STAR WARS™ Rebellion

STAR WARS™ Rebellion

32 个评价
Star Wars Rebellion - Secrets and Infos UPDATE!
由 BLAM! 制作
Little Secrets and Infos for you!
Some Data
Hello Everyone!

Here is some Data for you...but only for Singleplayer!

1.How to activate Han Solo Story Line manually:

To start the Han Solo Story Line...i mean the Bounty Hunter + Jabba the Hutt really simple....every 90 Days is a Chance Han Solo will be attacked by Jabba´s Bounty Hunters...but most of the Time they will need to HURT Han Commandos and/or your other Chars with the "Eliminate-Mission" ...if he is wounded and the Bounty Hunters attack him with success...they will capture Han Solo and bring him to Tatooine in Jabba´s Fortress...and Luke,Lando,Leia and Chewie will automatic cancel their Missions to rescue Han Solo!

The other Way found Han Solo on a Rebell Planet...dont conquer the Planet...bring your Fleet in the Orbit...send your Commandos and/or your Combat Chars on a "Eliminate Mission" to Han Solo...try it again until he is your the right Day free the Orbit from your Fleet and let the Jabba´s Bounty Hunters attack him...if he is wounded...he will have no Chance to Defend and will get captured by the Bounty Hunters!

You should have the Controll of Tatooine first...and you should have a Fleet in the Orbit to catch them...or you have really really really Luck...and Jabba catch them all for you and sent all Prisoners to Coruscant by himself without owning Tatooine by your Empire or a Fleet in the Orbit!
In this Special and Rare Way you will see---->
"A rare Info Window with a Screenshot from Jabbas Palace and Han Solo!"

2.How to activate Leia´s Force!

To activate her Force Power...Luke must go to Dagobah...and after that he need to meet Darth Vader...and like the Movie...Vader will tell him he is Luke Father...after that...bring Luke and Leia on a Planet together...she will tell you in a "Info Window" that she can use the Force now!

3.Why Luke get arrested after he meets Darth Vader and will be arrested by Emperor on Coruscant or why he catches Darth Vader and the Emperor!

Easy...after Luke was on need to rise his combat skills and Jedi Ranks...if he is to weak...and Luke and Vader meets each other the first Time....Vader will capture and jail him on Coruscant...if Luke is strong enough in the Force...he will catch Vader and the Emperor at Corucant and will travel to the next Rebell Planet!

You have only one Chance for this Scenario...after Darth Vader and Luke´s First Meeting there is no second Chance to activate this Story String again!

3.Rebell and Imperial Chars:

The Emperor,Darth Vader,Luke Skywalker,Leia,Han and Mon Mothma are Immortal!
You can only hurt but you cannot kill them!
All other Chars in Game can be killed!
As the Empire you can choose to "ELIMINATE" Rebell Chars and execute them!

4.The Secret i´ve never activated:

If you play as the Empire...and the Rebells had several losses...Fleets,Troops,Planets,Chars and you have completed 2/3 of the Main Goals...there is a small small small chance...that the Rebell Chars "convert" to your Empire!!!
I never found activate that Szenario...maybe it needs a special Constellation!
Let me know if you know how!


Click on your have several of the best Option choose "Automatic Building Ressources"...your KI will be build automatic Mines and Raffenerys...that will make the Game much easier for you! Really!

6. Shipyards:
Every Planet in the Galaxie has Slots to build Structures.
The best Planet to build a Big Shipyard is a Planet with 14 Slots!
I always build 14 Shipyards on 1 Planet for Maximum building Speed for the Ships!
On a lucky Day i had 2 Times of a Lucky Event...and the Planet had 16 Slots! awesome!
You should send your Ship Research Chars there and let them do Research Mission!

At the Start of the Game you will only need 18 Tie Fighters Mid and should have 18 Tie Fighters and 1 Super Star Destroyer and 3-9 Star Destroyers!
or whatever you think what is better to protect your Shipyards!

7.Ships Order:

Really only need to RENAME your Ships to get them into a Order you want!

8.Espionage for Fleets!

You can send Spies on every Planet you want...your own too...if you do so with will see in the Orbit Tab of a Planet if a enemy Fleet is on the way to the Planet!

If i conquer a Rebell or Imperial Planet...i sent a Spy...or more...on Mission to see if a enemy Fleet will travel to the Planet or not!

9.Use a enemy Char to find a Rebell Planet in the Outer Rim:
Funny Stuff...if you have enough Char can use them to find Rebell Bases in the Outer Rim!
Take a cheap Ship you dont need...put a enemy Prisoner Char on it and send the Ship in the Outer Rims...delete the Ship and the Enemy Char will flee and travel to next Rebell Planet!

10.Planet Shields:

ohh these damn Shields...good for you on your own Planets...bad for you on a enemy Planet!

