Moon Hunters

Moon Hunters

Groupie Achievement
由 Golden Boy 制作
The correct way to obtain the Groupie Achievement.
How to
For this achievement we want that Damu, the Camel-boy come to our camp. For this to happen, we need impress him first. And to do that we need to show him our Bravery.

Damu can be found at Bezer, the village of the Dustfolk. Since we want get there with the Brave's trait, I recommend starting your journey in another village.

The most indicated is the High Tribe, since we can encounter Calfmother Lahara in the first map, chose "Hurry" and obtain half of the Brave's trait. At the village, we just need to look at the Pale Dancer's statue to adquire the other half of the trait we need.

Knowing that, before entering the High Tribe's village, search in the "World's Map" for the Dustfolk's village: Bezer. If you found it, great, you may continue. If not, start again until you met this requirement.

With the Brave's trait, at Bezer you must talk to Damu. For now, he will be impressed by your bravery. After that, at your next camp, Damu will visit and ask you how he can be as brave as you.

It's important that you "Greet" him at your camp rather than "Attack". The latter will scare him and he will drop some opals. The first will give you the achievement.

PS: It's also important that you don't cook at this camp, as cooking is a way to avoid in-game encounters and gain/change traits.
3 条留言
素晴らしいポッサム 2021 年 10 月 29 日 上午 12:13 
I did the boss fight with both hands tied behind my back for him, and was disappointed when nothing special happened, lol. I thought there'd be an achievement or at least a boost to the end stats for the constellation after the battle, but nope, just ended up with a garbage constellation. XD
Golden Boy  [作者] 2021 年 7 月 13 日 上午 6:28 
@SAmaryllis that is a nice tip indeed. Thanks. And you're welcome.
SAmaryllis 2021 年 6 月 1 日 下午 6:29 
Thank you for this guide! Another guide I referenced said you had to beat the final boss with massive stat penalties to get this achievement, and needless to say, I lost that fight very quickly lol.

I actually hadn't known cooking overrides all other post-camp interactions! That explains why I had such a hard time unlocking the achievements with the feral man & the mountain dancer, even though I encountered them in the levels over and over. As soon as I stopped cooking (finally finished the cookbook achievement lol) I got those (and the Groupie one) pretty immediately. :P

One more tip to note - make sure not to go to Bezer while it's still night, because it'll still count as the same day as the Moon Fsetival and Damu won't be there for you to talk to. Learned that the hard way when Bezer spawned right next to my starting village and I overexcitedly traveled to it right