Dead by Daylight

Dead by Daylight

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Survivor powers [Future Idea]
Yanarsen 님이 작성
Since all of the killers has powers, I think survivors should have some as well, to make them different from each other. Basically, if you get teachables from all survivors, there is no point of leveling multiple of them, while killers ARE different, due to their power, and regardless of perks. So, powers of survivors should be some small buff, which would have good synergy with their personal perks, and make the gameplay at least slightly different, and also, more rewarding to play (for example) Feng perks on Feng, because with her power, perks will be stronger. Also, additional idea is to have levels of powers. Prestige 1 would be Level 1 power, Prestige 2 would be Level 2 power and Prestige 3 would be Level 3 power. Survivors who are not prestige would receive 50% of Level 1 power mentioned below in text.
즐겨찾기 해제
10th November - Guide created
19th November - After some feedback in comments, many "powers" are updated
20th November - After 3.4.0 PTB got released and Balance Landing got nerfed, Nea power got slightly buffed
Dwight Fairfield
  • Allies can see your aura within 12/16/20 metres.

  • Allies within 4/6/8 metres from you gain 1/2/3% repair speed.
Meg Thomas
  • You can recover from exhausted status effect while running with 20/25/33% of regular exhaustion recover speed. Example: If exhausted status effect has 40sec cooldown, at 33%, you will need 120sec to recover while running.

  • If you are injured, exhausted and in a chase, you gain 0/1/2% bonus movement speed.
Claudette Morel
  • When allies are injured, they can see your aura while within 14/21/28 metres.

  • You gain 5/10/15% bonus speed while healing others.
    CHANGED TO While healing other survivors, reduce their grunts of pain by 50/75/100% and if you haven't fully healed injured survivor, they will leave no blood trails for 4/6/8 seconds. You can't trigger blood trail effect on other survivor again, until they become fully healed and injured again.
Jake Park
  • Toolbox efficiency is increased by 10/12/15% for sabotage actions.
  • Grunts of pain caused by injuries are reduced by 10/20/30%. If you have Iron Will equiped and overcome 100% reduction, every percent over will reduce grunts of pain in dying state instead. Example: If you have 100% reduction from Iron Will and 30% from power, those 30% will reduce grunts of pain while in dying state instead.
    CHANGED TO Reduce grunts of pain in dying state by 25/50/75%.
Nea Karlsson
  • Reduce your stagger duration from falls by 5/10/15%.
    BUFFED Stagger reduced from 5/10/15% to 15/20/25%.

  • While in a chase, your scratch marks are slightly/moderately/considerably less visible.
    CHANGED TO When you perform long fall jumps, you leave no scratch marks for 3 seconds. This effect can be triggered once per 60/50/40 seconds.
Laurie Strode
  • Any stun effects on killer are increased by 5/10/15%.
    NERFED Stun effect bonus reduced from 5/10/15% to 3/6/9%.

  • After successful stun, you leave no scratch marks for 1/2/3 seconds.
    NERFED Previous effect + this effect can be triggered once per 120/90/60 seconds.
Ace Visconti
  • Increase personal luck by 1/2/3%.
    BUFFED Personal luck increased from 1/2/3% to 2/4/6%.

  • Increase chances of receiving at least uncommon (or higher) item from chests by 15/30/45%(5/10/15%).
Bill Overbeck
  • Unhooking other survivors is performed 33/67/100% faster.
    NERFED From 33/67/100% to 25/50/75% faster unhooking.

  • Any endurance status effect you receive or give lasts 10/20/30% longer.
    NERFED Previous effect + endurance effect you receive last 5/10/15% longer.
Feng Min
  • Every 30/25/20 seconds, performing a medium vault will become fast vault instead, while in a chase.
    NERFED From 30/25/20 seconds to 60/50/40.

  • Any offensive action of killer reveals their aura to you for 2/3/4 seconds while within 8/12/16 metres from them. Duration of reveal moderately(50%) stacks with Alert perk.
David King
  • Exhaustion perks give you additional 5/10/15% speed bonus while they last.
    NERFED Now requires to be injured for triggering this effect.

  • Whenever you unhook a survivor, you can see killer's aura for 2/3/4 seconds if they are within 12/18/24 metres from you.
Quentin Smith
  • You can see chests while within 12/18/24 metres away from them. It is not stacking with Plunderer's Instinct.

  • While other survivors are within 2/3/4 metres from you, you are opening exit gates 5/10/15% faster.
David Tapp
  • You can heal and move while in dying state with 20/35/50% of regular crawling speed for 20/35/50% of regular recover speed.

  • Cleansing totems are performed 15/20/25% faster.
Kate Danson
  • If you perform fast vault and killer misses you, you gain 2/3/4% bonus movement speed for 3/4.5/6 seconds. This effect can be triggered once per 30/24/18 seconds.

  • Struggling speed from killer grasp is increased by 2/4/6%.
Adam Francis
  • Every successful skill-check while healing others give additional 3/6/9% bonus healing progression, with increased chances of triggering skill-check by 0/1/2%. You can't use med-kit for this.
    NERFED Bonus healing progression reduced from 3/6/9% to 2/4/6%. It doesn't increase chances of triggering skill-checks anymore.

