Red Dead Redemption 2

Red Dead Redemption 2

311 人が評価
Red Dead Redemption 2: "Keyboard Commands" (Default).
作者: 🐾𝓢𝓱𝓪𝓭𝓸𝔀💖
I've created this guide for myself, but I figured I'd share it with all of you. It took me a little bit to figure out where the "Keyboard Commands" were. I didn't realize that you can only access them via the "Story Menu" and not the "Main Menu"

So I thought to myself that I may not be the only one puzzled. Use it as you see fit. I printed mine out, and I took the most popular ones to tape on the side of my monitor for quick reference. If I made a typo, and incorrectly given the wrong key command, please say so in the comments section. I tried to copy them as accurately as possible from the "Story Menu" These are the default commands. I didn't add or change anything.

* Since the posting of this guide, you can now access the "Keyboard Commands" via the game menu settings.

If this guide helped you, please leave a rate-up.👍
Pause Menu = P
Interact with Feed Message = F1
Open Map = M
Interact/Mount Horse/Enter Vehicle = E
In-Game Camera:
Look Behind = C
Cycle Camera = V
Cinematic Camera = V
Cinematic Shot Change = C
Focus Camera = V
On Foot:
Move Forward = W
Move Backward = S
Move Left = A
Move Right = D
Run = L/Shift
Context Action = Spacebar
Take/Carry = R
Enter/Exit Cover = Q
Jump = Spacebar
On Horse:
Move Forward = W
Move Backward = S
Move Left = A
Move Right = D
Whistle for Horse = H
Horse Jump = Spacebar
Horse Melee Mode = F
Sprint = L/Shift
Slow/Stop L/Ctrl
Ineract with Animal = G
Brush Horse = B
Feed Horse = R
Left Horse Melee Attack = L/Mouse Button
Right Horse Melee Attack = R/Mouse Button
Wagons, Boats & Trains:
Move Forward = W
Move Backward = S
Turn Left = A
Turn Right = D
Increase Speed = L/Shift
Brake = L/Ctrl
Headlight = O (not zero)
Train Whistle = G
Change Vehicle Seat = Z
Combat, Lock-On & Interact:
Aim/Interact Lock-on = R/Mouse Button
Attack = L/Mouse Button
Aim in the Air = U
Toggle Weapon Sight M/Mouse Button
Melee Attack/Negative Interact = F
Melee Block/Positive Interact = R
Melee Grapple/Rob Interact = E
Reload Weapon = R
Eagle Eye/Dead Eye = M/Mouse Button (or CAPS)
Dead Eye Tag Enemies = Q
Change Camera Shoulder View = X
Holster/Unholster Weapon (Tap) = TAB
Switch Weapon Firing Mode = B
Weapon Zoom In = ]
Weapon Zoom Out = [
Next Weapon = Mouse Wheel
Previous Weapon = Mouse Wheel
Extra Lock-on Option = G
Extra Lock-on Option 2 = H
Extra Lock-on Option 3 = Spacebar
Buy from Shop = E
Sell to Shop = R
Special Shopi Function = F
Pay Bounty in Shop = B
Equip Left Sidearm = 1
Equip Dual Wield Sidearms = 2
Equip Right Sidearm = 3
Equip Unarmed = 4
Equip Melee Weapon = 5
Equip Back Longarm = 6
Equip Thrown Weapon = 7
Equip Shoulder Longarm = 8
In-Game Menus:
Up = Up/Arrow
Down = Down/Arrow
Left = L/Arrow
Right = R/Arrow
Accept = Return (or Numpad Enter)
Cancel = Backspace
Extra Option = Spacebar
Extra Option 2 = F
Extra Option 3 = L/Ctrl
Extra Option 4 = TAB
Previous Tab = Q (or Pg/Up)
Next Tab = E (or Pg/Down)
Next Secondary Tab = X
Previous Secondary Tab = Z
Additional Down Numpad 5
Additional Left = Numpad 4
Additional Right = Numpad 6
Additional Up = 8
Next Document Page = R/Arrow
Previous Document Page = L/Arrow
Scroll Up = Up/Arrow
Scroll Down = Down/Arrow
Zoom = R/Mouse Button
Change Shop Currency Type (Hold) = L/Shift
Show Info (Tap)/Change Radar Mode (Hold) = L/Alt
Compass Radar = Z
Regular Radar = C
Expanded Radar = X
Disable Radar = V
Open Satchel = B
Log/Player Menu = L
Open Journal = J
Open Weapon Wheel = TAB
Open Item Wheel = F4
Next Wheel Menu = R
Next Wheel Menu Item = E
Previous Wheel Menu Item = Q
Inspect Item = M/Mouse Button (or F)
Next Prompt Page = Q
Next Item = X
Previous Item = Z
Abilities Menu = Spacebar
Quick Use Item = I
Increase Bet = Up/Arrow (or =)
Decrease Bet = Down/Arrow (or -)
Place Bet/Play Move = RETURN
Skip Turn = TAB
Free Look = M/Mouse Button (or L/Alt)
Blackjack Decline = F
Blackjack Double = D
Blackjack Hand View = R/Mouse Button
Blackjack Hit = H
Blackjack Split = TAB
Blackjack Stand = S
Blackjack Table View = Spacebar
Dominoes Up = Up/Arrow (or W)
Dominoes Down = Down/Arrow (or S)
Dominoes Left = L/Arrow (or A)
Dominoes Right = R/Arrow (or D)
Dominoes View Tiles = V
Dominoes View Moves = Spacebar
Five Finger Fillet Move A
Five Finger Fillet Move B
Five Finger Fillet Practice Sequence Left = Q
Five Finger Fillet Practice Sequence Right = E
Five Finger Fillet Flourish & Continue = F
Five Finger Fillet End Turn/Attempt = R
Five Finger Fillet Practice = Spacebar
Five Finger Fillet Move C = A
Five Finger Fillet Move D = D
Five Finger Fillet Zoom = R/Mouse Button
Fishing Reel Speed Up = R
Fishing Reel Speed Down = F
Fishing Reel In = Spacebar
Fishing Reel Out = L/Shift
Poker Show Community Cards = Spacebar
Poker Fold = F
Poker Check/Fold = G
Poker Show Possible Hands = H
Poker View Your Hand = R/Mouse Button
Poker Auto Bets = A
Photo Mode:
Activate Photo Mode = F6
Change Camera = V
Up = W
Down = S
Left = A
Right = D
Reset = R
Next Lens = X
Previous Lens =Z
Rotate Left = Q
Rotate Right = E
Toggle HUD = H
View Photos = G
Take Photo = R/Mouse Button (or use your Steam Overlay Key)
Back = Backspace
Change Mode = TAB (or M/Mouse Button)
Increase Filter Intensity = Up/Arrow
Decrease Filter Intensity = Down/Arrow
Increase Focal Length = Up/Arrow
Decrease Focal Length = Down/Arrow
Decrease Contrast = ]
Increase Contrast = [
Decrease Blur Strength = PgUp
Increase Blur Strength = PgDown
Next Filter = R/Arrow
Previous Filter = L/Arrow
Increase Exposure = J
Decrease Exposure = K
Lock Exposure = L
Zoom In = ]
Zoom Out = [
Portable Camera:
Photo Gallery = V
Depth of Field = E
Next Expression = Down/Arrow
Previous Expression = Up/Arrow
Use Camera = R/Mouse Button
Next Pose = R/Arrow
Previous Pose = L/Arrow
Selfie = M/Mouse Button
Take Photo = R/Mouse Button
Closing Remarks:
All of these commands came from the "In-Game Menu Settings" exactly as it appears there. I just put it all on a notepad, and pasted it here. Nothing was changed. At least not intentionally.

