Stay Out

Stay Out

154 ratings
Guides Database Stay Out, Stalker Online, Сталкер Онлайн, SO, СО
By ☢️Alex Old_Gamer attack😈
Discord STAY OUT:

#How to get the weapon,armor,loot,equipment,money,reputation #Important information #Leveling character skills. Stay Out!
#List of important places with coordinates (See the list under the map.)
#On this maps, I presented you screenshots from game the Stalker Online (Сталкер Онлайн) with marks that I myself put for several months of the game.
- A label with leaves indicates a place with fresh water or just a well.
- On paw marks are bears or other monsters.
- An exclamation mark means that a cache of caches may appear there.
- A bonfire mark indicates a storage location or safe area.
Maps by Attack (EN version)
Guides Database Stay Out, Stalker Online, Сталкер Онлайн, SO, СО
I am an ordinary player who likes this game. I do not allow copying and posting this information anywhere. Use it in the game and that’s it.
I also want to update the map of Vesuvius, well, after that I’ll go to the Airport, to New Land, to Tunguska, to a Caravan
in the future I will add a quest for a backpack with two slots on the belt and a quest for body armor with two slots, SKS, CZUB VZ65 "Scorpion", UZI, AKS74U, FN FAL 50, H&K MP5K PDW and more...
Rate this guide like and add to favorites + Please write comments Ask your questions about the game + What do you want to see in the guide next update + Share your tags on the map in the comments I will add to the guide.

Discord STAY OUT:
Important information
Мain info
- Someone kills everyone in a row, and someone only peaceful, Someone only conducts clan wars. Everyone chooses who he will be. Someone doesn’t kill anyone. Choose any role you can imagine.
- Gourmet is the main trading point of the Lubech's OutLands. Square (Ж10-2) A lot of good quests and quest NPCs are in the center of the map; most people trade here.

Leveling character skills.
- Skills can be reset for free once a day /ichangedmymind in chat
- Boost your running speed +5%
- When creating a character, it is better to immediately learn the skills of the brain intelligence.
- Ideally, you first need to learn skill 4 brains and only then get the rest of the level so as not to lose skill points. It's not obligatory. My advice is to drop all skills and learn skill brains first.
- Each brain skill gives +10% of experience gained and additional Skill Point when gaining a level. having learned all four brains you get four additional Skill Points for each level you get and experience is 40% more
- Along the way, while the brains are being learn skill, swing the clover survival and after the content rate
- It’s not necessary for the sake of brains to create a new character, you can play and the old time you someday learning all skills for longer than with brains.
- Learning skills tolerated weight and perception and strength, criticals

Survival information
- How to earn trading points? Trading points increase when you complete the quests of a determined character, even then when you wait for certain items, if you talk to the character he will say What items he needs, for them you will receive trade points. How to see how many points in trading do you have now? Open the journal on J and select the contact in the list, select the NPC you need and see How many points of trade.
- It makes sense to create new twins. Using twins, you can sell more through the board, each character can put 3 lots of more twins, you need to put them in the traders' place in order to quickly redeem a valuable item. Twinks are also placed near the spider cave to and near Supplers and near places where there is a long loot and often pvp.
- do not allow the reputation of -1000 with mercenaries, otherwise on the basis of the laboratory and on other bases. Try to keep your reputation in balance if it is -1000 guards will kill.
- It is advisable to have a flask and not a single
Well to be filled, or sometimes it’s not in columns and you can replenish it from a river or collect dirty water. Are there places where water is not sold!
- You can fill in a flask of dirty water and boil the flask in a fire.
You can put the Bonfire on the edge of the safe zone and boil the flask while in the safe zone so as not to lose the flask as they can kill and the fire will go out.
- It will be much better if you turn off the grass in the graphics settings and add brightness in the main settings.
- Put on some convenient button the stone throw I configured on Mouse 4.
- Opening inventory is also better Assign to a mouse on approximately Mouse 5 since in the game you constantly need to reload clips, eat, and so on.
- if you hold the button the weapon retracts on the back
- During the run, if you click on Inter and Escape it will run automatically.
- If you hold the Alt button, you can rotate the camera and run at the same time.
- Bears and wild boars wash much more karma than dogs and rats! in Lubeche karma is well washed in the park and on the boars
- Experienced players Do not use a flashlight. With the flashlight turned on you are easy to spot and kill.

