Call of Duty: Ghosts - Multiplayer

Call of Duty: Ghosts - Multiplayer

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How to lvl up like a master
Tekijältä Messi z Polski
HOW TO LVL UP LIKE A MASTER By Skyline Spirit - best place : #3 in score (actually #8 or something like this ;D) my guide and some pro tips how to lvl faster in cod ghosts, I hope it will help you :) ( it help me :D)
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Hi! Let me introduce, I'm Skyline Spirit, in some time I was #3 in statistic (score) actually I'm #8. A lot of players ask me "How you get this lvl so fast?" (I got first prestige in like 48h after game premiere, maybe earlier I rly don't remember this), a lot of think that I used some illegal programs or something. No I didn't, and I will not do this! So what is a key secret for leveling very fast? Of course I play a lot of time, I don't sleep for like 36h, but there is some pro-tips. I will show you in this guide, hope u will enjoy this :) btw. I'm not a native-English speaker so sorry for some mistakes ;_;
Let start from game mode. What is the best game mode for leveling faster? Of course CRANKED, I played a lot of time in KILL CONFIRMED, it give u a lot of experience too, but not so much like CRANKED. In Cranked u get for every first kill 100 xp, then u achieve CRANKED MODE u have 30 second to kill next player, if u do this u will get a lot of xp, like 200xp for one! On CRANKED u move faster. I think this is the best mode, no campers, a lot of xp, and very very fast round (one map can end in like 3 - 4 minutes!)
Hmm. For CRANKED small map is the best. But If you like this new BIG maps is good too.
And this is a I think very important point. The key to get a lot of experience is to pick gun what fit to map. I will give you some example, for maps like:

Strikezone, flooded, sovereign, freight and tremor - this is pretty small and closed maps like in other cods, the best guns is submachine guns. I play on this map with bizon with muzzle brake and rapid fire. Vector with muzzle brake and rapid fire will be good too, but I take this gun for other maps.

Warhawk, Overlord,Chasm, Octane - Here I prefer Vector with muzzle brake and rapid fire, Vector is good for low-mid range, when the bizon is good only for low range. On this maps you can play with AK-12 with muzzle break and armor-piercing or with Remington too. This maps have some open places where mid-high range guns is very good.

Prison break, Octane, Stormfront - this maps is bigger than others so we will need some high range guns I play on this maps with AK-12 with muzzle break and armor-piercing. (Octane is a different map - on this map you can play with mid range guns as well as with high range guns )

OTHER MAPS - idk, it's not enable on CRANKED mode, or maybe enable but I never play on this map on cranked mode.

Where is sniper rifles?

TRUST ME! On this game mode it is worst pick ever! No sniper rifles! BTW. I never play with sniper rifles in COD I don't like them, really!
Strike package - I play a lot with assault strike package, I know that from specialist u can take more xp, but my K/D is pretty low right now so I prefer this one. In assault strike package I picked :
SatCom -> guard dog -> Battle Hind

Why this?

SatCom - every 3 kills it gave you 100xp + Vision.

Guard Dog (WOW, SO OP, WOW) -5 kills - guard dog on cranked not only can save your life but can gave you cranked mode. Yes, if your dog killed sb, you received cranked mode, also when dog killed your cranked timer reset, so yeah this is your best friend in this game (YOUR DOG - RETARTED, ENEMY DOG - OP --- ALWAYS!!!) ;D Btw. when we talk about dogs - dogs are rly hard to kill! Sometimes they are like bulletproof, but I think they do not regenerate their life.

Battle Hind - 9 kills - it is just op.

I know I can took LOKI but how many times I have this 14 kill streak? Not very often rly, so I prefer to play with this.
I will show you with what perks I play and write why.
Ready up, sleight of hand, deadeye


Sleight of hand, steady aim, scavenger, focus

Now I will you explain why.

  • Ready up - hmm in fact I chose this one because it's cost only 1 point, but it rly help me in CRANKED. Your weapon is rdy faster after sprint so it rly help in this game mode
  • Sleight of hand - I played with this before( In call of duty MW2 and MW3 even in MW1 xd) I love this perk, It help me a lot! Faster reloading is what you need when you play with guns like bizon or vector with rapid fire or when you play cranked. I can't play without this perk.
  • Deadeye- give you random extra dmg. Extra damage is what you need... ALWAYS :D
  • scavenger - help you with ammo, I like this because I can play with my weapon always and I dont need to change it when I run out of ammo.
  • Focus - help you when u sb hit you.
  • steady aim - help you with aiming.

