Borderlands 2
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Number Basics (WIPTLDR)
Por KrewL
Do you want to be a badass number? Yes, you can be a badass number! If you don’t want to be a number then get out of here! If you do want to be a number, then here are some basics to get used to your newfound number…ness and then some advanced number crunching trips later on!

WARNING: Guide may take a short time to load due to PHOTOSPLOSIOOOOONNNNNNNN!

This is currently a work in progress. More content is coming...
So you picked the Assassin, a mysterious number named man…cyborg…robot thing who likes to speak in haiku, and flash the number zero a lot over his/her/its magical faceplate thing… This number may be one badass terminator, but you may go though some hell until you get used to the mechanics. He is a glass cannon. His special skill, Decepti0n, takes a bit of brains to use. Decepti0n is the first thing I want to talk about, as when you start out, it’s a bit lackluster. Later on, you become a ♥♥♥♥ stabbing monster!

Hey you Engineer
You have a sword though your ♥♥♥♥
This amuses me
Decepti0n: The Basics
You have reached level 5 and unlocked your smooth moves. You now think you are a one shot one kill badass! At this point, not really… Don’t be so sad, all things start off in small doses! As you gain in experience, you can improve your Decepti0n! Some skills in your skill tree can add new ability’s to your stealthy mode, like health regeneration, increased move speed, a super special stab attack and even chain murdering capabilities! This skill isn’t all about killing though, sometimes, you just need to get the hell out of there, and this skill can do that quite nicely.

So how does this skill work exactly?

When you activate Decepti0n, you throw out a hologram of yourself out in front, and turn invisible. You will see a red countdown starting at 5. This is how long you can remain invisible. That Hologram will fool (most) enemies and they will start attacking it while you remain invisible!

Somtimes, even decoys like to fly!

Do take note you are not immune to damage either, so be careful as you can still be shot!

You will also notice a meter below the countdown that starts to fill up as the count goes down. This is how much bonus damage you will inflict when you attack. This gives up to +650% Melee Damage OR +200% Gun Damage and +250% Gun Critical Hit Damage.

There is also an audio queue on how much time you have left. It sounds like a slow heart beat at first, but it speeds up closer to the cloaks end.

You can attack at any time, but the longer you remain invisible, the more damage you inflict. Attacking takes you out of stealth mode and applies the damage bonus according to how long you were cloaked for.

If the count hits zero and you don’t attack, you just re appear.

All enemies are highlighted in blue while in Decepti0n. You can see most cloaked enemies too. Nothing can hide… but Skeleton Mages…

You can throw grenades and Tediore reloads without breaking stealth!

Decepti0n has a base cooldown of 15 seconds IF you use the full amount of cloak time.
If you attack before the count reaches zero, your Decepti0n's cooldown will recharge faster, but you will deal less damage.

So in a nutshell: You turn invisible and throw out a decoy. You have 5 seconds of invisible time to plan your attack. When you pick a target and attack, you deal a crap load of damage according to how long you were cloaked for. If you dont attack when your time is up, you just re apear.

You can hit quite hard with this skill... take a look at this rocket launcher blow out of Decepti0n!

At first you see him... (Not a Norfleet!)

Now you don't!
Decepti0n: Combat
Now that you know how Decepti0n works, it’s time to put it in action.

Let’s put you in a scenario with you, your friends, and a bunch of Hyperion Loaders. A few GUN Loaders are harassing the team, no big deal… then an RPG Loader decides to waltz in and start raining rocket hell.

The others have to hide behind cover to avoid being blown to bits, as they can’t close the distance without being shot. You on the other hand have the tools to deal with this.

You are hiding behind a large crate with your friends. Here is what we do:

Face in the direction you want the decoy to appear. Then activate your Decepti0n. We throw the decoy to the left out in the open to attract the RPG Loaders attention. We exit to the RIGHT, so we don’t get shot! Now we run at the RPG Loader, keeping an eye on the countdown while closing the distance.

When the count gets close to zero, get ready to unleash your attack of choice: A melee strike or a super powered gun shot.

We unleash our attack on the bot, killing it in one strike.

Now your friends can deal with those lowly GUN Loaders much easier.

While that was a picture perfect kill in theory, sometimes our plan of attack may not go as well… what happens if that foe did not go down in one blow, or you attract more than one enemy’s attention? Time for some Plan B!
Decepti0n: Plan B
While that was a picture perfect kill in theory, sometimes our plan of attack may not go as well… what happens if that foe did not go down in one blow, or you attract more than one enemy’s attention? Time for some Plan B!

When your Decepti0n ends badly, you always need a backup plan! The RPG Loader survived the blow and you’re stuck in the middle of a shooting range.

Plan B is your escape plan. We are a very squishy class and being caught out in the open is a bad situation for us to be in.

How does the area around you look? Is there lots of terrain or high ground to run to? In this scenario, we have a shipping crate behind us. That RPG Loader won’t be too happy with you. You took a huge chunk of its life, and it’s hanging on with 25% health left. We dash inside that crate behind us. Those GUN Loaders and your friends are still busy shooting at each other thankfully. Now we use our newfound cover to dance around and finish the RPG Loader off.

Always have a backup plan! You must be situational aware of your surroundings and terrain. This is huge with playing the Assassin. We deal huge damage with Decepti0n, but we are not very tough ourselves. Glass Cannon!

This was an extremely basic scenario ignoring gear. It was mainly to demonstrate Decepti0ns ins and outs. When you add gear into the mix, it’s just too many variables to play around with when you want a simple demonstration! Some gear is coming up, hang onto your butts!
So, what kind of number are you?

How do you want to shape your Assassin? Do you want to stab foes to death? Do you want to be sly and sneaky? Do you want to sit back and kill from afar?

Decisions decisions…

Let’s look at Decepti0n’s damage again and build around that!

We can deal up to +650% Melee Damage OR +200% Gun Damage and +250% Gun Critical Hit Damage when attacking out of Decepti0n. So… how do you want to use your skill?


If that Melee bonus jumps out at you at first, you probaly want to be a slice and dice, cuts chili and fries type of Assassin! Yes? You can build around that! Some basic things you want to keep in mind if you want to go that route!

The Bloodshed tree is your main focus. This has skills that can improve your melee damage and add special melee based abilities to Decepti0n.

Be on the lookout for guns with a melee blade attachment. Basic ones will add a 50% melee damage bonus! We will look at the fancier melee gear later. Switch to your bladed weapon when you enter Decepti0n and get ready to stab some face on exit!

Bandit Roid Shield’s give you a melee damage bonus when they go down! You can build around using these shields to maximize your damage.

An example of a bladed weapon, a popular one too!


If not melee, what about a more specialized gun toting Assassin? Here are some basics!

If you want to gun your way out of Decepti0n, three weapon types come to mind: Sniper Rifles, Shotguns and Rocket Launchers.

Sniper Rifles can deal a large amount of damage, especially if you hit an enemy in a critical weak spot.

If you are going to be a Sniper, you will be using Decepti0n a lot differently. You will be hanging back more and won’t be in the thick of the action.

Using a Rocket Launcher with Decepti0n can be rather devastating. By multiplying the launchers insane damage output with Decepti0ns exit damage; you can turn foes into a red mist!

Some Shotguns combo quite well with Decepti0n’s damage bonus too. Sneak up, point the Shotgun at the enemy’s critical weak point, and blow them apart!

Look for weapons that give bonuses to critical hit damage! Alot of skills in the Sniping Tree give bonus to critical hits!

Sniper Rifles and Critical Damage are like Butter on Bread! They are ment for eachother!

And in the middle we have the Cunning tree, which adds a little bit to everything. It has melee and gun bonuses as well as a bunch of Decepti0n improvements. You will be investing in this tree a bit no matter which style of play you go for!

Now, let’s take a closer look at the skills…
You like guns? You like criticals? You like SNIPERINGS? YOU LIKE B000000000000000000RRRRRRRREEE? Then this is the tree for you, the Sniping (also B0re) tree! So, let’s take a look at all the skills… (that unlock B0RE… yeah I like B0re… anyhow… )

Stay on Target...

+4% Critical Hit Damage per level.

SHOOT THEM IN THE FAAAAAAAAAAAACE! One of your first baby steps on the Sniping tree, and this baby can pack a punch. It’s just one of many critical hit bonuses that can stack together!

+3% Zoom and +12% Aim Steadiness (reduces aim disruption when taking damage) per level.

This skill is more for those who wise to specialize in Sniper Rifles. If you hate losing your aim when you get shot, you may want to invest in this.

Kill Skill. Killing an enemy gives you +10% Critical Hit Damage and +15% Reload Speed per level for a few seconds.

I like calling this the gun Zer0s version of “Many Must Fall” when it’s over leveled by Mods! That reload speed bonus really shines on Shotguns and your pistols can reload in seconds! Reload speed can be a life saver! Keep in mind all your critical hit skills can stack! You will know when this skill is active when you see a yellow icon below your experience bar. This is the same with all kill skills.

+5% Accuracy per level.

Again, this is a Sniper Rifle preference skill. You could totally bypass this if you use Hyperion Sniper Riffles or if the weapon does come with a high accuracy. Killer seems to outshine this skill even with Sniper Rifle usage.

0ne Sh0t 0ne Kill
The first shot from a fully loaded magazine deals +12% Damage per level.

This is a rather situational skill. It only really shines with Shotguns, Sniper Rifles and Rocket Launchers. Pistols, SMG’s and Assault Rifles fast fire rate doesn’t synergize well with this skill. If you specialize in weapons that do synergize with this skill, it’s quite nasty!

+20% Bullet Speed, +3% Critical Hit Damage, and +2% Gun Damage per level.

This is another skill that benefits some weapons over others. It can also turn Torgue Gyrojets into monsters, as it gets rid of their slow downside! It all matters what weapons you use. If you do use weapons with slower shots, this skill can be a huge upgrade!

Shots pierce through enemies, gaining +100% damage per enemy pierced. Enemy crit locations highlighted in Decepti0n.

B0RE B0RE B0RE B0RE the funnest fun fun of the gun gun tree… yeah I love this skill! This skill works with almost all types of guns. You need to position yourself to get foes in a line. Then start shooting away. You know B0re has worked when you hear a sickening splat sound. Once you get the hang of this skill, you can turn into a monster! This skill is also popular due to the fact it can demolish enemies with tightly packed hitboxes. OMGWTF and BNK-3R are famous examples of enemies who crumble in the face of B0re! I will cover more advanced B0re stuff later on, as this skill does need its own section to cover everything!

B0re crit location highlight in Decepti0n. It can be handy!

Kill C0nfirmed
Up to +8% Critical Hit Damage per level depending on how long you aim down the sights.

Now we are entering pure Sniper Riffle territory. If you are not going to specialize in Sniper Rifles, you may have stopped at B0re. This skill does what it says. Sit back, relax, and snipe faces off.

At 0ne with the Gun
+25% Hip-Shot accuracy, +10% Reload Speed, and +1 Magazine Size with Sniper Rifles per level.

OMG 360 NO SCOPE PRO! More Sniper Riffle improvements ahoy!

Critical Ascensi0n
Scoring a Critical Hit with a sniper rifle gives you +6% Critical Hit Damage and +5% Damage with sniper rifles. Can stack up to 999 times. Stacks begin to decay if you haven't scored a critical hit after a couple seconds.

Not many run pure Sniper Riffle builds due to how hard it can be at times, but some have shown how powerful it can be and showed this skill off to its fullest. The more critical hits you get, the stronger you’re Sniper Riffle can become! And it’s just hits; you don’t have to kill a target! If you’re a crack shot, you’re going to be a monster with this skill!
Stabby stab away with these sharp skills! A risky way to play, but the rewards are endless! Early on you may have a little trouble, but once you get the skills that pay the bills and the right gear, all will fall before your blade!

Stab stab stab stab stab stab I WIN

Killing Bl0w
+100% Melee Damage per level against enemies with low health.

