WolfQuest: Anniversary Edition

WolfQuest: Anniversary Edition

Ocen: 51
Puppy Protocol [REDUNDANT]
Autorstwa: Karmatose
12/30/2020 - This guide is now redundant with the release of Slough Creek, but I'm leaving it up for archival purposes.

To tide us all over until Slough Creek arrives, I have created a guide to help others create interesting and dynamic generational story lines. Idea submissions welcome!
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The What and the Who
What is this?
This, put simply, is a guide to help fellow storytellers to create dynamic and interesting generational legacies until Slough Creek is released. It will likely become totally obsolete once Slough Creek is released, and I've accepted that, although I'll leave it up anyway just in case someone finds it useful. This is something to whet your tongue and both prepare you for Slough Creek as well as to temporarily sate your appetite for pups.

Who is this for?
This guide is for the storytellers, the players who like to create generational lines of wolves, and those who don't want to return to the old WolfQuest just to finish their story. For the impatient, and for the creative, I dedicate this guide. Of course, anyone who can contribute to the guide with meaningful ideas is also wholeheartedly welcomed.

Who is this not for?
People looking for game play advice, or those who have no interest in story or generations. Those who are content to wait until Slough Creek comes out before continuing their story are welcome, but not necessarily catered to. Anyone looking for a perfect replacement for Slough Creek will not find it here, or likely anywhere, until Slough Creek is released.
Prerequisites & Notes
1. A mating pair.
2. Knowledge of your mate's diversity rating. Don't forget to write it down!

Diversity rating related deaths:
  • 1 Star: Between 1 and 3.
  • 2 Stars: Between 1 and 2.
  • 3 Stars: Between 0 and 1.
  • 4 Stars: No deaths.
  • 5 Stars*: No deaths. (Optionally, +1 pup born.)

This will be explained later on!

*5 Stars diversity rating is allegedly possible, although I have not confirmed this myself. If you do happen to have a mate with 5 star diversity level, you can either treat it the same as a 4 star diversity rating, or choose to add one pup to the total amount of pups born, based on the number you roll in step 1 below.
1. Use a random number generator[random.org] to roll a random number between 4 and 7. This is how many pups your mating pair conceived.
2. Depending on your mate's diversity level, you'll have to roll how many pups died before or during birth. If you have a 4 star diversity level mate, skip to step 4. Otherwise, refer to Notes (1) during step 3.
3. Roll a random number determined by your mates diversity level (see notes). This number is how many pups died before or during birth. Subtract this from the number derived from step 1.
4. Now, you must roll how many pups survived to adulthood. Roll a number between 1 and the remaining pups from all the previous steps. If you only have 1 pup left as of step 3, you can skip this step. In real life, the world may be cruel enough that all your pups die before adulthood. However, for the sake of the legacy, we're ensuring you keep at least one. The resulting number of this step is how many pups survived to adulthood.
5. If you aren't interested in story or knowing how your pups died, skip to step 7. However, if you'd like to know how your pups died, continue on to step 6.
6. Using the 'Puppy Deaths' section on the following pages, roll a random number between 1 and 28 for each pup that survived birth, but didn't survive to adulthood. Find the corresponding number in the list. That is how that pup died! Roll again for each pup.
7. Now that you know how many puppies will survive, it's time to create them in game! Make all the surviving puppies. Try to create coat colors that look like one parent or the other, or maybe a blend of both parents! Same with eye colors. Just do whatever feels like it's genetically plausible to you; it's your game after all!
8. Choose your favorite pup of the ones you created and play with them! Have fun!
9. Optionally, you can have a form of self-enforced permadeath so that if you die before finding a mate, you have to delete all the saves of that wolf (or at least not play with those saves) and move to one of their siblings to continue the legacy. If they don't have any siblings, and their parents are still alive, you can say their parents had a second litter and start this process over again from step 1. If their parents are dead and they don't have any siblings, you must start again with a brand new wolf and start a new bloodline.
Puppy Deaths
1. Eagle attack! An eagle attacked and killed your puppy while you were minding the other pups.
2. Cougar Predation! Your puppy was attacked by a cougar at the den looking to eliminate the competition.
3. Coyote Predation! Your puppy was attacked by a coyote at the den looking to eliminate the competition.
4. Stranger Wolf Predation! Your puppy was attacked by a stranger wolf at the den looking to eliminate the competition.
5. Bear Predation! Your puppy was attacked by a bear at the den looking to eliminate the competition.
6. Fox Predation! Your puppy was attacked by a fox at the den looking to eliminate the competition.
7. Drowned! Your puppy drowned while crossing a river or other body of water.
8. Hypothermia! Your puppy froze to death in winter.
9. Wildfire! Your puppy burnt to death and/or inhaled too much smoke during a wildfire and died.
10. Infection from Injury! After being wounded by another apex predator in Yellowstone (bears, coyotes, cougars, etc.), your puppy died of infection.
11. Blood Loss! After being wounded by another apex predator in Yellowstone (bears, coyotes, cougars, etc.), your puppy died of blood loss.
12. Illness! Your puppy fell ill and died shortly after.
13. Choking! Playing with pine cones can be dangerous. Your pup learned that the hard way after choking on a pine cone seed.
14. Poisoned! Your puppy got curious and ate a plant that was poisonous, leading to their death.
15. Hunting Accident! Your adolescent puppy had a hunting accident and was killed by their prey.
16. Starvation! Your puppy died of starvation during a period of low prey numbers in Yellowstone.
17. Trapped! Your family was resting in the shade of a cave when the ceiling suddenly started rumbling! Most of your pack made it out before the cave collapsed, but one puppy suffocated inside.
18. Avalanche! A rocky avalanche ambushed your pack as you were walking through a canyon. Most of your family made it out, but one puppy was crushed by the falling rocks.
19. Heatstroke! Your puppy died after overheating during a summer heatwave.
20. Fallen! Your puppy fell off a cliff while chasing a butterfly. Distracted, they fell to their deaths.
21. Smothered! Your very young puppy was smothered in their mother's sleep when she rolled over on top of them.
22. Runt! Your puppy was born a runt and constantly had their food stolen by their bigger, fitter siblings. They eventually died of starvation as a result.
23. Pup Thieves! A small group of wolves from a different pack stole one of your puppies at nighttime when your pack was all sleeping.
24. Death by tree! Your pup got curious while chasing a little bird, and scrambled up a tree after it. The branch the bird had perched on to escape your pup wasn't strong enough to hold your pup's weight, and it fell underneath your pup's paws. The bird flew off, but your pup was trapped under the tree branch and died as a result.
25. Moving Mishap! Whilst moving to a new den area for better food and shelter, your pup grew tired and accidentally laid down to rest near a badger den. The badger living inside killed your pup out of defense.
26. Trampled! When trying to suckle, your pup got trampled by it's siblings trying to suckle, as well. In the end, your pup suffocated underneath their sibling's bodies.
27. Trampled! Your adolescent pup got trampled whilst hunting an elk/deer/moose.
28. Snake Bite! Your pup got curious and explored outside the den area, and they accidentally stepped on a snake's tail. Sadly, your pup died of the poisonous snake's venom.
1. Anything that is said to be 'my work' is the work of Karmatose on Steam. (A.K.A., me.)
2. Thanks to Bamboogummy on Steam for submitting the information about 5 star diversity ratings in mates.
3. Puppy deaths 1 - 15 are a compilation of my work and those submitted by a friend of mine. I honestly lost track of who did which ones or else I'd list them.
4. Puppy deaths 16 - 22 submitted by Primpetal on Steam. Some were modified or combined for the sake of clarity and realism.
5. Puppy death 23-28 submitted by CharBel on Steam. Some were modified or split up for the sake of clarity and realism.
Future Updates
I'd like to eventually add a section with various events that are non-fatal but may be significant in a puppy's life. I will go ahead and accept submissions for these but they may not be worked in for a while!