- When the Bear stands on its hind legs, you need to shoot in the heart, this is just to the right of the center or shoot in the head
- Verlioca needs to be shot in the eye.
- Boar needs to be shot in the аss and in the head.

Loot in the entrances and boxes on the map and other
- Loot spawn every 5 minutes can disappear for a short time and reappear. In different boxes in different places in different entrances, different loot spawn.
- Expensive items have a very small chance of spawn less than 1%.
- Sometimes At buyers and gunsmiths and technicians, medical scientists, and other merchants. get expensive things at a very cheap price 100 times cheaper they are bought right away, sometimes they can get lucky and you will see such things.
- Many things don’t spawn; they can be bought either on the board or obtained through a quest or bought from buyers.
- Items from the Donat store can be sold on the board.
- If you score an inventory with a cheap rate of 1 unit, then there will be less chance that an expensive thing will drop out.
- The cartridges in the inventory must be divided by 100 so that less falls out upon death.

- Can be used to equip yourself with a belt, they are also needed for quests, and some of them can be sold to scientists for 800 as 80,000+ more rare are more expensive (sold good price M11-4 and Board)
- Artifacts give different buffs for 24 hours but they have minus they weigh several kilograms and give a negative effect in addition to the positive.
- Put artifacts on your belt so that they do not burst after death, then remove and sell or use.

