge, Movement Speed, Reload Speed
Composition: Mixed

The second Support in the game and Hank's variant slightly modifies the functionality of Hank's kit, making him have a completely different utility. The Laser Cutter is replaced by the Laser Cannon. I personally see absolutely no difference between the two, I think the Laser Cannon has more damage but less capacity, but I'm not sure. It looks cooler, that's for sure. His Shield Projector is replaced by a Shield Charger, which slowly charges permanent shields on the Hunters. This allows Tech Hank to prepare Hunters for the battle before it starts. His Orbital Barrage becomes the much more dangerous Orbital Drill, which fires a huge orbital laser that slowly follows the Monster and deals tremendous amounts of damage as well as applying burn damage. It's the single strongest weapon in the game. Tech Sergeant Hank doesn't have as much defensive power as regular Hank, but his damage potential as well as his still helpful Shield Charger makes him, as any Support, a top priority.

Laser Cannon:
The Laser Cannon is Tech Hank's main damage dealer and works in a very similar way as his counterpart, the Laser Cutter. I think the main difference is that it has less range in exchange for more damage, but further testing is needed.

The Shield Charger:
Tech Hank's main asset applies a permanent shield to Hunters. It has a long reload time but since the shields applied are permanent, one must shield the Hunters as soon as they drop from the dropship. It is your job as Tech Hank to make sure everyone has shields.

This Shield Charger also doubles as a weaker Medgun, significantly reducing the Monster's damage output due to the Shield taking some of it as it gets charged.

The Orbital Drill
Tech Hank's most powerful weapon and literally the strongest weapon in the game, the Orbital Drill summons an enormous laser from the sky that slowly follows targets and deals tremendous amounts of damage to any target below it. It has a relatively long duration and a huge cooldown. It also applies burn damage to any target touched by it.

It is advised to use the Orbital Drill defensively, severely punishing camping Monsters and forcing them to move around. Since the laser follows the Monster, it provides a more consistent damage output in a specific area of the fight. Staying close to the laser will make any Monster think twice if they really want to keep going after you or move around to prevent taking more damage from it. Also, the Orbital Drill has a higher base damage than the Orbital Barrage, and also doesn't push Hunters around, making a perfect safe-zone for any Hunter, including yourself.

~ Goliath
Even if Tech Hank is incredibly versatile, Goliath's high burst damage can make it difficult to keep up with the shields on a Hunter once they're depleted. His Orbital Drill works only for a second because of Goliath's high mobility. He's still nowhere near useless, since Goliath still needs to power through his Shield Charger and avoid the Orbital Drill at the same time.

+ Meteor Goliath
Contrary to OG Goliath, Meteor Goliath's burn damage over time struggles immensely against the slowly charging Shields that Tech Hank can give out. He still stands neutral in most aspects against him, making Tech Hank NOT THE BEST THING but still good enough.

~ Kraken
Kinda the same as with Goliath, Kraken's high burst damage (or at least potential) destroys charged shields quickly and the Orbital Drill poses no threat to any Kraken. Besides this, Tech Hank's utility is almost uncounterable (giving Hunters essentialy extra HP before a fight) which makes Kraken a neutral pick for Tech Hank.

+ Elder Kraken
Elder Kraken is more susceptible to the Orbital Drill, and the extra shields from the Shield Charger prevent Elder Kraken's infamous one-shot combo, which makes Hunters MUCH safer in any Elder Kraken encounter.

+ Wraith
Same as with Elder Kraken, the extra shields prevent one-shot combos which completely negates Wraith from getting strikes mid-chase (unless the Hunters make a horrible mistake). This makes Wraith way less of a threat than with any other Support character.

++ Behemoth
Behemoth's zero mobility is a perfect target for the Orbital Drill, which relentlessly punishes a Behemoth player with little to no counterplay. The shields also help against his one-shot combo, which is a big plus in Tech Hank's side.