This is quite the powerful skill. It gets even more powerful with life steeling bladed weaponry! Stand toe to toe with a high health boss who’s low health and tank them! Stuck reloading a weapon while a low health foe keeps pestering you? Give them a slap in the face and they may just fall over dead!You will know when a killing blow lands when you see a “zero with a slash though it” flash over the foe you are attacking.

Ir0n Hand
+3% Melee Damage and Maximum Health per level.

It’s more health and more melee damage? What’s not to want!

Kill Skill. Killing an enemy regenerates 0.7% of your shield per second and gives +1.5% Action Skill cooldown rate per level for a few seconds.

This depends on what shield you want to use. A Roid Shield user would pass this skill over, as you want your shield to be down as long as possible! On the other hand, a midfield gun Zer0 would love this, as a kill will equal a faster Deception cooldown!

Be Like Water
Shooting an enemy gives +6% damage per level to your next melee attack. Melee Attacks give +4% damage per level to your next gun attack.

This skill screams bladed guns. Stab and shoot… or shoot and stab! You can tell what attack to do next by what’s showing above your experience bar. A gun over the shield means shooting bonus, while a blade over the shield means melee bonus.

Kill Skill. Killing an enemy gives +8% Movement Speed, +6% Gun Damage, and +8% Melee Damage per level for a few seconds.

This and “Many must Fall” is a must. Keep that kill chain chugging! Even a gun Zer0 can make good use of this to move in and out of cover!

Your melee attacks deal +8% damage per level when hitting an enemy in the back.

Nuff said! Think about combining this with “Ambush” in the Cunning Tree!

Melee Override Skill. While Decepti0n is active and a target is under your crosshairs, melee to dash forward a short distance and perform a special melee attack, dealing massive damage. Has a range of 3 meters.

This skill will always be on a starting melee Zer0’s mind… how many more levels till “Execute”! No more running at dudes to stab; now you can NINJA FLYYY AND STAAAAAB EEEEM! If your meleeing, you HAVE to have this skill!

You will see the phrase “EXECUTE ATTACK” when you can use your epic ninja dash. Just hit your attack button and go flying at em!

Killing an enemy with a melee attack restores up to 4% of your health per level depending on how low your health is.

Life steel you can never pass up if you’re going to stab dudes!

Like the Wind
+3% Gun and Melee Damage per level when moving.

TORNAAADOOOOOO! If you see the tornado above your experience bar, you know you’re like the wind! This skill is just there if you have points and don’t know where to put them…

Many must Fall
Killing an enemy with a Melee Attack during Decepti0n deploys an additional holographic decoy and extends the duration of Decepti0n instead of ending it.

Prepare to become a chain murdering monster. The catch is you have to fully kill your target to keep your chain going. If you don’t one shot your target, you’re out in the open. Defiantly have a Plan B ready if you’re using this! There is some special gear that will help you with this skill. Like B0re, I will explain further on in the advanced section.
On one hand we have a skill tree dedicated to guns. The other hand, a tree dedicated to melee. Here is a tree that can add to both of those! Cunning is a tree you just can’t skip, as it adds so many new abilities to Decepti0n as well as shooting and melee!

Fast Hands
+5% Reload Speed and +10% Weapon Swap Speed per level.

This is an extremely helpful skill to have. Those two attributes can make the difference between life and death, were Fight for your Life time’s precious seconds slip away!

C0unter Strike
After getting hit, your next melee attack has a chance to deal +50% damage per level.

It’s a nice bonus to melee Assassins. You hit me, I hit you back harder! You can tell when this skill is active when you see it pop up over your experience bar, and you will hear a noise along with it.

+5% Fire Rate and +3% Gun Damage per level when your shield is depleted.

This is a skill dependent on what shield you are using, or you just like being crazy! If you use a shield were its effect doesn’t go off until its depleted, like a Roid Shield, then this skill may look appetizing!

+4% damage per level when attacking enemies from behind or when attacking an enemy who is targeting someone other than you.

Since we do most of our work from the shadows, this skill looks rather good! This also applies to your decoy when using Decepti0n. They are shooting at it, not you! It can also stack nicely with Bloodsheds Backstab!

Rising Shot
Each successful ranged or melee attack gives you +2% Gun Damage and +1.8% Melee Damage per level for a short time. This bonus can stack up to 5 times. Faster weapons can gain stacks more quickly, but slower weapons retain stacks for a longer period of time.

It can be nice to have. You can see how many stacks you have with the icon above your experience bar.

Your holographic decoy explodes when you become visible again, causing shock damage to nearby enemies. Damage increases per level.

Do you really hate rabid critters? They can chew on this for a change! Your decoy now becomes a free shock grenade! If you get this skill over leveled, then it really packs a punch. This makes melee foes cry, but ranged foes don’t worry so much. Also think of combining this with “Many must Fall”. Each kill that adds to your Decept0in also drops a new decoy. It’s a new bomb per kill!

Dealing melee damage marks a target for 8 seconds. Marked targets take 20% additional damage from all sources.

This got nerfed in the pants as only one can be active even if there is more than one Assassin! Still… if you’re the only Assassin it is an awesome enemy debuff that your friends will love. Combo it with some slag for extra owwwwww!

The arrow in the shape of a zero above the enemies’ head means they have been deathmarked. The Spiderants have also deathmarked me with an ass string barrage!

While Decepti0n is active you gain +2% Gun Damage, +7% Movement Speed, and regenerate 0.8% of your Maximum Health per second per level.

If you’re not a melee Zer0, then this is your ONLY non-equipment way to regain your health! The other thing that shines is the movement speed bonus, so you can make the most of your short stealth time!

Tw0 Fang
Every time you fire you have a 6% chance per level to fire twice.

This skill depends on your tastes and what your build is. A Sniper Riffle user would hate it. A
Shotgun user will love it to death! This thing makes Shotguns naaaassstyyy! Also, be very careful when using Rocket Launchers with this skill… That bonus shot can be unpredictable… When overleveled, this skill is an almost guaranteed free double shot! Double shot guns have a chance to be quad shot! Again, the second shot from those can be a little unpredictable, but you won’t kill yourself! Do note that the bonus shot uses ammo, its not free!

Death Bl0ss0m
Action Skill Augment. Throws a handful of Kunai knives. Has a random elemental effect. Does not take character out of Decepti0n. Can be used five times per cooldown. Can apply Death Mark.

Press your action skill key to throw Kunai when in Decepti0n! It is also the only way to apply deathmark at range. You also have a small chance for a free slag, as the kunai’s element is random. Kunai’s also count as melee damage, so melee modifiers work on them! These are also very nice if your using Moxxi weapons, as you can switch to a Moxxi gun to regain your life back from the elemental damage over time! More on Moxxi stuff in the advanced section!
Time to look at some gear! All those bazillions of guns…

The loot comes from many sources. The bulk of the weapons you will find will be random drops from foes. Some unique foes and bosses have a small chance to drop a rare and powerful piece of gear!

The other source is from NPC quest givers. Some of these rewards are one of a kind with a unique ability. You can only get these once a play though! You will have to choose wisely on when you want to acquire these unique pieces!

I will cover each manufacturer’s item abilities and how Zer0 can use them. I will also highlight special items that work well with Zer0’s playstyle.

Loot Pile? I aint touching that, it smells funny!

Bandit weapons… heaps of scrap fashioned into weapons (sounds like what a race of killer fungus humanoids does in another universe… dakkadakkadakka)! They have seemed to have replaced S&S Munitions. I am surprised these things don’t jam, misfire or explode in your hand ha! These shoddy items don’t have much appeal for a Zer0 player, but they do have one thing that stands out in the crowd for those who like to stab…

The Bandit guns main trait is a huge magazine. Even the guns model has HUGE ammo clips. Even with the larger mag, these guns are rather inaccurate and reloading them is painfully slow. These traits make these weapons very unattractive to a professional assassin!

They manufacture (more so slap together and hold with duct tape) three grenade mods: The Standard Boom, the Bouncing Betty and the MIRV. The Betty does what it says… bouncy bounce them BOOM. The MIRV unleashes a bunch of mini grenades upon detonation. Early on, you can’t be picky, but there are better grenades that an Assassin can utilize fully.

These are what a melee Zer0 will be eyeing. The Bandit Roid Shield gives you a huge boost to melee damage when the shield is depleted!

The Survivor mod boosts your health and health regeneration. It can also boost these skills up to 6 levels: Rising Sh0t, Resurgence and Ambush. It depends on the rarity on how many skills you will get. You can be flexible with mods. Pick one that shoots your play style!

These advanced pieces of gear stand out from the Bandit scrapheap:

Because one barrel ain't enough, and two is too few. – Increased damage, fire rate and magazine size at the cost of stability.

If you manage to take down Assassin Rouf in Southpaw Steam & Power, he may drop this Unique Shotgun. It’s quite solid early on in your adventures! Later on, other Shotguns may push this one aside!

blagaga – Always Slag element. Fires 3 slag projectiles with reduced damage per shot at a cost of one SMG ammo. High chance to slag.

This Legendary SMG is a popular slag and swap weapon due to its high chance to slag! You have a higher chance of finding one from Tector & Jimbo Hodunk located in The Dust. You must side with the Zafords in order to fight the Hodunks at the end of the Clan Wars! It also seems to drop from the Handsome Dragon in Hatred's Shadow in Tiny Tina’s DLC, so if you have that add-on, you could side with the Hodunks to farm the Zafords for a chance at their special prize.

Multi-kill. – Fires a cluster of six rockets at the cost of one rocket ammo, each rocket with slightly reduced damage. Greatly reduced accuracy.

A Legendary Rocket launcher that vomits death! This thing is absolutely brutal, and if you want one, you need to hunt King Mong located in the Eridium Blight. That massive monkey has a higher chance of dropping one!

Love Thumper
If thumping you is wrong, I don't want to be right – Enormously high recharge delay. High roid damage. When shield is depleted, in addition to normal Roid bonus the shield also produces an explosive nova every time the user connects with a melee attack.

When you complete the mission Best Mother's Day Ever located in The Highlands, you get ahold of this monster! Not only do you get the bonus Roid damage, your stabs EXPLODE too! This shield and the “Many must Fall” are bestest buds! Sadly, this shield is a one-time deal per play though, so you will really want to use your best judgment on when to acquire it.

Chung-gunk! – When the Law revolver is equipped, any melee damage done is converted to health.

Once you complete the mission BFFs located in Sanctuary, this unique shield is yours! You acquire the Law pistol earlier on in the campaign, so hang on to it until you are able to get this quest! When Law and Order are used together, you will feel the pooowerrr! While not as powerful as Love Thumper and a Rapier (more on that one later) this combo is still very solid.

You wanna go, ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥? – Improved capacity, Roid damage, recharge rate and decreased recharge delay.

This can be a filler until you want to unlock your Love Thumper or Order. Only catch is you have trade with the Seraph Vendor in the Badass Crater of Badassitude or kill Pete the Invincible for a chance for it to drop.

Hide of Terramorphous
...His hide turned the mightiest tame... – It is a combination of the Maylay, Nova (fire), and Spike (fire) shield types. It also gives an extremely high roid damage boost.

This one has to be mentioned, but it’s a huge pain to get. Love Thumper feels to be the best Roid Sheild for Zer0, but if you do get ahold of this one, you can have some fun with it.
"Money is tight. Times are bad. You need a gun. Go the Tediore way."

At first glance, Tediore items look like cheap pieces of plastic. A gun made out of plastic? BLASPHEMY! But these chunks of plastic are FAST. Their weapons reload in a blink of an eye and their shields restore themselves in seconds! Their guns also pack a little surprise… it’s a two for one combo deal! So, do these orphan child labour manufactured items (I feel that’s their dirty dark secret for keeping costs low!) make the cut for an Assassin?