Items that can be sold well on the board and not only.
- Parts of mutants that are best sold on the board: The head of a bear, Skin of a bear, wild boar skin, Skin of a dog, Bling tongue,amulet of the witch, paws verliok, Brutus bones
- Parts of mutants that are best sold to scientists in Map of the Lubech's OutLands (M11-4): meat, fangs, legs, hands.
- Items that are needed on an important quests are best sold to people on the board:
Radio parts, Electrical parts,Toilet paper, Block of cigarettes, Pack of tea, Salo, Artifacts, Pipes, Wire, Empty coffee can, Tube of cream, Petroleum jelly, Spice, Car battery, Car candle
- Used at a high level of craft:
Aspirin, analgin, noshpa, creon, inhalers.
----------------- Locations -----------------
Soon I will Transfer all the maps in this guide:
Maps by Attack (EN version)
Map the Station "Lesnaya"
0. Red marks marked places with loot.
1. Swamp, Air, many rats
2,3. Fields with anomalies, here you can find artifacts using mgd. Artifacts can be sold to huckster at the station for 1300 rub.
4. Dump, here you can find engine oil for San Sanych, dogs
5. Garbage and a heap of rubbish near the village here you can find useful things; there is radiation, I found a flask here.
6. Several boars
7. Transformer, here you can find copper wire, cartridges, stew
8. Many boars
9. Water tower, sewer manhole at old warehouses
How quickly pass the Station "Lesnaya" ?:
  • After you have been trained and left the warehouse, you appear on the map Lesnaya station. If you quickly do the necessary quests, then you can get out of here in 30 minutes. If you do all the quests in a row and kill people, then you can not get out in one day. If you get some karma, you won’t take some quests until you decrease karma. If you want to do all the quests, you need to do it right away because then you won’t be able to return to this location.
  • it is better to do the training if you swing through the brain! Equip a knife and revolver Nagan. Charge the revolver. if there are not enough cartridges to go near mutants. On button P Create a bonfire and fry the meat.
  • The engine to the station is square (Д7-4), The safest way is the road. You can immediately go through the (Д5-Д6) square and collect there three roots of calamus; it will be needed further along the quest.
  • At the station Take the watchman quest for copper wire, Take from the huckster quest "in the service of Huckster" he will give MGD to inventory.
  • Near transformer square (Д6-4) Locate copper wire in the trash.
  • Go to square (Ж6-1) along the way equip MGD on the belt and put it on the quick slot, charge the MGD batteries with the right mouse button on the MGD.
  • Having reached the anomaly, turn on the MGD and approach the anomaly gently so that in the MGD the Green dot appears in the central square, click on the green dot and enter the desired numbers and letters.
  • Take the collected huckster artifact to the station. Take the wire to the watchman at the station. Take the quest recipe for the watchman
  • The engine to the village to Vladimir Ilyich. (В5-1) He will ask you to give him 3 calamus roots that can be found in the square (Д5-Д6) in the swamp. It happens that you need to talk with him several times.
  • After having given away or another three roots he will ask to bring him two ears of a dog. Kill a couple of dogs and bring him ears. (Г6-1)
  • Having given ears to Vladimir Ilyich, move to (Д5-1) square and near the house Find white concrete in the valve in the ground and put roots in it. Near the doghouse.
  • Then we go to (Г5-4) square and find a calamus root under a large clumsy tree and take it to Vladimir Ilyich.
  • Now we’re going back to the station to the huckster, we speak with him and we see that the quest “permission for Kochegarov to Lubich” is completed.
  • All now. Go to (Г8-4) square and Talk with Kachegarov. He will send you to the city of Lubech.
Map of Lubech
- Squared (E5-1), in the house left porch - no rats (There are often PVP and PK.)
- More loot in the entrances near the House of Culture and near the Technician (D3-1)-(D3-2) but there are more people and more PVP and PK. Good access in a two-story house opposite the police station.
- Even more loot near the base of the bandits, which is located in the basement. (D2-4)
- Kill people in homes and take half their loot from them (from such people loot may fall by 50,000+ rubles)
- look for houses in which spares of electrical components spawn, clothes
- Karma is easy to reduce in the park on goblins and boars on the right
Map of the Lubech's OutLands
0. (Ж10-2) Gourmet is the main trading point of the Lubech's OutLands. A lot of good quests and wet NPCs are in the center of the map; most people trade here.
1. (M11-4) Base scientists laboratory. Good quests from scientists Daily quests Good loot in the lab Only one big monster here is always PVP, if there are people, you can still keep groups in this laboratory. This is where to carry and sell all of your mutant parts! Well buy all the parts of the mutants and artifacts at the best prices.
2. (O10-1) Skinner and base in the swamp. Good quests here
Quest for a hunting knife. (The hunting knife cuts faster. We need to sharpen more loot with it, we need to grind more than 90%.)
3. (O15-2) Go to the location of Vesuvius. To go here you need to have more than TOZ-34 and TT. Or you need to be in a group.
4. (П8-2) White village Here you can do daily quests with average quests and gain a reputation and there is one good quest.
5. (Л2-2) Spider cave Can I get items for the Gourmet Quest here. Pretty dear ladies strong monsters at the end of the cave is the Big Boss for him often PVP always PVP. To go here you need to have at least a submarine submachine gun or Kalashnikov assault rifle. Parts of the mutants from this cave can be expensively sold on the board.
6. (Д6-1) Huckster They sell good cartridges which there are no ordinary merchants. You can still exchange parts of mutants with improved cartridges. Armor-piercing expansive tungsten cartridges can be sold very expensively on a board; this can earn a millions. To start trading, you need to do a series of quests: Debt of Bolotnik, The priest had debts, Gourmet Debts, Sperling Merchant
7. There are two suppliers. The first is in square (Г4-4) and appears 08:00 to 10:00 or 03:00 to 05:00. The second supplier appears (О5-4) 15:00 to 19:00 or 23:00 or 21:00 to 00:00. If you did not appear in one point, then look in the second. Works on server time. They buy all the items from the game at the highest prices. They need to come to them at the indicated time, otherwise they will not be desirable to have additional characters there to quickly find them.
Map of Vesuvius
----------------- Quests -----------------
How to get the weapon (SKS)
You can just buy SKS from a gunsmith on Gourmet, it costs 90,000 + a little reputation. I did a few Gourmet quests, before the quest with Bruter bones and sold TOZ-34 and had enough reputation points to buy SKS. Quest for SKS I will write later.
How to get the weapon (Mosin rifle)
- You need to do 2 the quests of the bald one who is in Lubech's OutLands, the square (H14-1). Bald is a gangster. A bald series of quests for one of which gives a Mosin rifle. The bald one will ask him to bring him three artifacts, screen B. can they be bought on the board or bought from traders or found in the anomalies using MGD.