Please also check out my other guide, Creative Conduct, for a handicap-and-achievement system intended to make the game more interesting for long-term players.

Stay tuned for more!
Komentarzy: 45
NovaNinja 24 marca o 7:19 
I still used this guide, AFTER Slough Creek was released. I love it!
NovaNinja 16 marca o 19:04 
Ideas for puppy deaths:
Too Weak! Your puppy was too weak to move, and got targeted by a grizzly/coyote/eagle/stranger wolf/cougar!
Lazy! The pack was in the den, when the den flooded! Most of the pack escaped, but one puppy drowned in the water!
Starcycle 1 listopada 2021 o 11:55 
What happens if you get 22 for all of them? Honestly this is amazing, and if I'd found this before Slough Creek came I would've 100% used it!
VeraFallen 15 stycznia 2021 o 10:10 
Thank you so much for making this. If you hadn't, I probably would've lost interest in the game and forgotten about it! Even if it's redundant now, I'm still so happy that it existed. Thank you!!!
Sticks Against Humanity 30 grudnia 2020 o 5:07 
To be honest with you I want to name my pups to you: Athena (girl pup with a blackish coat) Papa pipes(A boy pup again with the blackish coat) AJ (The only pup with a white/brown coat, also male) Atleast they are my MAIN pups.
Karmatose  [autor] 29 grudnia 2020 o 18:08 

I'm glad to have helped. ^^
kasneed0506 29 grudnia 2020 o 16:55 

Ah, thank you for clarifying. Also, thanks for creating this guide, It's really helped me out a lot! :)
Karmatose  [autor] 29 grudnia 2020 o 10:23 

I think they mean that not all the pup deaths shown in the guide are actually possible in-game. It would have been impossible and beyond the purpose of the guide for me to make all the deaths match in-game deaths at the time when I wrote it.
kasneed0506 29 grudnia 2020 o 9:33 
@Festive Simoalush

That's really cool that you were able to betatest slough creek! Could you please clarify on pup deaths? What do you mean when you say they are fake?
Karmatose  [autor] 24 grudnia 2020 o 9:30 
@Festive Somoalush

That's intentional. I am too, but this was written before Slough Creek was in beta testing so the pup deaths were just whatever I could come up with. This guide will be redundant once Slough Creek is released.