The Tediore gun has a special ability on reload. Instead of putting more bullets into the gun, you throw away the spend weapon and a new one magically digistructs into your hand! The kicker is that thrown away gun EXPLODES! The explosions damage is based on how much ammo is left in the clip. You can purposely increase the explosion damage this way. While Tediore weaponry shines more on other classes, Zer0 has a little trick with these weapons too. You can throw a reload in Decepti0n and you won’t break stealth! Their rocket launchers are also amazing. The spend weapon turns into a rocket itself and erratically flies away, and they reload in a pinch too! I died laughing for two minutes when I used a Tediore launcher for my first time… and thus the TEEEEEEEEDIOOOOOOOOOOOOREEE war cry was born…

Their standard grenades don’t do anything fancy. They just go boom! Sad face…

Their shields are also very basic, but have a faster charge time.

Tediore does not make any mods for the Assassin.

While most of their normal items are lackluster, they DO have some rather whacky unique items! What stands out as a bargain to an Assassin?

E-Tech Launcher
These are worth mentioning due to how Tediore Launchers work and the raw power of E-Tech Plasma. With Tediore’s reload mechanics; you are not waiting on a long reload, which can end your Fight for your Life! The plasma ball can also hit turds hiding behind cover... I am looking at your Marauder!

Also try Minecraft! – It fires a unique 3x3 spread of fireball blocks that ricochet off of surfaces. These pellets ricochet once, and explode upon contact with an enemy.

This rather unique piece is a rare drop from the Creepers in the Caustic Caverns. I like to call it the WAFFLE FIRE GUN, since it fires a 3x3 block of fire squares. It always spawns as a fire weapon. The waffle fire shot is very predictable and they even ricochet off surfaces too, and when it hits something, it explodes!

I'm gonna need you to stand back. – Fires 9 E-tech bullets in a unique pattern (8 bullets in a circle and 1 in the center) at a reduced ammo cost for an E-tech Shotgun. The pattern expands and contracts as it travels.

You must defeat the Ancient Dragons of Destruction to get ahold of this gun! This is not an ordinary splatgun, it doesn’t even splat! It shoots a target like spread instead of an arching ball of elemental goo. It can be a nice gun to have. I do love the Shock Elemental ones!

Baby Maker
Who's a widdle gunny wunny!!! – Thrown weapon spawns a "child grenade" upon exploding, an identical but smaller version of the original gun that explodes again. Very rarely it will spawn a second or third projectile.

AWWW LOOK AT DA WITTLE GUNNNN! This cute firearm may drop from Madame Von Bartlesby who is located in Tundra Express. When you reload this weapon, the thrown gun explodes and THEN that throws a baby boomboom! The baby gun may be a boy or a girl too! Look at the colour of the trail! This gun is quite good for reload bombing, and remember, you don’t break stealth if you throw a reload in Decepti0n!

A funny little tidbit too: Your chances of dropping a boy (blue) or a girl (pink) are based on actual US birth statistics." I wonder if it can spawn twins!
"Dahl makes guns for professional mercs. They're heavy, accurate, and effective, assuming you're strong enough to hold one!"

Dahl has quite the history on our little backwater planet. Are their products just as historic? At first glance, they may seem underwhelming, but Dahl may surprise you. You may be more surprised but less horrified then the staff they left behind when they fled the planet!

Their guns special ability is a burst fire when aiming down the scope. At first, this may seem… meh, but some Dahl models are insanely strong in the hands of a gun Assassin… Just think of all the critical hit bonuses and Two Fang in a burst fire to some unfortunate goons face! Some strong Dahl weapons are INSANLY easy to get too at any time in the game! Burst fire can also boost the chance that the weapons elemental effect will go off. These can be great Slaggers early on until you get ahold of something more solid!

They produce the Bouncy Betty grenade as well. Theirs may not be held together by duct tape though…

Dahl shields have a chance to drop a little Booster when hit. Picking up the Booster restores a little shield. Your friends can pick them up too! Like their weapons, it looks a little underwhelming at first, but these Boosters can cancel out status effects like burning that could kill you while you’re in Decepti0n mode… if you’re in a pinch for a shield early on, these are actually not bad at all.

The Infiltrator Mod has melee and gun combat in mind and gives a little bit to both. It will boost your Fire Rate and Melee damage! It can also boost these skills: Be Like Water, Unf0rseen, and Iron Hand.

The Professional Mod boosts your Reload Speed and Shield Capacity. It can also boost these skills: Ambush, Tw0 Fang, and Killer. For a gun toting Assassin, this is one strong mod!

So what stands out in the ranks of Dahl’s munitions? Quite a few powerful pieces actually!

Dodge this. – Always corrosive. Fires slow-moving, homing projectiles. Upon impact, projectiles stick to the enemy (or surface) briefly before exploding, dealing corrosive damage in a small area.

You must go on a bit of a treasure hunt with the mission The Lost Treasure located in Sawtooth Cauldron to acquire this unique E-Tech Pistol. I call this the ♥♥♥♥ you Surveyors and Buzzards gun. A few of our skills can turn this weapon into an armoured flyers nightmare. Vel0city speeds up the slow moving shots, and Tw0 Fang makes the burst fire even more of a burst. You latterly shoot a SWARM of acidic pixels. You still have to aim the crosshairs at your intended target to get the shots to home onto them though. If you get a double shot model, the fun doubles!

Gwen's Head
Thinking outside the box. – Fires a 7-round burst when zoomed. +37.5% critical hit damage bonus. Additional critical hit damage bonuses (e.g. skills, COMs, relics) are multiplied by inherent bonus, rather than added to it.

AAAAAWWW WHATS IN THE BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOX. This unique gun always spawns in the Dust; it hides in one of five locations (will have to link to a video). Since Zer0 can amass critical hit bonuses, this gun is quite attractive early on, since this weapon secretly multiplies them! The best part is, it’s always around, so you can EASILY get a new one when you out level the old!

Havin' a tea Partay drinkin' mah Teeea! – Large Corrosive splash effect. Contagious corrosive damage spreads to other enemies. Also comes with unusually high corrosive elemental damage.

After a smash hit tea party at Tiny Tinas, she will give you this gun after You Are Cordially Invited: Tea Party is completed in Tundra Express. Who doesn’t love to slap Fleshstick in his ♥♥♥♥♥ face? Anyhow, this weapon is the bane of armour! You will be facing a lot of Loaders later on and this will make a cakewalk out of them!

Fear the Swarm! – Always corrosive. Fires a 6 round burst fire with high Elemental Effect, each shot produces a small explosion.

This nasty little thing has a chance to drop from Knuckledragger, the first badass you met on Pandora! It’s another one of those screw you armour guns! If you get a double shot model, it’s even better!

The gun of the Bulls. – Extremely high burst-fire count. Bullet pattern is similar to the Lascaux cave paintings. Can never carry an elemental effect and always spawns with a Double projectile mod and +100% Recoil Reduction.

Another Dahl freebee that’s just lying around all the time! It can be found in a shallow pool in Frostburn Canyon, by a Spiderant Hive near a New U station. Gotta love free good reliable weaponry that you can just walk over and grab haha!

Sand Hawk
In. Not unlike Errol. – Consumes three rounds per shot, producing 8 slow-moving projectiles in a horizontal bird-shaped pattern which shifts as though flapping its wings. Projectiles vanish from sight after travelling a set distance, but may still strike targets.

This nasty weapon was introduced in Captain Scarlet’s DLC. You get it as a reward from the mission Whoops located in Wurmwater. The thing with this gun is that its power level goes over 9000 when combined with Hyperion’s Bee Shield… it’s one of the most broken combos in the game and Zer0 does it quite well… B0re anyone?

Mainstream'd! – Fires 5 horizontal shots in a line, shaped in a "V" pattern. Consumes 2 ammo per shot.

Terramorphous the Invincible has a chance to drop this weapon, and funnily enough, this thing can smack it upside the head quite well… Any large foe will get a headache from this thing. Against smaller foes, it may not be as effective due to the firing pattern!
"A hundred rounds in the magazine? With a Jakobs, you'll only need one."

Jacobs wants to put their wood in your hands! These old fashion western style items pack one hell of a punch! Sadly, they tend to have Zombie outbreak issues… So, are you’re ready to bust your shoulder with some trusty ol Jacobs recoil?

Fire as fast as you can pull the trigger. While your mouse may complain, you’re probably having a hell of a time! The drawback is that some weapons suffer from massive recoil, so you may not want to fire TOO fast! All of their weapons are rather attractive to an Assassin… we will just pretend they don’t make Assault Rifles… yeah… let’s forget about those shall we!

Jacobs are so above making Grenades. And why would you want a Grenade made out of wood anyhow? What would we call it? The Splinterer? Blows apart in a bunch of toothpicks that poke people’s eyes out?

Shields are for Pansies apparently. They don’t make these either.

Jacobs makes a few Mods for us. First up we have the Sniper Mod. It increases Sniper Rifle Damage and Criticals BUT it reduces your Shield Capacity (remember, Jacobs thinks shields are for Pansies!). It also can increase the following skills: Precisi0n, 0ne Sh0t 0ne Kill, and Headsh0t. A rather attractive mod for the Sniper enthusiast! The other Mods are rather special and mentioned below!

These fine items will make you the badassiest Cowbot in Pandora, and there is quite a few of em!

Hawk Eye
Eye certain. Finger Lightning. Aim Death. – Extremely high critical hit damage, high accuracy, reduced weapon zoom and lowered overall damage output.

Such a powerful Sniper Rifle has to drop from the most annoying Raid Bosses in the game! You can get it from Voracidous the Invincible or Dexiduous the Invincible. It probably has the highest damage output in the Sniper Rifle weapon class when you land a critical hit! And Zer0 just makes this thing even more ridiculous!

De Da. – Always spawns with a blade, granting a +100% melee damage bonus. In addition, if the shield "Order" is equipped, melee attacks with Law will restore the character's health, at a rate of approximately 50% of damage. +100% accuracy when scoped (not shown on weapon card).

This can be obtained as a mission reward from Marshall Friedman after completing Won't Get Fooled Again and as a rare drop from the Sheriff of Lynchwood. When you are first starting out on your adventure as a melee Assassin, this will be your first main melee weapon. Even if you out level the guns damage, you can still use it as a blade! So you don’t really need to farm for a new one! When it combined with Order, you can regain health per melee hit too.

Found out about this I was like DAAAMN, I'm bringing that gun BACK! – Fires projectiles with Explosive properties.

EXPLODERING SNIPER! You would think this is a Torgue! Be on the lookout in the Campaign of Carnage, as a Pete Burner may drop one!

Putting trouble on the run. – Fires a cluster of spherical projectiles that quickly transform into a tornado over a short distance. Always shock.

This is a rare drop from Omnd-Omnd-Ohk, who can be a bit of a chore to summon. Most may have gotten theirs during the Loot Hunt event! This shotgun shoots a TOOORNAAADOOOOOO and with B0re, it becomes a B0RENADOOOOO! The Velocity skill will ruin the B0renado due to the shot speed up. You want to keep this gun slow!

I infrequently perish. – Shots bypass shields (ignores the shields without depleting them, dealing damage directly to health). Slightly reduced damage.

The Trespasser is obtained from the mission Animal Rights in the Wildlife Exploitation Preserve. There is one main reason one will want this weapon, and it has to do with the hardest and most infuriating raid boss in the game (More on that later)! Zer0 can bypass the lower damage downside of this weapon with shooting it out of Decepti0n!

Monty's wife don't take no guff. – Shoots a 6 projectile spread at the price of 1 bullet.

It’s a pistol that thinks it’s a shotgun! It has a chance to drop from Mick Zaford located in The Dust. You will have to side with the Hodunks if you want to farm this weapon. Not only does it look sexy, it is quite the damage dealer too. It does get outshined by a another weapon that fires in a similar way though… so weigh in who you want to side with in the clan war for what rewards you want the most!

Makes your brain hurt. – Shoots five projectiles at the cost of one round, however, each projectile suffers from decreased damage.

Such damage output, but such murderous recoil! Your accuracy gets shot through the window with this thing! It is quite a fun weapon though. The only problem is who you have to farm for one… Son of Mothrakk in the Wildlife Exploitation Preserve likes to be a troll! It may throw your loot far faaar away were you can’t reach it!

I am free now. – Bonus critical hit damage, increased projectile velocity.