I did not put up the MP On-line commands, because I don't use them. I only play solo. Otherwise, it's the last set of Keyboard Commands in the Menu.
Helpful Comments by the Community:
Comment by: Erynar - Dec 26, 2019 @ 11:05pm
BTW, with the most recent update, they actually fixed it so that you can reach the key mappings from the settings at the main menu instead of having to enter story mode or online. So, at least people just starting the game won't have as hard a time finding them now.

Comment by: AceSim - Dec 18, 2019 @ 12:27pm
Cinematic Camera = V (Hold). On a side note you can also hold escape to exit right out of menus. Helps if you're really deep in a menu like the compendium (even works ingame like in store catalogues).

If this guide helped you, please to leave a rate-up.👍
24 件のコメント
🐾𝓢𝓱𝓪𝓭𝓸𝔀💖  [作成者] 2024年12月11日 16時27分 
~Andrew~ 2024年12月11日 16時25分 
Helpful guide.

Amazing game, but keyboard controls very unintuitive.
🐾𝓢𝓱𝓪𝓭𝓸𝔀💖  [作成者] 2023年8月1日 10時42分 
Happy to hear that. :thankyou::GravityCat:
Shadea 2023年8月1日 10時12分 
Oh... this is AWESOME. It is confusing to search for commands on PC. Thank you for doing this job. Of course I favorited it. <3

P.S. That in-game mapping was not for me. What you did is the much better. *blink*
🐾𝓢𝓱𝓪𝓭𝓸𝔀💖  [作成者] 2020年11月23日 21時09分 
Glad you found it useful.:thankyou:
Anant Singh 2020年11月23日 21時07分 
lmao i was getting wrecked at fist-fights while spamming lmb, thanks a lot
🐾𝓢𝓱𝓪𝓭𝓸𝔀💖  [作成者] 2020年4月30日 13時36分 
Frootata 2020年4月28日 3時54分 
strangely useful, thank you :yaranaika:
🐾𝓢𝓱𝓪𝓭𝓸𝔀💖  [作成者] 2020年3月26日 9時46分 
@DarJohnSlayer & Lone_Chance1953,

Thank you both.:thankyou:
Lone_Chance1953 2020年3月26日 9時42分 
Just started playing March 21st. Owned since November of last year. Finally having the time to play in these trying times. Thank you very much. Having a blast. :)