  • You can attempt unhook escape while on 2nd hook 1/2/3 times. You lose 50/25/15% of your health for every unsuccessful unhook attempt.
    NERFED Previous effect + If you succeed in unhooking yourself from the hook while on 2nd phase, you receive broken status effect for 240/210/180 seconds. Also, you can't attempt unhook in 2nd phase if you have below 25% of health remaining.
Jeff Johansen
  • Killer's aura reading abilites are reduced by 4/6/8 metres towards you.

  • When you get unhooked, survivor who unhooked you gain 10/20/30% healing speed towards you for next 10/15/20 seconds.
    NERFED Healing speed gain is reduced from 10/20/30% to 15/20/25%. Buff duration lasts from 10/15/20 to 8/10/12 seconds.
Jane Romero
  • Whenever you finish repairing the generator, you receive 3/6/9% increased movement speed for 4/6/8 seconds.

  • When you perform rushed action to enter the locker, you leave no sound or visual notification for the killer. This effect can be triggered once per 60/50/40 seconds.
    CHANGED TO If you are healing other survivor, while you are injured as well, your healing speed is increased by 10/15/20%.
Ash Williams
  • Your struggling effects on the Killer are increased by 15/20/25%.
    NERFED Struggling effects are reduced from 15/20/25% to 5/10/15%.

  • Whenever you receive protective hit, you gain 1 token. When you heal yourself, hitting a skill-check will give you additional 10/15/20% healing progression and consume 1 token. Maximum amount of tokens are 2/3/4.
    BUFFED Previous effect + First protective hit will give permanent 5% bonus healing progression for successful self-heal skill check performed.
Nancy Wheeler
  • You can see totems while within 4/6/8 metres from them.
    CHANGED TO You can see totems while within 4 metres. Cleansing totems is performed 3/6/9% faster.

  • While in terror radius and uninjured, your walking speed is increased by 5/10/15%.
Steve Harrington
  • While in 1st hook phase and within killer's terror radius, you are losing 20/35/50% less health than usual. This effect activates 10/7/5 seconds after you get hooked and if killer is still within you with terror radius.

  • If you are affected by broken status effect, your blood trails are moderately/considerably/tremendously less visible. Grunts of pain are reduced by 20/35/50% during that time as well.
    CHANGED TO Any broken status effect lasts 10/15/20% less.
댓글 21
TheAlmightyCurd 2019년 11월 27일 오후 1시 15분 
from that surv not even something new
TheAlmightyCurd 2019년 11월 27일 오후 1시 15분 
those are just perks
8L4CK834RD 2019년 11월 24일 오전 8시 30분 
Survivors shouldnt have powers period.
Cicida 2019년 11월 22일 오후 1시 41분 
In my opinion, as a total newb to the game, one shareable perk from each survivor should be locked to the character.
ie, dead hard for david, borrowed time for bill, DS for laurie, adrenaline for meg, etc.
This would stop the current "meta" of perks which is goddamn boring.

it basically works into your suggestion, too. But I doubt either of our suggestions will get any consideration from the devs :(
Yanarsen  [작성자] 2019년 11월 19일 오전 3시 05분 
@CymphalRythm, yea, I said in earlier comments that killers should have some kind of extra powers as well. But since I main survivor, I started out with ideas for their powers.
Void Siren 2019년 11월 19일 오전 12시 21분 
Personally, I think this is more of a motivation to Prestige characters than anything else.

Don't hate on me for this unpopular opinion, but perhaps an effect could be given to killers for Prestige as well, even if it is just decreased power use time, extra traps for Trapper, Hag and Demogorgon, and decreased reload at lockers for Huntress. not sure about Myers... Maybe increased movement in tier one, and reduced terror radius in tier 2/3? Nothing to increse his stalk speed, god forbid. Maybe for ghostface, an increase in time to Reveal, and a decreased reveal radius. just a thought. Maybe increase Nurse move speed, at least to 100%. But that's just my opinion.
Konnor 2019년 11월 14일 오전 9시 18분 
I've always felt this game was too easy for me as a survivor. Im not exactly great with survivor, If im honest, in an actual ranking system (one thats not as easy to rank up in as it is currently in dbd) i would put myself as a rank 6 survivor. Purple rank, no higher and yet its still too easy, especially if im with more than one other friend. I can bully a killer very easily at a great detriment to them. Killers can camp/tunnel which is horrible but that is also at a detriment to them as they usually wont get more than 1-2 kills.

Just because i want a game where its harder for survivors than it is killer, does not make me a "killer main"

Konnor 2019년 11월 14일 오전 9시 11분 
Im not a killer main. I play both survivor and killer equally.
Yanarsen  [작성자] 2019년 11월 14일 오전 4시 59분 
@Konnor, I see you are killer main and pretty much subjective, so I will drop the discussion here.

@Papa Swampass, exactly! I have P3 David King only, all other survivors/killers are Level 40 (for teachable [including DLC's]), and I see no reason playing any other survivor, because David has all perks on Level 3. Eventually dailies, but thats 1 game out of 100. While playing killer, I always have different vibe from different killers, because they REALLY ARE different, due to unique powers.

@forestre, Laurie idea is actually great, but then again, idk how can that be considered as any kind of a boost for her. About David, that would be insane and way too over-powered.
forestre 2019년 11월 14일 오전 4시 42분 
I realy love the way tou decided do make survs different.
But I think than Laurie needs increased obsession chance. And David needs "When you are protecting survivours while injured, you take no damage."