The Judge is a rare drop from Assassin Oney located in Southpaw Steam & Power. It’s nice early on like the Dog, but can get outclassed by other weapons later on! If one drops while you’re in the area, its happy face time.

Legendary Hunter Mod
"I never die." – Using Decepti0n instantly restores 10% of your health.

This mod has an increased chance to drop from Vermivorous The Invincible, Pete the Invincible, Voracidous the Invincible and Ancient Dragons of Destruction. It can also boost these skills up to 5 a piece: Headsh0t, Fast Hands, C0unter Strike, Killing Bl0w and Ir0n Hand! It also has some strong stats boosts. You get an increase to your Decepti0n cooldown, a bonus to critical damage AND a boost to reload speed! Those with the Decepti0n health restore make this quite a powerful mod that any type of Assassin can use! You will also be reloading weapons at lightspeeds!

Legendary Sniper Mod
If you’re a Sniper, your end game mod may be this! If you have both Ultimate Vault Hunter DLC packs, start hunting down Tubby Enemies in said mode for a chance at this mod! It will incrase your Sniper Rifle damage and criticals, but cut back your shield capacity. These skills also can be boosted up to 5 a piece: Precisi0n, 0ne Sh0t 0ne Kill, Headsh0t, Kill C0nfermed and Velc0ity!
"Did you know over 97% of all creatures on Pandora aren't exploding right now? THAT'S BULLSH*T! BUY TORGUE!"


If it’s a Torgue, it shoots EXPLOOOOOOOOOOOSSSSSSSIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONSSSSSSS. Torgue Gygrojets are slow moving projectiles that turn anything into a red mist. If it doesn’t have explosive damage, it ain’t no Torgue! Torgue has some of the most powerful weapons in the game. Who doesn’t want to get ahold of one? Even an Assassin can make great use out of these noisy weapons! Another reason why Torgue is so strong is that explosive resistances are extremely rare!

They have to make MIRVS because a grenade that explodes into mini grenades that explode is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ AWESOME according to them! They do make some ridiculous MIRVS later on…

Their shields are all over the place. Typically, their common shields are the explosive Spike and Nova. A Spike Shield releases booms when you’re hit in melee, while the Nova goes off in a BIG BOOM when it’s depleted! Their more unique shields are a little weird, yet none of them really benefit us.

They don’t make anything for us here. I would be a little worried wearing on incase it explodes!


Ravager Shotgun
Meet the king of blowing faces off out of Decepti0n! Ravagers are among the most powerful shotguns in the game! They can outdo most legendary shotguns! These can also be easy to farm with the Campaign of Carnage Torgue Vending Machines. I will talk about those later!

Unkempt Harold
Did I fire six shots, or only five? Three? Seven. Whatever. – Fires 7 shots in an accelerating horizontal spread at the cost of 3 ammo per shot.

You could also call this the king of Pistols, as in it could be very well the best pistol in the game. This thing is ridiculous and EASY to get! Again, you can get what you want out of those Torgue Vending Machines. It can also drop from Savage Lee in Three Horns Divide if you don’t have the DLC. While most love the Double Penetrating variant, the Tw0 Fang skill can mess the shots up a bit, as in the two rows spread off in a HUGE gap. If you are using Tw0 Fang, the Hard variant may be better for you, as it increases the damage.

Because Mister Torgue Said So. – Fires a single projectile in the shape of a sword which explodes upon impact, spawning three smaller swords, which also explode on impact (much like a MIRV grenade). Consumes 2 ammo per shot.


Name Dropper. – Rockets fire in an arc and explode in a mushroom cloud upon detonation. Extremely slow reload speed.

IT SHOOTS A MINI NUKE, LIKE WHAT THE HELL AWESOMENESS. GROG NOZZLE THAT DRUNK THING UP AND SHOOT LIKE 5 OF THEM AND LIKE GO WHOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAA. Yes, this launcher is redonkulous just in the fact it like shoots a mini nuke and stuff but reloads like ass! Still fun to use even if there is more reliable ones! Find it in a Torgue Vending Machine, or kill The Black Queen in the Dust for a chance for one to drop.

huh. It shoots rockets. – Massively increased damage at a reduced projectile count. Projectiles emulate Torgue rockets.

One of my favorite guns from the first game is back baby! You have to have the Digistruct Peak DLC to get access to this Pearlescent. IT’S CAPS TIME, LIKE THE SWORDSPLOSION IT’S ALL LIKE BOOMBOOM ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥! Got to have a Casual one or go home, and that is going to be hard to farm for as Pearlescensts are the rare of rare. It’s just a fun gun and not needed to get anywhere, but ITS FUN!

Bonus Package
2x more awesome, bonus extreme! – Increased damage. When child grenades explode, each releases one additional child grenade.

This thing is the MOTHER OF MIRVS. It’s a grenade that explodes into baby grenades that EXPLODE INTO BABIER GRENADES THAT EXPLODE. Torgue LOVES EXPLODES INTO MORE EXPLODES STUFF. If a Gunzerker double throws one of these, it may make your PC cry! If Boom Bewm in the Sothern Shelf doesn’t drop one for you, there is always the Torgue Vending machine if you REAAAAALLLYYY want one!

Meteor Shower
Not just for wishing on! – Increased damage and number of child grenades. Lobs child grenades in a high arc. When child grenades explode, each releases one additional child grenade in a similarly high arc.

If you love the Bonus Package, you may have your eye on this! Being a Seraph item, you may have to gather enough crystals to purchase it from the Seraph Vender or hope Pete the Invincible drops it. Again, only if you REAAAAALY want this thing.

Rolling Thunder
The thunder shall bring forth the pain! – When thrown the grenade has very little arc and stays low to the ground. It behaves like a lobbed rubberized grenade at first but each bounce has a detonation. After several bounces or contact with any hostiles it explodes like a MIRV grenade.

I just can’t help but mention these ridiculous Torgue specialty grenades! They are just too fun to play with! BOUNCE BOOM BOUNCE BOOM BOUNCE BOOOM AND LIKE BADABOOMBOOM! Wilhelm may drop it, and since it’s a Torgue item, it could be in the Vending Machine too! I loved throwing these at Terramorphus the Invincible…

"Hyperion asks, 'What good is a gun that doesn't shoot where you point?'

Hyperion, they want to kill you, yet want you to buy their guns. When are they are not trying to get into your wallet or planning to murder you with an endless robot army? They may have Pandora in a vice grip, yet you can use their own weapons against them!

Their main feature is reduced recoil and higher accuracy as you fire the weapon. You can shoot a pixel off the top of someone’s head with these. The negative recoil can get a bit weird, as some weapons, mainly Shotguns, will jerk around before stabilizing! Hyperion also makes some of the most ridiculous guns in the game too. Their Shotguns will surprise you, as they are not really shotgunny…

The Singularity Grenade is one attractive boomstick for an Assassin. It sucks foes towards it before detonating! It is amazing for crowd control and setting up shots! Is that Marauder harassing you from that ledge above? Pull him down with a Singularity. Is that ION Loader being a huge pain in its little shield bubble? Pull it out of it! Do you want to B0re the living crap out of things? Use a Singularity to bunch them up and fire away! The Slag Singularity is an extremely powerful tool. Keep an eye out for one!

They created the AMP Shield. The shield drains per each shot, adding a damage bonus to said shot. These are rather attractive for Snipers, who like to sit back from afar and pick peoples brains. There is also a certain AMP Shield that flips this game upside down, see below!

The Shot Mod is another gun orientated mod. This time, it increases everyone’s accuracy. It can also increase these 3 skills: 0ptics, Pricisi0n, and Kill C0nfermed. This is also one of the not so attractive mods we can pick from…

The Killer Mod on the other hand is rather yummy. We get a bonus to everyone critical hit damage now! Fearless, Killer, and Ambush are the skills it can increase too.

The quality of their specialties is immense. A corporation who’s this powerful has to make some of the most powerful gear on the planet!

The Bee
Float like a butterfly... – High amp shot damage, 0 amp shot drain. Lowered shield capacity. Increased shield recharge rate. Increased recharge delay.

Let’s just start with this… the most gamebreakening thing ever. It makes things ten times easier! A lot of people shun this thing. I didn’t cave in to temptation until Overpower 7! This thing turns you into a bullet God; all shall fall before your glowy covered bullets! You have to keep your shield full in order to be a God though and this isn’t a tough shield either. You have now entered SUPER glass cannon mode! Use your Decepti0n to sneak around, get away, and to give the shield time to recharge. You defiantly need to float like a butterfly to sting like a bee! If you want this monster, bludgeon Hunter Hellquist in the Arid Nexus Boneyard, or enter the fantasy land of Tina’s and hunt down Treants and Pixies in the Forest! I’ll have to talk more about this shield in the CHEESE section.

Conference Call
Let's just ping everyone all at once. – Fires 5 projectiles per shot. Each projectile generates additional projectiles upon impact or after sufficient distance. Slightly increased magazine size. Slightly reduced accuracy.

This is one hell of a brutal shotgun… and B0re just adds more icing to the cake! Turn a hallway into bullet pinball hell! If you want one, the Warrior will be the one to hunt down! Or travel inside Tina’s head and knock the Handsome Sorcerer down a peg in Dragons Keep.

Fresh Meat! – Very low pellet count. Greatly increased fire rate. Achieves maximum accuracy much more quickly than other Hyperion shotguns. Magazine randomly refills a random amount of ammo as it's fired, giving it a wildly variable magazine size in use. Fire rate highly increases under sustained fire.

If you come across this rare Pearelscent, prepare to have some fun! It’s quite powerful too and its special ammo ability means you can keep on butchering!

Because it enters your face. Get it? IT ENTERS YOUR FACE! – Consumes 2 ammo per shot. Fires slow-moving projectiles which each spawn two additional projectiles in a horizontal row on either side of the original projectiles, which then flare out and reconnect with their parent projectiles. No movement speed penalty while aiming down the sights.

If you can handle the sweat, blood and tears to get one of these, do a moon walk and start… interfaceing faces? It can ONLY be obtained from Voracidous the Invincible (F THIS GUY), Dexiduous the Invincible (ALL THE ERIDUMS) and Omnd-Omnd-Ohk (Such a Choooreeeeee). It is a Boss killer once one masters its firing pattern, and that’s why one would want this thing, it interfaces smoothly into Raid Bosses faces!

Lady Fist
Love is a Lady Finger. True love is a Lady Fist. – +800% critical hit damage (When patched)

Give the blueprints to Una Baha at the end of the Uncle Teddy mission in Fyrestone to get this monster. It recent change makes it more desirable to us then a certain Fibber variant. We love dem criticals and since it’s a Hyperion weapon, we can hit all the faces!

Steam is going to censor this Gun, B!@#H
yup. back. – Critical hit damage bonus, achieves highest (to which it is near pinpoint) accuracy quicker than most other Hyperion submachine guns.

If BNK-3R isn’t a BUM-3R (FOREVER A BUM-3R) it may drop this for you at the Bunker! It dispenses lead quite fast, its accurate as hell, and dem criticals, we love dem criticals!

E=mc^(OMG)/wtf – Always Shock Singularity Grenade. Reduced damage but increased blast radius (larger singularity pull and Tesla effect). Enemies pulled within blast radius suffer shock damage over time until explosion occurs.

It’s the mother of Singularity Grenades. It has the biggest pull and zaps those Shields off. It’s nice to have for sure! Getting one is a bit of a chore though. You may find it in a random loot pool because Ultimate Badass Varkids can be a pain to produce!

Legendary Killer Mod

A gun Assassins ultimate Mod! Everyone gets to share in on the Critical Hit Bonus! You also get these skills boosted up to 5 a piece: Vel0city, Killer, Ambush, Headsh0t and Tw0 Fang! Killer and Tw0 Fang get rather ridiculous overleveled! If you have both Ulimate Vault Hunter DLC packs, start hunting down Tubby Enemies in said mode for a chance at this mod!