- I buy two Mosin rifles for a reputation from Alex, who is sitting in the Lubich police station. I have earned a reputation by completing quests:
Reports (Reusable),
Training: cross around the park (Reusable),
Training: old warehouses (One-Time),
Collection of information (one-time),
Training: old warehouses (2) (One-Time),
Training: shoot pests (One-Time),
Thin World: Star of the Soldier (One-Time),
Way to Lubech: half an hour before departure (One-time),
Talk to Alex (One-Time),
In the service of the commandant: reports (One-Time).
We complete the quest "The package Morozov" during this quest. We had to work for Alex and earn his reputation. But do not forget when working for the police, you are reducing the reputation with bandits, make sure that there are no -1000
How to get the weapon (TT pistol)
You can immediately get a TT pistol and 2 clips, talk to the legless Kolya Kisly at the Lyubich station, he will give a quest to kill dogs, you need to not only kill them, refresh them, after you cut the dogs back to Kolya Kisly he will tell you to talk to the gunsmith and the gunsmith gives you TT and clips.
How to get artifact device (MGD)
To get MGD you need to make a quest with a technician who is in the middle five-story building (Г3-2)
He will need to bring a lot of different parts and trash. buying them is not profitable; it is better to find them in the entrances of houses; even small wooden houses still exist in various hiding places on the map. it’s not necessary to do this quest, you can just sell him the various things that he asks for, earn a reputation and buy MGD. A regular MGD is better than a MGD prototype for a quest a prototype is given. All that a technician asks for a reputation is in the entrances of houses and wooden houses. you can still buy on the board but electro-loot is expensive. MGD at the start of the server is also expensive, I saw a prototype for 100,000 bought it right away and no more, I myself made the usual buying from a technician for a reputation and money. I have a lot of such loot because I kill everyone I see. The chance of a drop of electrolyte and other expensive things is a big 30% or more that will drop out.
How to get the weapon (TOZ-34)
The first most reliable and affordable weapon in the game is the TOZ-34 rifle, which can be obtained during the execution of the stew for the gun. Ask experienced Stalkers for a long journey for a beginner. To get the above task, you need to go to the location of the Lubech's OutLands and find Grisha Farmer in (E3) square. To get out of Lubech immediately you can go by secret passage through the basement which is in the house of culture. Do a little quest in a couple of minutes and get TOZ-34, the cache is in the square (E2-3), after you have received don’t give it to Grisha Farmer! Do not complete the quest or cancel it.
----------------- Weapons -----------------
----------------- Equipment -----------------
----------------- NPC characters -----------
----------------- Other information ---------
Schedule of Clan Battles of Territory
To protect the fortifications, it is necessary to interrupt the capture of all flags under one clan.
The battle for the point lasts 30 minutes and 60 minutes for the base.To capture the fortification, you need to capture all the flags at once with one clan. Time Moscow +3 GTM

  • Mental hospital Lubech's OutLands (Е6-4) Saturday 19:00
  • Sawmill Lubech's OutLands (З2-4) Saturday 19:00
  • Sanatorium Lubech's OutLands (Н4-3) Saturday 19:00
  • Hill village Lubech's OutLands (К12-2) Saturday 19:00
  • Chemical burial ground Lubech's OutLands (Н14-4) Saturday 19:00
  • Tunguska (Е4-1) Saturday 19:00