~ Gorgon
Gorgon can pierce through shields with ease using Acid Spit and rely on otehr abilities to still finish off Hunters. The Orbital Drill works half the time against Gorgon, but when it works, it shreds through her armor and health alike. Not the best pick, but nothing necesarily bad.
Personal Difficulty: Easy
Preferred perks: Damage Increase, Health Regeneration
Composition: Offensive

Bucket is literally a second Assault: Having no other supporting abilities than his Cloaking Field, his superior firepower makes him a perfect pick for most damage compositions. His kit consists of the Guided Missile Launcher, the Sentry Guns and the UAV.

The Guided Missile Launcher
Bucket's primary weapon and a damn good one. This weapon fires missiles in barrages of 4 that deal moderate amounts of damage and follow your crosshair, allowing you to direct the missiles to their target. You can pump up missiles very quickly, and the damage stacks very rapidly, posing a major threat to any Monster that's not careful enough.

His missiles are probably the single weapon with the highest skill ceiling in the game. Relatively easy to use, but mastering the guiding missiles is an art by itself. The missiles will always follow your crosshair, so having it on top of the Monster all the time is a sure way of not missing. You can also curve missiles around corners by leading it with the crosshair and hitting hiding Monsters. Never underestimate the damage this missiles can do. Always pump them out non-stop.

The Sentry Guns
Bucket comes with a sentry factory in his body, which allows you to spam Sentry Guns around the battlefield. You can have a maximum of 3 deployed at the same time dealing hitscan damage to any reature they attack.

This Sentry Guns are a big part of Bucket's damage: They can attack weak points and all 3 of them attacking the same Monster returns insane amounts of damage. A Bucket player needs to be careful about their placement though: They're relatively easy to break as they don't take much damage before breaking. Placing them above ledges and separated from each other, kinda like in a triangle formation, will prevent the Monster from breaking all 3 of them with one attack, maximizing your damage output.

Bucket's head can be retrieved and controlled as a UAV. The little Bucket-head drone will fly in the direction you control it, at a greater speed and air control as normal Bucket. This allows you to scan big areas of the map very quickly and detect any hiding Monster. By locking into a Monster for a certain amount of time (I think it's 3 seconds) you tag the Monster and his location is revealed for a certain amount of time, very similar to Abe's Tracking Dart.

While using the UAV, Bucket will remain still and vulnerable to any damage. The UAV should only be used when the Monster's location is 100% unknown, or when the Monster is cornered and the Bucket-body is close enough if a Dome drops on top of the Monster. Being far away from your team when a Dome drops because you were messing with the UAV is a worst-case scenario, as your teammates need you and your damage output as quickly as possible.

+ Goliath
Goliath's pretty basic. The only thing threatening your damage output is his short-lasting Fire Breath, that might take out 1 or 2 Sentries if they're in a wrong spot. Pretty good pick against any Goliath player if you're running a damage composition.

- Meteor Goliath
Meteor Goliath's long-lasting Fire Breath will destroy all Sentry Guns, doesn't matter how far or how separated they are. Meteor Goliath's increased armor pool also poses a challenge for damage compositions and specially Bucket compositions.

+ Kraken
Krakens rely on mobility and evasion to prevent getting destroyed by the Hunters. Bucket's Guided Missile Launcher and the hitscan Sentry Guns are perfect to punish a Kraken player that relies on evading to counteract his low armor pool. Bucket's Sentries aren't very useful though, because Kraken can easily take them out with snowballs, and, in any case, their range is not enough to constantly deal damage to a flying Kraken.

- Elder Kraken
Elder Kraken's Death Spiral will delete deployables and Hunters alike, so Sentry Guns aren't even a threat to Elder Kraken players. His high armor pool also protects him from the relentless onslaught of Guided Missiles.

++ Wraith
Wraith's purely melee-based combat and low armor pool makes him a perfect victim for the Sentry Guns and the Missiles. Bucket shines against Wraiths, as well-placed Sentries will destroy Wraith's low armor pool and there's not much Wraith can do about. His missiles are alo perfect for Wraith's high mobility. Overall an amazing character to have against any Wraith.

