Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

244 rating
Old town commercial set 1
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2 Okt 2019 @ 3:57am
14 Jun 2020 @ 6:35am
2 Catatan Perubahan ( lihat )

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Old town commercial set 1

Dalam koleksi 1 dari Lichwiarz
Old town assets
Item 38

Recently, I've finally managed to finish projects, I started quite a long time ago.

This set consists of 6 buildings (the last one has two versions), so overall number of assets is 7.

Each building is lvl 1 and commercial.

Info about history (mostly from Wiki).

- Buliding "B16" is from the 18th century. Judging, by the facade, the building was renovated in the 19th century.

- Buliding "B17" was built in the late 18th century and renovated in year 1879. It now represents renaissance revival
- Building "B18" not much info I've found about its history, but judging by architectural similarities, it's probably like the others.

- Building "B19" is from year 1779 and has classicist facade.

- Building "B20" now represents historicism and has probably similar history like the others.

- Building "B21a"& "B21b" was built around 1750 and is classicist. From 1751 to many, many years later, this building hosted a post office.

Every building is from Bydgoszcz, Poland.

Model info

-Every asset, except B19 has a texture map 512x512 for a main model and 64x64 for lod.
B19 has 1024x512 for main model and 128x64 for lod.

-B16 has 990 tris, lod 35 tris

-B17 has 965 tris, lod 28 tris

-B18 has 959 tris, lod 43 tris

-B19 has 1840 tris, lod 53 tris

-B20 has 891 tris, lod 51 tris

-B21a & B21b have 1375 tris, lod 22 tris

Every building has a colour map.

If You like my assets and would like to donate, my humble PayPal is below ;-)

Have a nice day!
18 Komentar
Oldhip 15 Apr 2023 @ 7:39pm 
they all look new
Lichwiarz  [pembuat] 2 Nov 2021 @ 2:05pm 
@Grand Admiral Thrawn, sorry, never tested it with RICO, no idea
Grand Admiral Thrawn 2 Nov 2021 @ 1:22pm 
dose it work with RICO
Lichwiarz  [pembuat] 15 Okt 2019 @ 6:53am 
Cm_Cody, nie wykluczam tego i innych przykładów muru pruskiego ;)
Cm_Cody 15 Okt 2019 @ 6:01am 
Może kiedyś stworzysz budynki z muru pruskiego, które stoją na Londynku? :D
Lichwiarz  [pembuat] 9 Okt 2019 @ 1:06pm 
LilSaidoo, You're welcome, I'm glad You liked these curtains ;D

G. Rapefruit, te wszystkie są akurat z Długiej ;). Jeżeli chodzi o inspiracje, najpierw pojawia się u mnie taka chęć do zajęcia się konkretnymi stylami architektonicznymi, rozmiarami, funkcjami budynków. Zazwyczaj potem idę po mieście, patrzę, które budynki nadawałyby się do odtworzenia w grze i które pasują do mojego pomysłu. Ale czasami coś losowego podczas spaceru wpada w oko, więc bywa, że twórczość jest spontaniczna.
G. Rapefruit 9 Okt 2019 @ 12:48pm 
Zastanawia mnie w jaki sposób szukasz inspiracji na budynki? Przechodzisz się Dworcową i robisz zdjęcia tych ładniejszych kamienic czy jak?
LilSaidoo 8 Okt 2019 @ 6:38am 
So gorgeous! I just love the little window curtains! Tiny details like that make a ton of difference, imo. Thanks for sharing!
Lichwiarz  [pembuat] 7 Okt 2019 @ 11:24am 
MrMiyagi, N2J, Sebesams, thanks for appreciation!! :LaserBeam:
sebesams 5 Okt 2019 @ 2:13am 
Oh mkan Lichwiarz, you are spoiling us! I love the set and the variation that you will bring in the High Density European zones! Thanks! (visit to Byggoszcz planned now for next Summer!)