  • Ryabinushka village - Vesuvius (А5-1) 09:00
  • Ryabinushka village - Vesuvius (А6-3) 12:00
  • Mental hospital - Lubech's OutLands (З5-4) 13:00
  • Hvorostovo village Vesuvius (И6-1) 14:00
  • Waterfall Vesuvius (Б1-1) 14:30
  • Mountain of radiance - New Earth about. South (В4-3) 15:00
  • village Novikovo Vesuvius (Ж3-1) 16:00
  • Mountain of radiance - New Earth about. South (В4-1) 16:00
  • Cliff Lubech's OutLands (Л5-1) 16:00
  • GOK - Vesuvius (К3-3) 17:00
  • Mountain of radiance - New Earth about. South (Б4-2) 17:00
  • Мост Vesuvius (В6-2) 18:00
  • Volcano Vesuvius (Г9-2) 19:00
  • Swamp Vesuvius (В1-4) 20:00
  • Chemical sump - Lubech's OutLands (Д8-3) 20:30
  • GOK - Vesuvius (И3-1) 21:00
  • Station New Earth about. South (В3-2) 21:00
  • Flying stones Lubech's OutLands (Л13-4) 21:00
  • Tunnel Vesuvius (Е1-1) 23:00
  • The road to the village of Vyselki Lubech's OutLands (В5-2) 23:00
Experience Table Levels
Here is a list of levels and the amount of experience needed to get each level. The levels of combat, survival and support contain the same amount of experience.

Level / Exp / Exp for new Level
1. / 0 / 0
2. / 1000 / 1000
3. / 2718 / 1718
4. / 7389 / 4671
5. / 20086 / 12697
6. / 54598 / 34512
7. / 148413 / 93815
8. / 403429 / 255016
9. / 1096633 / 693204
10. / 2200000 / 1103367
11. / 3200000 / 1000000
12. / 4200000 / 1000000
13. / 5200000 / 1000000
14. / 6200000 / 1000000
15. / 7200000 / 1000000
16. / 8200000 / 1000000
17. / 9200000 / 1000000
18. / 10200000 / 1000000
19. / 11200000 / 1000000
20. / 12200000 / 1000000
21. / 17200000 / 5000000
22. / 22200000 / 5000000
23. / 27200000 / 5000000
24. / 32200000 / 5000000
25. / 37200000 / 5000000
26. / 42200000 / 5000000
27. / 47200000 / 5000000
28. / 52200000 / 5000000
29. / 57200000 / 5000000
30. / 62200000 / 5000000

Rate this guide like and add to favorites + Please write comments Ask your questions about the game + What do you want to see in the guide next update + Share your tags on the map in the comments I will add to the guide.

Discord STAY OUT:
H₂o `Sᴘᴇᴢ 18 Feb, 2024 @ 9:27am 
Aint xp outdated?
FunBun 1 Sep, 2023 @ 10:20am 
Darknessariz 27 Sep, 2022 @ 4:01am 
Iv tried heaps to get the truck going but no luck there's always some thing
thetkcj 26 Sep, 2022 @ 10:32am 
does anyone know where a jar of grease can be found in the starter zone? its the last thing i need for the truck
Grim Reaper Omega 14 Mar, 2022 @ 1:41am 
So the max level for the skills is level 30 right? , can we max all the skills?
☢️Alex Old_Gamer attack😈  [author] 11 Sep, 2021 @ 1:48pm 
Discord STAY OUT:
KeyzTwinnySe7en 19 Jul, 2021 @ 2:32pm 
@Lowbattery can find clay in craters out front of 'Radius' in Tunguska
KeyzTwinnySe7en 19 Jul, 2021 @ 2:32pm 
@Dozmatic It's 'Flora' in the settings
Doz 11 Jul, 2021 @ 5:39pm 
How do you disable / lower Grass settings in game, cant seem to find the specific setting for it.
Lowbattery 6 Jun, 2021 @ 3:58pm 
dude were can i find clay