- Behemoth
Behemoth doesn't really care if your abilities are hard to dodge or not. He just stands there. His massive AoE kills Sentry Guns with ease, and the Missiles don't really pose a big threat to Behemoth's gigantic armor and health pools.

~ Gorgon
Gorgon't low health and armor are perfect for damage compositions. However, her Acid Spit can break even the best Sentry Guns, cutting your damage in half. Even with this in mind, Bucket's Missile launcher is normally enough against Gorgon's low health and armor, and even helps getting rid of Spider Traps and Mimics with relative ease.
Personal Difficulty: Moderate
Preferred perks: Reload Speed, Jetpack Recharge, Movement Speed
Composition: Offensive

William Cabot is the Hunter's leader and a terrifying Support character. His main asset, the Damage Amplifier, doubles all damage done to the Monster for a certain threshold, making Assault characters with high burst damage (Like Hyde and Lennox) even more terrifying. This asset only makes him a priority in certain situations, as going down will effectively cut the team's damage in half. His kit consists of the Railgun, the Damage Amplifier and the Dust Tag.

The Railgun
Cabot's Railgun shoots a high powered hitscan slug that pierces through walls and deals high amounts of damage. It counts as bullet damage, so it also benefits from headshots. The Railgun has a short reload time and only one slug, which means it needs to be reloaded constantly.

As I said, the Railgun can pierce through walls, dealing reduced damage once it passes through one. It can only be shot through thinner walls though (tests imply that the maximum width a wall can have is 45m) and it takes half a second to burst out the other side, which means shots through walls need to be lead. It is perfect to prevent a Monster from breaking Relays in maps like Orbital Drill and Refueling Tower. It can also be used to free a Hunter from a pounce if they get caught out of LoS.

The Damage Amplifier
The Damage Amplifier is Cabots main asset and a force to be reckoned with. Popping the Damage Amp will not only curse the Monster with an annoying sound as long as it's active, it will also double all damage done to the Monster for a certain amount of damage. This vastly increases the Hunters DPS, tremendously shortening fights.

Proper use of the Damage Amp comes from communicating with the Assault player and using it before the Monster takes high bursts of damage. For example, before tripping into Markov's Mine, or before Lennox's Thunder Strike, or when Hyde uses a Toxic Grenade. Doubling damage in those windows of opportunity makes better use of Cabots Amp and scares the s*** out of any Monster player that has the misfortune of getting hit by such a large punch.

The Dust Tag
Cabot's Dust Tag summons a rocket in the desired area, that explodes after a second and deploys a large radioactive cloud, highlighting any creature inside it for a long amount of time, including Monsters.

A pretty simple ability, it has unlimited range which means cross-map Dust Tags are possible and incredibly satisfying. Used as a tracking tool to highlight the Monster. Also synergises pretty well with the Railgun, since being able to see the Monster through walls helps a lot when also trying to hit him through walls.

It also comes with the added bonus of lowering FPS on low-end PCs to around 10fps. Use with caution.

~ Goliath
Goliaths tend to have a lot of armor, which makes damage compositions less effective against them. That doesn't mean Goliaths don't need to be paying attention to Cabot's Damage Amp. Doesn't counter Cabot, but also doesn't mean an easy win.

~ Meteor Goliath
Pretty much same reasons as with Goliath, but Meteor has a little bit more armor, which makes Meteor Goliath a good pick to go against Cabots. However, same reasons as with Goliath, that damage amp is still a force to be reckoned with and the fight will by no means be easy for a Meteor Goliath.

~ Kraken
Kraken's a pretty average Monster. None of Cabots strengths really affect Kraken gameplay, and none of Krakens strengths will affect Cabots. The railgun is a good weapon to hit Kraken's face with, but that's pretty much it.