Fremington's Edge
I can see my house from here. – High zoom magnification (11.4x). Increased damage. Increased accuracy. Increased critical hit damage when zoomed

It’s another nice drop from those Hyperion Assassins in Southpaw Steam & Power. Assassin Reeth drops this one. It has an INSANE zoom! You will see all the things, you may even peak at Moxxis rack with it… it also packs a bit of a punch damage wise too!

Because Hyperion is the best troll ever! I’ll let you discover these on your own!

The Bane

Shotgun 1340

Yes Mother… I heard you the first time… STOP NAGGING ME! /wrists
"Where form meets function."

Maliwan wants to raise the bar. Their products are extremely high tech and elegant. If art could kill, it would be a Maliwan! They always deal in elemental combat. Such smooth sleek weapons would attract many an Assassin, would it not?

Their weapons are always elemental. Bullets are so above them! Such power does have drawbacks though when you start running into more enemies who resist certain elements. Because of that reason, you will usually have a spare element for each job. While Assassins can’t abuse these tools, Maliwan’s are always reliable when it comes to elemental effects, including Slag!

They produce the Transfusion Grenades, witch damages foes and return some health back to you at the same time! Assassins can have some health management issues early on, so these grenades can be rather attractive. Their higher end models on the other hand can do this more efficiently! ALSO, they make the Spell Grenades in the Tiny Tina DLC. There are 5 spells: Fireball, Firestorm, Lightning Bolt, Chain Lighting, and Magic Missile. Two of these stand out big time for Assassin users. See below!

They have two standard shields, the Elemental Spike and Nova. They work the same as the Torgue ones but use elemental damage instead. They have some more unique specialties that will be covered below…

They make a special Mod that appears in the Tiny Tina DLC. This Rouge Mod has a huge array of statistics according to what alignment you get. It will always boost these skills though: Like the Wind, Tw0 Fang, and Velocity. With how rare this mod is to drop, there are other options that are easier to get. They also make the Ninja Mod that gives a bonus to melee damage. It can also boost these skills: Backstab, Resurgence and Killing Bl0w. This is a mod to keep an eye out for if your specializing in melee!

A company who wants to raise the bar with munitions has a few products that raise that bar even higher! Let’s take a look…

E Tech Plasma Casters
While their SMG’s dispense elemental hell quite effectively, their E-Tech SMG’s crank it up to 11! Those plasma balls have splash damage too!

I’d say that’s a pretty big ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ gun! And it’s a pretty big ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ BOOOM with this launcher with some nasty damage over time… if they survive that ball of death in the first place!

Riastrad! – Fires shock and slag rounds. Applies slag to the wielder as long as the weapon is equipped which will last a couple of seconds after swapping weapons. Increased damage, rate of fire, magazine size and reload speed. Reduced accuracy and stability.

This weapon is usually the main reason one would side with the Zafords in the Clan War. Even though it slags you, the nastiness this weapon dispenses makes up for it. Plus, were used to being glass cannons! We know how to get out of sticky situations (Is slag sticky?)! A lot of people love this gun as an entry weapon to Ultimate Vault Hunter mode!

Sink me! – When the bullet impacts it splits into five lower-damage elemental energy balls that are cast out in a circular distribution parallel to ground from the point of impact for additional damage.

This is a hugely popular Sniper Rifle, and could be the king of them. It is obtained from the mission Don't Copy That Floppy located in Washburne Refinery. It can score MULTIPLE critical blows if you land the shot in a critical area. When the secondary energy balls spawn from the initial spot, they too trigger critical hits! Vel0city can mess with the secondary shots though… This thing has many tricks, so many that it’s an art to use this thing. More on that later!

full of bees. – After firing, the hive rocket will stick to the first object it hits; if it doesn't hit anything, it will travel a certain distance before stopping in mid-air. It will then begin to spin and release small homing corrosive rockets at a rate of about 2 rockets per second for approximately 7 seconds. After this effect ends the main rocket will explode.

BEE BOOOOMMMBBBB! Big ball makes baby balls, like you’re throwing a freeken bee hive at someone! It also looks coooool, dat skin! It’s best to stick the primary shot on the floor or ceiling, so all the baby rockets can come out and play! They come out horizontally so you don’t want those shots hitting a wall! If you kill Saturn in the Arid Nexus Badlands, it may drop one for you!

We don't need no fire... – High fire elemental damage, high elemental effect chance, small explosion damage radius which deals reduced damage and multiple proc stacking.

Do you love setting things on fire? Do you love Maliwan SMG’s? Say hello to this! All fleshy things will melt before this thing! The burn damage on this thing is nuts! Scorch in Frostburn Canyon may drop one for you, as well as his Digistruct clones…

Pele humbly requests a sacrifice, if it's not too much trouble. – 80% splash damage versus standard Maliwan sniper rifle splash of 50%.

Burn all the things! Big Fire shot makes all the fleshy things do the burny burn dance! It’s a lovely fire weapon for the Sniper enthusiast! It has an increased chance to drop from The Warrior located in Vault of the Warrior. It has also an increased chance to drop from the Handsome Sorcerer located in Dragon Keep.

Blows Up Everything!!! – The Norfleet hurls three or four large purple rockets in a horizontal line. Each rocket travels at a rather slow speed on an erratic trajectory (not in a straight line), with each rocket dealing a tremendous amount of damage while covering a large area of effect.

This is the most prized possession in the game. It’s the mother of all damage. This E-Tech Launcher is… the God weapon! EVERYONE wants it! It is also extremely difficult to acquire! It’s a rare drop from Vermivorous the Invincible and Hyperius the Invincible. It can ONLY drop from THEM! Vermivorous is a pain to summon, so your best bet would be Hyperius… and we can kick that guy’s ass pretty quickly… more on that later!

Legendary Ninja Mod
If you like to stab, you may have your eye on this prize later on! It boosts your melee damage and this skills up to 5 a piece: Backstab, Resurgence, Killing Bl0w, Ambush, and F0ll0wthr0ugh! That is some crazy skill boosting going on there! Hunt those Tubbys!

A skillful leech is better far, than half a hundred men of war. – Decreased damage and blast radius. All damage done by the grenade instantly restores allies' health.

No more waiting for the health to fly to you, or health getting stuck on stuff! This transfusion grenades health leech is instant! It has an increased chance to drop from The Warrior located in Vault of the Warrior and the Handsome Sorcerer in Dragon Keep.

Chain Lighting
Don't pay it back, pay it forward. – Always Shock. Regenerates grenade ammo over time. Shoots a bolt of lightning straight forward that explodes on impact and arcs to nearby targets. Character may shout "Lightning Bolt!" after use.

A very popular spell grenade with Melee Zer0s to strip shields and regain health with bladed Moxxi Weapons! You will need Tina’s DLC to get these! Your best bet to grab one of these is the Badass Round at Murderlins Temple, as it is a rare drop from Badass Sorcerers.

Magic Missile
No wand required. Just point and shoot. – Always slag. Grenades slowly regenerate over time. Two (Blue) or Four (Purple) child grenades home in on targets and explode instantly.

A popular Tina DLC spell grenade for reliable slagging! The Magic Missile is dropped by the wizards, as well as their badass counterparts.

More Maliwan

I'm rubber, you're glue. – Deflects enemy bullets with increased damage toward nearby enemies. High Damage Reduction and Capacity. Launches homing balls of slag at its attackers.

This is a lovely Seraph Shield for a gun focused Assassin! Save those crystals up and visit the Seraph Vendor in Flamerock Refuge. You just got to be careful with those seeking slag balls. Obstacles or close by enemies could cause a ball to explode close to you, slagging yourself! I highly recommend this shield anyhow!
"In these trying times, the Vladof corporation is certain of one thing, and one thing only: they are coming. Coming to take your food. Your home. Your loved ones. Perhaps not today, perhaps not tomorrow, but soon. And as they sharpen their swords and smile through their teeth at their subjects, Vladof has only one question to ask: will you be ready to fight back?"

Viva la Revolution? Vladof weapons are rare, and with rarity, comes power! They have a few special ability’s featured on their products. If you find one of their products, prepare to dispense death at unreal speeds!

They are bullet hoses, literally bullet hoses! A lot of their guns feature rotating barrels and an extremely high rate of fire. Even their Sniper Riffles can be bullet hoses! Their Rocket Launchers also have an ability that reduces ammo used to keep the death toll rising! While other manufacturers have more attractive options for an Assassin, you can still have a bit of fun with these! B0re with Vladof? Yes please!

The AoE Grenade releases an elemental effect that lingers over time. It can either be a lingering corrosive cloud, a column of fire or an electrical field. They are never explosive. Their unique models take the elemental effect and crank it up to ten!

The Absorb Shield has a small chance to absorb a shot and add it to your ammo pool! While other classes can make better use of these, there is one Absorb Shield that can be quite overpowered in certain situations…

The Stalker Mod increases Pistol power! You will get a larger magazine size and fire rate with any Pistol! You also get an increased shield recharge rate! It will also support these skills: Rising Sh0t, F0ll0wthr0ugh, and C0unter Strike!

Such power! They just can’t get any more powerful than that… can they? Take a look at these!

E-Tech Topneaa
The "Consumes reduced ammo per shot" ability means the Topneaa only uses 2/3 of a rocket per shot. More plasma ball hell for you!

As I end the refrain, thrust home. – Always spawns with a bladed attachment. Low damage for its level. +200% Melee Damage.
Curse of the Porcelain Fist! – The user takes increased damage from Melee attacks.

THIS is the ultimate bladed weapon for a melee Assassin. It has a pro and a con, as with all of Captain Blades gear. You have to go on a treasure hunt with the mission Message In A Bottle (Hayter's Folly). This is the weapon best used for Many Must Fall. Since you are invisible, melee foes won’t be able to hit you, negating the curse of this weapon! The 200% melee damage also gives you a must higher chance to slay the target and keep the Many Must Fall chain going! If you manage to get one with a Slag element, you can also use it to slag your target before poking their eyes out!

It's closer than you think! (no it isn't) – Does not consume ammunition. Shots fired form a fixed lemniscate (∞) pattern, ignoring normal recoil behavior. Increased accuracy when aiming down the sights.

This is a highly sought after weapon due to its infinite ammo and high fire rate! We have a skill that buffs the damage output of this weapon. Since 0ne Sh0t 0ne Kill gives a damage to your first shot, and that the Infinity always has one shot in the clip, it will ALWAYS get the damage bonus! The lemniscate firing pattern though makes it a little hard to land critical hits though. It can drop from Doc Mercy during and after the quest Medical Mystery. Even so, this weapon still does have an extremely low drop rate!

Man Killer – Shoots one projectile that splits into three projectiles after a certain distance on a horizontal plane. Distance at which the bullet splits is relevant to distance to target, up until a maximum distance. Each shot comes at the cost of one sniper bullet.

A machine gun of a Sniper Rifle! It’s quite accurate and can increase Critical Accensti0n stacks very quickly! The triple bullet spread is a bit odd though, as you do need to be closer to the target to get all 3 to hit! You have a chance to get one from Gettle located in The Dust during and after the quest The Good, The Bad, and the Mordecai.

The Sham
Wow. I CAN do this all day. – Extremely high bullet absorption chance. Greatly reduced shield capacity, reduced recharge delay. Cannot spawn with elemental resistance.

This can drop from BNK-3R (BUM-3R!) located in The Bunker. You will eat all the bullets and laugh as they are absorbed into your ammo stash. This will not eat melee or elemental damage though! Imaging absorbing a knife or a fist… poor guy had his hand ate by a shield... whaaaaat?! As for that BUM-3R thing, it NEVER gives me one! The time it did drop an orange shield though was umm… yeah I got trolled HARD! I think I have the worst luck ever with that boss… As for this shield, it’s an ingredient to another broken combo in the game… more on that later…

Trolled hard! WTF shield indeed...
Anshin and Pangolin
These two are the little fish in a big pond. While other manufacturers produce a huge array of munitions, these guys just make Shields and Mods!

Asnhin produces the powerful Adaptive Shield. It is always handy to have one of these when facing some heavy elemental attacks. It resists the elemental damage that you were last hit from. It also boosts your max health! Never leave home without one!