1* Level 1-2 Shields = No Problem,Bomb it away!
2* Level 1-2 Shields = Small Problem,if your Fleet is Big enough,Bomb it but this take some time!
3* Level 1-2 Shields = Big Problem,you need to Sabotage them first!

In Case 2 und 3 its very easy to Bomb them away if you have a Deathstar!

Your Planets:

1*Level 1 Shields = Rebell have no Problem to bomb it away
2*Level 1 Shields = Your Planet is save until MidGame
3*Level 1 Shields = Your Planet is save until EndGame

2*Level 2 Shields = Your Planet is save until EndGame
3*Level 2 Shields = Your Planet is save Forever!

You dont need more Shields!
Keep an Eye on this Planets...from Time to Time...the Enemy will try to Sabotage them!

3 Units on this for the Ground are enough...maybe more if the Planet is very Important for you!
In that Case you should command a General for these Units too!

Planet Management:
If your Planet is only for Ressources...rise the Loyality to dont need Shields or Troops on it...thats only a waste for your Ressources and R-Space!

How to Start your Game(Empire/Rebells):
Find a Planet with 13 Slots -> and command all your Factories to build 1 Factory on this Planet...after the first Factory arrives or better there is a Factory from the Factories on this Planet until you have 10 Factories.
Now build 3 Planet Shields and send 3 Troops...finish...your Factory Planet is ready und can start to build the next Factory Planet!
You should have 3-5 Factory Planets...that will speed up your Ressources and other Projects!!!

You need only one or maybe two Planets with Troop Facilities!
10 Troop Facilities and 3 Shields + 3 Units on the Ground!

Fast way for Research:

Yes,you have Research Chars for Ships,Troops and Facilities...but they give you only a small Chance to get a Research...the faster Way to get new Researches is...

Build 3-5 Factory Planets: That will Speed Up your Researches for Facilities!
Build 1-2 Troop Facilities Planets: That will Speed Up your Researches for Troops!
Build 3-5 Shipyard Planets: That will Speed Up your Researches for Ships!

Dont forget to change the old Designs to the new Designs to keep the Research Speed at Maximum!

If you do will finish all Researches until Day 700 or less!!!

Prisoner Planet:

You need a Place for your Prisoners...if your Fleet arrives a new Planet...every Prison Char get a Chance to the better Way is to use a Planet for them!

3 Planet Shields / 3 Turrets / 3 Ion Cannon / 1 Deathstar Shield / 3 Units of every Troops (12-18)
9 Tiefighters and 3 from every Typ (18)
1 General and 1 Commander
1 Deathstar (Single+1 Admiral + 1 General +1 Commander and some Troops)
1 Super Stardestroyer + 9 Stardestroyers (+1 Admiral + 1 General +1 Commander and some Troops)
Dont forget the Special Teams too (Spies,Commandos etc.)

Your Prisoners have NO CHANCE to Escape and there is no Chance that the Enemy can help them to Flee!!!
39 条留言
Benis Cupcake——the F2P Hero 2022 年 2 月 25 日 下午 11:06 
Same with me, this is an awesome game of legend SW
BLAM!  [作者] 2022 年 2 月 25 日 上午 9:34 
I wish they would remaster the Game 1:1 in a new better grafic engine...maybe with a planet update for the Planets from the new Movies...but...thats only a Dream!
BLAM!  [作者] 2022 年 2 月 25 日 上午 9:32 
funny! i played this game for years...and till today you/we can find new stuff and secrets in the game...great!
Like ReoHays = I LOOOVE this game
Benis Cupcake——the F2P Hero 2022 年 2 月 25 日 上午 5:47 
i guess none of us(Rebellion players) knew that until i found it by accident.
BLAM!  [作者] 2022 年 2 月 24 日 下午 2:02 
heyho Benis!
Thats really a big secret for me...woooow°!
thx alot...i never saw this...awesome...i think i have to play a round for Rebs someday to see that with my own eyes!
Benis Cupcake——the F2P Hero 2022 年 2 月 24 日 上午 6:16 
New Find, if you made Leia(after she knows her force ability) meet Vader, there's a special picture of Leia fight against Vader(just like Luke fight Vader scene)!
Benis Cupcake——the F2P Hero 2022 年 2 月 3 日 下午 6:14 
it seems those who has voice lines can not be killed(Luke, Liea, Han, Mon Mothma, Emperor, Darth Vader) for others they all can be killed no matter they appear in the movie or not
ReoHays 2022 年 2 月 3 日 下午 4:30 
I love this game, it is good to see you are all still in to it!
BLAM!  [作者] 2022 年 2 月 3 日 上午 11:13 
Yes i know that Chewie can be killed but Lando too??? wooow!? it never happends in my games...but good to know for the future!
BLAM!  [作者] 2022 年 2 月 3 日 上午 11:11 
Yeah, the most of my Infos are from the View of a Star Wars FAN in a Romantic Look of the good old Classic Movies...and try always to play like the Movies...but yes, this game is great and you can with success win in different ways!