+ Elder Kraken
Elder Kraken's glass-cannon like gameplay makes Cabot the perfect pick against Elder Kraken. Fight fire with fire, they say. Damage vs damage. Having the power to delete the Monsters armor before they can get a down is key in fighting and Elder Kraken.

+ Wraith
Cabot has a lot of tools to counter Wraiths tactics. Her stealth and chances of ambushes are diminished by the Dust Tag, making her hit 'n' run tactics less effective. On the other hand, the Damage amp can severely harm a Wraith in a failed ambush attempt, dealing health damage before the Wraith can get a down. However, if the Wraith lands a successful abduction, there's not much the Cabot player can do to save said Hunter.

~ Behemoth
Behemoth's massive health and armor pool can be both a good thing and a bad thing for Cabot's Damage amp. On one hand, that means you can deal more damage to go through his high armor, on the other hand, he has more armor which means you'll get health damage later in the fight. Depends on how you see it. Overall, damage compositions aren't very strong against Behemoths since his armor and health pools allow them to tank a lot of damage and get downs while not being scared of losing too much health. It can still work though.

++ Gorgon
Kinda the same thing with Wraith, Gorgon's hit 'n' run tactics are countered by the Damage amp. However, the big difference here is the fact that Gorgon doesn't have abilities to quickly get out of Assaults range. Once the amp is active, Gorgon has only a few seconds before the entire armor bar goes away and Gorgon gets her low health pool exposed to the unrelenting punishment of damage comps.
Personal Difficulty: Moderate
Preferred perks: Jetpack Recharge, Reload Speed
Favored composition: Defensive
Sunny is an extremely versatile Support. Having access to AoE damage, jetpack booster and shields makes her shine in multiple situations. It's hard to tell what her main asset is, given that all of them are extremely powerful. Her kit consists of the Mini-nuke Grenade Launcher, the Jetpack Booster and the Shield Drone.

The Mini-nuke Grenade Launcher
The Mini-nuke Grenade Launcher is a simple grenade launcher that does moderate damage. The shell flies in a slight arc before exploding in a relatively big AoE. The shell isn't hitscan, but has an insanely fast velocity.

The grenade launcher is a good damaging weapon. It's primary use is to deal with Monster deployables, like Gorgon's Spider Trap or Kraken's Banshee mines, as it can one shot most of them without much accuracy needed.

The Jetpack Booster
The Jetpack Booster is Sunny's primary supportive asset. It has a 60m range and it locks on your fellow Hunters, making it easy to keep track of them as they fly around. Once a Hunter gets boosted, another, yellow bar appears on top of their jetpack, with a certain amount of jetpack depending on how charged it is. Hunters will enjoy a more powerful jetpack as long as they're getting boosted, with increased dodge speed and power. It has a pretty long reload time.

This tool will be the Hunters "get out of jail free" card. Any Hunter caught in a corner without being able to dodge will be saved by the Booster, allowing them to return into a favorable position. It's long reload time means it has to be used sparingly and only in the Hunters that need it. It's also important that, if you're the one getting boosted, don't burn the entirety of Sunny's booster in one go, as you'll be needing it and you can't afford it to go into it's long cooldown.

As the Sunny player, staying away from the fight and boosting from a distance is the way to go. As an added bonus, using the booster in the chase is an incredibly powerful tool, as it speeds up the chase and allows the Hunters to stay on the Monster for longer, namely the Trapper (that has to always be ready to dome) and the Assault (the one applying pressure on the chase).

The Shield Drone
The Shield Drone is a deployable drone that takes around 4s to charge up and, once charged, will shield the most recently damaged Hunter in a 60m radius. The shield is pretty powerful and, once depleted, incurs a short recharge time before shielding for full power again.