Pangolin has invented a rather unusual shield. The Turtle Shield has an INSANE capacity. The downside is that it reduces your max health! For an Assassin, there are better options…

Neither company makes any Mods for us.

These two do have some unique advanced gear. You may want to keep one of these on hand for when the situation calls for it!

Alone a mere soldier, together an unstoppable phalanx – Very high shield capacity. Further increases shield capacity and decreases movement speed for every Hoplite user in the party.

This thing is too funny. Soooooooooooooooooo slow when everyone puts one on, but look at that capacity and go… yeah ok haha! These things are bugged past level 72 though. You will have no health!

For an impenetrable shield stand inside yourself – Increased max health and health regeneration. High elemental resistance. Lowered shield capacity.

This is a tricky shield to use. It has a low capacity but a Tediore fast recharge. For solo play, one can get away with using this, but in multiplayer, it’s a bit painful! I have had some fun using it solo before. It can drop from Spycho located in Frostburn Canyon, during and after the mission Monster Mash (Part 3).

Strength through adversity. – Adds health regeneration. Taking shield damage increases health regeneration rate. High elemental damage resistance bonus. Increases max health.

This is the tougher and more useable version of the Neogenator. It has a much higher capacity but slower recharge! This is a nice shield to have for areas that have high elemental damage foes, including bosses! It defiantly makes a joke out of some bosses whose attacks are mainly elemental. It can drop from Hyperius the Invincible and Master Gee the Invincible.
How generous of you. Here -- this is my favorite gun. You'll understand when you use it.

Moxxi gives out one of a kind unique weaponry during your adventures. These items are so unique and powerful they deserve their own section! All of her gifts have a life regaining mechanic. These are the answer to our health regaining problems. Even when out leveled, you can switch to a Moxxi weapon and regain your health off elemental damage. The catch is you can only get these once a playthough. You will have to choose wisely on when to unlock them! In Ultimate Vault Hunter mode and beyond, you will be relying on Moxxi weapons HEAVILY to stay alive!

Bad Touch
When I'm good, I'm very good... – Always Corrosive. +70% critical hit damage. While wielding this gun, dealing damage (from any damage, either the gun itself or special abilities or even grenades) causes health regeneration (2% of damage inflicted).

You can get this gun by tipping Moxxi a buttload of money (10,000-20,000 dollars)! She may only give it to you once a playthough though. Since it’s a Maliwan SMG, it will deal out some nasty corrosive damage! If you’re in a pinch for a good corrosive weapon, start tipping! Also, critical damage!

Good Touch
...but when I'm bad, I'm better. – Always incendiary. +70% critical hit damage. Dealing any kind of damage dealt while wielding this weapon regenerates health (2.5% of damage inflicted).
An unlisted effect occurs with game controllers using vibrate that breaks the fourth wall. While the character wields the gun, the controller will vibrate continuously even when not firing.

Another tip gift from Moxxi (20,000-50,000 dollars)! You can get this one multiple times unlike the Bad Touch! Being a Maliwan SMG, it will burn all the things! We can’t forget that critical damage either!

Whenever I'm caught between two evils, I take the one I've never tried. – Any damage dealt by the player while wielding the weapon heals them, at a rate of 12% of the damage inflicted.

This weapon can heal for massive amount’s, but it’s not the king of the heals! Rubi is obtained from the mission Rakkaholics Anonymous located in The Dust. Give the booze to Moxxi, the Rubi is too good to pass up! Melee Assassins will want one with a melee blade as their primary stabby stick too! The heal effect triggers if the gun has a blade! It is a Maliwan but the element you get is random!

Heart Breaker
I don't want to set the world on fire... – Increased projectile count, fire rate, +50% critical hit damage boost, and always incendiary. Decreased damage and magazine size. Cannot spawn with a sight. Shoots in heart shaped pattern. Any inflicted damage returns health to the wielder (2% of damage).

You can get this from the mission Safe and Sound located in Caustic Caverns. Give the photos to Moxxi ALWAYS. The other reward is the worst thing in the game! Shoot those flaming heart bullets in the faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace and heal up! Being a Hyperion shotgun, it’s got the weird semi-automatic fire that makes it very unshotgun like.

non-dairy – High rocket velocity, rocket explodes, splits in two, and spreads after a certain distance. Inflicted damage restores health to the weapon's wielder.

This can ONLY be obtained as a mission reward for completing Creature Slaughter: Round 5 in the Creature Slaughter Dome DLC. Using this as a Second Wind launcher will restore a lot of health upon kill! It’s a Torgue so it will pack a punch!

Kiss of Death
It takes two to get one in trouble. – Grenade homes in and sticks to the target's face. Deals elemental damage over time until the target dies or the grenade detonates. Upon exploding sends out life orb that heal allies. Does not release child grenades upon detonation. Child grenade count reflects the number of life orbs released. Increased damage compared to standard transfusion grenades of a similar level.

While most Maliwan transfusion grenades doesn’t do a lot of damage, this one likes to get in some poor saps face and suck the life out of em! This one only targets one, while normal transfusions like to hit multiple targets. You can get this from the mission Hell Hath No Fury in Opportunity.

Je suis enchante, Ou est le bibliotheque? – Transfusion effect. Also heals player when an enemy is suffering from its elemental effect.

This Maliwan Sniper Rifle can be obtained from the mission Hyperion Slaughter located in Ore Chasm. It spawns with a random element. It seems Moxxi has a gun for all, and here is the Snipers! This one heals the user and has a transfusion grenade effect when you shoot some poor sap with it! Health for your buddies!

Slow Hand
Take your time, Sugar... – Fires a slow-moving projectile unaffected by gravity with a high elemental effect chance and splash damage. Inflicted damage restores health to the weapon's wielder.

Gravity always sucks with splatguns, but Hyperion says ♥♥♥♥ gravity! Since it fires an elemental ball that goes SPLASH, you may get a nice chunk of healing off this! You may even luck out and get a Practicable one, were it shoots 3 globs for the price of 1! You can get yours from drop from Badassaurus Rex and Piston the Cheater in the Torgue Arena.

Grog Nozzle
Hand over the keys, Sugar... – Very low (about -80%) damage, +300% Critical Hit damage. Extremely high Elemental Effect Chance. Always Slag. Fires large, slow bullets which explode three times mid-flight, destroying themselves on the third detonation. When equipped, heals the wielder at a rate of 65% of all damage done.

THIS is the king of the heals and one of the best pistols in the game! The weird thing is that it’s a quest only item, and only available during the mission The Beard Makes the Man. This weapon is such a good source of quick healing AND slagging that most will NOT turn in that quest to KEEP the weapon FOREVER! It will always be random what one you get each game load. If you get a bladed one and your melee, you may soil your pants! You could get a solid one during an event in the Loot Hunt. It is unknown if the Grog Nozzle will make a comeback as a real drop at all. There is also a little bonus feature on this weapon. You have a slight chance to get “drunk” that causes your weapon to fire multiple shots! Your crosshairs will widen and your view will wobble a bit when you become drunk! I’ll let you imagine some silliness that can happen with this… one of my favorites is a drunken shot Nukem!

You know, you're not like the others -- I can throw out a saucy innuendo and an animal noise at these goons and they're putty in my hands. But you? You're made of…firmer stuff. Mee-ow.
Eridian Relics

These aliens left behind all kinds of mysteries. Humans have unlocked some, but others are still waiting to be found. Their Relics are one thing we can take advantage of! These tiny glowing rocks can increase many statistics! There are a few relics a budding Assassin should keep an eye out for!

Proficiency Relic
Increases Action Skill Cooldown Rate.

We rely on our Decepti0n to do many things. Shorter cooldown means more foes are being torn apart, or a quicker chance to escape danger! These should be high on your list to get, as IN number one THING!

Strength Relic
Increases melee damage and/or Override Cooldown Rate.

Melee Assassins are always looking for things to give them a bigger punch! You want the melee bonus!

Aggression Relic
Increases weapon damage or fire rate with a specific weapon type.

A Sniper Rifle focused Zer0 may want to get ahold of one that gives bonus to Sniper Rifles!

While those basic relics will give you a helping hand early on, there are even more powerful artifacts to find out there! Here is a list of these special relics and were to find them!

Bone of the Ancients
Increases Damage of one elemental type and improves Cooldown Rate.

These are my favorite! I highly recomend these as your Relic of choice late game! They have a huge bonus to action skill cooldown and the elemental bonus is the icing on the cake. Get one of these relics in each element, so you can mix and match with your favorite elemental weapons and grenades! You can only get these in Ultimate Vault Hunter mode off Legendary Loot Midgets. I will talk about these twerps later!

Sheriff's Badge
Take turns and play nice. – Increases pistol fire rate, pistol damage, and Fight For Your Life bleed-out time. Also further increases Fight For Your Life time and Max Health by 15% each for every equipped Deputy's Badge in the party.

This relic is a rare drop from the Sheriff of Lynchwood. If you love using Pistols, then this puppy may catch your eye!

Deputy's Badge
Who the hell shot me? – Increased shotgun damage and reload speed. +10% more time in Fight for Your Life for every equipped Deputy's Badge in the party.

This relic is obtained from the mission “The Showdown” located in Lynchwood. Shotguns tend to have a painfully slow reload. If you enjoy blowing faces off with shotguns out of Decepti0n, you may be interested in this. You can only get this relic once a playthough though.
There are some enemies on Pandora that can give you a run for your money… OR give you some killer loot! There are the foes to keep an eye on...

ZERRRRG RUUUUSH... wait... wrong game!
Rabid ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Let’s start off with these… once you enter True Vault Hunter Mode and beyond, these EXTREAMLY TOUGH SUICIDAL ANKLEBITERS will NEVER LEAVE YOU ALONE until you put them out of their misery! If you see Skags or Stalkers around, one or more of them could be Rabid! Now if you’re a Melee Assassin, you could probably go toe to toe with these things and smack their ♥♥♥♥♥ faces to death. If you’re a Sniper, you will be all OH GOD OH GOD I better put it down before it bites my face off! Fighting these things is like a dance of death! Here is how I manage these turds without stabby stabing!

Here we go… Rabid Skalker on O8 vs I… they are bloody MINIBOSSES in the OP levels…

Oh ♥♥♥♥ here it comes...

I am Decepti0ning my ass out of there. I throw a Singularity Grenade while in Decepti0n to bunch them all up for a B0re shot, as the Rabid crap head is never alone. Melee turds don’t like Singularity Grenades! Use these to pull them out of your face! Here I am using a Quasar to strip those shields a bit…


This gets a little rinse and repeat. I am dancing around that damn Rabid while picking off the easier to kill stalkers. Lots of Deathmarks, Singularity’s, Kunai’s and OH ♥♥♥♥ DON’T BITE ME moments. Thankfully, my Antagonist Shield can take quite a few bites… Our Hologram however, can take ALL THE BITES. Let that ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ eat your hologram while you set up a huge blow out of Decepti0n. If you have Unf0rseen, then they will get mouthful of electrical nastiness too.

Eat that, not me!

With his buddy’s and shield gone, time to finish it off! It's Slagged, Deathmarked, and ready for a fire Rocket Launcher shot out of Decepti0n. It plasters this critter to the floor! Victory!


Rabid Skags are a little easier because they have no shield! Still, apply what you know now to deal with them too! If you are unfortunate to get two Rabids at once… well… I sometimes just like to BOOK IT THE HELL OUT OF THERE! Decepti0n and toss Singularity’s behind you while running your ass off! You don’t have to kill everything if you can just slink away!
These fatass bots can Digistruct hell if you let them get away with it! Poor Melee Assassins really don’t like these since they are rather sensitive about things in proximity to them… Not only that, they can fire heat seeking rockets that can nail you in Decepti0n! The weak spot is the eye for critical hits. They also come in Badass form were they are bigger, tougher and shootier! Here is the exact list of what these things can pull on you. Note it always announces its attacks.

