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How to host a Server
Av ◄KING ✠ JO►
In this guide I will show you:

1. How to host a server (non-dedicated)

2. What you can set up in the ServerSettings.txt

3. What chat commands there are.
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Network setup
1. Setup a static IP adress for the PC you're going to run the server on.
(If you don't know how to, look it up on YouTtube, there are enough videos out there which will show you)

2. Forward port 7777 UDP and 27015 UDP in your router to your PC and in your PCs firewall.
(If you don't know how to, look it up on YouTtube, there are enough videos out there which will show you)

3. Click on Server Browser ingame and then on Host.

4. If people can't join, try to disable IPv6 in adapter settings in windows. For me that was the solution.
Stored in:
C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\LocalLow\Airborne Games\Airmen

{ "name": "King Jos is epic", "moderators": [ "dummyIP1", "dummyIP2" ], "ipBans": [ "dummyIP1", "dummyIP2" ], "admins": [ "dummyIP1", "dummyIP2" ], "steamModerators": [ "SteamID1", "SteamID2" ], "steamBans": [ "SteamID1", "SteamID2" ], "steamAdmins": [ "SteamID1", "SteamID2" ], "gameMode": 0, "map": 0, "requireSteam": true, "steamAPIKey": "", "autoAI": false, "bonusTeamMass": 0, "bannedParts": [ 127, 128 ] }

Name of your Server

IPs you want to be moderators on your server. They look like this:

IPs you want to ban form your server.

IPs you want to be admins on your server. They can assign people as moderators.

SteamIDs of the people you want to be moderator on your server.

SteamIDs of the people you want to be banned from your server.

SteamIDs of the people you want to be admin on your server.
(be sure to assign yourself, otherwise some commands wont work)

0 = Expedition
1 = Conquest

0 = normal map
1 = old archipelago


map, steamAPI, autoAI, bonusTeamMass, bannedParts:
Don't do anything anymore.
Server commands
shows time

/mod PlayerName
Make PlayerName a moderator.

/kick PlayerName
Kick PlayerName from the session.

/tp x y
Teleports the ship you are on to x y but only works if you are the last person who piloted it.
It's a relative teleport. /tp 1 0 will always move the ship and not just to coordinate (1|0).

Extracts and disconnects everyone in the match.

/tod 0-1
Sets the time of day.