The Shield Drone has a lot of uses. In the first place, well, it shields Hunters, making the Monster use more abilities to pierce through it and get back to dealing health damage. Since it's a deployable, a Hunter can be shielded and boosted at the same time, making said Hunter very difficult to kill. The Shield Drone can be broken and smart Monsters will try to use an ability or splash damage to get rid of it. Because of this, the Drone needs to be placed, optimally, on high ground, so the Monster needs to use a ranged attack to get rid of it or actually go for it, wasting time and giving the Hunters a second to recharge abilities and jetpacks. Once a Drone inevitably goes down, placing another one as soon as possible is very important. If you're not the Sunny player and you see a Drone go down, make sure to tell that to your Support so they can replace it without wasting time. Placing it again on high ground is always optimal, but if you're getting focused as Sunny, placing it in the ground and telling people where it is works as well, because it makes another target for the Monster and gives you time to set up and catch your breath.

~ Goliath

~ Meteor Goliath

~ Kraken

~ Elder Kraken

~ Wraith

~ Behemoth

~ Gorgon
Personal Difficulty: ___
Preferred perks: ___
Favored composition: ___

basic description
first weapon
basic overview


second weapon
basic overview


basic overview


~ Goliath

~ Meteor Goliath

~ Kraken

~ Elder Kraken

~ Wraith

~ Behemoth

~ Gorgon
The Medic
The Medic is the healer of the team. Hunters have no passive health regeneration, so the Medic is a very important role to keep all Hunters alive versus all odds. It is important to synergise with the Support class in order to make the most out of all abilities.

As a Medic, it is important to stay away and heal from a distance. Depending on the character and the Support class, there's a high chance the Monster will want to take you down. And once the Medic goes down, the team will go down eventually, with no counterplay options. It is very important that you stay alive and prevent as much damage as possible.

The Medic Class ability is the Healing Burst, which heals all Hunters in a varying radius for a normally large amount. Also, most of the time it is your only self-healing ability, so careful managing is needed. It heals through walls and you need it to keep up with the Monster's damage.

PRO TIP: There's a circle on the bottom felt corner of each Hunter's HUD. That circle shows how much health each hunter has. Keeping an eye on it allows you to quickly know who to heal.

There's 6 Medics to pick from, all unique in their gameplay and healing power.
Personal Difficulty: ___
Preferred perks: ___
Favored composition: ___

basic description
first weapon
basic overview


second weapon
basic overview


basic overview


~ Goliath

~ Meteor Goliath

~ Kraken

~ Elder Kraken

~ Wraith

~ Behemoth

~ Gorgon
Rogue Val
Personal Difficulty: ___
Preferred perks: ___
Favored composition: ___

basic description
first weapon
basic overview


second weapon
basic overview


basic overview


~ Goliath

~ Meteor Goliath

~ Kraken

~ Elder Kraken

~ Wraith

~ Behemoth

~ Gorgon
Personal Difficulty: ___
Preferred perks: ___
Favored composition: ___

basic description
first weapon
basic overview


second weapon
basic overview


basic overview


~ Goliath

~ Meteor Goliath

~ Kraken

~ Elder Kraken

~ Wraith

~ Behemoth

~ Gorgon
Personal Difficulty: ___
Preferred perks: ___
Favored composition: ___

basic description
first weapon
basic overview


second weapon
basic overview


basic overview


~ Goliath

~ Meteor Goliath

~ Kraken

~ Elder Kraken

~ Wraith

~ Behemoth

~ Gorgon
Personal Difficulty: ___
Preferred perks: ___
Favored composition: ___

basic description
first weapon
basic overview


second weapon
basic overview


basic overview


~ Goliath

~ Meteor Goliath

~ Kraken

~ Elder Kraken

~ Wraith

~ Behemoth

~ Gorgon
Personal Difficulty: ___
Preferred perks: ___
Favored composition: ___

basic description
first weapon
basic overview


second weapon
basic overview


basic overview


~ Goliath

~ Meteor Goliath

~ Kraken

~ Elder Kraken

~ Wraith

~ Behemoth

~ Gorgon
The Trapper
The Trapper class is, in my opinion, the hardest Class to play and a unique one in a lot of ways. The Trapper is unique in the way of having a core functionality outside the fight, in the way of needing to be tracking the Monster at all times. The Trapper is the only Class that can throw the Mobile Arena (The Dome), so the skill of the Trapper will determine how often you'll fight the Monster and, depending on the dome quality, how well your team will perform.