It tosses a Turret once it’s fully deployed. I like leaving these for Second Winds. If you can’t avoid it though, then get rid of it! Badass ones have additional turrets on its sides. You can save these for Second Winds too!

It can fire a laser from its eye. Find something to hide behind or get behind it! Badass ones fire 3!

Start launching a missile/heatseeker barrage. You can shoot these to explode them before they reach you! If you are in Decepti0n and it fires Heatseekers... FIND COVER!

It can prepare a Nuclear Missile Strike. You can shoot these down. It will have its eye shield up while preparing the launch. If you don’t have B0re, your bullets can’t piece it. Badass ones fire 3, one after the other!

Start Digistructing bots. Shoot it in the eye to make it flinch and stop the process.

If you get too close, it will jump and power slam. Jump AWAY! If you get caught, it’s going to hurt and set you on fire!

They do have one thing against them. Once they have deployed, they are STUCK in that position! They can’t turn! With that in mind, welcome to Constructor vs Terrain 101! Once you realize what the terrain is around you, these fights because cakewalks! Sometimes, an AI exploitation cakewalk!

This Constructor ambush outside of Opportunity is an easy enough example on how to exploit the terrain.

Y Helo Thar!

If you’re in a wide open area like this, you can always Decepti0n away to a safe distance and snipe its eye. It just stands there like a derp because you’re out of its threat range.

Like stealing candy from a baby...

Is that too easy for you? Well… LET’S GET CRAZY! Oh crap I got jumped on by Loaders and I really don’t want to deal with the Constructor too… Decepti0n time! I’ll just run and hide under it!

*insert mad giggling here*

The Constructor’s AI goes right to stomp mode, because you’re close to it. Funny thing is, this triggers if you’re ABOVE, or BELOW it too! Now I can shoot these Loaders while it’s jumping up and down constantly. It’s stuck in “OMG you’re too close to me” mode as long as you’re under there. No reinforcement’s yay! The damage doesn’t travel though the ceiling!

This can still be a risky fight too. If I go down, I'll Second Wind off the Turret!

Yay for stomp proof buildings!

The Loaders are dead, time to deal with the big guy. It’s still stomping, so I sneak out a bit so I get a clear shot at its eye, yet still be close enough that it keeps stomping.

Too easy...

Haha, what the!

You wont be able to cheese them to death like this most of the time. Still, its kinda funny and I had to show it! In Ore Chasm, if one of your buddies is dead and that one Constructor is under the catwalk, sometimes they can get it to stomp if they stand right above it!

Another cheesetastic tactic is to go right into Fight for Your Life in front of its eye. This works stupid good on lower difficulties. A Shotgun to the eye while you’re in an "invincibleish” mode is too funny. Best Second Wind EVER! I’ve done this to W4R-D3N a few times…

While its weak spot is its eye, you can get away with attacking from different angles. Since it’s stuck in one position, do you ever think about sneaking behind one? Is there a shipping crate or a gate nearby? If so, Decepti0n and sneak over there! That Badass Constructor is not scary at all if I am hiding in this shipping box…

BOXES ARE OVERPOWERED! Even Axton gets it!

Heroes Pass… oh is that a shipping crate by the Badass Constructor… I WIN!

It looks sad... beaten by a box!

These bots are pretty awesome for teaching situational awareness. I like studding the areas they deploy in and get inside the game designers heads. Area awareness beats a Constructor everytime!
These flying things are pesky little bots. They loop around above you, until they dive down to fire a shock shot at you. If a Hyperion bot is injured, they fly down and go into repair mode. If a Hyperion Hawk is around, he may hitch a ride on one, raining rockets down from above (I have never seen this happen before…)! They can also spawn in Badass form, flying more erratically and launching 3 shock attacks on you! Here are some tips with dealing with them…

They are easier to shoot when they are on an attack approach. You will know when they are on an attack run when they stop circling!

If you are playing multiplayer, have everyone bunch together. This will make it TEN TIMES EASIER to kill, as it will always be heading towards everyone on an attack run. No random target picks when all the targets are together!

Injure a Hyperion Bot to force them down to repair (Loaders show a crossed spanner symbol when requesting repairs). They are sitting ducks in repair mode!

If you have B0re, you can shoot though their eye shield with most bullet types.

Badass ones can be tricky to engage, due to their triple shock shot! Get as many shots in as you can when it’s on approach and prepare to dodge away!

If one fly’s low enough and you time it right, you can Execute jump at them in Decepti0n, and nail them in one hit! It will also make you feel Badass!

Surveyor’s also have a chance to get stuck on terrain… it happens A LOT in Ore Chasm! I even had a time were two got stuck in eachother!


I think they are in love!

There is one area were Surveyors become the MOST ANOYING ♥♥♥♥ IN THE GAME! Welcome to Digistruct Peak! They can heal a foe to FULL HEALTH IN SECONDS! They can repair EVERYTHING that spawns, even BOSSES! You HAVE to take them out FAST!

I was getting tired of this crap... and then an idea hit me. While most E-Tech Dart guns are meh, there is one that is perfect for this job! I have mentioned it already!

Dodge this is right!

With an overleveled Vel0city and Tw0 Fang on top of the twin shot, I could burst fire PIXAL HELL into those twerps… It worked like a charm, and I didn’t run out of ammo thanks to a Legendary Hoarder Gunzerker!
Witch Doctors
Welcome to Sir Hammerlocks Big Game Hunt… These foes were designed to give us headaches! They come in multiple flavors too, like Skittles… really annoying Skittles…

We have our elemental ones: Shock, Infected(Slag), and Incendiary. There are also 3 special types: Paralyzing, Vampire and Chupacabra. So that’s 6 different types in total!

So what do these guys do exactly? Their main thing is they can heal and level up their savage allies. As the level rises, the leveled savage’s may start to get special abilities as well… if a Badass Savage levels up enough… prepare for a fight!

Each type of Witch Doctor has some special abilities. They all have a staff attack according to their element. They all can heal and level allies. They all can turn into a Tornado (like Taz from Loony Toons) and spin all over the place. They are extremely hard to hit in this mode!

While they can’t level themselves, another Witch Doctor can level a Witch Doctor! Two of them together are HELL.

Shock Witch Doctors have a close range shock beam ability can hit us in Decepti0n.
Paralyzing ones can pull you in, and inflict a slow debuff… it sucks…

The Vampire and Chupacabra ones steal your life and shields, adding it to their own! The Vampire has a beam attack that can do this too! These two… not fun, not fun at all…

If you have a Siren with you, their Phaselock gets kicked in the pants because they are resistant to it!

Well, what do we do? We are ASASSINS! We are made for this ♥♥♥♥! We can sneak in and kick them in the balls, or snipe their face off from afar! Before the Digistruct Peak DLC, a friend and I breezed through it all in Ultimate Vault Hunter mode. He would Gunzerk the surrounding Savages to hell while I snuck in and blew the faces off the Witch Doctors with my Ravager.

In all honesty, I would be terrified of playing this campaign on OP8! Dear lord I could just imagine… they would be the worst crap in the game…

WERE IS THE PICTURES?! Maybe later, and it’s hopefully not me punching a monitor out haha!
Legendary Loot Midgets
NOTE: These guys are ONLY in Ultimate Vault Hunter mode!

The ultimate loot piñatas! They may be small, but they can pack quite the punch! You need to take these twerps out to roll the dice on some lovely loot! There are two easy ways to farm these! I will show you the Wildlife Exploitation Reserve method of farming in detail, then the less complicated Thousand Cuts method. Personally, I prefer the Preserve because I am guaranteed to find them in the same place!

First of all, if you have the Creature Slaughterdome DLC, it will cut the time in half. You will want to travel up to the entrance to the Slaughterdome. Enter and leave it to save your position there! Next, you need to activate the quest “Doctors Orders” but NO NOT GRAB THE ECHOS! Each ECHO is one Midget spawn! Never complete this quest if you want dem Midgets!

The starting line to dat loot!

Now, we use our mad Decepti0n skills to run past all that junk to the open area before Bloodwings holding area. We have to fight a lot of things before the door opens to it! First up, its Stalkers vs Loaders! The Loaders will arrive via Moonbase shots. You have to kill all the Stalkers to move on. I leave one Loader alive so they have something to distract them while I shoot them. No running around after invisible turds…

Wut wut, Ravager up the butt!

You will know that you killed all the Stalkers when the Moonbase deploys more Loaders. Now we wait for the Badass Stalker to show up. Again, leave a Loader around for it to jump on! Then you’re free to kill it with ease! After its dead, the door opens and a Super Badass Loader will walk out. There is a shipping crate for you to duck around when facing this baddy. You have to kill it for the door to reopen. Note you can’t just run past it while its alive, darned invisible wall of hax!

You shall not pass!

You toasted that Loader and can enter the building! Run right to the save point! You may die and less running back and forth if you do save here!

Hyperion says: Permanent Death? Permanent… Smeeathhh…

Now you got to kill a few pesky jumpy jump splat Stalkers. You can kill the Badass Skags if you want, but I usually don’t bother. Sometimes, they help me kill the midgets… sometimes they kill me! Just keep an eye on them if you want to gamble like I do! Now we run into this little room, with the Red Loot Chest and 4 boxes. Make sure all your weapons are loaded and your Decepti0n is ready! Get your slag weapon out and open a box. WAIT FOR THE MIDGET TO FULLY JUMP OUT! If you shoot slag at it while it’s still spawning, it will bug and become slag immune…

The first fire exchange… slag it fast because these guys hurt!

When you get it slagged, jump into Decepti0n, Deathmark it with Kunai (if you have Kunai, if not, you will have to melee it before entering Decepti0n) and prepare your massive blow!

Countdown to LOOT

If you don’t get it in one blow, run back into the room if the Midget wandered out for some cover. Rinse and repeat the Decepti0n strikes till it dies, unless it’s just hanging on by a hair of health… then pewpew or stabby stab! When it dies, see what it drops! They have a chance to drop that must have relic I told you all about!


Do you want to know why these Midgets are Legendary? They have a chance to drop them! They also have a higher chance to drop a Pearlescent…


Sometimes, this turd may jump out of a box. If you don’t have the challenge, you are all YAY FINALY. If you have done it... DAMMIT HIS DROPS SSSUUUCCCKKK!


If a WEE JET Loader pops out of a box, prepare to BODY BLOCK IT when it transforms into jet mode. If it flies out of the room, it will FLY OUT OF THE BUILDING! That ceiling is a lie…


With all 4 Midgets down and looted, quit and reload your game! You will start back at the Creature Slaughterdome, ready to do it all over again! Here are some other areas to explore for Midgets as well!

Another easy Midget hunt is in Slab Town at Thousand Cuts. If you have the quest “Rocco’s Modern Strife” active, Slab Town becomes empty, allowing you to freely open dumpsters, lockers, and boxes.

A third popular area is Sawtooth Cauldron, as there are plenty of Midget spawning objects around! The residential Sawtooth Clan will be hassling you for entering their domain though!
Chubbys and Tubbies
During your adventures in Pandora, you may stumble across a creature of unusual girth! They may be overweight, but they can throw that weight around! If you manage to pop these critters, you will be showered in loot!

The following can spawn in fatty mode: Varkids, Skags, Stalkers, Rakks, Spiderants and Skeletons.

Well, he is DEFINATLY big boned!

With the Ultimate Vault Mode 2 DLC however, their lootsplosion is even better! This is how you get those awesome new Class Mods and Pearlescents. I will show you one of my favorite hunting grounds for Tubbies. To Ellie's Garage in the Dust we go! We want to go behind her garage to Bug Gulch.

A Tubby hunting we go!

There are two places they can spawn in this area. All you have to do is murder Spiderants until one pops up! One is near the front, the other in the back area. I like to climb the left hill, then jump back down and go around the back. This can be a tedious job, because Tubbies are rare. Keep clearing the area, save and quit, rinse and repeat until you find one!

Tubby Ho!

I also like farming Tubbies here because Spiderants are easy to kill! Just watch out for its shockwave stomp, it hurts!

Dat Ass!

Pop the bug and check your loot!