The last two (focus and steady aim) you can change I like to play with this on CRANKED but you can pick what u want (they cost 2 points)

I play with MAGNUM + MUZZLE BREAK - very powerful gun, when I pick this gun I feel like DIRTY HARRY - GO AHEAD, MAKE MY DAY! I try to play with this PDW but I Don't like this gun, MAGNUM THE BEST <3


A lot of PRO PLAYER play with throwing knife - I DONT - maybe I'm not a pro player, but we are here for XP, so I prefer Semtex - tons of dmg, throw and forget, easy to get multi-kill.


Whatever - pick what u like - I play with standard concussion.
I will show you my Classes

1. Bizon with muzzle brake and rapid fire + .44 Magnum with muzzle brake + semtex + concussion + perks: ready up , sleight of hand, deadeye + Strike package -assault SatCom, Guard Dog, Battle Hind.

2. AK-12 with muzzle brake and armor piercing + 44 Magnum with muzzle brake + semtex + concussion + perks: ready up , sleight of hand, deadeye + Strike package -assault SatCom, Guard Dog, Battle Hind.

3.Vector with muzzle brake and rapid fire + 44 Magnum with muzzle brake + semtex + concussion + perks: sleight of hand, steady aim, scavenger, focus. + Strike package -assault: SatCom, Guard Dog, Battle Hind.

Sometimes I change my weapon but not very often this three classes is all what I need!
NEVER GIVE UP! If you end with 0:10 it's not the end! Sometimes I end even worst(ok maybe not, but 5:12 it's nothing special for me xd) on my favorite map! Respawns in this COD is VERY, VERY BAD, so don't care if u end last. Remember what in one of the main song in cod said :

" This is survival of the fittest
This is do or die
This is the winner takes it all
So take it all"

This COD is more like Black Ops 3 than Modern Warfare 4 -I prefer modern warfare gameplay than Black Ops.

You can do it. I hope I help you in some things if you have some more question you can write it in comments I will try to help you, if you think that my answer is not good and don't help you, you can always add me to your friend list and I will try help you more. Of course I don't know EVEYRTHING and probably in something I can be wrong, it's only my opinion about this game and how to play, this how I play help me to be #3 in score, #2 in kills and #2 in wins (this is the highest place I achieve of course it doesn't mean that I'm still on this places :D )

Sorry for TONS OF MISTAKES & ERRORS in this guide, I try do my best, as I said I'm not a native English speaker, I only try to give some advice how to play in multiplayer.


BTW. It is my first guide ;d
Recently, I heard that a lot of player don't know where is freefall map, so I created this "tutorial" (yeah I know it's may look stupid - tutorial for - WHERE IS MAP).

Freefall map is only enable in one gamemode - in Ghosts Moshpit.

For more info check my video tutorial: LINK
Sorry for link but steam have some problems with "insert YT Video"
17 kommenttia
LoyalOrange503 29.3.2015 klo 9.31 
film deleted?
ameanbuddy 5.2.2014 klo 10.52 
Great help - thanks for the info!
(CG) Antimatter 25.11.2013 klo 12.45 
Nice one!!!

Looking for more players to party with! add me
Navy 21.11.2013 klo 18.06 
i went 40 and 15 and got a kem strike with this setup but i used honey badger
Sanity 17.11.2013 klo 0.38 
idk if you know about this, but when you're cranked you get SoH. At least, I'm pretty damn sure you do xD Can't remember, barely play the mode, I know you also get marathon but I don't think you get agility, I think you just move faster. Haven't really played cranked with a class that has agility. I'd have to try it out.
Marven121 15.11.2013 klo 19.14 
double xp
Messi z Polski  [tekijä] 15.11.2013 klo 18.56 
I prefer honeybadger but I must check what is better, I don't play very often with this guns because it's not good on cranked ;D
mike 15.11.2013 klo 0.48 
K7 vs Honeybadger 4 stealth setup?
AhwcksQuoored 11.11.2013 klo 12.38 
lol black ops 3, you wouldnt die in 2 shots
Casey 11.11.2013 klo 10.07 
al gespeeld het hele Wkend. Maar bijleren is altijd handig.