Sid Meier's Civilization V

Sid Meier's Civilization V

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Homusubi's UK (Clement Attlee)
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7.433 MB
4 ноя. 2019 г. в 15:28
28 апр. 2020 г. в 12:57
Обновлений: 4 (просмотреть)

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Homusubi's UK (Clement Attlee)

Discussions of mid-twentieth-century Prime Ministers often begin and end with Winston Churchill, either the country's best leader or its worst depending on who you ask, with the possible addition of his predecessor Chamberlain as an unfortunate footnote. These characterisations overlook a man and an administration almost as important to the country's history, however: the initially unassuming Clement Attlee, and his Labour government that lasted through the late forties. There are not many aspects of the modern British welfare state, if indeed there are any at all, which do not stem at least in part from the Attlee government; most famously, it was under his rule that Aneurin Bevan realised the dream of a National Health Service, but it was as if every aspect of human existence had an Attlee law written to make it fairer. It is perhaps useful to remember in these troubled times that this is what Labour rule can achieve in good times… building a strong country is not easy, but building a good one might just be even harder.


Receive extra Food in your cities equal to one third of their non-trade Gold output.
Upon adopting a Social Policy or Tenet, receive a burst of Great Reformer points in your Capital.

Replaces the Great Writer. Creates unique Acts of Parliament as Great Works of Writing, which provide extra Culture and Tourism, the amount scaled to your civ's Happiness.

Replaces the Hospital. Provides global Happiness equal to one-third of the city's excess Food output.

JFD's Cultural Diversity (links to the rest of JFDLC)
Gedemon's YNAEMP (v25)
Unique Cultural Influence

Full credits can be found in the included credits.txt file.
Комментариев: 13
Koizumi Yokumo  [создатель] 28 апр. 2020 г. в 13:00 
Big update!

-Added support for Sukritact's Modular City Info Stack. The various bonuses that Attlee's unique components provide can now be directly checked on the city screen through the little Attlee icon at the top left.
-Great Reformers should no longer use the regular Great Writer icon in some circumstances.
-The rushing-water sound on Attlee's leaderscene should now be significantly quieter.
-Attlee's AI has been tweaked.
-A few text errors (e.g. missing icons) have been fixed.
-One or two optimisations have been made to the internal structure of the mod.
lewie 1 янв. 2020 г. в 12:57 
mod seems to keep crashing my game - is anyone else experiencing this?
武士 12 ноя. 2019 г. в 3:56 
This happens with all mods. I hope that I can solve this problem. Thank you very much for trying to understand my problem and to help solve it and for not ignoring me)
Koizumi Yokumo  [создатель] 11 ноя. 2019 г. в 12:30 
@Walter Sorry, I'm still not sure what exactly you did. Can you take me through every step between starting the game and realising you had a problem? Also if it applies to every mod it's probably nothing to do with this one.

@tmxk2012917: Yeah, I'm aware, and I did look into the issue, but unfortunately I could not find a fix even after asking more experienced modders for help.

@DivineRoyalty Thanks! I'm not super familiar with Ethnic Units but idk, maybe in the future.
AmélieBlueSky 10 ноя. 2019 г. в 17:50 
Very cool, and quite well done! Is there any chance at all that the mod compatibility could be expanded to include the Ethnic Units Mod? (If not, I understand completely. You have a life outside of mod-making, and I do not expect you to edit it if you do not want to)
tmxk2012917 10 ноя. 2019 г. в 13:19 
Found a glitch related to Great Reformer. It’s icon is still Great Writer when born
武士 10 ноя. 2019 г. в 5:55 
Yes, you understood correctly...
the modification itself is not present when choosing the start settings of the game, mod is enabled, but it does not work.
Sorry, what do you mean by “configuring game data”?
Koizumi Yokumo  [создатель] 10 ноя. 2019 г. в 4:44 
I'm sort of confused as to what your problem is... you enabled the mods, but the civs didn't show up afterwards? Did you at least get the "configuring game data" screen?
武士 10 ноя. 2019 г. в 2:44 
Can you help me? All the mods that I install for civilization do not work. I go to the “modifications” and turn on, after I click “single player”, there I get a list of included mods and when I select the game settings, the mods have no effect, even the maps do not work.
Sue-Doe 7 ноя. 2019 г. в 17:44 
Imagine thinking maintaining a crumbling colonial empire is benificial to anyone involved. This meme made by Attlee gang