Echoes of Aetheria

Echoes of Aetheria

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Exploration Node Locations
By Rex9999
Location of all Exploration Nodes
  • I'm showing the Exploration Nodes in the order I found them in.

  • I recommend you save often which can help you in case you accidently leave that section, for example in the Whamalash Jungle if you walk too much to the right past the building you will leave the area. (happened to me once by mistake)

  • You can also see what area you're in by saving and seeing what is the location name in the save, or by looking at the text at the top of the menu.
    Example - Airport, Whamalash Caverns, etc.

  • There is also talking to people in the home base that give the same animation, sound and experience as Exploration Nodes so I'll be counting those as well.

  • The Totals of each 'episode' (I guess you can call it that) will be at the bottom of each episodes section.

  • I recommend playing on easy in an exploration node oriented run so it's easier and faster to get them.

  • I also recommend you try to click on all of the pots, barrels, anything that could hold items, some of them give you gold or items.

  • Some ENs require the jumping shoes, obtained in the big chest in the imperial convoy, so you can jump the big gaps(the 2 arrows I assume are spots where you can only jump with the jumping shoes)

  • EN = Exploration Node ETN = Exploration Talk Node (which is what I named that talking to people in home bases bit)
Grand Theft Bridal
Train Section






Airport Section




Total 8 ENs
For Love of Country
Prison Section


Fleet Home Base


Invasion of Beladorne Section



Tidereaver Fortress Section




Jungle Camp Home Base


Whamalash Jungle Section
This place has the jungle, caverns and swamp areas.







To get to this one you have to use the master key and get inside the building

13 ENs 6 ETNs
Total - 19
Beladorne Rebellion HQ Home Base



Imperial Convoy Section




Beladorne Rebellion HQ Home Base



Sayunaa Royal Palace Section


Beladorne Rebellion HQ Home Base




Conquest of Fort Alabarda Section
There is 2 areas in this section - Fort Alabarda Underground(FAU), Fort Alabarda(FA)


Press the buttons in the order of the numbers to get 2 exploration nodes.
In case you can't see the numbers:
1 - Left side middle button
2 - Left side left button
3 - Right side right button
4 - Left side left button
5 - Left side right button
6 - Right side middle button


Go blue, blue, blue to get here. (Left, Right, Straight)

Then continue all the way to the left, use the blue portal go up and use the orange one to get here.

Go back through the orange and blue portal again, all the way back to where there was an exploration node and instead of left, go down and use the orange portal, continue on and use the blue one to get here.

Now go down and use the portal there to get back to the start, only this time go orange, blue (right, down) to get to this EN.

Now go back one portal and go up through the orange one, continue through those sets of portal to get here.





After Siege Section


Kesh's Estate Section


15 ENs 16 ETNs
Total - 31
The Big Leagues
Marakoss Trading Post Home Base


Gondwanna Desert Tips

The Desert from what I saw didn't have any ENs but it can be a very confusing place so this part of the guide is just some tips and 2 maps of the Gondwanna Desert

The legend is in the image but here it is again in case you can't see it somehow.

Green Star = Place of Interest / Objective

Blue Arrow Down = You spawn there

The Blobs of various colors with letters attached are where the map loops.
Connect the same color blob or letter to know where you will loop to.
Example - A to A (bottom left to top right)

After going through the structure you'll end up in another desert area.
Go right and up to get to the big chest, there is a total of 10 normal chests in this area, refer to the map to see how to get them

The red bars indicate you can't pass through there but you can come from there
The purple line and A indicates those two rooms are connected
The X indicates there is a path in that side of the room but you can't pass through it and it leads to nothing

Your objective is the bottom left square of the map, go down from there to continue
Novas Kedah Market Home Base


Total - 5 ETNs
Fahrem's Base Camp Home Base



Thank you Leksar in the comments for letting me know about this next node, at the time I tried getting it but couldn't see a way to it so I thought it was just bait, turns out I was wrong but at least I know I can get the achievement without this one.


To get to it go to the right past the farm, below the bottom tree past the fence and go all the way around to get here.

World's End Cape Section










Angra Mainyu Section

You will need the master key to get these ENs

Through this door you will find these ENs

Through this door you will find these ENs

17 ENs 1 ETN
Total - 18
The Coalition is Ready
Varna Market District Home Base



Gerrard's Casino Section


Coalition Home Base




Ezrum Fortress Section

These 2 will talk a lot, assuming this is your second playthrough I recommend spamming the interact button so it goes from like 5 to 10 mins of reading down to maybe 1 minute of skipping so you don't waste too much time and get back to hunting ENs faster.

4 ENs 9 ETNs
Total - 13
Aetherial Manifold Section





















Imperial Palace Sewers Section
This place has the sewers, dungeon and palace areas
























By this point you should have already got the achievement if you started a new run just for it.

Angra Mainyu Home Base



41 ENs 7 ETNs
Total - 48
Countdown to Zero
Arc Donarium Section


You get 2 exploration nodes for doing this.
Fastest way to do this is to press the buttons according to the image, which also gives you an extra prize.
  • Left side third button from the left
  • Right side third button from the left

Total 2 ENs
Grand Theft Bridal - 8 ENs

For Love of Country - 13 ENs 6 ETNs

Revolution - 15 ENs 16 ETNs

The Big Leagues - 5 ETNs

Reunion - 17 ENs 1 ETN

The Coalition is Ready - 4 ENs 9 ETNs

Conflagration - 41 ENs 7 ETNs

Countdown to Zero - 2 ENs

100 ENs 44 ETNs
Total 144
Rex9999  [author] 30 Dec, 2021 @ 8:12am 
Thanks for the info, guide was updated.
Leksar 30 Dec, 2021 @ 7:00am 
In Reunion, Fahrem's Base Camp Home Base. There's another one north of the anvil. Go around the right side.