In the fight, their sole purpose is to apply debuffs to the Monster, either with Stasis or Harpoons. They have moderate damage and need to be shooting at all times to help the Assault and shorten the fights.

Their Class ability is the Mobile Arena. Once used, it creates a massive Dome from which stuff can go in, but never get out. It lasts for a minute and has a cooldown of around a minute. The Dome has a 100m diameter, or 50m radius. The Dome separates what the hunt/chase and what the fight is. There's good and bad spots to fight, and that will depend on what Monster you're going against and what composition you're running.

There's a special type of Arena called "the god-dome", which, by placing one of the dome walls close to a pillar or any solid object, you create a gap where Hunters can go through, but not the Monster. These god-domes have no counterplay aside from ranged attacks and offer the ultimate safe zone for any Hunter. Abusing one of these is frowned upon since most of the time it's luck based if the Hunters get one or not and they take absolutely no skill to abuse.

There are 6 Trappers in Evolve, all with different tracking abilities and different utilities.
Personal Difficulty: ___
Preferred perks: ___
Favored composition: ___

basic description
first weapon
basic overview


second weapon
basic overview


basic overview


~ Goliath

~ Meteor Goliath

~ Kraken

~ Elder Kraken

~ Wraith

~ Behemoth

~ Gorgon
Wasteland Maggie
Personal Difficulty: ___
Preferred perks: ___
Favored composition: ___

basic description
first weapon
basic overview


second weapon
basic overview


basic overview


~ Goliath

~ Meteor Goliath

~ Kraken

~ Elder Kraken

~ Wraith

~ Behemoth

~ Gorgon
Personal Difficulty: ___
Preferred perks: ___
Favored composition: ___

basic description
first weapon
basic overview


second weapon
basic overview


basic overview


~ Goliath

~ Meteor Goliath

~ Kraken

~ Elder Kraken

~ Wraith

~ Behemoth

~ Gorgon
Personal Difficulty: ___
Preferred perks: ___
Favored composition: ___

basic description
first weapon
basic overview


second weapon
basic overview


basic overview


~ Goliath

~ Meteor Goliath

~ Kraken

~ Elder Kraken

~ Wraith

~ Behemoth

~ Gorgon
Personal Difficulty: ___
Preferred perks: ___
Favored composition: ___

basic description
first weapon
basic overview


second weapon
basic overview


basic overview


~ Goliath

~ Meteor Goliath

~ Kraken

~ Elder Kraken

~ Wraith

~ Behemoth

~ Gorgon
Personal Difficulty: ___
Preferred perks: ___
Favored composition: ___

basic description
first weapon
basic overview


second weapon
basic overview


basic overview


~ Goliath

~ Meteor Goliath

~ Kraken

~ Elder Kraken

~ Wraith

~ Behemoth

~ Gorgon
Dummy - format
Personal Difficulty: ___
Preferred perks: ___
Favored composition: ___

basic description
first weapon
basic overview


second weapon
basic overview


basic overview


+ Goliath

+ Meteor Goliath

+ Kraken

++ Elder Kraken

- Wraith

~ Behemoth

~ Gorgon
torchfire 26 Aug, 2023 @ 8:40pm 
Please tell me your're still working on this guide! I've never seen a more helpful guide, thank you!
sgtdrake 18 Aug, 2022 @ 10:57pm 
This looks very well thought out and detailed. Great work!
basel4 3 Aug, 2022 @ 8:58am 
A very helpful guide.Thanks Hellrider
yippee 28 Jul, 2022 @ 1:53pm 
just wanted to say you're a legend for making this, even though i haven't played the game in years the format is really enjoyable to read! Good stuff man :)