They don't like fire...

They will have a HIGH chance to drop one of the Legendary Mods

Another reason I love this spot is it’s my lucky Tubby spot. Sometimes I get both Tubbies! Funny enough, it happened when I was doing all this for this guide…

Lucky me!

Not so lucky loot

It may take some time to get the Legendary Mod you want! You can also hold onto the unwanted ones and try trading them, or give them to your friends! Heck, you could all do separate Tubby Hunting parties to get the mods everyone wants. That’s what we did! I lucked out and got mine ok!
These are the ultimate challenges of the game! On one hand, you have the Raid Bosses, on the other, the hellish Gauntlet known as Digistruct Peak. A lot of these challenges you will need the corresponding DLC to access them!

So do you have what it takes? Grab some friends and GET READY TO RUMBLE!

Zer0, the only one badass enough to stand closest to Terramorphous AND SHOOT IT IN THE... thats it's face right?
The Raid on Digistruct Peak
Gauntlets, gore and godhood await!

Welcome to Borderlands 2’s GAUNTLET OF HELL! Tannis and Lilith seem to have refurbished an old Dahl training facility into a new digistructual nightmare! I don’t know about you, but if I were Tannis, I would be satanically giggling behind that control panel… Each phase of the Gauntlet you complete unlocks a new Overpower level, which increases the games difficulty AS WELL as empowering loot! While some insane individuals have soloed this monster, I would highly advise you to grab some buddies for this… if you want to keep any shred of sanity left, BRING FRIEEEENDSSSS!

Here are some general stats of this area…

You are facing some brand new Digistruct technology that creates copies of life forms that can operate like the real thing. The kicker here is that Surveyors can repair these things and Constructors can spawn them too…

Each Overpower brings in new enemies and Bosses. It starts off easy with Skags and Bandits, but then comes the Spiderants, the Loaders and all other hellish combos Tannis can come up with. She will even start to spawn doubles of the same boss! You will usually be introduced to what you will be facing at the introductory bridge. If a Constructor spawns there first, you know more are coming! If a Turret spawns there first, you may feel like a dude in a Tower Defence later!

There are 4 new types of enemies. You have BAR-TNK and SPR-TNK, the nasty Blaster Nomad, and the true final boss of the gauntlet.

The 4 Hyperion Assassins will be the final boss of OP 1-4. OP5 and beyond it will be… A LOT OF BINARY that translates to… OMGWTH

Everything is tougher! Even Bosses are super charged with an endless health pool at later phases…

Surveyors are SUPER CHARGED. They can heal things stupidly fast…

If you die, you have to START FROM THE BEGINNING! This is the sanity shredder!

Pick the Carrots! I am not responsible for combat garden fatalities!

So, what can an Assassin do here? Here are some tips!

As foes get tougher, you may not be smacking them down in one blow out of Decepti0n. With Bosses, you may not even notice the damage you inflicted because their health is so damn high! This is why I suggest teamwork for this, as this gauntlet was clearly made for multiplayer.

Speaking of Bosses, keep that Deathmark on them!

Your Decepti0n is going to have a work out! This place is the perfect example on why you need those Action Skill Cooldown Relics! I end up using my Decepti0n for the Decoy distraction, Kunai/Deathmark, and escapes more often than damage setups!

When you have friends, you have more distractions. You can move around much easier and not be the target of everything, allowing for more Decepti0n damage strikes and less escapes!

A lot of the areas are wide open with small pockets of cover. This can make Decepti0n escapes a little trickier. Enemies’ do spawn spread out a bit on the plus side. If you are a Sniper, well, you got quite an open field to shoot though most of the time!

SPR/BAR-TNK and OMGWTH can be destroyed quite easily with B0re due to their hitbox layout. Your friends will love you!

Remember that Surveyor’s here are party poopers. Refer to the Surveyor section for tips!

Try not to run ahead too far from the team… such a large open area and team separation can end a run quite easily if one goes down and can’t get a Second Wind… If you’re a Sniper, keep moving up with the team; don’t stay too far back in case a Surveyor decides to smack you!

Go for the big nasties! Take out Blaster Nomads, RPG Loaders and any other high threat target while your friends blast away at other things. Remember, you’re an Assassin!

If all else fails… shamefully Beehawk! See the CHEESE section for more information!
Ancient Dragons of Destruction
This is the Raid featured in Tiny Tina’s DLC, and is my favorite! Here you are up again 4 nasty dragons of godlike power. Sounds intimidating? Once you know how to take them on, they end up as one of the easiest raids! Grab some friends and get ready for some dragon slaying!

At first, your all… really… 4 flying bosses… Flying foes always suck! The thing here is that you can shoot them to make them land! The catch is, when they land, they unleash their special ability! You need to get to know who is who and what they do upon landing!

Healianth the Shock dragon is pretty nasty with that electric attack! It can also restore the health of the other dragons upon landing.

Boost the Slag Dragon fires a nasty Slag ray in the air! Upon landing, it raises the level of the other dragons by 1! Nasty…

Brood the Corrosive Dragon can spawn Green Basilisks upon landing. She also spits out acid goo.

Incinerator the Fire Dragon will toast you up good if your shield is down! It has a channeled area-of-effect attack upon landing, making parts of the floor erupt in fire. Welcome to DDR Hell! While it’s channeling the fire eruptions, it is invulnerable to attack.

Now that you know your foe, here’s the game plan!

Wear an Anshin Shield. Even a purple Diagnostic Shield will put a dent in their elemental attacks. The Evolution is the one you really want to use though!

DO NOT SHOOT SLAG AT THE DRAGONS IN THE AIR. Wait until they are FULLY landed before slagging, else they bug and become slag immune!

Shoot ONLY at the dragon you want to land. Remember that when a Dragon lands, they unleash their special ability. We want to kill Healianth FIRST! Its healing power is useless if you target it first, as it can’t heal itself! Plus your shields will be safer with no shock attacks around!

Next, we target Incinerator. This dragon is the strongest and most likely to wipe the party! Keep an eye on the floor. The parts that are about to flare up will glow first. There is a few different patterns that the DDR of Death floor will go though. The one to watch out for is the full outer ring flare up, followed by the central ring flare up. THIS is the one that has the highest chance to wipe everyone!

Next is Brood. It is not much of a problem and the spawns it unleashes can be kept alive for Second Winds.

Finally, we have Boost. We keep this one for last because that level up power is horrible! It can’t level itself! You will have to endure that slag beam, but it’s honestly the lesser evil then the level up spell… All alone, Boost is useless and as easy to kill as Brood!


Aaaa whats going on here!



Torgue's Grandma the TRULY Invincible

We open the battle with a Quasar… hrm… she’s un phased…

A Ravager to the face… ineffective

Kunai is just an acupuncture treatment to her…

Slag? Nope!

By now, we have been DPS'd to death by her endless words... Is there no end… will she show mercy…


There is no mercy, ONLY PURPLE ROCKET LAUNCHERS. A Raid that hard should warrant a 100% Norfleet drop!

Honestly though, she did have some interesting lore tidbits, but some of that other junk could have been cut out lol…

This section is all about exploiting dem bugs and exploits. I will have to link to videos others have made due because these need some visual aids. I did NOT make these videos. I can’t record videos because my PC isn’t strong enough!


This is one big thing Zer0 is famous for. There are a few enemies with packed hitboxes that cause B0ring projectiles to bug out, causing Ludacris damage! I want you to watch this video below, and WATCH where King Gothalion is shooting to learn what spot causes the B0respazout! Start the video at 0:50 if you want to skip the intro. Also note what weapon he is using! Even a starter pistol can trigger this bug!

With Hyperius the Invincible, it can be trickier to pull the bug off. While BNK-3R and OMGWTH are straight forward, Hyperius takes a bit of setting up. You see Gothalion using Singularity Grenades to pull the Loaders in around Hyperius. You HAVE to sqeeze those Loaders in around Hyperius so their hitboxes overlap. The Loader should also be in repair mode. This is when the Loader pulls a shield around itself. When that Loader and Hyperius’ shields overlap, B0resplosion may occur!


B0RENADO AT YOUR OWN RISK. Your PC may cry! You could also troll your friends by doing this! WHO WILL CRASH, WHO WILL SURVIVE!?


Let’s take a closer look at the Bee Shield’s mechanics first. IF the weapons damage is shared over multiple projectiles, the Bee’s AMP damage is split up on each projectile.

See that x3 after the damage value of this weapons card? That would divide the Bee's AMP between those 3 shots!

Some weapons may fire multiple shots because of their SPECIAL ABILITY! These won’t have the damage multiplier on the card! The Bee’s FULL AMP DAMAGE will be on EACH PROJECTILE since it seems to go by that damage multiplier for dividing the AMP bonus. One weapon in particular can abuse the crap out of this! Say hello to the Sandhawk!


Since it fires 8 projectiles in a tightly packed bird shape, and each projectile gets full AMP damage, you’re looking at one retarded combo…

Here is how nuts a Bee's AMP damage can get...

With that Bee pictured above, your taking that FULL AMP on each part of Sandhawks Birdies… you’re talking about one hell of a bird… it also does not really matter what level your Sand Hawk is, as all the damage is from the Bee's AMP! Do note that if your Bee looses power, you will have to switch off the Sand Hawk, since it lost its juice! Use Dahl Burstfire mode for MAXIMUM BEEHAWKAGE!


This combo is commonly known as “Shamfleeting”, BUT, you can do this with any E-Tech Launcher, not just the Norfleet! This is a pretty cheap trick with the Sham, giving you unlimited rocket ammo.

First thing first, you got to kill BNK-3R A LOT. It can get B0REing, but if you want it, you gotta grind for it! I don’t know what’s up with the drop rate on this thing… I FINALY got one today!


You want one with a dumb high absorb rate! Put it on, get touched slightly by the boomboom when you launch a rocket, and get your rocket back at the same time!

Tedisham... Shamdiore...?

You will also want a Logan’s Gun to regain rockets too. For some reason this gun has magical rocket powers...? Shoot your feet and do the “rocket rocket ow ow” dance!


Yeah... check out my mad Photoshop skillz!
Borderlands 2 Wikipedia

I have used pieces of in game and concept art throughout the guide. These do not belong to me. They are just badass and need to be shown off!

ALL VIDEOS linked in this guide are NOT CREATED BY ME!

What a satisfying word
With five syllables.
Because one can’t know EVERYTHING! Here is a shoutout to those who gave me advice and suggestions!

They know their way around the pointy end of a Rapier more then I do!

34 comentarios
miwosh 23 JUL 2015 a las 7:42 
You didnt mention the florentine in the maliwan weapon section, imo its one of the best slag weapons
aktivdodshjelp 15 MAY 2015 a las 8:15 
This is utterly retarded, gives very little in actual information. Beehawk and shamfleet has nothing to do with Zero. Check out the community guides to Zero on the official forums, and some people on youtube that know how to play him, like StrikerZidane and Man of Low Moral Fiber.
Zeeky Weeky Supa Habibi 13 MAR 2015 a las 21:26 
Great Guide keep up the amazing guides. Maybe some for other characters?
Papa Dragon 30 ENE 2015 a las 1:07 
best guide ever!
☢EpIC☢™ Sogor (SRB) 18 MAR 2014 a las 12:50 
Great guide for newcomers! Its great how you showed true power of Zer0! I sugest showing this to your friends who think Zer0 sucks! But i think it should be more popurlar cuz its really helpfull and acurate. And as you said it USE MORE BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORE!
WaxxFetish 25 ENE 2014 a las 8:27 
Thank you for mentioning me in the guide !
treecat 31 DIC 2013 a las 6:51 
Oh yeah, that was what I was thinking about, sorry :P
KrewL  [autor] 31 DIC 2013 a las 2:51 
I havent seen any news on that. It was only a legit drop during the loot hunt as far as I know.
treecat 31 DIC 2013 a las 2:32 
Also, correct me if im wrong but I heard that you could get the Grog Nozzle now after completing the quest..?
treecat 31 DIC 2013 a las 2:18 
I became a badass number!